i 7A« C h am p O p lìm iil io the M e rc h a n t W ho E x poeta M o re T rado W ith o u t A d vo rtio in g THE SPRINGFIELD NEV, V v J *d O. BPR IN O FIBLD , LA N K COUNTY. ORROQN, TH U R SD AY. MARCH 18, 1926. M I M E 011« I I PUBLIC SERVICE CLEAN-UP OF PARK IS BEING PLANNED Upton is to Speak Here Friday Night GUARD POST DECISION IS EXPECTED SHORTLY "Th« P««pl«’« Popor" L ib ra ry I X NEW SPAPKK IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 11, BAIN NAMED HEAD OF ClIJjCHOOLS Final decision as lo whether ('ban-tip of th» (lot of tha city'» Springfield is to be the location of a Economy, Reduced Auto Taxes, new h'«idquariers company o f the Induatrlal tract to b«? u»«*d for park Oregon National Guard will be made purpoa**» la b> Ina planned, and the A/nlaa Club Meets. Prom.sed; Would Abolish The Aenla» club met thl» weak at at a meeting of the headquarters Superintendency Plan Adopted total M om club at It» last meeting Prison Parole Board Improsoivs Investiture Service nuumd a commit tea to cooperate with the home of Mr«. J. C Parker ‘n a staff in Salem within the next four At Closed Session of Board; Held for Lions Troop With Mhnllar committee» of other organ I- delightful St Patrick’» day affair. Jay H. Upton, candidate for reputili- w<(.kg j( wag j«-arned here tbla wee», Salary of $2400 Is Offerbd; m , at the -meeting were Mrs. W. cun nomination for governor, will ad- backing the movement toe' County Officer In Charge; xatlnns for planning the work With I’r is willlauia, Burcham and Mrs. Hemen- Mra. 11 lu Lombard, Mrs. dress u Springfield audience on ! c^rtatri that a Spuringfleld company Court of Honor Is Planned; the brush cleared and a little other j <• W rght, Mra. C K Hwarts. Mrs. platform and on various political way Are Offered Principal« lg aBguref Ku (.crepany |t )g recogBlMd ag a ral. In a session closed to the public lloy Scout’» of the Mona club troop p|Ace and pluyiround. The next meeting will he held rt ten w II arrive In the city lomotrow training to Its members, It Is vnd (tie press, the Springfield school of Springfield took Rie scout oath, at j i ,«« | j o n i i<«n roll tee Is composed the home of Mrs. Ed. Browning of utternoon. pointed out With such a company es- j board on Tuesday night adopted the Invesiliure servk es held st the Chris- ((f IM ,a i Murphy, l»r W. C Rebhan, Goshen on the third Haturday In April In •-< nominal, efficient nr.d dlgnl- tabllahed here It Is bellved that t h e , guperlntendency plan for admlnlstre- S ia n church Tue.dny evening Both a0(J ,, j Th<- m a l|» r |g u, be - ■ fled administration Is promised by >(jrj|| company will soon be organ!- ' . , , ’ . , . a _ .. _ . ,, ,, , „ |, .a« , ... . „ ' tlon of the local schools, and e ected «conta aod scoutmaster* were Invest , ak,.n qp , be chamber of Corn­ Birthday Party. Mr V iton If be la e let ted to m e ze No I put on n d«-mon»t ml Ion C R - - The little ho»tes» was presente 1 Wn which ha» recently been Inst .li­ duced from *1400 to *1200. Clark county -x en itlv e. awarded D E C O R A T IO N D A Y P L A N S ¡with many pretty and useful gifts In ed in the school. The badges were tenderfoot budges Wh le none of those elected has ARE BEING FORMULATED memory of the. occasion. giver out last Frlday Mr Obert-uffer administered the formally accepted, Mr. Bain, it ,s __ Wlnners of awards for this time oath lo R coq , master W P. Tyson and To Plan fo r Jubilee. understood, has tentatively agreed to Impressive ceremonies, essen tial y j are: seniors—Iowa Carlton, Eutma Assistant Rcoiittnaster C. F Barber, Plans for the annual I-ane County Rogers. Elizabeth Hughes. Gertrude' accePt the superintendency at the In- patriotic In character and pay'ng hon- who In turn gave It to the scouts. or to the dead veterans of all Atnerl- ¡Jersey club Jubilee will be made i.t a Mustoe; Junlors-M argare, Oderkirk. crea8ed °“ ered h‘P’ Whetller Tweatytfour boys are members of can war«, are to mark the observance nieet'ng of the executive coma Rt to Evan Hughes. William Pollard. Na or not he wU1 serTe as 1,0111 8“’,ertn- Troop No 1, of Decoration day In Springfield on of the club called this week. H. L. oml Carlton. Agatha Beals. Juanita! tendent and Principal of the high Honor Courts Planned. Hack; sophomores—Carl McKInnis, 8choo‘ has not been d« ‘d td - b“‘ “ May 31 Plans for wha, I, Is hoped Plank, of Junction City, la president lU .lges of merit and other awards Willia Moyers. Pauline Lyons. D a le !