FAQ H 9g W K THURSDAY, M ARTH 11. 1B2<>. stt*«tlNCFl£LD KKWS O rdinance No. 496. ib u rn s by Ihe ahullltig properly belt'. H undreds o( naw se ttlers are coin­ An ordinance lo Improve the alley j fitted (herein , and there ahull be In- ing to Oregon thia year, according to j betw een Main stre e t and North At eluded as a pari of s a d Im provrioeuf, ■(tlclala of the land settlem ent depart- street from 3rd s tre e t to 5th »trnei engineer's charges Incurred therein, n an t of th e P ortland C ham ber of In (he Town of Springfield. O rezo - n i egeerdifig Ills sum of 6 per cant ,'om m erce and Oregon state cham ber by grading and paving the sam e with i of Ihe coal p rice it commerce. Approxim ately SO In- Brief Resume of Happenings o' •ulrles a day are being received from Concrete pavem ent. | Passed bv the Common Council thin THE TOWN O F 81‘RINUFIFI ,D 8 day of March. 1926 persona In oth er states Interested In the Week Collected for sire to boconis a great prize fighter DDES ORDAIN AS FOLLOW« ! R W HMITII. Recorder locating In Oregon Our Readers. Finally Realizes His Early Crav- and look up am ateu r boxing At six Section 1. The Common Council of A pproved by th e M a y o r Urla 8 day A tim ely Jump saved Sam Head of teen I had earned my way Into the ,f,t. t O wh of Springfield does hereby of March, 1926 ing For A Career, In Spite Of K lam ath Falla from serious injury or aentl finals for Ihe Colorado alale (| o |ar(, j(> intentions In Improve the J (1 O. B I ’H IIM A N . M ayor. Max R egers was appointed w ater death when two horses towing hts His Mother's Objections cham pionship, all unknow n to my mo, alley betw een Main street and North m a s te r ol Lake county to succeod S. autom obile became frightened and l h ,r But when she learned that I A street, from the east Hite of Jird A. Mushem, a ho has resigned. By H arold l.lovd pulled the car over a 7S-foot em bank Is O p s rs lc d On—-T h e lid ie dutigli was boxing, she aga'n Interfered, and .‘ F e e t to Ihe W est line of Fourth Through A utocas’er S crv 'ce Rockaway, the ocean resort on the ment. Head Jumped Just as the horses ter of D J Meals underw ent an opera. put ihe quietus on that am bition. itre e l, and from the East line of 4(h In Ihe contusion of the youthful am and car w are plunging off the road. aoasi betw een Nehalem and Tillamook My Inter si lit the stag* nevur died, lo th«» w m t Ine of W th B trevU l,1 *. <>r» n w rn ln i j but th e horses escaped Injury. frequently extr. i l y Ifftc u lt lo on »70.000 moved to San D. go. I ha I the goo! b> grading nod »urfaclng Iho ’»uni«*! O wners of 24 autom obiles who have line Just what he visions him self In h s " T h e Anderson & Mlddelton Lum ber fortune of »gain m eeting John Iain«. with coner« lo pnvomoiti. tho full lat» r lay: T hese Ideas a re alw ays M. J P o w e ll 1» V ta lto r—- M J Pow been operating on th e state hl.rhwayn com pany cam p at Kujada. was opened Connor He was conducllng a d ra m a t­ width of Iho alloy. H fool, th* thick II. fo rm e r R p rlB (fh d d r« •»id'-nt. wa« for operations a fte r a two mouths under the authority of a “red license” shifting, and kaleidoscopic W hen I ic school and he engaged utv ns an non* o f ih o pnv» :nc»il tn bo noi Ir;.» in to w n tin lu y v la lttiig old frlo n d *. lag issued by L ieutenant E. Hoff, com­ w as a youngster most boys anticipated shutdow n. asatslant Instructor th an tj inh«*w, and to l> ro aairu ctcd >|o |n now liv in g nt P ta rk fa ld » . .V I» m andant at Fort Stevens, will have to them selves more as g reat baseball I also played with a local stock according to I ho rub*» and r»«guUtinrv P urchase of a park site from Thom­ buy state licenses If they wish to players, than p resid en ts; great pr zo lum itt, w horo li I a chd I r n. <*lar»n»*’ a s B Kay. sta te treasu rer, at a cost company, b ill b Ing at the aw kw ard leave the reserv atio n In th eir tua f g h ters ra th e