T H U R S D A Y , M AR C H 18. 1020 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS page four T THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS — The Southern Pacific cotppany has Just placed S. P. ORDERS MORE an order for the construction of 23 three-cyclln- CARS FOR SHIPPERS Published Every Thursday at der locomotives to be used In the m ountainous sections, some of which will be on duty over the Southern P arirte com pany ha» Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by Cascade Natron cutoff. Railroad men sav these placed an o u ter with various cab T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS I large engines has revolutionised railroading ti» |b u lld lu « firm» for 1100 fifty ton stagd- H S. M AXEY. Editor the extent that no shopping wiil be required be- *rd Batervd aa secoad class matter. February Î L 1905 at »bo< tween Portland and Sacram ento. This may h a v e ' «eneral serviee 60-ton drop bottom had som ething to do with the fact that no shops «undola cars. according to tl. W. Luce, posteRIce. S» riegfioM. Gragea are to be built at Springfield. freight traffic m anager. M A M . S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E * * * C onatruetlon of ihcse vara will on- ----75c1, Oae Tear tn Advance__ 11.75 Three Moot ha General Butler preferred charges against his a\ u ‘ ^ ,U, Six Mouths ________ __ _-.31.oe Single Copy _ ___ 6c host in San Diego who gave a cocktail party in m *‘"y " " T ” £ THURSDAY, MARCH 18. 183« his honor. If a few people In private life would •• " " "r h’ prefer charges against hosts who enliven their *row "* ,r*,nf °r u * y guests with moonshine there would either be less 1 Th'* box “r,‘ duplicate». ex I Editorial Program moonshine imrties or more care In m aking un cep« for some refinem ent» of design; guest lists. of *h* box vara ordered by the • L Make SpHnpfiald the Industrial Canter of Wee- • • • company last year and of the 600 • tern Oregon. • a Develop a Strong Tradin g Po int; Build a City af Contented Homae. I I I . Improvs Living Conditions an the Farm . Pro- mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of F ru it; W o rk fo r B etter M arkets IV T e ll the W o rld About Oregon's Scenic Wepdor- IL FREE NAVIGATION. Portland is not alone in her desire to keep the navigation of the Columbia and Willamette rivers free from obstruction. It would effect most com­ m unities of Oregon if products for w ater ship­ m ent were sent to Astoria or Longivew or had to be unloaded there. Freight rates by w ater from Astoria and world ports are the same as they are from Portland. Necessarily there would be add­ ed railroad costs to all products handled by water If they could not be brought to the port of Port­ land. If Longview wants a bridge she should not be opposed in it provided that it is built high and broad enough between piers th a t the largest slflp m ight clear it without danger. 676 DEPARTMENT STORES 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon Every Inch a Winner R ea l S u its fo r R ea l B o y s Boya like them became they have-the free, easy awing of ac­ tion. Mother* like them became they wear and wear and wear I box cam now being built In the com­ pany'* »hop» at Sacram ento. T hia hi th e aerond large equipm ent order placed by the com pany within two week», the company on February Now they call them beauty parlors used to b e 3« haying ordered S3 throe-cylinder places similar conducted for m aking up circus Southern Pacific type loom otlves at a coat of about 53.000.000. T hese loco clowns. motive» will be delivered In tim e for use in handling the re a r's peak «raf­ Since the coni is in liquid form we have no fle In the late sum m er and fall more husking bees. m ouths The only m em ber of the family who can get m adder than the womn who is asked to buy less is the daughter who is asked to put on more. o a e E d ito r ia l C om m ent $9.90 Two pairs Knickers mean aovbM tb< service. Exceptionally food fabric» u> a great variety of pattern* and mixture* lor Spring They are tailored in the sea­ son’* correct styles. They’re al­ ways 00 the job, giving all the Service and satisfaction a good suit can. W A L T E R F E N W IC K ON U. OF O. BALL SQUAD BUS LINES VS. STREET CARS. I 1’nlveratty of Oregon. Eugene. O re . Frequently, tucked away in the more obscure March i»— -t Special. >—\\ a