THHItSDAY, MAltCll t, 1920. PAGE F T \'l THE SPRINGFIELD NEWB < ■I . ¿ " " T TOWN AND VICINITY Drive« to Coburg— Mr# Elsla Pol H eger Hero — Chari«« H ager lord was a viator ot Coburg Sunday. Marcola waa In town T ueadsy of Carney Here— T W C arney waa In la III— Paul Fre#« haa a <’sac of town from W altervllle Haturduy. Ihi' litfluenau. P latt In— W alter P latt P latt H ara—Georg« P la tt of T h u n ton waa In town on bualneaa Monday. W altervllle Friday. wmb In from W earing Vlelte—Among out-of town Mra. Olaon III Mra. C arl Olaon la v isito r. Io-re Friday waa M J. Wear- confined to her bed thl# *»<’k with i in "f W altervllle. a cane of the Influent« ö/Z/r; r^b ein g thß O m fesionts ©£ a new lnuife •*** ¿tÇ-» — I llu str a te d by PauTRoWnwn Here from Camp C reek—S I Davl» » * Return from Portland— M r and Mr# Paul Hchlewe and non retu rn ed Sun and V C. Chaee were vlaltora front An A cquaintance Blooms Into I Camp Creek Friday. day from P u rl and. Friendship. Mr W right III— R-tmuol W right Sr. "T he ruaron I can not un d erstan d Lum bar Arrive«— A earloud of luin. ber arrived for the H prlngfldd I.un. hecam« III and wsa confined to hl# why ao many girl» In your country home lati laut week. and thl* are cu ttin g short th eir tret»- her com pany Monday. from Marcóla— Mr# FT d *• '» * <•«««- •” >“ < '« “ w om an’*, of intelltgence," feet "And now th a t II « , t d with the facts th -re tan’t anything ’ ■ «h r j b i.! Ihi oportunlty to do d ear Vntl I met you, Balll-. I nev >r jib s p art.” had a real, true friend, to whom I "H ow perfectly co rk in g !" 1 Inter- could unburden my h eart.’’ ! rupted, now wide aw ake, and catch- "W hy do you like m e?" 1 asked, 11 ng the enuthalsam of Lemoyne who ’’th e re ’re others, g reat celebrities who ' was Informa ly t nscontsed on the | ............ , ... , seek you out and worship a t your chalae-longue. when? Oh, I M R # won(,erful , nger an„ while we a re here. | JWJ< ^ .. "T h a t’s one reaso n l’ro so happy ! about It all. Today Is Monday, tomor- She laugh' d outr g ¡row ’s T uesday and then—W ednesday! "B ut T itle old me" Just happens ' Is the night of nights—a t least for ’ t 0 have th a t beautiful gift of under- Lemoyne. I’ve phoned B arry and you standing and of being in terested in exc aimed Cur- throe will be In a box III do It much o th er people and of course, th a t Is we are confron- h o tter If he 1« there, she added aloud, the real key to friendship. W ith the a In the case 'hough I was sure she m eant t , others I am a w ays conscious of great gulf of m »understanding and specially Intel the sentence only in thought, - doubt." lectunl about a man with a »hock of "Today, tonight and tom orrow I’ll "R eally?” hair,” he teaslngly th rew In B arry’s be sbut wttb my teac h er In or- ’’Yes. I realize,” she continued, d trcet'on because. Ilk« m ost mu.dctaos q,,r Jo reh earse Of course It’s in my «»(<>« I n — A itim i I-., te n \ \ ,! Here ln l° ° “ r P0*“ * ’ t i f i ill. W M In S pi tnirt'« l-l M burnii-* ■ W H g It of Múrenla was a visitor In h«'«‘ '» wore his not extrem ely, but moder- rep erto ire—all opera singers know "th a t so m any of my so-called friends loro and song," th e young Cossack flock around me because I’ve been Springfield Tunad a y ately long. , the fam ous roles," she answ ered the day morning. i continued speaking, ’’ w- have grown fortunate enough to acquire |n a meas­ W hile the others w ere laughing a t question I was about to ask. M