r th an big b an k ers or aa outlined In Ordinaiic«* governing and ttu th . ur«- llo ll. n tx d h o r »on, la of >60 was au thorised by the Salem age w here I was neither flesh nor chines, according to a decision by business men. tbo conatructlnn «»f concrato paving In tb»- V S ih to llta « ’ nr<* d o p a rtm a n : fowl, too old for kid parts and too city council Judge J. L. T uom ala at Astoria. within th»« Town of Sprttigfh Id. Oro. attuotod at Han A n to n io , Toga« Mr« In my own case, I think a s far back young for Juveniles. | look lo charac­ Dr. L. M L ehrbach of Roseburg has The sta te suprem e court has set as 1 can recall, my g reatest longing » etton” Tho c d of -aid Itnproro- l ‘»»w»',l »’ hot a fto r tho fa m ily m ov d been appointed a m em ber of the Rose­ March 16 for hearing a suit In m anda­ was to become an actor. F requently ter work, and played most everything n u n ! «hall bo aai»»'«o»«Ht to nud ha f r f 'm H p r’n g flo d. from a ske ton to an aged Chinam an burg pension exam ining board by the mus filed by W. S. U’Ren of P o rtlan d 1 have h e a r! my m other a s s e rt th at I It was wonderful training From Han com m issioner of pensions. to te st the validity of the law m aking Inherited this am bition from her. Sort L. B Moore, who for 28 years was it incum bent upon circuit Judges to of prenatal Influence. I would Judge Diego I drifted into the motion pc- S outhern Pacific station agent at retire from cases in which affidavits In h er girlhood days she aim ed for a tu re business In Los Angeles Hut I m ust say that throughout my Roseburg, died at th e com pany's hos­ of prejudice have been filed ag ain st c a reer on tho stage, an I did quite a pital in San Francisco, a fter a m onth's them . Judge George R. Bagley of bit of am ateu r ih re a tric a l work, but eutire early days I had the one W ashington county Is the defendant. when she attem p ted to ru t r Ihe pr->- thought In tnlnd—to becotpe an actor illn ess T he old Bar HC ranch, historic early fessionrf field, her p aren ts never The first apricot blossom s of spring w ere reported at The Dalles by or day “cattle o u tfit” n ear Goo3e lake, would countenance th e move. Thev SCOUT TROOP TO H IK E ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON char-Lsts. The blooms a re nearly two one of the first points explored by were of too stro n g a religious trend w eeks earlier than usual, due to the G ecw al Frem ont, is to be a dude I was only about tw elve y ears old Sv-avoy's ferry on the Wlllmmetto ranch. Plans to convert the p ictu r­ when 1 was first p erm itted to Indulge mild w eather. r iv e r w ill b> Ihe o b je c tiv e o f a group esque location into a to u rist reso rt have my th eatrical am bitions before na an The annual cannery run on broccoli o f h e a lth y young boy scouts o f the has started at Roseburg and will last been com pleted by a group of promln- , dlence. It all cam e about In a p ecu liar. , , „ , . . . ,, , . , I Springfield L'ons traoe, nccompanlsd Inent Sacram ento business men who throughout th e season. In comparison fashion U e w-ere living in Omaha, and v u by m em bers of the troop com m lde.- w ith the huge crop of broccoli this have taken an option on the property. with my g reat longing for th s th e a trl and fath ers of the boys, wh n they set A pplication covering the proposed cal life. I frequently found m yself year, canning stock is light. out on the troop's first hike Sunday Four persons w ere killed in Portland develo; ment of 71.363 theoretical d raw n tow ards one th eatre or another ! afternoon horsepow er at an <•?».m ated cost of —usually to w here the Burwood S tock during F ebruary as a result of autom o­ ] The hike will s ta rt at 1 o'clock «1 bile accidents, according to figures 84.281.7S0, was filed in the offices of com pany was playing Fifth and Main streets. S coutm aster the state en g in eer a t Salem by J. W. T his afternoon