THURSDAY, MARCII 4. I92R. PAOS POOR . s warned agsiust the «orninoti lulsundi'rsiauding that Senator Couseus entered upou hla tuvcstlgntlon beeause hU own tax was the »object of treasury department in Published Ewer» Tt>un»d*j at qutsltlon. This 1» the exact contrary of the fact, Senator Springfield. Lane County. Oregon. by I'ouicn's pernipal tax was never questioned until he T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS turn«! the spotlight on the treasury departm. lit It* card H. E. MAXEY. Editor. It as punitive retaliation, or what you will. Ihh fact h that the senator's act came first, without reference to Baton'd aa second class ai itte r. February 84. 1*0» a t >t»* his own affairs It is not unknown In W ashington that postoiflcw, Ss iw ^ ieM . Oregus offtclal power la used lij retaliation or to frighten away M A N . S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E boneet Investigators. No* so very long ago, when a -J®*1 United States senator opened up the as yet unfathomed One T1.78 Three Month« Single Copy .crim inality of the bandits who Infested President H an! Six M o n th s--------- 1 tng’s administration, that senator was thrown with an In THURSDAY. MARCH 4, 192«. dlctment by the department of Justice— a' that time th department of a m a g in i In i u ‘ t ' c e T h e v e n a l . -r was clean'd, but the old game of binding and gagging honest question » Editorini Program has by no means ceased I' a-born Independent. o THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Make Springfield the Industrial Center of W ea­ ter e Oregon. Develop a Strong Tradin g Point; Build a City af Contented Homes. ill. Improve Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of F ru it: W o rk for B etter M arkets IV. T ell the W orld About Oregon’s Scenic Woeder- B U S IN E S S C O N D IT IO N S IN T H E T W E L F T H R E S E R V E D IS T R IC T . WELL-KNOWN RESIDENT PASSES AT JASPER FEDERAL * By • • • • • • • • • • • • • • will no doubt be enterprises th at will avail them ­ Debits to Individual accounts (bank debits! at banks selves of Springfield’s offer. in 20 principal clearing house centers declined slightly The m agnitude of Springfield offer of 250 was less than the acres for industrial and park sites purposes w ill, «’urlng January. 1926. hut the ' crease c, only be realized in the future. Springfield is the ” '"son»1 C r e a s e for that month This ta n k s in- firs’t town hi the Willamette valley and western i<«_ of he.Ii debits Oregon on the new railroad connecting eastern vanccd from 148 In December' to 155 In January. 192« and western Oegon, California and the east. It (1919 average— 106». In January. 1925, It stood at 135. is ideally located for industries and surely indus-j Trade at retail, as reported by 32 department » to n s In seven principal cities of the district, was 49 per cent tries will come. 1 smaller ‘n VBl B J a n u v rv . 19-’ « th a n d u rin g Da j ember. 1925 This decrease com pare, with a usual seasonal Ira M. Peterson of Moro, Oregon, is coming to 1 decline from December to January of approximately 44 Springfield to locale and practice law. We are per cent. This hanks Index of department Stör« sal- glad to welcome any new professional men in to ( adjusted for seasons variations, stood at 148 in Jun this community and we are sure he will find this uary. 1926. 164 In Pevetnb»-r. 1925 and 147 In Jan . 1926 Stocks of goods held by report'ng stores Incrcas-d 13 per a pleasurable and profitable field. cent In value during January, and on January 31. 1926 f were 4 6 per cent greater In value than on January 31. We are soon to have busses instead of street 1925. Value of sales of 166 wholesale flrnta In elev n cars. We imagine when there are busses there lines of business decreased seasonally during January. will be busses and busses not owned by the South 1926. but was 0.8 p«r cent greater thaln In January. 1925. In em Pacific company. Street cars have ad a mon­ creased sales of six of the eleven reporting lines offset­ opoly but once the bars are down there will like­ ting decreases in the remaining five lines. The general ly be competition in the field. wholesale price leve' was 2 5 p-r cent lower during Jan • • • uary. 1926. than during January. 1925 While we are concerned with the theory of Value of building permits issued In 20 principal cities evolution in this country Mexico seems to be of the district declined 21 3 per cent during January. 1926. as compared with December. 1925, and was 7.3 per cent troubled most with the practice of revolution. • • • le-ss than In January. 1925. The usual seasonal decrease from December to January Is estimated at 22 8 per cent, j E d ito r ia l C o m m t n t barge gains In value of permits Issued In San Francisco | • • • and Seattle during January. 1926, as compared with Jan j LIQUOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ...... uary. 1925. were more than offset by decreases In Fres­ “Ten years ago Bhe streets of Ann Harbor were thronged every night with crowds of students soused to the gun­ no. Los Angeles, ami Portland During January. 1926 lumber production at reporting wales' returning from the saloons where they had spent m ills of four associations In this district w as ess than the -evening. A man was not considered a good sport un­ less he went w th the gang' for a carousal at least three luring December. 