T IU ’ RSUAY, .MARCII 11. 1»2C. THU PAOC TWO Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L __ ___ . L A - NE C SSM II«1W>U HUIT O U N T Y U N IT n O . H P U B L IC A T IO N a I ho the Thumton t im iti on Iho loool 1 4‘ h». w»«a Le ' i«a*t Mursu» Uutit«4 uuu Nm** May TO NAME SUPERVISORS By Special • OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • Maude Sdmlaton xp«ni Motxl.ty I l»Oti Curtin TrUv cutUM to vtl at (hv hali ft«ru Motulay « vviuua • Betty M. KappaUf. Cottage Grove • 8. Fletcher. , hiu, y m ,ugl only s dollar last SuiuhO by th’’ llltt«*»* of He stated yesterday that farm or- . • Secretary-Treasurer. « aud cl M r. a lb i Mr an4 I froiu M a. 3 pu b«uv llivvr ■aaisatious an exp i il 1 a U« ip th< districts covered by their or- • H. H. Smith. Eugene. Poorkeep- * Uuxtvr G ra y a t u i . a w r n i t it „tu ml e n aere tru> l to Albe rt \ k tor u » " a prune, a im ' prueui e .Inni f.oui Eugen, vi.» Ml» gam u t«.!.». Where tuegu are two • er. i l o W« d u r to * eii-rvotu house and lot on t’ 'lumi-io fell M orchard. toit vv« hiesduy. i hui farm organ nations in erne c- t.munit*. • O. L. Clement, Wa tervllle. Chap • Evans anil Vis ta t X ta to u U a» i Mi and Mrs 11 r .i.i iu I v m la u > J an Eifuitstuu troni Eugen • * «treat in Eugene. lb th, leader« oi the.-e are expected to • lain. Uornoa. (amine» have airead; ly moved to their dauahtir, Hilda, b i t ,i u t i h ltd Mrs. Joliii 1'r.ce apen Mr. gat together ,A v l sup. rvisors new homes, t ayti and Haines, real lu ll Monday. Mis H ild a > 1 .1 . iiu> u t u i tt» C oi Uaud »aal Juttu Ediulatou'«. tor their districts. The county agent ■ I- tors, hnudled tuo dea . . ,a-i », ii oi while ib*i pareut . GARDEN SLUGS MUST BE a e r« » o n Uit ti «v t at juiy. le s »id m m h ly wlii glve t Will BWBie supervisors in districts not , Hi, i a< a W. L. -.ndu.soa moved a gu io \\ vini v G iv io A liu u in ia it A K lui ut ine vliurcl. i ridoy ev« Jray. Jr„ haa gon. r ri covered by farm organisations, from bpnagi em to n ■ ■ ranisti, ÍO V itMC Honor ng Mi WaugcllU', 7'dii birth­ a - 1 a . o u sbnrt pivgruiii Lvcry Th< names of the m> a ah .« d be a . a e t i sings are very numerous building Was piacisi ou «kids U 1)4 day win, »a» 'ITb "lay, March '.* a .1 uine repeirted to the agent not later tha". Mr. uud Mrs Anua Ericsson fro.. uaue couuty tm s year, accord-ug lu tjv v ù by a P o r tla o n t r a c t o r . number ,*f residents of lT. entomologist of the Urego.. by other members of th e, he received seveial weeks ugo to l»< daughter, Mildred. Mrs 8. II Call*- .vlr. Klug from Newport wus tn the Junction City Co-operative store Experiment station stated that dur- , ¡g g Missionary society of Sprlug i bui ston last week looking after his out of the hospital Mr and Mrs. sou. Mrs Andy Olson daughter. Em­ ing wet weather and tn early sprlug went lo the poor (arm Sunday Hendricks visited friends at Pleasant ma. and Infant son, Rubitt Andrew will distribute squirrel poison for p.operty interests here. and Mr. and Mrs. D 0. Union uud HIU laat weekend. the work In their respective locali­ these pests are best controlled by I to alng for tm, inmates. They also l h e stale inspector was at Oeorgo Mrs. W. L. Bristow, who underwent children and Bruce Wheeler. ties. Other stations will be selected the combination of a repellent and j T|gjted Mrs. Knickerbocker of Dead . Wdl.am s sawmill laat Thursday. poisoned bail according to the follow- „H)Ud ferry, who has been seriously a major operation at Portland laat later. Mr aud Mrs. Hubert Herrington After a siege of flu (be children ing directions: I ill. Wednesday, la reported as doing very of Mr »rid Mrs Andy Olaun are Bordeaux mixture 4-t-W sprayed <:h. . e Gar,ir ns has purchased . le.t last Friday to v.alt their m»n and nicely. Magladary Here—J S. Magladary. ugatu aB e to attend school. on the plants and a poison consisting new Qraham Brothers truck which “ear I ortland. 