PAGE THREW T H E 8P IU N O F 1-X D NEWS TIIVIISDAY, MARCH II. 192«. Survey» wore made thin week for MEN INJURED IN WOODS, a new sidew alk, to be built by W C. I AT W ATER SYSTEM JOB Mr.Lngnu on the nortp aide of hl i - p roperty on C »treat. T he new walk - Victims of tw o accidents called on prill be going In s h o rty . seem Just and equitable. Thia Summon» la served upon yon by publication by virtue of an ortU r of th e Hon. C. P B arnard, Judge o f ) the County Court of l a n e County, late Monday night and T uesday you by publishing the- sam e once n IN T H E COUNTY COURT FOR Dan M cDevitt, working on th e E u ­ week for six consecutive weeks In LANE COUNTY IN T H E STATE OF gene w ater system tunnel on the M o the Sprlngf eld New», ar.d th a t yon OREGON. IN T H E MATTER OF T H E ADOP­ Kerigb river, sustained face Injuries answ er the »aid Com plaint within ,lg TION' OF VENUS PATTERSON a» a result of an accldeut In the tun­ weeks from the date of first public»» tlon thereof. Data of first publication SPEED nel late Monday, and ca lo«l for tr e a t­ F ebruary 4, 1928 ORDER FOR HEARING W ELLS & W ELLS, A ttorneys fo r Tills m atter coming on for hearing m ent here about m idnight. H is face P laintiff, P ost O ffice Agl ireas, En> I'<> It HAI.K l i n o - Ix,t 48x14 ou K W ANTED llouaew ork by day or FOR HALE—Several 2-year old Je r upon i hi p e ilfo n of M arjorie Speed was badly bruised. aeya; due to freahen In March, «Ó.» preying for the adoption of a foa.ale G M. M atthew s em ployed by the gene, Oregon. F 4-11-18-25 M 4-11 -It Ht (' F llyile R eally C o. 731 I WP hum l ull 101 W. u»k for Mra, An­ child of Uie age of about six m onths of D exter L um ber company a t Dexter, it euch tree them on my lunch laini H e Hi . Eugene, Ore ti« I OB M 4 11 P leasan t HU . C. F Hyde, 731 WII- unknown parentage and for a change sustained severe la c -ratlo n s to his M It IX 2 6 'A IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T U B S«ii our line of vhrttkig m ads, of >In- name of said child to Venus ear when a donkey line fell on 't lam ette St.. Eugi ne. STATE OF OREGON FOR TH B F» Ut HALE Vlotrota and reco rd . Al punulad or pluUi, at Hi« Nwwn ellkun M 11 18 14 A 1 « P a te r s o n Speed, ami th a t ihe Judge while, w orking In the woods. T he acci­ COUNTY O F LANE nt the above entitled C ourt be u p -1 . ______ .1—------------ . ~ — Condition 530 F H t, MUI R utter wrapper» prlntetl according LATE 1*24 i le »r,,b i S p o rt m od"l point.'I lo uct in these p ro a * dings t dent occurred Tuesday. CITATION. louring car. F lrat class condition as next frleud of said child and th a t I In th e M atter of the E state of Hugh F u ll BAI,K - C arbon paper In largo to regulations with nixuan, weight notice of hearing on said petition b e } M arriage Licenses Issued. , M Price, Deceased. th ro u g h o u t; very reasonable price. given to the unknown p aren ts of said •b eeta, 26x3* inches. aultabln for and address, «1.25 a hundred a t the . . . ... , . . — i i n To George R. Price, John M. P rice, Phone 8®. a “k for Mr. Moor. New* Office. During the last week m arriage II- ' H C arrle F FounU lB w aking ir u m g a Th» Nowa Ùtile». child by publication; and It appearing to the C ourt, and the censes have been Issued to the foi-; an(j Bdna E lliott, greeting Here from O ntario- -Mr S Snet- NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL Court fliidg, thill the m o th er and D K I'ólt't Ml NT (»F THE INTERIOR, ginger, und Mra. Fruncig Owens >f the fath er of said chip] a re unknown lowing: W alter J. Boyle, Eugene, an d . In the Name of the S tate of O r» ACCOUNT Mildred M erlin*. D enver; Andy Mack- K^n. you a re hereby cited and require UNITED STATES I.A M I OFFICE, Notice '« hereby given th at the Plcluii, O ntario, Canada, a fter »pend­ and that th ere Is no way of ascertain- ev «Ml I aura E Note both of Can irv I 1 " ed ¿ “I to ' a W*'a r ln thp c ounty Court