1926. and January. 1925. by 14 8 per or four times a week Men were almost forced to drink, cen i and 11 3 per cent, reapectlvely. and was .maHer IQ Today, those who drink must go after their liquor and pav 1 volume than In any month since February. 1923 Volum e a h ‘gh price for It as well. There Is less liquor consumed of new orders received during the month was 2 8 per I by fewer students, although those who do drink go to cent leas than volume of orders booked during Decem ber., gr-ater excess. Both professors and townspeople, who have 1925. but was 10.8 per cent greater than In January. 1925 seen Aan Arbor before and since proh'bitlon. say that Order» received during January. 1926, exceeded shipments, | there is not over one-tenth as much drinking today as which in turn exceeded production so that stacks of lnm- f before. If the advocates of moderation are taking their ber held by mills decreased and unfilled orders Increased, There was a seasonal decree»« In demand for credit stand for the ben-Ot of American youth, it Is about time for them to seek a new argument.”—University of Mich­ at the Federal R eserve bank of San Franclcsco during the five weeks ending February 17. 1926, an dholdlngs of all igan Daily • s s classes of bill« and securities declined. Currency demands also decreased seasonally during the period, and volum« T H E CO U ZB N S IN V E S T IG A T IO N . Public attention will b -well repaid by Senator Comzena', of federal reserre nptea in circulation was less by $8.000,- report of h's committee’s investigation of the tax sltu a-, .000 ( 4.0 per cen t, on February 17th than on January 13. tlon In the treasury depa'tment. Chaos reigns there. As a result of the above movements the bank's holdings which can hard' y hare escaped being used' as a cover for of reserve cash Increased from $282.000.000 to nearly some highly questionably a c tiv itie s. The plain citizen . 3294,000,000 and the reserve ratio rose from 76.6 to 79.5. • • • ol P o rtla n d . and ------ I------------------------- . ng amount of old waste matter you never thought was In your ayeletu S o p s that full, bloated feeling and SA V E -with SAFETY I aiyour, •¡J o h n P e rrin . C h a irm a n o f tlo Hoard and F ed e ra l Reserve • A g e n t., F e d e ra l Reser»« H ank o f San F ra n c is c o F e b ru a ry 20. 1926 General business activity In the Twelfth Federal Re­ serve district continued nt relatively high level« during January. 1926. Trade and Industry were seasonally less ( FREE INDUSTRIAL SITES ATTRACT active than In December. 1925. but it I» estim ated that Springfield's free industrial site offer is c a n s-, itxxjs were produced and distribute ! in larger volume Ing considerable interest am ong railroad i n d u s - | n January. ¿925. The«» was ,n ample supply of cred- trial agents, ohambers of commerce and men iu -j„ avallai» e and d-mands i.«>n tlv F-«lcral Reserve bank terested in industry on the Pacific coast. There of San Francisco were seasonally low * W a lla ce James Wal ace. ■ M M H — Ito iu u c h Iro u b li In TEN minutes by re m o vin g UAH tiring« out a surprl«- Jasper community lost one of Its pioneer »-Miens Saturday In the Simple M ixture Make» Stomach Feel F in . • Ul‘ death of Marlon A. Wallace. M r Wal lent tu ’’ » h ro n le c o n s tip a tio n Atii«*r- lace was 78 years obi, and had lived simpit* buckthorn 'hark, glycerin.. Hta w ' l - W1 " K •«•’»«'Hfullr there (or many yspra. The funeral was etc., as m ixed In A d le rlk a , o fte n h«lp« ea«» I'ln n e ry '» D ru g H lo r« held Tu. sday afternoon at the Wal- her ch ap el and Interment was In ilte Wal aee ceiuetery of Jasper. Mr. Wallace is »urvlvo.l by lila wld- ow, and by Ihren sott* and lwo daugll- tnrs. The chlldren arg: Mrs. Castle- man of Jasper. Mrs W II Mann of Walla Walla. Mu , M L Wallac« ol land. * Jasper, M e lv in W a lla c e o f C a lifo rn ia . G eorge ■ I DRUG STORE Just about this time of year ev­ eryone needs a tonic to brace him up after the rigors of Winter. The Dream That Came I rne Thai home of your dream« can lie built of sol­ id wood and brick. Consistent saving will make your dream home become a reality. PEPTONA is "Our Best Tonic." it's pleasant to take. Will not disturb the stom ­ ach. Gives you strength and pep- Will enrich your blood. An extra large bottle for Voting men should save for thut home for HER young married couples should save for that home of their OWN anti older people should save -Mid not he forced to m ake u hoin« with Olliers. $1.00 3% Interest On Savings Flanery’s Drug Store Commercial State Bank Springfield. Oregon DOWN $2 PER MONTH Will Obtain a RUUD WATER HEATER Our new plan of easy payment— $1 down and $2 per month— gives a year's tim e to complete the payments. Under this plan, any home can have a Ruud water heater. A Ruud W ater Heater furnishes hot water to the home continuously. It is not necessary to wait a long time for water to heat as it heats qiuckly. The Ruud makes hot water available instantly. Evey home should be so equipped. The expense is small after the initial investment and it will last a life-time. Take A Year To Pay For It Heat Your Water With A Ruud Mountain States Power Co.