U. A d u t r li iìn ii i t fh t o n t tu ro ro a d to o v t r h t a d rtd u c tio n in b u tin t t t. *" <1. / ih, U l y THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-THIRD YEAH SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, .MARCH 11, 1926. Scout Ceremony to Install Troop LICENSE ÛN POOL .L IS H e r o C a p ta in R e tu rn s Investiture Services Will Be i HIGH STUDENTS PLAN Held At Christian Church * On Tuesday Evening. Council Buys Rond Grader; TOH LAUGHTERESQUE $7000 in City Bonds To Be In vestiture cerem ony for the Lions Pinna fur th<< annual " la iughterea- Paid Off; Dnnce Pennit Is­ sue,** stu n t program » I 'm by Spring- d u b troop of boy scouts will be held sued To Hnrry Garrett fis hl high «ctoni classes, a ra b e la i Tuesday n n # l, March 18, a t the Llr< U n «« on pcol Hull» uiul bowling Why» In Hprlnglh’hl w rw re16 Io >*• u q u a rte r at tb< tuevt* r.ip i'ly 1* m;.l ted and several prac- tiet tt of > tililtä have hi’i'll held. l.aug' toraitnie will be b
Imr that tb< y w«»ro too heavily tuxod The troop com m ittee and the scout- a tut wore uiuklrig no profit til th« Ir . w asters, will he Installed, and the buNlu«'»* They pointed out th at fed* I tti-oula will take th e acout oath and era!. «tut«« and local tuxea In con* Photo »hows Ciptaln and Mr». Fried being given a riotous ova­ ' will be Inducted as mem bers. Juiti (ton with the license («»«• hud bo* tion upon the former's arrival In New York. Captain Fried, togeth­ Club Entertained. er with his men. performed one of the most daring rescue* in the c c c iio tt burden to g reat for them D elbert D berteuffer, Lane County Mr and Mrs C E K e n y o n M r a n d unnala of the sea, when they fought mountainous waves for three ('uunvllttirn Cox and MuKI'n aot«*d Mr» (Jus W ashburn», M as C rystal Do) Scout com m issioner, will be days, finally saving the entire crew of the sinking steamer Antinoa. for the reduction and May and Moab* ll.yun and Mr» Zalla C antrell were chairm an of the o» cling and will Two of Fried’s own men lost their lives in the rescue. lor agulnat Mayor Uuahtnan broke nt H dH lghtful p arty hold b y jh au d l« tin* In s u la tio n . H couim aater till! tie Willi all affirm ativ e vide. j,.,ye n , c|u b at t |,B home Janie« M C arr of Eugene Troop No. H IG H S C H O O L T E A M S P R I N G F IE L D T A K E S H A N D T h e council ordered a U niversal of M r ami Mrs. E rank A D el'ue last L will give a sh o rt tulk representing M AKES GOOD REC O R D IN B R ID G E C O N T R O V E R S Y road grader on 30 luya trial. With Friday bight, Kimi Hutton and Fred thu visiting scoutm asters, and a p a­ th new m achine one mail c an oper- Cllngaii played host to (he o th er tnem- '-rol of scout ) from this troop w l‘1 Com pilation of scores shows th at Springfield C ham ber of Commerce a le the tra c to r mid grading m achine, h e rn and guests. ¡give a dem onstration of scoulcraft. Those presen t were Mr und Mrs . I P resid en t L. F. McCready, p rtsld e n t ,l” ‘ Springfield high school bus Just took a hand In the Portland-Ixingvlew The city engineer was ordered to establish a grade In front of C. O. J A Seavey, Mr and Mrs I. D Lari- oi Bie Lane County Boy Scout council i cl° se,l a successful basketball s e a -. bridge controversy this week when W. H. Adrian. Mr *H1 give a abort tulk. with a neat m argin of points ov- j P resident H. J . Cox sent a telegram Wilson property on D stre e t so th at m r, Mr. and Mra The club com m ittee to be installed e r lbe toU I niade bv opposing team s. ‘ to the Oregon delegation In congress the