THURSDAY. MARCH l ì , 192U. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR . W "■---------- ——r " work The im provem ents will go Lumber Company Buey. FREE TEXT BOOKS. DURANT COMPANY STARTS Keeplny to tta henry protliivllon win ad soon. however The company We thought Charles A. Howard, of M arshfield,| SCHOOLS FOR YOUNG MEN( schedule. the Springfield Lumber recently purchased a new r»»«w and Published Every Thursday at might make a good superintendent of public In­ " I company laat week rah double xhlit planer. structions. an office for whutli Oakland, F ebruary How *“• “>| rrMrtlvill|y )%ll, The mi anv Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by structions, whiuh he is a candidute. candidate until he announced himself in favor of free text young and old. h a re wiahed f o r , ^ ger started th, batb'< lias been postponed until i lu I In th r m’ wv furnish free t text te r they » have hnv itared aa second class m atter February M . HWJ at the the next step will be to furnish free food ami »«auiat th e world for th e ir susten post off tee, s, .-iBEfadd. Hrugnn ¡clothing for school children. Since a good many ancei THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ----- » 'p a r e n t s let th e polk em ail a n d sch o o ls la k e c a n MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Y ear In Advance *1 75 T hree Months Blv M o n th * ___________ __gl.dd Single Copy . THURSDAY. .MARCH 11. 192S. Editorial Program T h e D u ra n t M o to r . „ n q w u y o f t a l l . of their children now. there will be no responsl- fornla. s t a r c ar builder«. 1« » ta i',n g ‘V. bill tv left once text books, food and clothing are to find out. on » large proportionate ~ furnished by the taxpayers. The home life of «rale, and in so «tola« 1» bringing the child will be completely broken down in a about a con Li on of b etter living foi — few years if this paternalist system prevails. hundred« of men. women an I th eir ’ * increased costs of schixd adm inistration Is tht ■ •- *lchief factor which has caused tax burdens to be- In fifteen w estern Hies W ar car L M ake Springfield the Industrial Center of Wee- tern Oregon. II. Develop a Strong Tradin g Point; Build a City af Contented Homes. II I . Improve Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro mote the Raialag of Purebred Llveatock and the Growing of F ru it; W o rk for Better M arkets IV . T ell the W orld Aboet Oregon*» Scenic Wowser- * come heavier and heavier. Whj pi!' one more d w ith free te x t b o o k s at th e ta x p a y e rs ex p eftse? I 676 - • ’• Detroit anvs our pioW er women never had / nicotine stahied fingers or t a p p e d knees to w h S Louisville retorts our m o d e « women have >"« i— ^ s m / f i stains on their teeth and no whalebone corsets. , » • T h e s ta te of ^ . . . . . . _ T « f c re p o rts m or -= a s th e ' to A m erican business that DEPARTM ENT STORES 942 WUlatuette St.. Eugene, Oregon ting school* for expert salesm en and ikUtoniollv«* from which *<*v • r.l hundred student» have■ already _________________________________________________ A CITY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. ■ r W ork Clothes Values Pay Day Overalls | Union Made T hese schools. according to H. W , C urtis, d irecto r of sale», a re new a ’^ t / s ^ ' V o r k . ^ ‘wever0 U said to h a v e There is some agitation for a city superintend- filed a dissenting opinion. school» ent of schools for Springfield, and the board wilt e • a At the present time, th ese shco-»l»' discuss the m atter at a special Galled meeting Oh. to be an elephant! The other day. in a g^ ,eachtng luore than tsoo stu d .n i» ! March 16. It would seem to the ordinary taxpay- town in the Dutch East Indies, one picked up an nner ulg salesmanship an t er th at the school board and patrons of the automobile that ran Into him and tossed it into mechan|ca The gchooi» are located schools should be more concerned in getting Dis- the river. ln 1 erul uubllc. th e only rtqulreiui-nts SETTING A’ GOOD EXAMPLE. . , , , mAn Girls still kiss and m akeup, so the drug store from the student (ha( that |hg th e tim e be i here’s plenty of inspiration for young men >».clerk savs net wasted. C lasses are held >n a , career Gary, chairm an of m e CiU CVI of Ul Judge WUUfC. Elbert H. ---------. • once-a-wrek basis, ami ln s trm ta rs the board of the United States Steel Corporation. 'le c tu rin g ai d giving practical exam- i E d i t o r i a l C o m m e n t Elbert Gary, as a boy, spent time he might have I pies and the students, with regularly I s e e used for recreation in studying the legal aspects ■utllnc ‘ courses of study, »nsw.