rPherson In—J. It M cl’hersc,-, of to onslder II a sacred symbol and In ure th at subtle thing th a t the world Here from Eugene— Mr and Mra. ; the way a girl w -ara C urtiss. I^-movne leaning slightly "I hope I didn’t wake you but I calls fam e W ere I a nonetlty. and Curl W ebber visited friends In Spring' N atron was n business visitor her many Instane b er h a ir has a special significance, across me raid, to B arry who was w anted so for you to know 1 might i still myself, how far wc oald thstfG Tuesday field Humlay. F or Instance, u n m arried C kranlan las- “ I my rlgh "I didn't know hoi you as well t a i you that you’ve won your »ame friend» go? T his business of In from W a lte rv llle — Mr and Mr< ___ sles w ear th h air loose In often long<-l way #tralg Into my John Downing In—J--hn Itnwnlng ____ .._ eir _ ___ .. a long, felt uhout bobbing. -»• • I’ve -------------- " way s ira ig b u t i im u n o heart. It’s - - In- worahipp ng those who have gratified of W endllnf wus a visitor In Spring- It. T. Kooger of W altervllle wem alngtn braid o rnam ented with ribbon» to cut min« but now, thank goodness taglble_ th <, thing called friendship th e ir own am r.iti'r, anti fo rg e! oh<«d business visitors her« T uesday and som etim es covered with flowers. I d'd not.” | she announced w istfully, “and not of .s ...» lair. Fo- , r field Munday U the £. » ’• she T his braid, or kosa, 1# a m aiden’s It was a srraf thing In Itself but ten in a lifetim e does on" have more added, "get a fu I »ense of satisfac­ O rant In—C F G rant of T hurston John O iw nln g In—J#>hn Downing chief ornam ent, the cherished o bject h er desire to please R arrington Plerc» th an one real friend The tbeoso- tion out of th eir work—a th rill th a t of W endl'Rg was a visito r lu Spring was am ong visitor# |n Springfield of her care Us unbruldlng Is th e sign was plainly evident even In the m ort phists would say th a t In a form er m ore than com pensates for the strug I Tuesday. field Monday. life you and I w ere attra c te d or colse- gle and sacrifices they usually have of the changi which Is com ing upon trivial affair». I „r Haa New Coach—Carl Olson, local h er.” It wao alm ost daybreak when wo ly connected In som e way and held made to a ttain success and, with It Land«» Men In— Charles Neman Of . . railroad ag nt, Is riding the etr> av erred B arrington Pierce faring from an attack of the influen hom es of hl# brothers, N and P eter "Yes, It# all right but personally r c s i.n s e to my Invitât on to enter, truly d eserves them , as we go along. Itself is w ithout colour or Joy.” xa 'N elso n In Itprlngfleld S aturday quickly and In walk- blushed sightly, alm ost s«ir-cort my only objection to hohed h a ir 1» tb<‘ door ope "I think you're wrong. Lemoyne.” | scicus because of her frank révéla- th at when I go ln*o a barb er shop I . «1 I#eruoyne. I ¿aid, " p e o p e would still seek you Anderson In Tow n— E 1 A nderson C learw ater Here— J A C l'-arw ater, “O. iron e n fa n t!” »Ije began speak ' t!on of h e r affection for me. (Continued on Pag- 6) of Cresw ell was a visitor In Spring- N atron farm* r, was an out-of-town can n* ver get a cha r ! " "I feel the sam e way about you too,’ T he Cossack smiled. ) ing F rench as she Invariably did un finid ye t- ribiv shopper In Sprtngf'-rld Friday "W h it dr vou think about It?" he Mrs. Roberts Batten—M r Ronald BHMF« 5 Here from Grove— Mr. and Mrs turned to Barry who w as at my side Rob. u Is up following