ow ner cou d lay a cem ent side- and Mrs. A J Perkins. Mr and Mrs. Walk Other pieces ol. sidewalk weie M M. Peery, Mr and Mrs. F. A. Do couslsla of H. E Maxey, F. B H a t- Tha sea“on'« toU*l for Springfield Is asM ng th a t the type, cost and loca- a^a na« «D for its opponents. j tion of the stru c tu re be decided upon discussed and the council made It l*ue. Welby Stevens. Mrs. G race Rob- Un. W. G. Hughes, H. J. Cox and Dr> W C. Ilebhan S co u tm aster W. P. S p riu g fied won eight gam es a r d , *»2 l^ e highw ay comjnlss ona of Ore- known th at It was expected that all erts, boats and guesta. 1 Ty»on and A ssistan t C. F. B arber will l°»t »1». Including two close argu- F°n anonS ll>e rlve r as to port connections . «a ........... _ ____ . ert’' b’’,w,‘eI1 Second ent for general supervision of local H successful nrorram “ n *“ • and o tb er work in eonnec- bocks. tuko pari, and j considered by E J Berger, of Eugene, m atters of discussion at a m eeting of tlon w i,h the C ascad‘‘ M anufacturing U nder the direction of Emma Rog­ Is predicted. _____ I he stuted today Mi B erger owns 53 thp d is tric t school board In the city ' om Pa n .v ’8 expansion program Is pro- er-». i-dltor, the plans for th e annual a rc being worked out and It la prob G A R Ladles Mset , *>et’ ,,nd could bulld 8 Hlruc,ure c 0 ’ ’ hall next Tuesday evening gresslng rapidly. The unit th a t has loulles of .he G A R will meet on ,,rln* *'n,lr<- ! The superintendency plan for »ev- been com pleted forme an ’’»‘ension able that It will he printed about the d*,pen‘1’ h,B f,n d ,n ’ was in effect here, but w as tb 8 t a ^ ady In use. and will house middle of May at the News office. Friday afternoon a. the h u m . of th e I As Kall!,fac,<,ry t*’na nts. sulil the E ugeni dropped and principals of the various ,b e new machlnery ordered by the T he annual la ca led the “Maple p resident Mrs C E Bgglmann ** nSSUr’‘d ° f "‘ h001'1 h a'*- had lh a r «'‘ ° f tb '>"- 8P*‘ <'rt!npBnyi 1,1 »eder To expand its pro- L eaf,’’ and contains plcturea and ator- important' business 1. to be tran sacted r ” ' tOr A" deV' lop ‘lefin l,'i pl8n’ clfk Pa r ' of ,b ” work At tbe last du^ ion ° ew (f,elds’ les d< plctlng all feiitures of school a full atten d an ce of m em bers Is ex ’* leaF' he new stru c tu re s are built oti activity for the year. T his y e a r’s ported, said the president In making “ "d pU* Up “ nn,d' r,‘ f,r* Prf 8tn,<" a c t i n g f the board It was suggested Tbe ............................... Maple M a r will contain m ore t h a n , lh(, linn(iunc„ m,.n', turn, lie said. ihat a sup erin ten d en t be hired for concrete foundations, and one of the Mr. B erger ow ns the property od ! „ext year, and the final action w a s ' 0 d bluldin«’8, moved to m ake way 100 pages. _______ which tbe b attery station which w is (postponed until next T uesday when for tbe now construction. Is also be- H o ld B ir t h d a y P a r t y an adjourned m eeting wll be held ¿ n_g P ^ d on sim ilar foundation. 4-L Executive H ere, In celebration of th e ninth birth-1 recently gutted b y fire stands. 