W ill PtlEffiON O cm ATIORNE! WOMEN OF W ODCRAFT Springfield Bridge is Ordered IM PO R TAN T BUSINESS AT CHAM BER M EET FRIDAY Uciiiir!» 11- important 09746834 «-omuritte,-z,! FOR LOCAL YARDS neludtag that ut the Sprlngfl' lit l-rldg < ■«'■ nil'll 1 which ir biauy h ; i - pearlng before the highway romm.« Hli.n in the effort to bring about con- stract'oti of th«- span her" wl!’. ( a- Htate highw ay to tn tn ls- tur»- ih. business end of Friday w ilin g to build u brldg»* night’s •sling i f th Springfield New T rack To Be Laid On Council Give Poaition To Now TO V IS IT DRAIN TODAY N orth Side o f Depot and Pass­ Law yer; Petition fro m S outh­ X« nrly BO hr oilier» <»f th«- Pine <’Ir ing T rack To Be A rranged; ern Pacific Company Again Th« vie. No <6, Woman of W .H » raft, Yard W ork To Increase W ith ‘ Ask# C ity Council To Allow w'll leave at 3 H-U th.» aft-rnoi-n h I d i i I h Opening of Natron C u to ff M ill Streot Grade To Be to w - for U r iin wh« re t< n ig h t they w ill put across the W illam ette riv e r at j«i,umber of Coramert» <»n th«1 In itia to r y ceremoolei» f r the erod. Changes in the Southern Pacific's S pringfield Juet as h o o ii u h I^ant? Prei(;dfcrit H j Cox an effort P la in cirri«» o f th a t o rg n n lx a tlo 't Mr» , Springfield yards, to furnish facil ties county win get ready to share I M «ho fum •>period 4 I nniP P •*!>« 1 f Junction C tv . »1« juitv to bring about inori- I jii .*»••> and ' for additional switching and yard luu »li Ur«* n Hprlngfl« hl. Wtt* turni • «tat«» orgnplser for Oregon, wilt hav«« ItM iKirtlon o f th« cost, accord­ « murer report» from verton « comm t- work which la to follow the opening tee«, yt ay ».-nt out etter« to 1 at th> Natron cutoff and the operation «111 «ih» it« > ut n tn «ling uf4h«' rltV g< ncral charge of the Initiatory »«»rv- ing io a telephone message re­ I he chair:» en 1 « halit»' r cumnilt- - H siD h. and b « a»ked th« Hpr»m|fU Id ceived by the S pringfield Netoft of main line trains through this city, comici M n lay ovirtlLf Hl* u jipoin* t-c« urging 'hat th ley .nuke their ro­ p M V'Tien pr intier» «o O-Ti’t an liruin 1» bl.Iy «t ut 11:30 this m orning from E. are to be made as one of the final •’>e " rp* in« i>( by Mayor Ge G Huehttati w»» pnitii In writing he written r'p oits ceh’ad new» of ber f, ori .-rand- I projects in the Natron cutoff work. «mall 1 T< I«* E. M orrlslon, chairm an of the ean (be ir futu'- ref« rt n- e ruth1««! bv lb«* m i r i l i r> take litt- ht«»r » J r c r e c «0 T . 1.1 nl w»rn«n wt| 1« «%<• uj un­ Whf e ail details of the changes AG!!' 4 .ne .V .¿on An- nitUi.i«' »ff« et. irte enmie’l »gain re- it in. bib from the Fourth and Muin locul Chamber of Commerce u man line to them are have not been made public. It w is , t te of the ’ ■ the 1 c e lo » ¡1 petition frntii th«» Southern ir««t coin« r Km h will tuk«- wild her com m ittee who Interviewed the • *“ 15' 1 up later. le a n e d yesterday that an additional sick child in Decatur, HI. " i trip rnllr»'««! coiupiiviy to louer Pm . der th R: urshii of Da las /»as made da ng 2/ d ' sidetrack Is to be built on the north a cover«*«! d'ab4 an i it I" planned to commlHHion at today’s meeting. nie on MHI »tr» et cro»»hiK not »top aome pla<*« th« iann fo r building the stru ctu re ’ne aa:- v.«u> « il thrm feet. Th«* petition wn» to pot. to be used for storage and swit* picnic lunch in « ramp »K plac •. Ar. w ill proceed a t once under the »♦■¡a at ihe chamber meeting are Be­ i n . , it to the »tr** et («»litinllt»e for’ ref. ing made. I ching purposes. This siding will prob­ riving at hr» *i, they will put on th* V Inv. 7t p u ilo rt ably be connected with the through In tiatory »»rdn- and will b«4 f.u«*»t» direction o f highw ay com m is­ It ia very probable that Irving E. TROOP 2 ORGANIZES The < ou tlet ordered bid» advertised ut a chicken dinner followLig th«* sion engineers and the 1-ane tracks at both ends, leaving the de­ Vining, well known lecturer on eco­ for the puvIiK of the alley between IN TO TW O PATROLS pot entirely surrounded by tracks. ev-n ln g’» program. nomic uad business affairs, will be county court. Per* ml and Fifth «tree!