ij y r Fm - columns of the press, is found notice that another wlck of Springfield. la a nfrm t o town has abadoned Its street railway. The num- ,h* *,rs " y b"” 'b“!l *»»" her of these must be getting pretty large in the of th*' flr** 10 turo O,H ,or United States. And now Canada seems to be fol- *Pr,n « practice. lowing suit. An item just noticed says that St. ‘ The team ta practicing both In- Thom as. Ontario, has run its la/t street car doors and outdoors. dep.m ting on the over an electric line which was built In 1898. w eather Early workout« consists During February 83 vessels carrying 88,522 There were $50.000 worth of boffds which the city mainly of lim bering up. Coach m ile tons of cargo cleared Portland for foreign ports guaranteed, and which are still to fall due In R einhart announced Fenwick one of For domestic ports 78 vessels cleared with 85.011 1928»The city took over the lines under a m ort- the rive p itc h -rs who are turning out. tons. These cargoes were valued at $10.000.000. gage in 1902 (doubtless much to the com pany’s but m ore men are eip e e te d to report Portland has expended nearly 20 million dollars relief) and has lost about $900,000 since that a fte r term exam ination are over on harbor and port improvement. It should not time. It Is believed that no small num ber of street Final negotiations have been mad« be m ade useless for any bridge. railway companies would gladly be purchased or for the O regon-Portland B eaver game even “sieged” by the cities in which they operate. tn Eugene, April i. The Heaver» who EARLY CLEANUP. [At least there is a disposition on the part of are now training m C alifornia, win „ , . • . , . _ I street railway m anagers to let municipalities H[op in Eugene on th eir way to Port Spring has come ear ter t as year a « as 1 ' nieet the exigencies of changing conditions. land when- they open the s«-a»on an unusual am ount of 1 ‘ . The street c ar seems to lie going the way o f April < Thi« game win give the var o fru b b is h .lt oetaotes us a i . 1’ 1 1 . ’ *,s predecessor, the stagecoauh. In St. Thom as, aity »ome stiff om petltton for early tees a little earlier than usual. A »ittie paint here I Bn<> taR. ,fg w „ i|r„ and there, a cleanup of lawns and parkings would H jn (hp thp dpmand for rap,d m ake our city look bet er—especia - . transit has become a necessity. Doth in economic W illam ette Club Meets. parts of the city where parkings and vacant lots indu8trial proRrP8P. There are a m ultitude have not been attendedJo^for several years. <>( (owns and s whlch wilI never know The W llum ette club met at C ot­ t what a street car line looks like; they are be- tagi- Grove ta»t T hursday night, with This much can be said for an electric d ish w ash -g in n in g their municipal careers with bus lines.— Dr. and Mr- VV It Pol aril. Dr and Mrs. It P, M ortensen and Ml»« Nina e r—it can’t ask for a divorce. . Dearborn Independent. Boeaen pre.»tot from Springfield. A banquet for the club wa« h« l,t In the ( B artel hotel The next neetlng of th ” club will ' be held about May 7 at Sprtngflcl I It I» likely tr a t a picnic will he held on the M ethcdlat church ground«. The club I» rom posod of form er id en ts nt th< W it om ette unlver-dtjr nt Salem. Wife and Husband Both III With Gas "F o r years I hail ga» on th e »tom ach. The first dose of A dterlkr helped. 1 now sleep well nn 1 all ga« - Is gone, tt also helped my husband (signed) Mr« Il Brlnkl -y. ONE spoonful A dlerlka rem oves O \S o n ’ often brings astonishing relief to th» stom ach Stops th a t fu 1. bloated feeling. Brings o at old, w aste m atter yon never thought was In ro n r »T» • 1 tem. This eexoellent In te stlra l évacu­ a n t Is w onderful for constipation F lanery’s D rug store. Other Suits at $7.90 to 91S.7S 'A t the Rainbow's End' Hopes pay few dividends unless generated today by an active and practical plan of action. Standing by or aimlessly searching for the rainbow ’s end and a pot of gold,—Is a I ru it less task. The pot of gobi is not there—except when by your own effort you put it there. S tart today by spending a little less than you make. Follow that simple plan—and bank the difference. Bank It with us. It workB for you here, at the rate of 8% interest annually. Many ways will then be open to you to make it grow faster. Commercial State Bank Springfield. Ow