WM 4 T H U R SD AY, M A IU 'II IS. S P R IN O F IF I.D N F '*** r»M»F TW O Lane County Farmers • Incori Hev a /« * OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY UNIT F A R r - RS TO CROW FL AX SEED IN T H IS D ISTR IC T ix O . 14 »I i »» cliurch la«l FrUIny » vatilug. the li» w '•» »i In Orlali Culli.iroia »1 tu. .»». t<» 1 f !' » USIICf Hill eumji prori»»» iiiinuiii» »I t»i »17 st» and W» "illiieii » »»■’ un iiv»t»r .i|i»p I» i uuni ti ■ ii ueur Sai» tn vl»ih » ir» night March l.l (or Ih» ir ,» the la ita t p a li nf H>»‘ *«»"k » h 1 », n . . atei "li ni» «II»»«' M» oilier» of h»»r duiighter. Mr» li a Gray «li.» Eull Ci» » k nini l.ow ell cuuip li i il iiy. «lm ha» lieen in Pori* « r i»u» »1 . ol III» l'b ’usulll lllll liiuil »crvitig «»n Iho |i»il,rul Jury. re eiiuip Mr »nil AH Chus Eli » li »uni Mr ttirued lo tila tm»»' h en Fr ay ninli' t unii Mi Mann if Eugene r ia lti I Inrf «iti» fri» "»I» ai l'Ieiisiiiit lllll Sunday Tli SuAilay n In“ ! Is « rriiia ln g a The pupils of I « Plcu-iant im i imi» ;i»o«,in i for 1’ i 'l s t Sttuduv. M i i E s­ 1 ■ \V I ’ . » » M r '. i n , , « » hup. m n d th»» four young II» i ho.il g ie .p r a r tli lug racing un»l tin Varnell imi Ali ■ J ssio Kdmlatoti huiles »Im wer»' s.»nt us deliignl»»» jump ng so u h lo I ik»» pari In lite «re In ehnrae « fr» n T lluinook to th»» Gif!«' eonf r Mr aiiil Mr Ered Spem • r frolti ilo a ’l. May 7 . ..hli h «U- held at tli ’ C ulver h i ! | i ». i »I l Ulni" >'il Olli t o 1 's u i.if »l »ity of Oregon In I » e I, '1'’’»» p iir r y I Moiiilay » vi-nlng «! ' vioita •» fr' 's I u liisi to TiN. «look Sun ny. TH U R STO N NOTES T*» l i llh.ides apctit the w » k » nd M-s P I 'ti fi» » 1.» itbarg ta lli Well o sp rln »fl I »villi h< r alin'. Mrs M UPPER W IL L A M E T T E t i .. *■» • 'III le r -»»*!, \A‘ali'»r ,ind futil­ J M<»K'ln W IL L A M E T T E Mr- l ».ie tUe|i!»e»a uf ilirlu g flilil e ui s . t n i l ai ih»» li un of h r »1. w II And raon, Mi I B ragg »f I ori laud «peni Siimi.n w Hi her slitler, Mrs AA li y »I. » o ll, r» tim ing to I'oriiand Mon day, Mr- A C. T ravis en tertain ed her l.iugllter. Mrs AV J und four young la»1 » ef Tillam ook ai th e dinner OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY Mi­ .»».»I Mr-. Karl Halley and d a n tb »•c- ut a rriv als from 8» hauler P a x s • a grow ing p o m im * m be- w r e th e inspiration for > n. Vi»la, Pr» eiilent c. \v. x'. I Cciii .ill iu d u strj i this dlsli'.ct as ■lug» no. Vie» IT»! I- w I fiunti . reunion Sunday a t th e home »> a rt-vtift of a visit of E H. Sm llk, dent. Mrs Ja y Fi ti i Mr llulley 'a »Ider,» f a l l r '¡'r« -rn la tiv e of ihc PoriU»:! I'.» tty M Kapi auf. C ottage d ro v e * w»»,,»i i'H»ul f> > relativ es and tr ■ ml Lins cd Oil wvrka. who was ».h- ««• S»»cr»'tttr>-Tr» .»surer. tail»»-»d tog»'ther Io welcome ih n tic» of County Agent lb S. Fletch»» W alter Morgan. Creswell, Condite-* t,» » r. gun A fter tlu> fam ily d in n er ih » th is w»» k. T h e ' I’oriiand plant has tor. »1 - .a s -pent ' Hng Tho»» wh > a la p a c ity oi h alt a million bush 1* H 11. Sm ith. Eugene. Doorheep- * enjoy»’ i- III»» »»v»*al W«re. Mr an I • of flax s«cd a year. and as only 30H) r. • Mr»= E arl Ball V «ml »hiughler of bushels arc raised in the state, an t>. 