I was one of a crowd compiled at police h eadquarters. T here McArthur, engineer for the city of gazing Into a window w here a fortune W P. Tyson and A ssistant Scoutmas­ w en 1644 accidents daring the month. Eugene. The schem e contem plates a te ler was displaying hts horoscope te r C. F B arber will be In general One hundred mills reporting to W est com prehensive developm ent of the ch art to the en tertain m en t of a good chMr' - ° f ' h*‘ h“ ,,‘ ,,f ,h " C oast L um berm en's association tor : McKenzie riv e r over a stretch of ap­ sized crowd Even as a lad this Inter­ troop com m lltee h a re urged that as th e week ending F eb ru ary 27 manu­ proxim ately 16 miles. ested me. and It still does for that many "dads" cf scouts as can possibly factured 96,369,818 feel of lum ber, sold The B aker county court has adopted m atter. W hile this perform ance was 'lo *° • ccoraP«n’r “ ” 'lr boys on the 99.728.021 feet and shipped 97.84e.616 i m arket road program whch will call going on, a fire broke out nearby, an ' trip feet. tor road co n tracts aggregating about half a dozen fire engines to re past M embers of th e sta te board of con­ 3135,000 before th e end of this year. the building w here th e soothsayer was ATTO R N EY PETERSON TO tro l voted to perm it the several state The new tim b er canyon road over Sag operating, I was too w rapped up In hl< ARRIVE HERE SATURDAY 330 MAIN STREET Institutions to come under the provi­ hill will be constructed at a cost of c h a rt to pay any atten tio n to the fire, sions of the w orkm en's com pensation approxim ately 3100.000, and a four- but virtu ally everybody, else had scat A ttorney Ira M P eterson will ur a rt. The ord er will become effective mile stretch north of Baker, In the tered with the approach of «he first rl,r«‘ her,> S aturday to open hla of- A pril 1. Missouri flat district, will be graveled engine A ttor sev eral m inutes | felt ,,ce ln ,he Comm ercial S tate bank Officials of th e state highway de­ at a cost of about 335,000. som eone touch my shoulder and a* ! bul,<1 n»- 11 W1*“ learned last n lg il partm en t are frowning on fu rth er de­ Damage caused to the city of T illa­ I turned around I received th e thrill * ben a truck load of books belonging velopm ent of fox farm s along th e Co­ mook's pavem ent by heavily loaded of my life. It was none o th er th a n 115 lhe attorney arrived from Moro, lum bia River highway In the gorge logging tru ck s in the last few weeks John Lane Connor, leading man qf Oregon, w here he has been practicing betw een Hood River and Multnomah caused the city council to pass an or­ th e Burwood Stock com pany, whom I la * io f som e time. Falls, it is said. dinance. effective Immediately, mak T here w ere 307 cases of Influenza ing the maximum load for all (rucks Im m ediately recognized, having seen - A ttorney P eterson comes to Spring- In the state last week, according to and trailers In Tillamook city 376 him a num ber of time« with the Bur- field a fter touring ail w estern Oregon i In search of the best plac for start- ■ D r F rederick D. Stricker, secretary pounds an inch of bearing tire surface, wood organization. His In terest |n me was arounsed b v ' Ing a law practice. At Moro he Is c “ y | of the state board of health. Clatsop and the speed of trucks, loaded and my falure to ft | ow the fire engines. attorney, but has decided to le a v e , county led the list with 40 cases ana unloaded, five m iles per hour. Buying Perfection Bread and Pastries at the Springfield We were soon engaged in conversa­ th ere feeling that the ’ field Is too th ere were 22 I d Multnomah. Bakery is a real pleasure fo r you know you are getting In all 179 persons were arrested for tion. and It developed th at he was pre­ ama! I. During the past y ear th e Pendleton violation of the prohibition law s In real qu a lity. You pit k out a fine cake or loaf o f bread and P acking & Provision