PAQB SIX M O U N T A IN S A T T R A C T M O TO R ISTS SUNDAY TH U R SD AY, M ANCH 18. 1»2«. uhta>ny by clos» personal contact with h s sirin g , and th- work also will PNEUM ONIA SEASON IN SPRING SAY DOCTORS persusis having pneum onia or by car- ba entered In the displays at th« SUCCESS, LEADERS SAY r e r s of thia «1 shoah tole her what old woman keep a su­ c a n i“ W inter and spring are the pneu- Infect them selves by inspiration Man An ideal day greeted the 14 Boy am good—cause I d o n . Cheaper. Scouts who. with four men leaders, mnula seasons Pneum onia took sis is the source of Infection and each I thinks 'u you!" hundred and ten tves in O regon dur- caao of onia spreads the »tru­ too the first hike of l.lon'a club troop "1 Just saw a doctor and he savi to S eav ey s ferry on the W illam ette ing 1925 and seriously Inconvenienced lent infection All cases of pneum onia I should g« lo Europe tur my brailli G eiornl Law P r a ttle . river last Sunday The trip took the over five thousand of Its cltlxens. should be Isolated and the discharges Wliat do you suggwatT** The annual death ra te of this din- from the uose and throat should he form of an observation hike, and ", su ggs st a llo th e r d o cto r ” I. M PETERSON proved an unqualified success, the ease is about 76 p ar 10O.OOO In this burned or disinfected A ttorn«)-at l m em ber U nited S tates I. over 100 T h . num- Why itol lei Ihe bakers niake w h o le Springfield. Or« c ( ,h e club scout com m ittee, Fred her of d e a th . In Oregon fall fn m pli, v logvlhor( wn, h fr„ n> th r w h-et bread oul of li a« u su a i’ ,64S in 1924 to 610 In 1926 Pneumon b„ w| wllh thl> , anw Louk. and A ssistant S coutm aster have ,.ver¥ ppp),rtu ll.t, of Clayton B arber, accom panied the |ta is one of the moat prevalent and , a r„ .n flt.,|0ll This accounts scouts. The boys who went w ere .fa ta l of all acu te diseaaes A . a cans - „pr(.a!ln g M O U N TAIN S TATES POWER COMPANY of death II rivals, and in this slate, for , h„ ,,u ( w„ y hn¥w Alonso M anw arring Clinton Sidewell. D IVID EN D No. 33 exceeds tu b rculosts. dem ies in camps, schools, prisons, In- T hayer McMurray. Peyton Oderklrk. The 33rd reg u lar q u arterly dlvident of 91.76 yer aliare on the 7«r Pneum onia is a com m unicable ''**■ stltutlnns, and Industr'nl establish \*ern G riffith Gene W alker. H arry P referred Stock of thia l'em piili) a III lie paid April JO. I92»l, Io share „ , , |raiw r„ n, know , hM Rathbun, Lloyd M attison. Bil y Wheel- ease which should baaclusalfled w «h holders registered on the books nt the clone of business March 31. the infectious fevers ll is an Inflam frtxn nlan .„ 1926. er, E arl W heeler, Billy Knox and ruatory consolidation of the lung. In through the secretions of m ssn . Dean Anderson Subscriptions for sh ares on the rash plan received prior Io Marco which the a ir vesicles throw oul a an ,| oose 26th will en title purchaser lo llie full dividend of f t 76 per shar< for OPERATOR S HOURS AT fibrous exudute which speedI y be-1 the q u arter beginning January tai M arriage Licenses Issued. Prevent pneum onia: by keeping the S. P. OFFICE LONGER comes solid and o b literates the air OuatamUng p artial pnymeni »counts upyn whleh final paym ent la During the past week m arriage 11- re s id e s of a portion of the lung«.! mouth and teeth clean; by keeping made before March 26th will re e e iie dividend No 33 on April 20th E xtension of telegraph o p erato rs’ f * uses have been issued by the cotri The disease generally begiua with a objects and hands out of Ihe m outh; i PRESENT PRICE, $100 00 per share, to yield h o u rs at th e S outhern Pacific office clerk to the following: George C. well m arked chill, high fever, cough by »»“ *’">» l»t«'«k>» «»J *>»!»