1.. Cl einen’. W.i torville. C hap • -» > » n r, \> l»r.. Mr and Mrs Pull»-• effort is being m ade to indue» farm ­ lain. ami family of W in d in g . Mr ami Mrs e r- to alse flax seed for th e Port- \ C. B ail»' >'f W.'loll to Mr Mil l L ed eonsum pt'on. Mr* J C. Il all» y of .la-per. Mr an t j O F n ARSONS TO SPEAK The propos- d crop is not fibre flax TO BRO THERHO O D M EETIN G Mr» \ s « » c ....... Mr and *u> h .»< is grow n a Sab in ah ' »11- _____ Mr , Era k H i l»»y and »laugh» r. I» cu -s -.1 as an industry, hut is a finer A C. B ogart nl -or Philip A P arsons of th ’h»a. Mr und Mr an ! m ore roniuneraiiv » crop, it is Junction City. Mr Mount*. M U niv ersity Of Oregon will be 1 1 1 eaiti. T he Fort, and com rany will pay Tt,, , » is, n pari» g v»»n AA» li » » I'!: a le : ber* of thè C hrl.viati En ity. C harles Bailey, Cl»» C h eshire fam If s i p r bushel or 4 I i cents a pound >1" Aker at th e r • tin e of the Mel.ho- t t riimin ai iho lioin of M» ». . I hi party *• th» ! i «» i i i *» Jidin A A ' Ibi in troni C ottage Grove or « 11 g v» in »'Xi hance 37 pounds d 'st brotherhood to be h e ll at th»* of C healre. and Mr. and Mrs J AA lii in Ib n.un In h»m r of Mr alld AI» ..ibi Mra AI E Ita.** ut l'i.'in» motor» I T hu » Ion W» iln» »»ilay E -h anti daugh» Alma. Cli irl't »»,» » . » ng. Th»* topic Of litis»-» d m eal for every bitch»»! f he rch M onk Mi Ib i i ■ gl»»n. »I m liflvlng for •Hit Hill Erlday i »Ili. March 13 night Aspects of Problem s ad Floren» *’»11. «. »1 at cme-half the price per p»»u" 1 « il he Som Klnmatli Full» In « f> w »laya. lo ti in r cf h! hirlhday «li eli wu ■ Th»» I - ah! gnv»» a pi» - a l a ! Mr. and Mrs Karl Da I ) will I m eeting wdlt h» h*l»t of c r i n i » T h th a t the com pany pays for flax. M ariti le. ■» uuinbi-r of high I h 1 6:45. w ith a din n er preeedtng the si to on a farm n ir Coburg. Mr. Sm ith pointed out ;he oppor­ I !k- Ult i ui llu» b m e of l ’aU . Virgin;! Chas»» m issed aevera day .ilk M-n an»! th eir wives b n .e beqn tu n ity for ( rt'von grow rs in the fact , u -tal i. »I.iv ’ iv ’. -I ii » li 11 of school o il account of flu. th a t two anil a half m lllo n hush Is ‘The Sunshine club will ha»« a all Rei» ■»*-.n». ots « « re »» ri» il by Al» s of flax a re used on the coast e ra ry ver lea a ' th e home of Mr A AV Ik'ru llardcti m d Mr». .1»■•■■.»» C arm i! Nose Is F ractured. year. ■r Tho-«' | r> -•»•ut were th.» MI--»»* F erre« Friday afternoon 12y» ir-.»lil dhugh» r Th» Among farm ers who considered Glady ami A’Iolet Inm an. 1!»