i ve should get a boat and go up to i help them. DROWNED IN MILLRACE “We began running toward the i Anchorage 1 think the man must Th- story cf the drowning of Carl nave told (he woman at the Anchor- Ad. • IB rear 13 son of Mrs N M for the fire engine pasted us Adams of Sai* Mill street. Springfield, jus, ag w,, w ele going in after the in th waters of the mill race near ,,cat jt was going toward Judkins Judk as po nt and the Pacific hlgn- lx);nl way last Saturday morning, was r e -1 ••We got a canoe and began pad- told yesterday by Burton, the drown­ i ilirg k upstream, thinking we would ed boy's brother, who was with him lake It to the head of the millraee when the canoe in which they were I to be used in helping get the man riding capslsed. and woman out We thought som e­ The boys w .re attempting at the body would be there to get It and use tim e io paddle their canoe to the it. head of the tnllrace. where they had "Just as we rounded the bend been informed. D. T Bayly. manager above the springboard, the current of the Anchorage, and a university , tipped our canoe over We were hot girl companion, had been thrown Into from the run and from paddling so the water when their own canoe had fast, and I suppose Carl got cramps. capsiied Caught In a swirling eddy , cau th II. organisation and made pub­ ers' assc alien held its annual meet' lic here today I' a pointed out that ng n’ Me l*ord the«« figures a w for the logging and C orstru -ton of the two Coos bay lumbering industries of the fir dis­ leltl 's has advanced to the stage when trict« only, and do not take into con dlacusslcn of surtuviug the sand ruck aideratlon the pine operation of cen­ tral and eastern Oregon and the In- is under way. C. E Se.oy. whose ranch borders Ian I Empire of Washington Statisticians have estimated that S3 Ontario, milks 11 cows and during 1925 his cream checks totaled 92033. or billion feet of soft w o o l lumber was produced In the United States during an average of 9115 per cow. Vandals broke Into two school 1935. Comparing this national total buildings at Albany and ransacked with the figures for the fir districts every desk and locker in the two build­ of Washington and Oregon, as com­ piled by the 4L. woud Indicate that ings with a gain of 91.15 in cash. close to 50 per cent of the softwo.vl Grants Pass will ask the highway commission to complete the section of 'cu t In this country last year was pro­ road between Deer creek and Hay s duced west of the Cascade mountains hill on the Redwood highway during In the two states named Included with the fir lumber pro- 192«. I ductal In the Pacific slope districts A census Just taken at the milling of the two atatea were large quanti­ town of Garibaldi in Tillamook county ■hows a population of 1005. Three ties of cedar. larch, hemlock ano years ago there were ot^y 320 Inhabi spruce. Brief Resume of Happenings o’ mtutter F B Hamlin The total for the month was 9614.57, while th »t for th« corrrs,m uling period of last year was 9509 50 A local civil service n u n ,m in t board has been appointed to take care of eiatnluat <>ns for aspirants for civ II service In this district It consist« of Walter N (I- «»1er. clerk John E Mice ami Orson L Vaughn. W s lte rv ille Couple Wed. Miss Inga Kaldor and Vern Call The second meeting of the newly | organize«! Texas club will meet at J the home of Mrs M J. McKlln, «0« D street, at 2 P. M. on March 10. A I cover dish luncheon w!U be served. , i ' , Bowlers Loes. Ily,n margin of only leu pins, I if, Business Men's howling t'uiu bent the Legion b a m on the local alley last (light The «-ores were 2390 to 3350 P aving for the winners were Smith, (I llesple. Nlchnlik Gardner and Thomps ti For the le s io n were S, Meats. Vastly, Olson. J Meata and Larson Tuesday night ill-- Eugene town team beat the local team by 39 pins. 942 W illamette St., Eugene, Oregon Mr. Workman Prepares His “Wardrobe” Here The man at the th ro ttle , at the d rill, at :h r benrh. at the plow , at any of the inany occupations wl-.p h arc keeping the wheels o f industry, busily revolving, regards our N ational W o rk Clothes \V crks v ' , h come each S pring anil Fall, as hi» ow n big buying event. To him , a pair o f serviceable overalls in which there u plenty o f free,loin, a s h irt and a ., ket that helps te make the day’s w o rk tnor< p!c;. a cap, a pair o f sturdy «hoc», w e a r re ti -ting - ' >, t»«rlt, are items th a t make his “ w ardro be " c ,tiif> '"tc. A t o tir low prices fo r the reliable grade he gets, our W o rk Clothes Weeks afford him a semi annua! o p p o rtu n ity to -prepare fo r the busy days ahead N a tu ra lly , these occasions have become decidedly popular w ith him. O ur Rem oval Sale will soon be over/ Ju st a fe w m o re days le ft, and th en wo m ove to o u r now lo c a tio n . T a k e adva nta g e of th is o p p o rtu n ity to purchase hig h grade fu r n itu r e a t rea l red uctio ns. $11.50 M ahogany W indsor R ock,'05, very fine with T au p e anil Roue Velour, now turnings, $9.95 very fine turnings, $ll.f»n Mahogany Windsor Rockers, $985 Duco Finish, now $14.75 M ahogany Windsor Rockers. with panel buck, $12.65 Duco Finish, now $15.00 Solid Oak Rucker, gulden finish, with genuine lealh- ■ r auto scat. now $12.85 $18.00 M ahogany Roriker with upholstered back, and auto sjiring seal, now $15.75 95c C reto n n e in very strik in g strip ed effects, th e Intont, now very 78c yd. ^/ETHERBEE - P.OSKERS PEG j Y H opkins J oyce » Skyrocket’ TURPENTINE EXPLODES: FIRE MENACES HOUSE Turpentine in a pan on th<- electric stove at the Jack (tenderer house on E street exploded at 11:10 this morn­ ing, resulting In a kitchen fin which was extinguished oy Mrs Mend« rer. The fire department was called, but H the traze was out before It arrived. | Slight damage was done to the lln- J oleum on the kitchen floor. Lsgidn 976 DEPARTMENT STORES taata. Christian Church. Less than 100 carloads of apples are 9 15 Bunday school held unsold at Hood River by the . 