TIIVHSDAY. TH E Hl’UlNG EI'XÜNHXVH m AUCH ih , 192t». PAGE T H H E » S .___ X ’ OF SHERIFF'S HALE ON further relief as to the Court tn«F BROTHERS HON DIEB — A. F. j NOTICE EXECUTION i seem Just and equitable. Fl< ira on Friday received notice of r<( ♦!,••• Is hereby given that by rir- Th-a Summons Is served upon yog th< leatb of the o e x t -»on of hl,» tue of an xecutlog m il onl.-r of sa le'b y publication by virtue of an order bri • r, Il D. Flowers of Buena VI«-! i iti-d out of th' Circuit Court of the of the Hon. C P Barnard, Judge of Slate of Oregon, for latm- County, n the County Court of Iaine County, la. nlorudo tin- lSih day of March, 142«. upon a , Oregon, dated and filed Feb. 2. 1924, - 1 111 —-------- - — Judgment rendered In said Court on'directing this Summons b<- served on IN T ill; COUNTY G O I'lll FOR ,,p [Yth day of February. 1926, In a you by publishing the .«m e once a LANE COUNTY IN TIIE STATE OF ,|)t „herein William Taylor a n .l! week for six consecutive weeks la OltE-r - — WFJ.1-8 A WELLS, Attorneys tor FOR HALB 1100 Lot 44x144 «n K PIANO MUHT HE HOLD. i*t1t 'n n of M u r trig« Speed upon th. petlt'on Marjorie --------- , ----- Kr»g»p. 1926 at ten • Fphrl, ' t e r of the channel of BIT Hays Creek: non-coat. tor of the Estate of NHocy J Ituther 1 Estate of Perry R Edmlston, o'clock In the forenoon of said day , EICE. Roseburg. Oregon. February , ------------------------- v........ ............. .......... HAMILL A. CANADAY. ford, deceased. All persona having thence along said channel as follow«; Deceased. 25, 1926 Register Dated March 6th. 1926 claims against said estate are here­ North 8 degrees 20 minutes; W est NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE FDR PUBLICATION. C. P BARNARD. F 1414 M 41114 by notified to present the same duly 6.29 chains; North 22 degree« 42 mil» Notice Is hereby given that Wa ter FOREST EXCHANGES County Judge. verified, and wlta the proper vouch- | W. Edmlston has been by the County utes W est 9.09 chains; South 73 de- Notice Is hereby given that on Feb­ NOTICB TO CREDITORS ers, Io the said Administrator at the j , Court ,,n n ui of i« the « oun-- 8tate m of v/mauu, Oregon, ■« In »u-. and IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR ruary 23. 1926 William SL Summers. I 3® " . f minutes'’” W est IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR ruary 23. 1926 William M. Summers, Notice lo creditore la hereby given law office of Gordon S Wei Is In the i for I.ane County, appointed adtnlnlt LANE COUNTY IN THE STATE Ok o, Paris. Oregon, filed application No. g cha ng; NoMh ?7 degrpes Wp|jt , that the First National hank F.ugoB», ICourt House »1 Eugene, O regon.! trator of the estate of Perry R. Ed- that the F1r«t National bank. Engen- OREGON. __________ ______ 016402 under the Act of March 20. , 7 cha| North 44 dPKrees 30 mln. Oregon and Mary F r a n c s Ixjng h a v »"b*11 •«» months of the date of the iniston deeased 1922. (42 SUL. 465) to exchange_the ufea Wegt t „ cha)ng. North 5 ie_ persons 1 having claims aga'nst been appointed Joint executor* of ihe first publication of th is, notice. 1 All ah ~-r«ons North 26 de- Isis' Will and TesUuvenl and of the Date of the first publication of this said estate are hereby nntlfll d to present the same, duly stated and North 82 eslnl" Of Oeorge W Sanderson, de notice 1« March 4. 1926 verified at the law office of A. E. 85 chains; cessed, by the County Court of Lane JAMES RUTHERFORD. Wheeler, In Eugene, Oregon, within 24 degree» Coumv Oregon i Administrator of the Estate of six months from thU 18th day of Nancy J. Rutherford, deceased. ■ i •— -— 30 minutes East 144 chains; North All person* having claims against That she la an unmarried 1 Timber on the SW ’i SW>4 Section „ d eg Wpg, 4 „ chai North M 4111825; A 1 February. 