^ le Eeg- ' C 1 1 n g « •»»•! of Norfolk. X.'hr growing flax and ten-utlvnly d.» b l Putnam of D eerborn w as brought to l»a purchased the tw o-acre tra c t ow’i-ile* . N na Dilley Frati» •»» i*ark*. Mary r-i ringfielil y esterd ay for tr«ntm«i».t. to do o were Cal M. Young of AV tin • d an d .o ccu p ied by the C 11. Scott i H i Hug. C lin Motisi'ii. Iluxi’l Ku'l kerii» and S. A Pa« antik and T E '» In w 'n g an accident In which her »! tic M» rs I.» roy inm an. llarol.l r i s e was fractu r il wh»»n stru ck hy fam ily sine August Th»- Scott* will St hnn of this d istrict |t II» y. Paul llird» n C larence M ii .’e. » has» ball at the D eerhorn sch ml. gjy,. the pos*ee-lon tm m -dlatelv Although broken, th e nose waa aot h Fish of Salem, spent Sunday Howard KuU. Donald K ille r . J» rry A nniversary I* Held. out of place, th e local phyaletM. who .. ¡th his m other. Mrs. O R. F »h. who K t»l» r. an I I.vm an Tlnk»»r I h Kxti»m l"il T o Kvury H i t k I i t o f T im S prttiK fh'lil N p a a p The home of Mrs. W. A. Hemenwp»» C hester AVh» »»»ler son of Mr «od in ,h ’’ Eu* " '''' hospital w a s the scene Sunday of th e celeb ra­ treated her. rep o rts« . TO A T T E N D D l'R ------------ —■ Mr. Guy P attee of W endllng is Mrs. AA' L. AVheele» of T r»nt. h ai tion of the 79th b irth ay of Mrs. 11» n>- b» » tt fereed to glve up bis Work ut enw ay's aunt. Mrs. Mary M iller of GREENHOUSE PLAN TS NOW p.n llng th . w.»»k with h.»r slate.». A. C. on account of his eves II* NEED TO BE REPOTTED Mrs. Jay F ’sh. anil taking m edlcn Engi ne. T hirty re ativos. including nil has gone to P ortland for medical treatm en t in Eugene. of Mrs. M iller's living children, were Oregon nouse plants and green- Miss Ethel Cogswell ha« been ill advice present. house plants may be rep o tted anv g p rera| d , y, Mr. and Mrs. J A. Phelps «nd Among those presen t w ere: Dr ar.l tim e th is month. Although some d a yton K lrklnnd of Chase G ardens *wo children, R obert and Evelyn, mot- M rs 8. D. Read and children. D ann’e plants do well if not repotterl for 2 ,eft f(Jr SpokalM>t AVash. Bunday af "<*d Sw iss Home Sunday and M aluta. of E ugene: Mr apd Mrs. years, most of them need 11 cow. terro o n . w here h»> Is atten d ing th* Mr anil Mrs Dodge and children W illiam M iller and little daughter, of To repot them , hold th e pot. wltn n0. S ntnnluy and Bunday th e plant In At. upside down and '¡» d aughters Ruby, Ida and H arriet and the rig h t hand Knock the top o f the son Dugald. also of E ugene; Mr. and pot on a shelf or ledge, holding the * M rs H enry K nowles of P leasant HS1; An Intepeeflng etory o f EaHter and Spring plant betw een th e fin g ers of the Mr. and Mrs W ayne McBee of n ear other hand and Just above the earth FatihlottH fo r Men, Women and C hildren, told In S p rirg fie ld . Sirs L y d a Gault Read ball. W hen the earth ball falls out, re­ of Springfield; Mr and Mrs. C. S tev­ move as much soli as possible w ith­ a Heriett o f 12 a rtis tic a lly arranged w indow dis­ ens and baby e f Camp C reek; Mr. and out breaking the roots. Mrs. Fred Cook of D exter; and t h ’ plays. • Repot In the sam e size pot or on > h o st and hostess, Mr. and Mrs W. A an Inch larger, suggests