“' understood he will be relieved o< will Ire the most Impressive obser­ of the club who has celebrated on for duty und service are to be award­ Griffis. Dorene Larimer, Hrda Wag- al athletlc coacb ng aDd wiU be as* vance In the history of the d ,y are some Jersey breeders farm for the ed In the future to the Springfield ner, Gertrude llaugan, Viola Penselin. ed to teacb but one ,mbJecl ln th* being former by an American Legion last severs years sm uts by a special court of honor, Leroy Nice bigb 8ch001- The hoard is also consid- ctmmlttwe headed by M B Huntly. which will hold public m eetings at P.-T. A. To Meet ieding electing Alfred Morgan, man- and will he carried ou, Inter by a various times for that purpose A meeting of the Parent-Teacbers ' ual training instructor at the high larger g< neral committee represent TWO ACCIDENTS CAUSE Genera chairman of the courts of association will be held at the Lin­ school, to the position of principal. Ing all the city'» organizations honor will he (J G Bushman. Other INJURIES ON SUNDAY coln school tomorrow afternoon at Two service«, one a , the mill race Mr. Burcham, undtr the new plan, i t which he has control. member* of the committee are J F > :lk o'clock. Mr». Brau.-r. represent­ Another flank In the easP-rn Ore- 'n reaper, to the memory of sailors, Heavy traffic on the highways Sur.- will have full charge of all grades In Ketels . V D. Bnln. Alfred Morgan ing the Louise home Iti P o r t im i, wll gen n a n ’s platform has to do with Jay r t^u|te<, nunler« us accidents, the Lincoln school, his position being an.l Rev F L Moore These men will -.ud an. th'-r nt I.aure Hill cemetery »peak. s n honor of soldiers, are h.-inc pint:- law b ervance. -T ew er laws and b, t- among them one in which Herbert principal of the L ncoln school rather •It a t . the honor courts. n -I In the tentative program I'r-vni- t.r riforccmen, is the need." says Moow gtate traff c officer and son than the Junior high school. The honor courts are to he held Club Meets. 1Î- Cpton "We have too much reg­ of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Moore of E for both I.Inns club and Amurlcan Lo­ Inent men are to speak at both serv­ Mrs. Hemenway, if she accepts the Thi^ ITograssIve club of the Re­ ni! '.->¿1 and Inspection. New criminal gic« troop«. Troop convuiltti-ea of the ices lh- names of the sneakers ;o ctreet, was injured -critically. Report? position as offered her by the board, bekah lodge me, a1 the lodge rooms law» Mil uh' be passed .11 ue >• ' i e r i , r V uJ Z> » h » l <-lg>M S* f i t h a U VO . . . •_ « U _______ the services, and sreclal honor- -vili were o«rved at l the d o se of ( the eve- . before harass'ng the peopl“ ___2 with new sioner for this city, It was announced The accident occurred on the Pa- been principal of all the city’s ele- lie paid the few remaining civil war hing enes. yesterday cific highway between Bprlngfieid nientary grades. Reduce Auto Tax. veterans In this district. and Eugene. The officer was speed-j — Another event of Tueaday evening's N eedlecraf, To Meet. k . a _ Athletic coaching ts as yet uncared Reduction of the nutoirohll« tax Is , ing behind The water service I« especially Im an auto truck, which , meeting was a first aid demonstra­ A 8t. Patrick’s day party will be urged by Mr Upton, who declares . turned j sudenly » I- in the highway^ »n.i. an-r for by the board, which, it Is under- tion given by Troop N 1 of Engi ne ptesslvc, Rokes are snread on the wa - »allor d-ad of held by the N.-edlecraft club today that the auto owner Is being Strang- motorcycie crashed into the rear Btood- ” « ”>»’d«rlng putting it in _ ter In memory of th« Idst of approprl- “l “ ><• borne of Mrs Carl Olson Mrs. .«d with high taxes and with burden- Qf (he trucfc sport8 ln(jiCated that 1, had n o t ¡ “was done in the interests of econ- home benefit, according to a dec islon | , u.,„.|, P r - .e i: w-re Mrs (Tirk the so called ration system 13 l.