1 School principals probably will be W hen completed-, the p lant will be W C. R ile y nltx. president of the day of A rthur I’cngra, Junior, a group elected, also, at the Tuesday session. ready to operate of the production of I.oyn Legion of Loggers and Lumber- of his young friends gave him a eur-| REGION SCOUT TROOP first class sash and door m aterial and men. was a visitor In Springfield prise parly at th. Pengra home Mon-1 HOLDS FIRST MEETING o th er construction m aterial for house S T A T E A D V IS O R Y N U R S E Tuesday lie spent the afternoon nt day. Games of ull kinds furnished dl , building. The newly organized A m erican Le­ the Booth-Kelly mill here, consulting version, mid delicious refresh m en ts SPEAKS AT M EET HER E officials of the local unit of the or- iwere served by Mrs. Pengra. gion Boy Scout troop held its first gniHzatlon. He plans to retu rn la te r - m eeting ut the home of S coutm aster Pre-school health work In Spring- OIL STATION CHANGES In the month to speak a t a m eeting Auxiliary To Meet. W alter G ossler Tuesday night, a n d , f |e d was (he subject for discussion J HANDS; IS RE-LEASED ’I of the local. Plans for u dinner, to be given In five scouts passed the tenderfoot test, a t a m eeting held under the auspices « " ........... 1 I connection with American M gton thus giving a nucleus around which of the Lane County H ealth a sso cla-1 Tbe gasolene service station at j t ton at the cham ber of com m erce *’' tftb an<1 Ma,n stre e t has been sold R sturns to Idsho Mrs. B ert S n o o k -'lig h t at tile Bell th e a tre March 3d. to bulld the troop. has rs tu rn id to her fath er's home at !-’ll will be perfected at a m eeting Tlie five scout* a re C rafton T ruax, T uesday night. Mrs G. E. Blakely, - b>' F rank Sherm an to W. A. Swanson. W eiser, Idillio, ami has resum ed h er of Ihe A m erican Legion auxiliary Oron Mulligan, Richard Lepley, B ert ; 8tate advisory nurse, was present and of Monroe, It becam e known this work In Ihe F irst National bunk of ¡tonight, It Is proposed to make the N well, Dorman Chase. Scouts who gpOke on sim ilar work throughout week. The deal, w hich was closed dinner open to the public and thus a re ready to take the te s t and w e ro ' the state, and com plim ented thut city. th e s0™e tim e ago, was followed lm-me- ...... ---— — | help au xiliary finances. p resen t th a t night a re Paul Schantol, Springfield l*arent-Teachers assocln- 1 d iateiy by a re-loase of the station V isits H ere— Mr. an d Mrs. Ered ! — — Cluadle Shanks, Marlon Mooney a n d . tlon for Its work am ong school chll- bE Sw anson to R ichard Sherm an, the O scar Newlun. (dren here. 'fo rm e r ow ner’s brother. R ichard Sher- Ltiehow of SI. H eim s arrived y csler-l To E n tertain Club, day to visit ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Peery wll en tertain the The next m eeting of the scouts 1 F u rth er plans for pre-school clinics ' man is now operatin g the station, Mrs. M. B. H untly. Mrs. Luebow I» I Kill Klure club at h er home this af- wll be held next Tuesday. to be held will be m ade at a m eeting Mr. H untly's daughter. ! ternoon. E ugene and Springfield C ar Service Interrupted. a t the cham ber of com m erce next — ■ ■ -W.I-» m em bers a re expected to be present. BICYCLE SERIOUSLY Monday afternoon. Miss Beth Konkel, A broken trolley line n ear Kincaid ' Return from P ortland— Mr. and tbe Lane County H ealth statio n yesterday caused a 9-hour INJURES BOY'S L E G ' se< retary on T uesday Go»» to C alifornia— Mrs. Atma Mrs. K. E. Morrison association who was present a t Tues­ in terru p tio n In E ugene-Springfield night returned from Portland a fter a Clurk, here for two 'weeks from S eat­ R alp H ickm an, 6-yearold Ison of day's m eeting, will be h ere a t th at stre e t c ar service. No cars were op­ sh o rt business trip to the metropoli*. tle visiting a t tho hom e of h er niece, Mr. and Mrs. H ickm an of It and time. erated from 12:30 to 2 o'clock, when Mr». M II. H untly left T uesday for About 30 were p resen t a t the m eet­ the Une was repaired. Sixth street, sustained a serious In­ San Francisco, »he will visit Call, Snooks Is B ettsr—B ert Snooks, who jury to one of hls egs when he ran ing. R em arks on h ealth work were has been suffering from Illness for fornla points on the lookout for a Into a bicycle on which Carl McKIn- made by Rev. F. L. Moore of th9 Motor to Sutherlir»—George P er­ som e tim e, wns able to be out Mon­ location before retu rn in g to the ^nls, local new spaper boy. was riding, M ethodist church. kins and daughter, Adeline, and Mr. d ay and called a t a local physician'» northw est. Tuesday evening. The H ickm an boy •Baby F alls—The Infant child oi !and M rs- H arr>’ W hitney m otored to office for treatm ent. was running and did not see th e ap­ Go to Fort K lam ath—Mrs, Beil Mr. and Mrs. H enry Tomsetli narrow- ' ¡^RhcrHn Sunday. T here they visited proaching wheel, colliding with i t ' ly escaped serious injury when it fell ; Mr. W hitney’s m other. McLagan Goes N orth—W. C. Mc- Brlcco and children hiiye I.ft for squarely. Lagan, engineer of the Mountain l'o ri Kliumath, Oregon, w here Mr, The front wheel of the bicycle wr.s , from a tabid a t the Tom seth hom e' Goes to P ortland— Mrs. Ruby K irk­ S ta te s Pow er com pany, left lust night Brlcco has been employed for som e broken, und the H ickm an boy was Monday. Except for severe bumps, patrick left Monday noon for P ortland for S eattle on business. tim e m aking railroad ties. They plan the baby wns uninjured, an exam ina­ throw n under the wheel. At first It - to rem ain In Southern Oregon for a w here she was called by th e Illness was thought th u t his leg was broken tion by a local physician disclosed. of her friend, Mrs. Ray W hite, a form ­ Go to Salem — Mr. anil Mrs. V. I). Veer. Tho Brlcco house Is to bo oc- hut fu rth er . exam ination Indicated er Springfieldtte. Bain made a trip Io »ulem over the cupled ImintMiute y by M rs ., Lee th at It was only badly bruised. Ship Maple Burls. Brockman and family. lust week-end. A third carload of maple burls was Ha» Minor O peration— Mrs. W alter shipped from Springfield yesterdny Mrs. N est Injured. Visit Rossm an Home— Dr. and Mrs. In from Country—Z. L. Zaner, Wal by M. O. W alker The burls go to Bonney of W est Springfield under- Mrs. J. W. N eet of W est Springfield M inneapolis, w here they are used in w ent a m inor operation a t a local torville farm er, was a business visi­ N. W. Em ery visited nt the John Ross­ surgeon's office S aturday afternoon man home a t Camp Creek Sunday. is recovering from Injuries sustained the m anufacture of veneer. to r In Springfield yesterdny. when she fel from the back porch Leave for E a sts m Oregon—Mr. and G rays In— Mr. and Mrs. fra G ray of C harles Hill Here—-C harles Hill of of h er home a st T hursday. H er nose Mrs. Thompson H srs— Mrs. Mnhl" Thompson an d Mrs. Pearl Klncnld, Murcola wns a visitor In town Mon­ was broken, and shoulder and face T hurston were Springfield v is ito rs ' Mrs. H om er C raft left S aturday afte-- j noon on a tr ip to e a stern Oregon. Sunday. day, Injuries were received. wero In town from Vida yesterday. X "Th« People's Papar* A LIVC IN A N E W S P A P IR LIVE T O W N NUMBER 10. WEATHER PROMISES Crop Prospects Throughout Dis­ trict Reported Favorable By Growers; Increase In Barley Acreage Is Noted By Fletch­ er; Frosts Do No Damage Crop prospects unexcelled in years w ere reported today by prom inent grow ers and others representing all p hases of agriculture activity throughout this d istrict. An open win­ ter, with Ideal spring