company of Pen­ 28 of the 36 counties In th e state in paring to change his living quarters, it looks nice. When you get home and sample it you are In s tru c tio n C a r H e r r . and I su g g ester th a t perhaps my moth­ dleton paid farm ers and livestock men January, according to a report Issued not disappointed because Perfection Bread and pastries E x a m in a tio n o f o p e ra to rs und tra in ­ »360,060 for livestock, according to a by William S. Levens, sta te prohibi­ e r would find accom odations for him are DELICIOUS. report made by G. W. Singer, vice- tion d irector. Of those arrested 133 a t our honv*. Inas-r.sich as we had a men of the South* rn Pacific i-nn. iiuv president and m anager of th e concern. were convicted. Fines assessed to­ big house, and could tak e care of hl-n In this d istrict is under way today very com fortably It developed that he at the rat'ro ad 's Instruction car. Because Tom Smith and Ralph Pi­ taled 529.209.99, of which am ount »12,- per. Sodavlile men. accused him of 928.54 was paid by the defendant^, A : did come to live with us, and to him which is parked on the sidetrack» at I owe my earliest stag e tra l Ing. the Springfield depot The car s in telling false: o ds co n ce-clrg s. chlch- •f.a l cf 676 gallons I.quor was de Perkins FR ED ERESE, Prop. Elfth and Main fit. of Wll en deal. Jak e Bew-ley. also of Soda- stroyed and 38 stills were seized by Through his 'each ln g s and hts Influ- Laxton Springfield ence with the Burwocd com pany I accom panied by J. S hakespeare, lo- ■ 1 vlile, attacked Sm ith with a 1 ng- officers Building Phone (iti w as engaged to ila y In a num ber of cal exam iner. blcdec hunting knife and inflicted two Special camping perm its will be Is­ stock shows, first of which was "T ess cuts. sued on the Tillam ook highway by the The Boardman school recently pre­ national forest service, according to of the D 'L 'rbervllles." In which I por­ M iss Johnson H e re — M ss Dorothy trayed little Abe. fn th is sam e com­ sented 20 locust trees to the school word received by Ralph 8. Shelley, su­ Johnson, who was h re to u , t Dr grounds Boardman school now has pervisor of th e Siuslaw forest. H ere­ pany wa* th e iat, F ran k Bacon, who Louis Albert Banks In , nductlng re ­ approxim ately 16.000 trees growing in tofore camping privileges along the also becam e deeply Interested In me. vival services at the M ethodist church its nursery, and has a standing offer highway inside the forest have been W hen th e stock season c oned, Mr rem ained here this week to lead the to furnish trees to any school In the free, but they have been abused so Bacon w a. f.ak eg a com pany out for children's work. Dr. Bank- found it a vaudeville tour, and he offered m» state. much th at It was decided to require necessary to give up the local serv- ' W ith the com pletion of th e K lam ath 1 special perm its and cst: Wish commor- a p art In his unit. But my m other because of poor health, and re- Falls-E ugene cut-off draw ing nearer, clal camping grounds under proper re 1 ccu ld n 't see !t th -t way, and i n i ' ft d I turned to his Roseburg home la t th a t I rem ain In . O maha and keep th e m aintenance d ep artm en t of the strict Ions. ■ Monday. Southern Pacific is busily engaged In \ R eceipts from the slate m otor ve- ‘ up nvy schooling laying heavier steel in certain sections ; h id e fuel tax up to February 28 o f ' L ater we moved to Denver, which CAIA, AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery and enlarging sidings between Kla­ this year aggregated 311.045,421.26 put a tem porary dam p*r on my stage o» e - ' « on nlnt. -,od •.•hwr work •' am bitions. About this tim e I had a dc- m a th F alls and G rass lake cut-off. since 1921, according to a report Is­ --------» - ■ ' —— I K ings P roducts company plant sued by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of Taxes rem itted during the nt Salem, which has been idle for (he state. la st th ree years, will operate during month of Jan u ary totaled 3191.366.17 th e 1926 season. Thia was announced This tax was paid on the sale of 6,- by th e R obert C. Paulus company, 327,001.7 gallons of gasoline and 62.