• ___ . . ... ' ' u ure r n —8 7' ; per year -State Board of H ealth to 20 hours becomes effe e ttre today, •"banfberlln and Faye Coleman, both ' pain and ,ttfflcult b reathing I, may O rders for share« m ust be In our hand before lb« d o s e of busi- A gent Carl Olson sta te d yesterday. Eugeue; John Harold H enry, Eu- follow the usual course and a, th-» ne.» March 26, In order to avail yourself of Oils dividend, bui paym ent lnt-r asing num ber of tra in s using the k“ne- and Elma F ries. Jun ctio n C ity; end of seven o r eight days the fever CLUB LEADERS V IS IT may be made up to April 16th, for casa sates line through here as a resu t c f Nat- Ervin B Mates and N eia Wells, b th will stop suddenly and th e p a tle it AT B R A T T A IN SCHOOL roc cut-off work and th e com ing <5- Roseburg. m ake a rapid recovery. M O U N TAIN STATES POWER SEC U R ITIES COMPANY ch an g es to a main line, have made ----- • — M ss Helen Coglll, extension spe- OFFICE M O U N TAIN STATES POWER COMPANY Pneumon a Is a prev en table dis- It necessary to m ake th e change to Unit to Meet, ease and m eans should be taken for 1,1 dom estic a rt of Oregon Agrl- longer hours, he said. A rep resen tativ e of th e headquar- Its prevention The prevention of c“ 1 c "“ » ,h * » * o rk at 4 o ’clock In th e m orning, and Lum berm en will speak before the definite through a b etter understand lng d u b organised by Mrs O ,1 H em > e » V w « v u n t i l n .A .-s M v tin w U ., __ , I m im w . erkm g until noon Agent r Olson, who -w r m eeting cf » the local organisation to ' lng of , he cause ,h„ 1 «nway at ih» B rattalo school Tu ha» not been doing o perators work. ' be held Monday evening S ecretary 1 the factors w h'ch con trib ute to Its day The work C the local c ub was w II then be a t th e in strum ent until H. W McKinnon nnounced th is , spread M easures th at will will bring ln sP*', , , ‘<1 “ n<| highly pra'sed by ,h 4 o'clock in th e afternoon, when an- week. Four-L progress and g e n e ra l1 about a reduction of the num ber of vUttoift. who displayed work don«* by o th e r man will relieve him and work condition of the lum ber industry w ill1 cases of colds g r lo o r s a d mri Influenxn other club» of the sla te and encournit* u n til midnight. T rain s arriv in g during he the subject w ill l e s - „ ed the leva! tueinbers to continue .. „¡„I,. „ . . , . , __ _ ' wul m»»"n th e num ber of ca« cases of th e night will thus be cleared with- A ccording to Mr. McKinnon, the pneum onia Cold, w etting and chilling th rlr • rfor,!' w etting and chilling out extra trouble as has been neces- larg es, atten d an ce of the y ear is ex- a re g enerally regarded as predlspos- Th» local club ha» 30 membcTi predlspos- aary during th e past few days. «ected at th is meet ng The lig h t of the w orld ia the lig h t of a lng causes. But the chilling effects They sew each Tuesday and Thur< perfect understanding. O ur thorough k n o w l­ of cold m oist a ir are no, as conducive W arning under Mrs H em enw ay'a S cientists p redict a legless age is CALL AND SEE Dr. N W. Em ery edge of our profession brings to the cere­ to a high death rate as a relatively directions A general display of the coming. C onsidering th e p resen t on prices on plate and o th er work. m ony an unm istakable note of sincerity. hum idity. Pneum onia Is spread work Is to be made at gome lime Styles why worry about it T raffic thro u g h Springfield on til.» M cK entle riv e r highw ay set the am - so n 's record Sunday, when Ideal area- th e r a ttr a c t'd hundreds of m otorists to the snowline Ip th e C ascades M otorists found the highw ay In first c la s s condition and w ere able to ap proah the sum m it to a point seven m ’les above Lost C r’ek ranch before force.! to tu rn back by the deepening •now . Among those who were at the snow. lin e Sunday from Springfield were D r and Mrs. R P. M ortensen and fam ily. Mr and Mrs C arl Olson and so n Mr and Mrs. Levi Neet, Mr. and Mrs J. t McMurray, and L arsen W right, and others. k m s The absent minded em ployer to Secretary: “Don't forge, to rem ind me to give you a w eek's notice F ri­ day." Jones says I see in the paper w here » man has an apple 52 y eais old! TVe'l, new h ear from th e cold sto r­ age eggs! •with SAFETY DRUGSTORE M otors to A 'bany— Mis< C lara Wvse m otored to Albany Sunday. P ark s H ere—W. A. P