1926 said estate are required to present of th. age of thirty-two > . ‘hat , , Townshlp 20 S.. Range 3 East W 4J „e(fr ! The purpose of this notice Is to al- Wpgt 5 gg chaing. North 2« degree« F. H. WALKER the law off.ee of L L. Ray In the Mtn In Eugene In sa d < ounty and state. If|U> a)) p(TRong claiming the lands se- Wpg, 3 oj chains- North 34 degre*« er Building. Eugene, Oregon Auto Truck Tranafar IN THE COUNTY COURT DE THE That Venus I’at'cr’.m Jetted .o r haring bona fide objections Ea!l’cation. Rn opportunity to chains to the Northwest corner of First National Bank. Eugene. Oregon COUNTY »1« months whose pan ntage is u their protests with the Register Msrchandle« Moving MARY FRANCES LONO. ^ • THF MATER OF THE ESTATE i Known and who Is now In the care Receiver o fthe United States the Southeast Quarter of the North- Executor« Office at 311 Mnln St. OFORc” T HALI, 8R «»'' of th‘8 Pplltl° Land Office Office at at Roaenurg. Roaeburg. uregon. Oregon. Any Any ; - Qu8rt" " L a t - i , 7 ! ------ - ’ „ 7 ner, . Land F IS 25; M 41118 OF ” K " ‘ . protMtg „ ,„ iM »a or nm objections rkhforHnnq must mimt be h#» ¿5en.c,L hencF S o Soufth _'|49 c < > r before thw explrn- State of Oregon Springfield, Oregon Phone 43 88 tkm of six week« from the date of th* flret publication hereof, und if c r « , , ; u x « 4 . « « « " < ■>«» First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Springfield you toll to ni-ewor for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for sworn, depose and say thaï: I nni th R. W. SMITH th,- relief prayed for to the Complaint petitioner In the above entitled mat­ ter and that the foregoing petition to-wtt: JuBflce of the peace and This A cm e Quality Paint and Varnish Station For a decree of the court dtoanlvtng Is true as 1 verily believe. WM. G. HUGHES notary public, Ineurance the marrlaxe contract now existing ' Subscribed and sworn to before me is being conducted for your benefit. Take every FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE between plaintiff and defendant, for this sixth day of March. 19.« possible advantage of it. Gome in today. L. L. RAY, , the right to reanme her maiden NOTARY PUBLIC City Hall Springfield, Oregon Notary Public for Oregon. name of Koto Smith nnd for such , O ffice at other nnd further relief n* to the My commission expires June 15, State of Oregon oourt may seem Just und proper. FIRST NATIONAL BANK S3. This summons Is publlehw pursu- Springfield. Oregon . nnt to nn Order of the Honorable C. County of Lane I L L . Ray attorney for the petl P. Barnard. County Judge, made and ttoner In the above entitled matter, . A entered January 29, 1926, and the do h e r X certify that the oregotog All kind« of gravel for con­ FRANK A. DE PUE first publication hereof Is made the crete or road work. We of order and petition ts a> tn w 4th day of February, 1926, and the copy ATTORNEY AT LAW and correct copy o f. t h e , hp^ f ’ make a specialty of cruthed last publication thereof la on the 18th thereof and of the who e thereof. rock and rock »and. Bunk­ NOTARY PUBLIC day of March, 1926. Dated this eighth day of Marc , BROWNELL A BROOKE. ers at foot of Main on Mill Springfield , Sutton Attonwy» for Plaintiff 1926. u L. RAY. street. Oregon. Buldllng Reeklenoe: Eugene, Oregon. M 111825 A 1 HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. r 41H26M4II18 ified Ads griÆSuus) B U S IN E S S D 1 R E C T O R Y Or. Joim Stats j Jim Edwards couldn’t see such Extravagance “The Loop D. W. Roof f SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. I ACMEQUALITY Paint^Vàrnish Wright & Son