11:00 S-rmon “Wonderful Church Apple Growers' association. The as- , aoclatlon's total tonnage for 1925 was of Christ," 9 Earl Childers. 11:00 Junior church 1100 cars. « So Christian Endeavor. Janies A McGregor of South Dakota 7:30 Sermon. “Throe Fireproof has been appointed head of the Che- Heroes." Baptist Girls' quartet will niawa lrdlan school to succeed Har wood Had. who has resigned because s'ng of U1 health. (Contlnu-tt from Pag-' 5» More than 700 feet of highway was out for your charm " covered and 150 feet carried away by "You haven't lived in the greaser an Immense slide which blocked the meaning of (he word, mon enfant, nor Roosevelt highway between Coqaille have you perceived the hu«ks o , and Marshfield. which most friendship* are fed Fams Francis Denny of Albany, father of 1« the most overrated thing In th« 12 children, all of whom are patients world," she continu'd h«r eyes hold­ in some Institution for the mentally ing n grave and pensive light, “‘t is afflicted, was committed to the state the ‘open se«ame' to anything th it hospital at Salem. Its possessor might wt«h to obtain Governor Pierce has revoked a con­ It clothes one with popularity. golden ditional pardon granted to Harvey oelnlon. and endle«* praise. It ev >n Madsen, convict, who was released g ve« on' the freedom of unconven- from the Oregon state penitentiary tinr-'l'ty (with no rl«k of b- log ana- March 11 of last year. theT s tiled I even to the point of lr.; Reatoratlon of lower Klamath lake moral’ty at the same time Ihe as­ on the border of California and Ore­ surance that any aberration will hr gon to use as a bird reserve Is up to condoned- on the ground of temper the people of those states, officials of n v n t—temp-rament." i rep the biological survey say. "that clever piece of propaganda Gerald H. Clark. 21. of Eugene, waa out by artist, then solve.« »« no «« killed instantly In a logging camp of cue« for thelr non-cotifbrrrity to rule , the Penn Lumber company at Mo to which other« ar- Inexorablv hound ' Glynn, west of Eugene, when a snug. "Von shouldn't he cynical l.emov struck by a falling tree, fell upon him. ne' "I remonstrated, ''you’re too <>v 1 Dismantling of the old steel bridge |> and yountr which has been replaced by the nyw -|t« n«>t cynlcl-m m'ntnle. hut re : highway bridge over the W illamette hellion at the In ju tlre of thing« a river at Albany Is under way. The ♦ hey are Not for myself but for oth­ steel is to be cut Into short lengths ers who have not had the gord-for- and shipped to Japan. tune lo attract th eattentlo» 'it the The annual western white pine fie t foo'.dl nun,ph that the world has blister rust conference, attended by labelled renown But come. I must forester» and timb. rrnen from five not start your day w‘th such analy­ western states and by forest service tical reflections. I'll leave you now officials from W ashington D. C , was so that you may dress. Your very n'ee held in Portland Saturday. husabnd Is patiently waiting down For leading the 15 divisions of the stairs for you to Join him on a per- Pacific system of the Southern Pa snnnlly conducted tour of the L ouvre.' d flc railway in business-getting dur i "We’ I walk over It's- a glorious Ing the final business quarter of 1926. day Tell Curtiss please that I'll he em ployes of the Portland division were right down.” I rail rf to her as she presented with a bronie plaque 1 stood In the doorwav. T he door ! nermost recesses of an extra-ordinary Portland Immigration district who had closed. no legal right to come Into this coun­ I felt that I had peeped Into the In try was retorted to the sub-committee woman’s heart. on appropriations for the labor depart­ (To be Continued» ment by federal Immigration official« Members of the Bend city ,xmncU have announced their Willingness to submit to a vote of the people ,be question of a managerial form of gov ernment for Bend ‘ a commercial cJub special committee is now making a study of various forms of city m anage i meat. Th<- la n e county grand Jury return- , sd Indictments against four men ot Oakridge Including James A. Haynie, deputy sheriff and constable, and L»r. Leslie W. Peate. Justice of the pence, on chargee that they had knowledge of the violation of the prohibition law and did not reveal theee facts to the llatrfcu ettorncy. The others Indicted were Harr.. Brown, pool hail pro­ prietor. and Jack Wrie'at, barbes. - well, both of W all'rvllle. »«re mar­ led ut the Luther« parsonage in Ku- , ne ywMvrdny. Relatives an,I ft lends ef the roupie were present. 3 GREAT SHOWS IN ONE —A COMEDY ROAR! — A DRAMATIC GEM! —AND THE WHOLE WORLD OF FASHION ON PARADE! ALSO HAROLD LLOYD IN “ NEVER WEAKEN’ TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY McDonald THEATER POPULAR PRICES!