1 hey plannee Baby chicks are beginning lo ar­ state senator from this county, was a to etop |n Monmouth and take their The high school la planning a big visitor in Springfield yesterday tn the of 1 part calcium atm n aie to l d l j g being used to haul fuel (or their daughter, F ossie, who Is attending rive In quantify at Pleasant lllll Mrs. Brown received a shipment of 60*1 athletic day, May 7. Interests of Jay H. Upton, candidate parts cbopped ettuce scattered o fer p|ant infested area has proved effective Ini Mrg w H Anderson who has beta noimal there, with them, Ke say expects «Cl for governor. , to Sunday; Mrs plant protection and slug control. | i(| , lnt.e jqew Year s is much Improv- Mr*. Taylor Needham motor lx-t Lea Fla It Gannett Motor Co., from Petaluma the 16th of March. Dvreoa last Friday lo see her mother, Dry. hot weather drives them Into ,.d itotice. The Pleasant Hill public school Hpriugfia d. Miss Emma Jane Travia enOrtaln- Mrs. Teeters WHEREAS In chapter 127. general temporary seclusion and checks their . ■ B < -W I" ■■ " Word was received here that Frank ed Miss Maurine Lo in hard of Spring­ laws of Oregon, enacted in ISIS, It Is i depredations. declared to be the duty of every pe.- i-The gray garden slug, the green- j lieiQ, ite uuu »«•%• Cblvalier, who formerly resided hero field, ana and va® thè *»»«»»«•• Missea m Alice und « Kuth son, firm, co-partnership, company | bouse slug and the reticulated slug Welch of Eugene, at six o'clock din pusaed aw sy last Wednesday in the Holy Rosarle hospital In Ontario and corporation owning, leasing, oc- are the three Important economic ner b Saturday . ( » » s . . uv»mn» evening Oregin. after a lingering Illness. He cupying possessing or having chargs species in Oregon. The gray garden Lucille Male, who has been attenJIng was u member of the Elk lodge lit pf or dominion over any land, piace, slug is usually a deep mottled gray, the Monmouth Normal. Is |n the In­ buiidiD^ »U ulnare, whan, pier or greenish gray or pale ochreous fleck- firmary there with German m easles Eugene. William Wolf from Washington Grace M. Maxwell has resumed her ■wuu which is iniested with ----- --- ground --------ed with brown or dark brown. The dock spent several days last week with squirrels and other noxious rodents green house slug 1* solid * aty gray WOrk at the V of O. after several Illness. " • " ‘•aver. yr predatory animals, or as soon i wub brownish reflections, the color I days j — KtiiviB TYwissy It a A C hxm I hool Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klntxley of Fall *»" Margaret Campb. ll and Shir- «s the presence of the same shall ¡g darker along the back, the body A. IA. UrAxvrts. Pnwiilent tome to his, their or its knowledge, a t4 lighter w th a whitish sole. The retie- Creek, and their children Richard and I l*r Weaver from l-i-abur« spent the with Mrs. Clara week-end here visiting relatives once to proceed and to continue In ulated slug is variable, but is In gen- Clarine. visited 902 WIU«un«t*a 8«. Vhone *>•<> 18ug«-tie, (feegon I L«*1 |Prl,1“’r VWa b“ ke‘ »ood taith to exterminate and des- e ral a deep bluish black above, shad Male Sunday. Jesse Mounts Is ill with pneumonia , hall team defeated the Dorena tewn . troy such rodents by poisoning, trap­ ing to a lighter color, and often tint­ at the horn« of his sister. Mrs. Frank ping or other appropriate and effec­ ed with green toward the sole. "These pests are nocturnal In hab- , Batley tive means; and WHEREAS gray digger, ground IL hut are often active in the day-1 Mrs. Florence Cook o f Oakridgi, squirrels (CReHus douglaalij are no«- time during cloudy, wet weather jira. A. C. Bogart of Junction City Jous rodent» in Lane County, Ore­ During the day they norma'ly' conceal an;s offer the th rifty Date of ' i t publication of this no- Saturday March 30 The cost of th, • Coae« Fork—Second and Fourth • car owner dependable equip­ lice March 4, 1926. powder laid down in Eugene is 8.31 • Thursdays, Farm Union Hall. * ment now at prices considera­ (Signed) O. S FLETCHER. cent« a pound Farmers and county • Hantdxi— First Tueswlay, DaneliO • County Agricultural Agent. road workers have taken advantage • School House. bly lower than standard brands. * M 4 11- 18 of this cheap explosive this winter. txirene—Bix.ond and Fouth Tues- • • days, Dorona Chur,*. * We're carrying full stocks in • Hadleyvtlle — First and Third • the High Pressure and Balloon • Tburedaya, HttdteyvBle School, • • HiswM— First Son,lay of each * sizes—also Cord and Fnbric • month, Iteeeta School House. • Clinchers— and Tubes. Come in • Jaapor- Second and Fourth Wed- • and let us quote you on your • nettdnys, W. O. W. Hall, Jasper. • size in a PATHFINDER. • Lornno—dtecond and Fourth • • W»sln,-slays. 1. O. O. F. Hull. • • M cKende local, »ecowl and * • fourth Wcrtneadny, 8 p. m. I. O. O. • • F. hall. WuRi-rvflle. • ’ Mt. Vernon— Flr»t ami 17iird • • Wednesday. Braafiold Store. * i • Silk Cr, ,-k Me,its First and Third * Thursday at Cedar School Hoime • Silencer Creel«—Third Friday, * « Pine Grove School Hou»e. • Trent—Second and Fourth We