a serous a t­ iiick H arb crt of C ottage Grove were "I'm efrnld I'll never get used to tack of thi- Influents. In town o r bus ue«s Friday nft- moon It though !'m quite sure th ere l#n't u ¿ Í U V LÎ T Y W eaver Hero— Among visitors 'one bi i • g 'rl '■ ' I" ' arts. To f nd V isits In W endllng— W II Adrian Mr arch for th e w: a buxlm sa visitor In Wendi ng in Springfield S aturday was Mrs. A - o n ' would equal the porvethial needle In the h-iv-stnck. b erta of Sprm gflcld T uesday evening. My Ideal» of course are the h E astons Her«—Mr and Mrs A rth­ T h u rjfcn P ro p 's Here— Mr and leading ladies of opera and I ur Easton of W altervllle were here Mr« W • H. E yler of T hurston n ever Im agine M arguerite for on business yesterday. h«ro mi business y eso rd ay . stan ce with a boyish boh." ,, _. "O r A 'da with a shaved n e ck !’’ ,on- V isits Cousin— Mrs. Jen n ie Fry Mrs. H un-ingtox H ere— Mrs. Shy . . . . , c eluded Curtiss. Cannon of P ortland was here over H u n tin g to n and baby o f Eugene w ir e . , Wc alt laughed, Sunday visiting her cousin. Mrs. Bert visitor» hero y esterday. . . . , , "Som e of the opposing forces 1-»- Donne. W earin Here— M J W earln of Clare th at the Bible forhtds bobbing.” of W rtterv llle was In town on hual- d eclared Lomcvn" D anielle Spends Tim e H ere—H arry Jones. "R eally? T h a t’s In terestin g Do yon Who 1» employed as one of th e guards lies# ye ste rd a y. Did you ever step know w here?" asked A ndre Mollnro. at the sta te penetentlary. 1« spend- into a store where Baby Dies—The Infant d aughter of ’■Yes I do, although my know ledge Ing a few days In Springfield cheerfulness and fritn Mr. ami Mrs. John E astburn of Mar- of the Book of Books Is scant It’s linoss perm eated the cola d!< I at the Pacific C hristian hos th e fifteenth verso of the Eleventh Hors from Portland— Ml#» IVorothy atm osphere? This is Johnson of Portland Is In the city pltul W ednesday ns the resu lt of a ch ap te r of First C o rtn th lrn s—tt rends typical of P ilcher's —’But If a wotpan have .o n g hair this week l>admg the singing a t the case ef tb r pneumonia. c l e r k s a r e - alw ays It is a glory Io her. for h er h a ir is revival m eetings being conducted by Miss N el-on III—Ml»« Pearl Nelson r sdy to ren d er a who was able to he b ark at h e r work g lv n her for a covqjlng cheerful and helpful W altenbaugh U nder Knife—J E n t th e Springfield hak. ry early this "H rsvo! You d'd that with quite nn s .ivice. We would like W nlterbuugh. who live« n ear Jnsper, w eek, suffered n relap se yesterday a ,r -'* f u r t l s s an n o u n c e 1 to num ber you among was operated on for appendicitis "I have nn argum ent for th ese who and Is attain confined to her home our custom ers. Monday. H e Is at the Pacific Chrl»- with th e Influenza I hob,’’ in«t In A ndre M ollere. I under- I stand that a well known scientist Is tian hospital. Mrs. Perkins Home Mrs. contending 'h a t In the next g‘-nera- Coquille A ttorney H ere—O iorgo Perkin# retu rn ed from Maslu'lu ! Ron w will nil he hairless. One Ger- R ussell Morgan, atto rn ey nt Coqutle, yeslerday. As Mr. P erkins has dis- man th in k er cam e out the o th er day «pent Sunday at the M. B. H untly posed of h is ap artm en t house th re. fn a conc'se article on th e subject borne here. Mrs P erkins will now rem ain In d n ln iin g th at we losp. ns we progress. m ore and m ore h air! Of course It’? U ndergoes O p e re tio o -M re . E B Springfield L, I based on evolution because he men B ento underw ent a m ajor operation U ndergoer O peration— Mrs. M. \\ Honed the fje t th at each stag e of de- at th e Pacific C hristian hnsplal Mon­ Severson underw ent an o p e r a t 'd at V( lopm„n , bpglnntnR w„ „ tbe monk day m orning the Mercy hospital Monday. She Is ey, produces nroduro. less and | less Mg h h a air.” lr.