Andrew H em enw ay and children. M argaret. Laing, superintendent of th e colleg* K atheryn. E lizabeth. Read and Jam es. greenhouses. The finger tips, a pen­ Mr and Mrs. D eLure Hetr.enwav of cil o r a sm all stick may h* used in C ottage Grove called during tb s a fte r­ firm fhg the soil Tf th e plant Is firm “»! noon. well, is p e c a lly around the roots, ft will not he so much affected by fh* FOR SALE—C am ón ta p e r In Large change. she -s. ÎCr?9 iccdies. * »ilta Ob- for '•Eugene’s Own S tore" m a tin g rreotnw» The News OtC'-» FOR S.AI.E 2 _______ Notice. Seed Corn. M innesota X um ber 1'1 W HEREAS in ch ap ter 127. g en -ral D en t. IS years In La~e County, 65 law s of Oregon, enacted in 1919, it is bushels to acre last 3 years.’ declared to b»» the duty of every per- Kiled Dried. gon, f.rtn, co-partnership, company At F arm ers Union sto re. Sprtng- and corporation owning, leasing, oc­ f ’eld, or Eugene, or a t my place on E ig'ine. Oregon cupying po -»---icg or having c h a rg . 66Z Oak Si reet McKenzie. Geo. W. N eff A22 c f o : tiom nion o»er any land, p late, -Î .1 bu» . ng. i t. . t w harf, p ier or CALL AND SEE Dr. N AV Em- dock which is .n fesu -. with g ;o u :. <• groun-l s i i r- i-b (("■ ;; -»r la slij -r. ', I cost of aid «»xferm n •»- tion ’.III b»» lf-v ft d r Inst a ■» lar.’' Th* county ag ricu ltu ral agent here­ by ! ’ ».» ■' M orday, March 29th, a s a 7 i" t»i b> known as "«qulm -l pi.:*», ' ■' ’ ",»" throughout the an d L an e C c ih h ». and it Is hereby reeom- ni» tid 'd 'lin t pol-opid barley, ns pre- par» . hv t ' under-iignedi and rept- aeptati».»'»-» of th« Bureau of Biologi­ cal I'n rv 'v of th e United B'at» D» p a rtm e n t ef A griculture, he used for th e purpose of • , ' i ■ ■ ■ u no »waste. When you epon a car y c jc *t ip. is and y o tf w ill be surprised at i, O.:: t t e k b in all size cans so th e re is L ty tho sixes th a t serve yo u r fa m ily best. 7o carry the fam eu ... A 7/ < mned -»o '? ;it'.n othe the q u a lity o f these canned goods. CAN CORN brands as w ell. There io none bettor. CAN KRAUTG,AN CELERY CAN PEAS Wo guarantee CAN GOOSE BER R IES BR'JSSEL S f ROUTS I < bent p a rt of our m»w ar- in sh<1 -i la 1 be pr " . Be- n i in» o f o u r buying power we ■ fo rliiiiT te In o ffe rin g y o i lolAvcur ,»u. price.»» > i e • beat t nr b low er than is n. ually e.iiil. We have a wide », 'ectieu to draw fret i w hich make« se­ lecting a new pair fthoea here ri a - ’ eaay. b’eshion and c o m fo rt ar» niod- ■ »d in to both our m u and lad- ■ n nhoea. The lineal w o rk n ia ii- blp avail, ble, together w ith the »1 q in illly leathers has m a il” th»se nhoe values that »an not ' .» toitelied elgewhere fo r the price. (m r s h o -.» ;ir»», n» f f ? " * : * / e ln .'ip, » ■ ;./ Aui.iix-.ti a they m erely c< »4 less Ilia n shoes at most places. S P E C IA L 1 BOX M IN U TE OATS FREE W IT H 1 BOX FLUFF CAKE FLOUR, 35c PHONB PHONE I - ISSUE FROM GRCCERY ■ 3 T > FARMERS EXGHAN6E "T h o Store o f S p rin g fie ld ”