« and Main Another change contemplated Is to *1 he trip w ll he m ade by automo- It lH know n w hether these pre»'nt to apeak to th»- Springfield I h not ku Two skeleton patrols, the Eagles ami A wtrmt They alao heard report* lb«', und m ere than a riosen trnchlit«» chamber at thia meeting Arrange­ and the Crows, were organized at a connect the long siding east of the plans can be ready in tim e fo r that other paving wa» »oon to be ar* egpcctgd t* leave ut 3 o ’cio t« . depot, which Is now used for storage, ment* for hia talk here have been ne- oak« atreet» between Fifth and P.-T. then be of standard size for passing, in tim e fo r the May prim ary possible, Mr. Vining, who is lecturing sistant Scoutmaster Vaughn in C LIN IC AT M EETING Plxth would petition to the rnuncll i I land wit be used as a sidetrack for the but it may be necessary to w a it ,n «»»»• »««k. will be »>*••»«• !charge toon for paving Al»o Improvement on passing of trains. The longer freight The pre school clinic was the prin­ u n til the Novem ber election, It The patrols, of six boys each, will " North Mill atreet wl I probably be trains, which wit) he run over the cipal topic of discussion at a meeting was said. The portion .the state P AIN T-U P C O M M ITTEE be enlarged to eight members each - ; ; “th7 7 ut; “ ' want« d thia year. of the local Parent-Teachers assot-la- and county w ill bear is to be M EETS W IT H SUCCESS »" tro°P «roW8 The members fol-;make (Wg chan(re fw # Cleanup T im e Fixed. tlnn at the Lincoln school last Fri­ low: le ft to the state public service _ -------- ’°T? ____ I . ...I « ,. ! in* 8ld,n< necessary. The Storage The annual eprlog cleanup time day A health clinic for children la eader; commission to decide the bene-' W dllngaeas of ocal business men Eartes— Rlchard wn» filed by the council a» Monday siding east of the depot is now 40- to be 'be d in the near future. Chester to Improve their property as express- Oron Mulligan, assistant; and Tuesday. April R and « At thia car lengths long. fit to a ll parties. Mrs lx»e Putnam was elected vice- ed to a special comm ittee which has Moon. Dorman Chase, Richard Leptey, time the city will haul away all the Double Track Plan. Members o f the Chamber o f interviewed them. Indicates success* an,l Paul Schantol. president to succeed Mrs Robert ruhbl»h that ha» accumulated during Other changes and enlargement of Murkee. who has moved to Everrit, Commerce c o m m itte e ' w e r e for the “puint-up" campaign inaugu- Crows Oscar Newlun, leader; Loy- tin winter If the property o w i m Washington The ways and meana m uch pleased at today confer- al Nolta. Nolta. assistant; assistant; lioraon Gordon Lee.'Crof- nn<. 3 .ea » n ---------- — . . . ....... ------------ ------ S n rln a field Cham ber of a* Lrf-e. v ro i- »acllltl«» are expected to be made to will prepare the name for the wngonx o a e u .n a i'.n ■ i.e i-omlliee for April ia co m rw u i of ence and State th a t there Is no ton Truax. Bert Newell, Marion Moon- care for the increaee switching. It Commerce It 1» « Mr. Keppner has written Iter Frank Anderson stated this week gn<1 reportg hgTe ,t the brlde moved to ,he new building, which will be Increased, it is expected. conmilwion on the matter on Febru­ spoke before the local unit at the The dinner will be given In connec- is now going up. L ine W ork Reaches Here. ary 26, when favorable consideration Wo dmen tiall Monday night. ' Hon with the American Ia'glon night ON TOMORROW N IG H T A complete blower outfit for remov. Tbe ojd nne between here and proposal was given by the , Mr. Smith declared that many ,,t , b„ p ,,|| (heatre. and tickets for, to the , span , ' Ing sawdust and fuel is to be installed, points east has been reballasted and many large operators who have not , ntg nnd a„ . J ™ " ? ‘ ',,a ‘ r»i'f « " 'c i " " ',n a n > ,h i" K’ who and ag g depository^for this the old new 90-pound steel rails have been been In the 4-L organization In Ih- „„jd '-d that immediate Investigation would , he made and further and more definite 1 t i e l g i s <>o au tor um sea « s(orage building Is being moved to a aid, the work reaching Springfield past arc .