« reoverlng satisfacto rily , h e r physi­ "By Jove, bald heads do give the ef- Edlesa Fandrem Sick— Miss Ed'aas cian rep o rts. Fnndrum wn» taken 111 with pneum on­ I ¡ wen ia nt hor homo hero ln»t S aturday. Visits S ister Here— Miss. Ju an ita B e a u t i f u l new 8h** wn» removed to th< Pacific Chrla- iCum mings of P ortland Is visiting this weaves add the Btyle tlnn hospital In Eugene. week s t th e home of her siste r here, note of sm art coats i Mrs Paul Schlewe She will retu rn th ; s season. Loose M ove, to W «ndllng—F M. More- ' to P ortland ate this week or early basket weaves, novel­ fle d and family have moved to (next. ty stripe weaves-— W endllng, w here Mr. Morefleld la tweeds— all are in­ • Nelnon R ecover»—R obert Nelson, employed Mrs. McVay h as moved l n - ( cluded in our display. Springfield poutrym an, was In town tn the house on O slreet vacated by Friday, a fte r a considerable tim e of We have a large se­ the move. confinem ent a t his home with th e tn lection in flare, godet fluenzn. Mr. Nelson has now prnc- G riffins Welcome Baby—Mr nnd wrap - around a n d tlcally recovered. This will be nn easy ac­ Mrs. C E. Griffin nre the proud par straigiht-line models. Mrs. Schlewe Called to M ollalls— complishment, if you use enta o f a baby girl, horn nt th eir In all the new shades Mr». 9. Schlew e w as cal ed Io Mollal- hom e h ere Sunday night. popularly; accepted ln late Inst week hy thi serious Ill­ NYDENTA for Spring wear. ness of h e r daughter, H elen I .aura V isits at Huntly Home— Mrs. Alma Schlewe. H er son. Paul Schlewe and It embodies every new Clark of S eattle Is n v isito r this week nt Hie home of h er nolece, Mrs. family, took h er to Mollalla. I PILCHER’S SHOPPING NEWS Cheei tul Service N ew S p r in g Coats Keep Your Teeth Sound, White and Clean M B. H untly of SFprlngfleld. H ere from Notl—MIss Lillie Shlewo. te a c h e r In the Notl school, wna In fFprlncfleld Sunday visiting at the hom e of h er sister, Mrs. Fred Frese. Here from P ortlan d —Miss Dorothy Johnson of Portland Is In the city th is week lending the singing nt the revival m eetings being conducted hy D r Lewis Altu rt n n n k s at the M eth­ odist church. She la n distan t rein live of Mrs. Fred Prose, Sells M arshfield P ro p erty —In or der to co n ren trn te hl» In terests hero, A. J. P e rk in s ha» sold the M yrtle Arms, his ap artm en t house at Marsh- fie (I, he said today l ’rof Edw ard S. , i Schaub of E vanston, Illinois pur chnsiMl the npartnient, which Is one of the fin est In w estern Orogon. Carney S uffers Infection—H. B Carney, Springfield resident, has been suffering for some tim e from nn Infection In hla right knee The knee waa Injhred when a piece of steel from a wedge struck tt while Mr, Cnrney w as w orking In the woods Cobb H era—E arl Cobb of Fall Creek waa In town on business F ri­ day. H ere from Grove—R. R. H arh ert and fam ily were h ere from Cottage Grove over Iho week-end. They re ­ turned Sunday evening In order that Mr. H nrhcrt might go Io work when r*ATA. AND RUB D» N, W Emery the mill th ere started np Monday af­ nn oa** ■*