the County Court o .if f It &sehu i g. O rigon, February 8, IV3« undersigned u diulnlatrator of th e ea ing »avara' week» In California, a r ­ Ing who Is the m other of said child ey an«l ( an.,ry gtat( Qregon for the C co ounty u n ty am i L aura E Nut®, both of C anary B u te of Oregon, N o t ic e for pi blication (ale of John M McCormick, diceaavd rived here Monday evening to visit or who Is her next kin and th a t I the ‘ - Room th e r e o f Ihe Roland J. A berson and N ettle M ack-' ack-. Lane, a t the C ourt herein as ey, both oj c a n a ry . V ernon C ald w e ll’ at E ugene, In th e C ounty of Lane, on haa field hl» account for the final ourt should proceed herein FO REST EXCHANGES th eir brother, William! Donaldson, C though said chf <1 had no p aren t liv­ state In H ereb y g iv e n D ia l on Feb I '■••'•"rinent of th the e auld Bald « .«atate In the »«, Monday the Fifth day of April, 192«, Noll r e ing. and no guardian or next of kin and Ina M. K aldor, W a lte rv lle ; B ert a t Ten o’clock In the forenoon of th a t ruary 1 1926 Frank I. itu k er of County Court for I,ane ( ounty In the and wife A lbert Sherf, Eugene, and Jessie In this state, W aldport. Oregon, filial upplleat'ou S tate of Oregon, and th at S aturday day, then and there to show canse. If NOW TH ER EFO R E It Is hereby Lowell, A lbany; B ertie E arl Shipp, any you have, why an order should No, 018378 under Ihe Act of March th« third day of Aprl , 1938, a t the NOTICE TO CREDITORS ordered th a t the Hon. C. P. B arnard and L eta Evelyn Finch, C ottage not be m ade authorizing sind d irectin g NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th at 10, 1*21, 142 Htal 486) Io etch an g » Court Room of «aid C ourt In the th » 'L o ta ft. 12. 13 and 14. Section 20. County C ourt House, In Eugene, O re­ the undersigned hus been appointed be and he Is hereby appointed to act Grove. the executor« of said e s ta te to self a t as next friend of the said child In Tow nehlp 13 s . Range 10 We»i W M gon at ten o'clock In the forenoon, ad m in istrato r of the esta te of Rena private sale the following described the above entitled m atter and th a t w ithin lb» Hlualaw N ational Forest, has been by sulil Court fixed a» t h e . j> Lagton, deceased, by the County real property belonging to said esta te , he may give or w lthold his consent Helps Balance Turbine. for th» Tlrolier on th« N W '4. H W li. lim e and place for h earing o b jec tio n * i ()Urt of lam e C ounty. Oregon. All to-w it: Sia tlon 27. Tow neblp M H Range ,1 th ereto and for final settlem en t of ) persons having claim s against said to such adoption In loco p aren tis; • J. A M orrill supervising engineer B eginning at th e Southw est co rn er estate a re required to presen t th « n and it Is fu rth er ordered th a t a copy Eaat, W M « . w ithin the Cascade Na­ said e sta te tional Poraat THOMAS B MeCORMICK. with the proper vouchers to th e un­ of said petition and of th is o rd er be for the G enera’ E lectric com pany, of Section 18, Tow nship 17 South of dersigned at the law offices of P o t­ served upon the unknown p aren ts of was Jn gpr |f)gfieid this week assist R ange 6 W est W illam ette M eridian; A dm in istrato r of the E state of The purpose of thle notice la t» ia « balancing the big tu rb in e a t the ’hence N orth 89 degrees, 39 m inute» te r & F oster, at No. 961 W illam ette sab! childI by P“ bllahln« John M McCormick allow all pej»<>n« o aim ing the landa of once week for three successive . 4i « Phalna to t h e Q u a r te r c o r , S treet In Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six of one In a the L. L. RAY, Attorney. »elected, nr having luma fide objec­ weeks Springfield News t h e ! M ountain S ta te s Pow er plant. T he fcagt 41 35 c a ,n s tne rt from th e date of th is notice. I week» u ., . . . .. . . . n e r on South line of said cectlon 18; tion* to aurb application, an o pportun­ ’ M 411826; At m onths Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 11th I last publication to be at least four turbine has been brought back from th en ce South 20.37 c h ain s; th en ca ity to file th eir proteata w 'th th e R ig w eeks before th e tim e herein appoint- , p o r,,an(1 j,ere lt was tak en for South 89 degrees 45 m inutes E a s t day of March. 