-onlem platlng the organixa- Mr. M ,, H„ n(Iv K«‘n«*rik tomorrow n ght lo see Laug it< resque , new ,ocgtlon gnd anchored on con this week. Reconstruction of the action prtAably wou d he taken Hen of un its th is year, which will r e ()f , h„ gffglr ns president of . j the s c h o o l, annua stum show, will (,retp p,er, complet, d_ tb<1 h v fh<» l u u a o u in in p n n i. he presented by the o classes com , tion. Southern Pacific system , and indi­ th for the dinner were made at an auxil- SOUGHT IN P E TITIO N petition: cates the heavy usage the company Mr Smith Hnd D W McKinnon. ,ary meeting Tuesday night. A petition t, b ^ T Z lrcu la ted among r i“ '“ ' P0W ER P LA N T CHANCE expects to give the line through here. secretary of the Springfield unit, are' Work on the Springfield bridge is together planning an article to ap- ' IS N EARLY COM PLETE property holders Interested which asks Go<}etter stu n t-* ’An Unwelcome Party la Enjoysd. expected to get under way in earnest pear In the Four-1, Lumber Newt, A itelightful party was held Satur- the city council to open SWxth street, visitor.’’ ! immediately, and crew s' are now at sellin g forth the Iidvnntage, to work- ,|ay ____ night __________ at the Eugene home ______ of Mr. from Its present north end througn __________ Installation of a new bank of trans­ Freshmen—"Saucy Syncopattonn." work preparing timbers for the false m< n of using their spurn time to b ene-, and Mrs Fresl lluuck, at which the 'h® Clark and Washburn addition to Sophomores—"A Night in Camp." formers to give greater facilities „ to work and making other preparations fit thrniaelves either from (he educ.i Friends class of the Springfield Chris- : K »‘teet. north on K street to the the power company s Sprir.gfield-Eu- . , „ _ Juniors—"A Doubtful Scepticism.” , t , , for the construction program. C. B. Hon or financial standpoint. The ex tian church were guests. About 36! Nrattaln ditch. Circulation of the pe- gene units has been practically com- _ , . ... , , . ... Seniors—"Blue Bird." , Pr’ce of Albany is in charge of thA I" i i i m of Mr. McKinnon, who has were present. One of the f«*atures o fi" * 'on ban Just started. this week by the Mountain . . . . . . . . . The classes have been working o pleted . . _ construction of the false work and built two houses on W illamette the evening was a walk to th e’ b iw l-' Developm .nt or this district for zealously on preparations for Laugh S ,ates tow er company. The n e w . ^ renM,delllng of the piers. Gangs Heights during the time hn was not nnss district, where the class m em -jresM* ,lce purpoa»’« Is expected to re­ teresque. The show will start prompt-!,rBnsformers hav® been ln«talled In J totaiing 60 men are expected to be at working at lihe Booth Kelly offlc • bi rs saw the annual style window ’"ult if slx ,h ,s »P®n«< as Murphy are the Judges, ly finished. Bus Operation To Start. there Is no division between Fifth and winners will be awarded addltion- TH U R STO N W ILL S T A R T During the period the work wns Operation of the street cars into nnd Seventh street, leaving the acr-j- Legion Meets Tonight. al in the Inter-class rivalry corapetl- Progressing, the local plant was «ar- Springfield ¡g £o cease as soon as the BASEBALL ON A PR IL 2 Consideration of tentative plans for iige between for truck farming. rying the entire load at this end. and work (>n bri(1ge lt8(,lf ,g , tgrfe1 tion on at the .sohoot. Twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents j observance of Decoration day In was not tied In with the genera! sys­ It is understood at present that for Were netted for the usw of the Thurs- Sprlngfle d will be among matters MRS. LIZ Z IE W ILSON tem at all Engineer W. c . McLagnn a time the fro leys will run as far PAY O U T ON BONDS OF ton h'gh school baseball team at the considered by the American Legion i said. With the completion of the I as Glenwood, and that there the pas- IS C ALLED BY DEATH 1910 ISSUE IN MAY ' work, however, new contacts will be ! gengprg w„ , „„ trangferrPd to busses biiHket social held last Friday night, at Its meeting to be held n Ithe Wooil- The baseball seaaon for Thurston ! 'n«n of the World hall tonight. Wal- Mrs. Lizzie M. W ilson,, a resident ssnann raa<1e “nd thB ° 1