-rx- . omy and better administration." The * 11 ' 1 - w rt B,ro- .. I Accld dent Near Thurston. of the farm home committee In meet­ l a n thp highway near Thurston, re- be gained because principals of the given April 22, and will hr under the MISSOURI MAN BUYS t >r Mr». Fred Chess, Mrs. A J Per- ;bal the tax commission be given au- gu,ttnK jn the gt.rioU3 injury of Mrs. various schools will also handle teach- direction of Mrs Floyd Thompaoii PLOT NEAR GARDENS •.int Mrs W ilf - I Beck, anil the f-d- ’’’ority to supervise assessm ents and Ear( Kelly of s pringfield. Route No. ing thus making it unnecessary to em- Th«i cast ol characters la ,0 be ] — — low ng guests: Mr«. Walter Car-oil. t0 harmonize assaessmeutp through p Bad body brulgeg and a cut extend- ^ oy more teachers. Administration, ch"-«eB from among local peopl cop... j. Ira Cline, recent arrival In Rprlng-1 , nd the beard consid­ Mrs. Huntly and Mrs. H. W. Hanson prevent the federal government from « ti trtrillng the "Oregon birthright " ’ HEALTH WORK PLANNED ered the entire proposition i | closed as Joint hostesses. U p also suggests that w w e n should AT MONDAY MEETING session. Those enjoying the affair were BY MAN FROM ELKTON ,b'' p,r,y’ wb,ch *" ,n ,hP centpr of considerable development. Five n-'w Mrs. Elma Halsey, Mrs. Sadie Nel- be glv f fishing and hunting licenses ' “ Election of teachers for the schools ' A pre-school clinic to be held on expected to (ake plac local unit of the Lane County son, who has operuted the store for Nellie Hlltlbrand, Mrs. Lily 9tearm- that the state prison has been a fail- P.-T. A. PROGRAM IS several years. The deal was closed ure. He -says the management of pris­ Health association held Monday. Miss STATE PRESIDENT WILL SUCCESS AS BENEFIT er> Mrs aklnn,>r- Mrs Mab*'1 M”rten Beth Konkek, secretary of the county this week, and the Elkton man Is I sen. Mrs. Ivan Peddlrord, Mrs. Wll- oners should be put entl*«ly up to organization, was present, and out­ VISIT CIVIC CLUB SOON now taking over tho huslnes«, I, was The Parent-Teachers association en H abib , Mrs. Idn Adams, Mrs. Minnie the warden, and that there r of Commerce at Eugene at 2 bers nro Mrs. Ixittle Fl«her, Mrs. Wnlker, John Ket-els and R H. Par- year has been drawn up. with plans lions of dollars paid the reclamation . . 1 '.'„l/w.l» Qatiiriliiv afternoon. R. E. 'sons wns appointed by President 11 for observance of various patriotic Mnry lla tt, and Mrs. Phllura Mlllt» . ! 2 at Springfield and on April 12 at I o'clock Saturday fund front Oregon, and second to as­ Everly, newly appointed northwest Mrs. Carrie Humphrey was promot­ E Maxey of. the I,Ions club nt Fri­ dnys during the period. sist the farmers In development by Mohawk. Twe ve games are to be representative of the national associ­ day's meeting lo eonslder a local March 30 and 31 have been desig­ ed to the senior vIce-preHldency of t 1 fforts w'thln the state. He fnvors scheduled for the season. ation. will be present and w ll dis­ tho circle, and Mrs. Jennie Rathbun, campaign for funds for the establish­ nated as Legion night nt the Bell the state's aiding projects that were cuss matters of Importance to breed­ ment of n Juvenile hospital In Port­ theatre. was elected to the Junior vice-presi­ Scouts Have Meeting. developed under war conditions ers. Reorganization of the Lane dency, Mrs. Ora Hartley wns appoint­ land by (he Paclflo Protective so­ Springfield Lions Club Scouts held where the land cannot carry the load. County Holsteln-Frieslan association, ciety were pr- sent nt the meeting and Cara Shipped. ed secretary. a meet'ng Monday evening, practic­ These and other points ln the plat Two cars of Noxnll feed were ship­ A committee, beaded by M tr . C. F. told of the plans for the hospital. ing signalling work under direction Is planned. form of the candidate w ll be dis- A good good attendance at the Music for tho club m eetings, wns ped hy the Springfield Mill and Grain cussed Egglmann, president, was named to undoubtedly at tomorrow of Scoutmaster \ \ . 1. Tyson and A. meeting Is urged by Ralph Benter, consider decoration day plans with furnished by Miss Fry Spaulding and ' company to Coquille Snturday. A rlm- ! slstadt Scoutmaster Ctayton Barber. who announced the plans today. tho American Legion patriotic day M'ss Francis Hodge, who gave voca (liar earload was shipped to S w iss' n'Rt” 8 m ee,!ng to which the public 1 meetinE wa8 Well attended, committee. .selections. • ¡Home. I has been Invited by those In charge. | 8 I b- given as Springfield's share of the ¡d ms from Ira Collier, It was an- fund to be raised for putting up a r o u n c e d this week Mr. Cline, who Is Lane county building ut the Corvallis an uncle of Fred (lin e , local business W C. T. U. home. mun. plans lo make Springfield his permanent home. JASPER STORE BOUGHT A ! h w bungalow has been built on