w eather, and indication.» of a continuance of good conditions, form the basis for th e op­ tim istic predictions. G row ers w ere agreed th a t th e re­ cen t early m orning frosts have dons no harm , due to th tre lightness and th e fact th a t fru it buds are not suffi­ ciently developed as yet to be sus­ ceptible to frost injury. In fact, from present indications th ere Is no crop grown In the county which will have a bad season th is year, the agricul­ tu ris t said. Fall grain Is looking especially good. County A gricultural Agent O. 9. F letch er reported. In som e cases, he said, the heavy rain s of th ree weeks ago resulted in a yellowness in the grain, but .It* now appears th a t the crops will m ake a com plete recovery from this damage. More Barley Planted. In his inspection trips about the county. A gent F e tch e r has noted a decided increase In th e acreage d > voted to barley planting th is year, a t th e expense of the acreage In oats. T he reason, he said, seem s to be tbe heavier yield per acre th a t Is assu red from barley. H annchen variety, ap­ proved as favorable to clim atic con­ ditions here .Is being grown m ost ex­ tensively and m ost of th e new acre­ age |s devoted to th is crop. W heat, barley and hay a re looking fine, W elby Stevens, grow er of the Springfield d istric t declared. He »so stated th a t prospects are good for a bum per crop in walnuts, from which grow ers a y ear ago got little re tu rn s due to the heavy freexe of m idw inter. 1924. “E verything Is favorable." said Mr. Stevens, "and th e re are Indica­ tions th a t this will be the best sea­ son for farm ing in several y ears.” Creswell Crops Good. S im ilar optim istic opinions reg ard ­ ing agriculture In th e Cresw ell dis- form er president of the Lane C ounty F arm ers union, and prom inent C res­ well farm er. A falfa, veatch, clover, and the grains a re coming up well, he reported. F ru it In th a t d istrict looks good. W hile prospects for the hop ctop a re stil som ew hat In the dark, Irl S tew art, m anager of the Seavey yard, said th is m orning th a t w eather condi­ tions have been so favorable th a t good crops are believed assured. From the appearance of roots and vines, how ever, th e hops th is y e a r will probably not be very large, he said. P ractically all h ep grow ers a re p o w ’ng and grubbing th eir vines now. and will sta rt tw ining about the firs t of April. It appears th a t th ere will be plenty of help in the hop yard s this year. T hese optim istic predictions w ere echoed by other grow ers of this sec­ tion. FARM HOME COMMITTEE WILL MEET ON FRIDAY F u rth e r plans for the en tertain m eu t by which Springfield expects to help provide funds for th e L ane county building a t the W. C. T. U. C hildren's farm home n ear C orvallis wll be made a t a m eeting of the general com m ittee to be held tom orrow night a t the li­ brary. It is likely th a t a play will be giv­ en as a farm home benefit, com m it­ tee m em bers said yesterday. O ther plans a re being considered and will be brought up a t tom orrow n ig h t’s session. R eturn from M assachusetts— Mrs. H enry C asten and son retu rn ed S at­ urday night from T ruesberry, M assa­ chusetts, w here they had visited for several months. Mr. C asten, who mo­ tored west, arrived h ere a m onth ago. At th e M assachusetts town the Cas- ten s visited a t the home of his par­ ents. H ere from Grove—Mrs. N. A. Hon ard of C ottage Grove visited S print field' friends Sunday. Is III—Mrs. H. B. C arney Is suf- ferlng frotn a case of the tonsilitis.