1926 later and R eceiver of lh<> United NOTICE TO CREDITORS id for the hearing and lt Is fu th er or- ftn overhauling sam e tim e ago. JAM ES LAXTON. 10.03 chains to a point on the W e st S tate» Land Office ill Roseburg (Ire A dm inistrator of the E state of line of the John M. Crooks D onation gon Anv auch proteata or objection» d ered th at the said petition be heard j _ NOTR E IK HEREBY GIVEN T hat RENA C. LAXTON, Deceased m uat be filed In thia office w ltb'n (he undesigned bus been appointed j before this Court, in the ( ounty djcpa r i - imp ' v t o p t h f i p ---- No. land Claim No. 47, --------- N otification M 111826 A 18 Court Room In ‘ht‘ ^ a n * ^ £ ° ttn^ 'i O R . U NITED STATES LAND OF- r>®24: thence N orth 38 58 chain«; th irty days from the d ate of drat by th e County Court of the S tate of. Court House In Eugene, O n gon on ( i thence E ast 11.75 chains to the cen» publication of thia notice, which flr»t O r.goti for Lane County. A dinintstra the 8th day of May. 1926 a t ten FICE. R oseburg. Oregon, F ebruary te r of the channel of Bil H ays C reek: E state of P erry R. Edm lston, tor of the E state of N.lncy J. Ruii>er-| publications la F ebruary IS, 1828. 25, 1926. o'clock In th e forenoon of said day Deceased. nonconl ford, deceased All persons having thence along said channel as follow s: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dated M arch 6th, 1926. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. HAMILL A. CANADAY. claim s against said estate a re h e r e - ) N orth 8 degrees 20 m inutes; W’e s t FO REST EXCHANGES. C. P. BARNARn, R eglaler by notified to presen t the sam e duly j Notice Is hereby given th a t W a ter , . . , , _ . 6 29 ch ain s; N orth 22 degree« 42 m l» C ounty Judge. F 1825 M 4111«. v erlfb d . and wit., the proper vouch W Edm lston has been by the C ounty N° tC,e, i8.Bh« ebr „ ' IVen2 h a ‘ ° D Feb-lu te s W est 9.09 ch ain s; South 73 de- era, lo the «Hid A d m inistrator at th.- Court of th e S tate of Oregon, In and T O P COUNTY COURT FOR i*’ ’«?92 W T i, ST m wn' ^ ee" 3° mlnuteg W ^s t 3 21 cha,n"? NOTICE TO CREDITORS law offlco of Gordon 8 W e is In the , for U n « County, appointed admlnla- , I VP T - n r NT Y T H E ST a W OF f" ed, ap? lii,a t' O° N orth 45 degrees 45 minute« W e st N otice to creditor« la hereby given Court House a t Eugene, Oregon tra to r of the estate of P erry R. Ed- ^ ? n r.N i ’L c . ° f w arC 1591 c h a n 8 = N orth 77 «• th a t the Elrat N ational hank. Eugene within six limili hs of (h e d ate of the m iston deeased.* " t h e MATTER OF THE A D O P-; ^c «• ' 27 ChaiD9: N<5rth 44 30 m '" - O regon, and Mary F r a n c a I.oi g have flr-, lhl), All persons having claLms .-rga'nrt I IN T OF V E S T S FA TT B B SO S E i U(eg S” w ’ S egt .“ 1.52 i chains t " " ? . ____ S .T £ Sec 21; W^4W%NW>4 haen appointed Joint «xecutor» of he <(f tJj „ j , h), said e sta te are hereby notified to ' TIG S > '■ : SE,’? E aat 1 74 G a in s ' North last Will and Te»l*m.-nt and of the p Mar(.h p resen t Ihe sam e, duly stated and I SPEED , NW >4 and E*4NE’aS\V *4. Section 22, 5Vest 1.97 ch ain s; N< N • s ta te of George W Hniideraon. de­ IK O n.V A CX i. Q Wzxof IV A X ’ i f b i n ? _ orth verified at th e law office of A. E. . ^iiM-d1 vl spectfullv repre- 7LP' 1?. S Rana.e 9 W est W. M. within 4,,grees 15 m inutes W est 4.85 ch ain 8Î s; JAM ES RUTHERFORD. ceased, by the Couuty Court of Lnna M arjorie W heeler, In Eugene. Oregon, w ithin j S pied resp« 1trull. . th e Sluslaw N ational F orest, for the N orth j chalns; X orth M dpgTP* Admlnl lr s lo r of th e E state of County. Oregon ^ ’- SW f l 2 ? ! « -m > m in u te . Ea«t 1.44 ch ain s; N o rth six m onths from this 18th day of ’ eT h .ttOs h ? ^ s C anr l u ‘\nuf"rb°.r woman T im ber °® on the S W 'i 8 S W ’x. Section __ Nancy J. R utherford, deceased. All persona buying claim s ag ain st F ebruary. 