-rmg C H ILD R EN S a c t iv it ie s of finance. He says now that he didn't know just ( at questions put to them orally an-l wiW •‘C hildren n o w aiay s a re doing too m any things wi a r he was preparing for. tor. but out he ne ten m #i some ou»* , --children now* »y» are uu>uB . ------ what felt that M , ai.,1 ' would be ready for it. ! m any p a re n t, c o m p lin And » h e , are. no d » W tr „ And chance come, ax but until Iv- w . ■ ...... , t ; ; f W tl his IMS V ’uailLC did W*»av, «^v not ......... na«- middle ace. The Morgans, in their desire to from Angelo T’a trt. a sy much about children a» anybodv * h o 0 » will be holding reg u lar cl*,»- BI find background and -..ho prcbably kpows as I i M l J the LUX m-” -l- ’ with w w sva* the I proper i . within a ahert tim e i proper calibre to direct the greatest industry o in ■i » « t •»•»**» I’hiiri fin»1* I Th»» regular four** Include* flfte»*r '•Today.** he V b U a a group of mothers», tn^ tm ia n n •» which mnv be ’»v all times the steel business, chose Elbert Gary. In the days of the organization of !“° n’Cto 'a b t r b ^ ^ X r g 7 Ev-'rf some™/ Hs e rd In e'ght w ck. stud nt» .. - uv tion, prom oters of tne enterprise retired a fte r i th,nkl ig for hiro at schoo, This en erg y 7 ities" th a t boys and «11» Gary used to go to his room to plan his attac <. r t t r «Tiberlrg the “outside activ .... _____L.._d,.,. X» of of th e.w aahburn« ejb llv lsio n . io ..led used io have C h 'ld ren are still born dynam ic bun for the next business day. Nor did he “celebrate” the tw enty-iifth anuí- energy, seeking expression amt developm ent W -'re a , N nth anil !•’ ire t . by I E W u ! *vc ¡ v of his connection with the corporation i th^ri H ljlllH outItt at home, m eatn or physical, they •• ’i w r d i ■ r .. i n> f-.,. < i- .« t’-T ther dav. “Just another day for business, i k eIïe,.h(re „ they are g etting into m o m an y <-ho T Springfield was anno u n ce, bi.«., he laid, and went about his work. { activities a n a ta m i rem edy ‘.a to provide n o re actlyitl » The p r - y i > is "<>> ntreet frtm u new • • ’ j ;or them at home, social, ath letic ,nd o therw ise.—Albany arroMN th« house which "»ns ret- ntlv con:: li t, u Seme self starters lack the gas to ke^P Dvmocmt. ________ i by Mr. Berg 'Hs plans for In.ornv m> nt .of .the property have not been mad«- public. •with .atyouTt $ 1 .2 9 OTHER WORK CLOTHES VALUES 80c to $1-19 Boy»' “ Pay Day ’ Overall*. 79c “ Pay Day" Work Shirt* .......... . 69c “ Big Mac" Work S hirts 79c “Compa**" Sateen Shirt* ___ 98c “Compa**" Work Shirt* •Nation Wide" Work Suit* $2 96 and $3.25 Heavy Khaki Shirt* $1.49 Men's Work Sock* Men's Shop Cap* Men s Canva* Clove* 10t: t0 19c Men’s Athletic Union Suit* 59c Moleskin Trouser* $2.98 ÌL I s/ V 1 GOING UP? It is not what you earn but w but you save that ,1 < r ■! ■ .- your si.cct ss. Every nickel und «'very d. liar yi u save, lilts you on«' step higher toward ;nan in1 Independence. f Your s ik ( <•»• of lift? Is not shown by how much money pas»,“ thru v ;ur hands no more than the money that passes thru our win,lows represents our suet ess ns a business. Il Is tile backing and rest art es th at lids bank has built up that eon- vin >-s people that our hank is a safe hank in which to put money. Unless yen sturt now to build up personal re ­ sources by saving, you can never exyer< the w o r ld to feel safe enough to Invest confidence or money in your ability as a jicreonal success. W hat are your personal resources today? W hat will they be ten years from now? DRUGSTORE T w o P er C ent Reduction in T a x Lord Baltimore Stationery Commercial State Bank Springfield. Oregon .MATIONl Effective Now . > TE W e w ill absorb im m ed ia tely on a ll Ford Cars the tw o per cen t red uction in ta x w hich norm ally d oes not b ecom e e ffectiv e until m idnight, M arch 28th. I his m ean s that you can have im m ed iate d eliv ery o f a n ew Ford Car and tak e a d v a n ta g e o f the 2% T a x R eduction. E. R. Danner Motor Co. Springfield, Oregon We are known by the station­ ery we use. Writing paper re­ flects character and taste as readily as personal appearance. Lord Baltimore is one of our most popular number« !»«•» an '«•. although m oderate In price, it r< fleets quality. All popular sizes and tints may be purchased in attractive boxes. 24 sheets atid 24 envel­ opes. 50c Flanery’s Drug Store \ ’-i. - à V Learn About These Travel Extras At no addi’ional fare, get extra advintage* when you travel. P ro fit by nlopovcr privileges on 15-d.iy ro u n d trip tick , between many O regon po in ts. V is it at several pc int$ instead o f o n ly o' Weekend ro u n d trip tickets to and fro m P o rtla n d — w ith o u t stop over-—are greatly reduced in ro *t. B uy tb rtn fo r over-S unday trip s. R etu rn lim it is fo llo w in g T ur ;day. T e ll ou r agent y o u r travel pi m$. He’ ll gladly advitt you regarding a most advait«a/eous itinerary. Soisthera PacificLines CARL OLSON, Agent