- ! fruit buyers and packers, which has , 440.5 gallons of distillate. As com ­ teased th e plant under contract ex pared with January, 1925, the gasoline sales Increased 19 per cent. lending over a period of years. A progressive bank does m any things besides accept de­ I Mrs. W. L Moore, who lives n e a r ) At a hotly contested special city ' posits and pay out money on checks, though that service T u rn er, filed with the state board of election held a t Corvallis the proposal is im portant. control a t Salem a claim for »595, (e perm it movie houses to operate on If you buy a tire bore which she Bil ged was th s value o f' Sunday was voted down by a m ajority 30x3 ........................ 38 00 Your business, be it large or small, demands the services ai tid e s taker, from h er Emme by Ida of 256. T here were 2600 votes cast, ! It’« guaranteed! But It 30x3/, 0. 8. »1095 W ard, P earl Evans and Marie Ham-1 the largest vote recorded In the hl» of a thoughtfully m anaged bank. lan't luck If it runs you burg, who escaped recently from t h e , lory of the city. O ther m easures car- ; 29x43*0 »14.23 t lied changed the system of electing } statu industrial school for girls. thousand! of mile« more. W hether you wish to borrow o r loan, or merely seek de­ 31x4 ..... .................. . »18.00 C harges th at the rates of the Co­ the city w afer com m ission end created ' No, S irl T hey’re built pendable advice upon projsTty o r investm ents, we are pre­ lum bia ft N ehalem R iver Railroad I an enabling act which authorised a I 32x4 ......................... »19.20 Bonds were J pared, and anxious, to serve you. th a t way. Made to stand company tire excessive and unreason­ new lighting system . viu xl tur the purchase of a power 33x4 .............. ........... »20.20 able were filled In th e offices of the ' th e gaff. It pays to buy Your hank should he your business weathervane. public service oominlssio.. by the , stre e t Rusher. 31x440 »19.50 standard, w ell-known (tree Federal Judge W olverton at P o rt­ Green Mountain f.oggtng company, Noy s-Holland Logging com pany and land signed two orders canceling the If you are a depositor you may well serve a friend by and p o t tru s t to luck with AL9O GATES AND FISH right of way glvon Nellie, FhUip and th e Chriateoeon Logging company. rem inding him of this modern machine of finance. cheap m akes. TIRES T he nano la ml board has »eased to Holland McKinney and William R. G ardner In 1919 for construction of A. F. B arnett, Orin Shepard and C. I D. S utherland the north end of a sand reservoirs In »Malhour county near Vaie. The governm ent brought su its Island between the 8t. H elens channel a n d the m ain channel of th e Colombia to cancel the rights on the ground» th e partlea had failed to comply Ttver north of St. H elens. The Inland w as formed by dredges pumping sand with the term s of th e contracts. The from the beds of the two channels. G ardner g ran t was to construct the W. H. A drian, Prop. The leeaees will use It for seining Sheep H<-ad canyon reservoir and the McKinney g ran t was for the Willow grounds. Creek ro w rv fij. IM1HM OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Harold Lloyd, Popular Movie Comedian, Tells oi His Youth and Boyhood Ambitions Gannett Motor Co. Chevrolet Sales and Service A full line of parts, accessories, tubes and tires. We are Specialists in Chevrolet Repairing Springfield, Oregon Buying Here Is A Real Pleasure SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Why Trust To Luck » V A Progressive Bank Goodyear and C. T. C. First National Bank Springfield Oregon Special Service and Accessories SPRINGFIELD GARAGE