1926. M 4111825; A of 'h< ig> of thirty-tw o years; th at T o * " sh 2flLS '- R,d n *£ ?, R2 d<‘krees W est 4.46 chains; N orth said eatate a re req u ire! to p resen t EDMISTON. •WALTER W Kb, is , ri-sicliiit of I-une County. M . within the ( ascade N ational F o r-, 43 degree« 30 m inutes W est 4.78 them , with proper vouchers, within Administrator. o -on and th at her perm anent ad- eg^ . .... , Una; N orth 79 dngrnan Want 7.35 s !x month» from the l«th day of I*, .’hone Ri I 101 J Office 73 J A. E W HEELER , A ltó m e 15th avenue E a s t ’ I he purpose of this notice is to al-i c h a in « ; N orth 45 degrees 30 m inutes ru arv . 1*2«. to the said i X'cut r» » ’ F 1825 M 41125 , * ; ui I* Be No in 1307 ____________________ said County and S tate P8" « « « rIaJ™ ln8 4he ,a " df. W est 5.88 chains; N orth 26 d e g re e . F. H. WALKER the law o of I. L Ray In the Min w T r . p r n i NTV r n l RT o r T il l' II- Venus P a tte r on Speed Is a , ~ t e d or having bona fide objections WpNt , 8, chains; NOTt„ 34 „ , Auto T ruck T ran sfer er Building. Eng. ne. Oregon IN THE ( Gt NTV « O l KT OF CHE - V tn f about .,o such application, an opportunH y to EaKt 4 40 chalng. fh , nce W pst 4 , , I. 1. RAY Attorn«;.' for Eatate. Houaa Hold Good P S2»B*. STA TE <>F OREGON FOR I.ANE . , , lvih . whose I nr. n t.g e is un- " j ‘„ X l v e i o fth e T’nu’ed" S tated r h a ‘nS the N orthw est corner o f F irst N ational Bai U Eugene, Oregon M archandise Moving C iU ^iTY - MARY n iA N C E S LONG IN T H E M AT f K o f T H F ESTATE t n U n rind who is low ■ In the <'a r * , ;in,, Office a t Roseburg. O r gon Any ‘he S outheast Q uarter of the North- o ffic e at 312 Main SI. E«' i ulorr ami cu tody of th * ‘ h m .r a n d o, PS(fI or „hj(.ct!ons m ust ne w est Q uarter of said Section IS; O r KE ’nO E T HALL. SR F I8 2f. M 411IS her m other Jen \ n . S u d file(1 in this offi„e wltl,.n days (hence Sotfth 28M9 (fcains; th en ce Notice |s hereby g :ven hv th e under abqv giv n a li.ress. a n d ha be . publication of U *'8t 201,5 cha 'n s to the qu arter core signed ad m in istrato r with th e will no tri such care and custody sine nexed of «aid .-stale, th at he has Stli dav o f November. 1*25 when she this notice, which first publ'cation is n f r on the W est ine of skid section IS; thence South 40.68 chains to filed his final account In «aid e s ta te w as ositiid by a w n ty . or p arties. M arch 4. 1926. the place of b tg ln n :ms. co n tain in g and th at by its o rd er th e C ountv unknow n to the petitioner or her mo- non-coal 270 27 gcres In L ane County, S ta te Judge of L ane County, Oregon, has 11) r ,,.j ttt*4 Vcrnndu f p e titio n e rs HAMILL A. CANADAY, fixed Saturday, March 27. 1926. at th» . R egister. of O regon; excepting therefrom t h . house p a in tin g TolMphnfieH: Office 613 R et. 2075 In Eugene O regon at a b o u t. hour of ten o’clock A. M., a t the v hour v of four o'clock A. M. o f! M 4111825 A7 follow ing described prem ises, to-w lt: K aisom lning In »R its Branches. Chum bera of said C ourt, as th e tim e !l', Beginning at a point 2S rods Nnr»h T hat ■ the petitioner does City or C ountry Work. Low«»! kn(J¿ and h a s no way of ascertain j j N T | j E c ir c v it COURT OF THE of the S outhw est co rn er of the South­ and place for h earin g nbji < lions. If Prices. Evary Job G uaranteed. . , ----------- ------ ------- ------------ — ------ e a st Q uarter of th e N orthw est Q uar­ auv th ere bi ti .