ark s of Wal- te rv 'lle was a business v isito r here Monday. Drive to Marcóla— R W. Sm ith and W. H. G antz motored to M arcóla Sunday. In from M arcels— Mr. and Mrs. H. B V orher c f M arcóla were visitors In Springfield Saturday. Millican Is V isitor— L. R. Millican of W alterville was in tow n on busi­ ness for a short tim e Monday H ere from Jasp er—Mr. and Mrs. W alter W adace were v isitors here re m Jasp er Monday. Move to H eights— Harold Brock- nan and fam ily have moved from Third and B stre e ts ,0 Willamette- H eights. W endling People H ere—Mr. a n d ' Mrs. R. C. G arrett of W endttng were am ong out-of-town visitors in Spring- field S aturday. S p r in g f ie l d . ore 3 We will Give ONE POUND Fresh Assorted Easter Candies Absolutely FREE C 28 ° '* 1ÏU yi Family Move.?— L. A. Sm ith and fam ily moved his week from Eighth and B stre e ts to the house at 904 E atrt< t. W.FWALKER ' 62 J FUNERAL SERVICE atyour. TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y H ere from N atron—G ran, R oberts. N atron resid en t, was a visitor ia S pringfield Monday. kPH O N E ? Vui&t&yr Friday and Saturday with Each Found of Bulk Candy DAYLIGHT ’ AVING llo tn o from w ork whll«1 the hub I s s till high means that soon now you Wi'! o if enjoying a «If ■ Mi h the fa m ily to s me shady nook i f here a ph nlc 8U|> i « t w ill b e e n jo y e d . EPSOM SALT i I To n ta k f th fb .' Iiotun ideal, pack 1’ " hm p - r w ith t„H iy baked tuoretdft from o ur bakery. I ’erfectlon Bread, (Takes. Cookh'H, etc., m ake up a dellclotie par, o f the picnic lunch. They w ill not mess o r crush and are ch«>a|>er than you can poHaihly hake them at home. a 'psonrbö' SPRINGFIELD BAKERY High Grade M ilk C h o c o la te s ................................ «39,, Crystized Assorted Jellies ........................... 39c N ut Top Bon Bons .............................. 43 c Blk. W alnut Creoles ........................... 42c Cocoanut Squares .......................................... 49. Cocoanut Bon Bons .................................... 45- Circus Peanuts . . . ...................................... 39,, Pure, snowy crystals, made by Charleston Delights .............................................. 45c 1 an Improved process o f re fin ­ Easter Candy ..................... 30c ing. It is eaHy to take because M arshm allow s ........................... 45c ■ ;lt is th orough ly purified Especially good And I people and those o f middle ag< One Pound Boxes F ruits and N u t s ....................................79« M illions o f pounds sold yearly. Pound Package 25c m g- FRED ERESE. Prop. Perkins Laxton BuUdlng Get Your Pound Free A n o th e r 2 0 P a ils F re s h F r r I . I Flanery’s D ï Store At THE NOVELTY STORE S pringfield, Ore. (C opyright, E. J. Brach & Sons) Emery» At Creek—Dr. and Mrs. N. W E m ery were visitors at the John R ossm an home at Lam p C reek S un­ day. Y o u C a n A lw a y s S a v e at G r a y s COLONIAL Mrs. Egglm ann R ecovers— Mrs. C P fiftgitnann, who last week suffered a riUitnn a fte r recovering from an a tta c k of the Influenza, Is again able to be about. Come in and Start Saving on Your Groceries When you start spring House cleaning, why not get one of those Wail C a-rler Sick—John Nice, m a’i c a rrie r on ru ra l route No. 1, became ill with 'a grippe th is week and his son, Paul, has been supplying for him on the route during his confinem ent W E CARRY A C O M PLETE L IN E OE H IG H G RADE GROCERIES A T VERY REASON­ A B LE PRICES. ALSO A C O M PLETE L IN E OE DAIRY AN D C H IC KEN FEEDS. Pollards Have Picnic— Dr. ano Mrs. W. H. Pollard and family, accorapan led nj- M arg aret O derklrk, m otored to NEW SEEDS. B O T H BL’ LK AN D PACKAGE H ere from P ortland—F red K nech, of Portland was In Springfield Mon- dr.y, having made the trip south to visit his ranch in the H endricks dlg- trlrt. Famous Colonial Ranges a delightful picnic din n er under the trees. r S V .. L a X /V / h -f-LT ' Your old range taken in as part payment. Price from $58 to $112. Terms if desised. Wright & Son