-aid account and Its ng win- s the m other of said chi'd. STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR te r of Section 18. Tow nship 17 South Osteopathy stands for lh® Give me a trial. approval. T h at Ihe petitloVi'»- h. rein Is a LANE COUNTY. truth wherever lt is »cieutl- of Range 6. W est W illam ette M eri­ ROY KOCH Springfield, Oregon. FRED E. SMITH. teacher in the public school« of Eu- E)na H orton piahH iff, rs „ Jam es dian. In Lane Countv, O regon; run­ flcallv proven. A lly, for A dm inistrator Phons 125 J ; gene. Oregon and lias M H orton. Defendant. ning thence E ast to the center of the O atropathle Phyalaian and Su>- GEORGE T. HALL. , ity to bring up the sal ! child an a SUMMONS, stream known as "Bill H ays C reek” ; geon A d m inistrator with th e Wfll An- furnish suitable n u rtu re a_nd .e d u c a - , Jam eg M H orton D efendant: lion therefor and that it is her u Jn foT w ant thereof, the Judge of the County C ourt of th e C Montell, of Jasp er. Oregon, who, sire to naim. her Venus P atterso n P laintiff will tak e Judgm ent against S tate of Oregon, for the County o f on Ju n e 28. 1921. made H om estead e rr Speed In th e place of » h a te v e r un- you as prayed for in P lain tiff’s Com L in e and the Seal of said Court h e re ­ Contracting and Building ¡E n try No. 013385. for SW>4 . ' ‘' ‘ ' known nam e she may have hod. p a in t, to-w lt: for a decree of the to affixed, this Second day of'M arch , Call ¡section 15. Tow nship 18 8. R ange l i T h at your petitioner does not , C ourt dissolving the bonds of m atri- GEO. W. PERKINS I W est, W lla m itte M eridian has filed knew and has no wav of ascertaining many now existing and g ran tin g to 1926. SUTTON TRANSFER Corner 5th and D Streets A ttest: R S. BRYSON. Clerk. notice of Intention ................ to m ake who Is the next of it in of said child j P la in t!# an absolute divorce from S p rin g fie ld . O e e o n By EVA L. DUCKWORTH. Deputy. y ear Proof, lo estab lish claim to t h e , ,ind thai suid child h as no guardian D efendant, and for such o th e r and Phone 57 P la n t ond Bet, m ates Furnfabed (SEA L) M 4111825; A 1 fu rth er relief as to the C ourt may land above described, before E O. in Il the IUV sta le of Oregon. Fra«. Will Help You Finance linniel. U. S. Com m issioner, at Eu- W H EREFORE your petitioner prays Your Bwtkllng. jeene. Oregon, on the 27th day of for an order and decree perm itting her to a.lopt the said infant fem ale March. 1926 C laim ant nain>-s ns w itnesses: child and th a t from th e date of the GEO,. N, McLEAN Law rence W alker, Alden McCum- said order and decree th a t said child i d r . n w . em ery I b e r . S a m u e l V tM O B , VlBMB. shall be for a 1 legal in ten ts and pur- , Automobile. Fire and Life "aM of Jasper. Oregon poses the child of the petitioner, and , OENTtBT I N S tJ A A N C ■ HAMILL A. CANADAY. fu rth e r (hat the Court decree th a t , Surety Bonds,. Phone 817 R egister. Sutton Bldg. Phons ÍO J the said child's nanio be changed j My buslner« ‘‘ln to p ro tect you« Residenco Phone 1BJ M n° nC O at F 25 M4U1826 from w hatever nam e may have been buelnees given her. if any, by her unknow n ¡ (WxJ W illam ette 8t. Eugene O rcpor^ Springfield, Oregon „ „ „ parents, to Venus P atterso n Speed IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E ( 4th day of F ebruary, 1926, nnd the corv ATTORNEY AT LAW knd correct copy of the originals make a specialty of crushed la st publication th ereo f Is on th e 18th thereof and of the w ho e th e r .o f day of March. 1926. rock and rock sand. Eiunk- NOTARY PUBLIC Dated th is eighth day of March, BROW NELL & BROOKE. ers at foot of Main on Mill Suttorr Springfield A ttorneys for P lain tiff l926' L. L. RAY. street. Buldllng Oregon. R esidence: Eugene, Oregon. M 111825 A 1 ? 411826 H11-3 H EN R V W. CHASE, Prop. «- — r ! B U S IN E S S P IR E C T O R Y ¡ O r.John Simons The scientist’s wife •&, obeys these “The Loop D. W. Roof ACME QUALITY Paint^Vamish Wright & Son SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO.