t THURSDAY. MARCH 4, 1025. THE 8PIUNOFT2LD NICW8 PAOÄ THREW Ot rtta, a fri.nn Of mine, made a JAIL UNTENANTED SINCE seem Jnat and equitable. big ruletak She told a boy friend Thu Bunimoo* la served upon yoe THANKSGIVING OF 1925 by publication by virtue of an order ehe bud never been kilned before— of the Hon. C P Barnard, Judge od then w<- remlodod ber they were once A lonely place ia the Sprlngfle-d the County Court of I-an« County, engaged. city *1**1 ■ which haa been uatenanted Drtgno. dated and filed F<-b. 2. 1920, except for one or two ch ll-fearlng '!!r,,i'f|n* ,fil« Summon» be served os Rifate of Perry It Kdmliton, , i_ i . ...... y°u I’F publishing the same once a tramp« aince Thanksgiving time. 1925. week for six conaecgtlve weeks Is Deceggod. Not only haa the Ity Jail been without 'he Springfield News, and that yog NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that W ater 11 prisoner for three months, but n o t; »“«wer the aald Complaint within dg W Kdiulston haa been by the County once during the past year has a man ir"n> the date of first publlo» Court of the State of Oregou, in and I,,.,,, w.ntenced to serve In the Spring- tf“'reof 1>ate ot tlr* Publlcatlo« for Lane County, appointed ndmlnls- „ , . „ v . 5 February 4. 192«. FOR SALE Vliirola and record*, Al »»<* J»« expense baa. WELLS * WKIJJ8, Attorney« for HAVE OVEIl 1200 R oll SALE For Halo cheap. tupealry trator of the ‘ «tale of Perry R Ed- rh‘ '* ml Ion deiased. .been practically nothing Plaint ff. Poet Offlc« Agldre»», E*. condition 620 V S t , M ill «11 n fully equipped, practically n e •I overetuffed Dajrenport, 9x12 Axtuin- j All persons having claims aga'nat, All of which Justice of the Peace K'jne, Oregon. liter rug, oak dining room tablo 1 ,,,, t,j Fordor Sedan with 102(1 llcenae. LATE 1924 Chevrolet Sport mod-d • state are h r* by notified to R w Smith points to as an Indies-1 F 4-1M8-M M 4-11-1« and four d o in g chair». 1 floor lamp pj-, the same, duly stab d and , . . , , .. „ . ------------------------ touting cur Kirnt cluaa condition Pilon» Eugene 17381, It 8 8C*1 of crlme In the Spring-1 J5, COUNTY COURT OF THB and ahnde, large galvunlxed tub. l | verified at the law office of A E. ' throng bout vt»ry ri’u.toiiuMt’ prie» WANTED- Housework by day or wringer. Phone I2I-M Ml Wh*-*-l<«r. in Eugene. Oregon, within field district. Justice and police court STATE OF OREGON FOR THB lirune b#. u»k for .Mr Miror. six in nth« from this 18lh day Of cases hare been at a minimum, and ¡COUNTY OF LANE. hour Call lo i W. ti'k for Mr« An- February, 192«. most of those called have been In I CITATION, durano. F o il SALK Carbon paper in largo M I 11 NOTHE OR HEARING OF FINAL WALTER W EDMISTON. connection with traffic violations by In the Matter of the Estate of Hugh ACCOUNT Administrator. aheel», MlSS lu h v a , »ultnble for M. i*rice. Deceased. cureless but w e|-m eaning clt sens. A E WHEELER , Attornoy. Ho« our line of vIMttog cards Notice Is hereby given that ’ the narking tr a « nga. The Newa Office. To George R. Price, John M Price, F 1825 M 41125 Inasmuch as all who have been In paneled or plain, at the Nuwa olilo« undersigned ndmlnlstralor of the e» tale of John M McCormick, deceased) a . „ „ w . Ilb. I>|J 'II I MI NT OR THE INTERIOR. Butter wrappers printed according has field Ills account for the final! IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE crated before ml \ r v * ' ha» tw «in hr arU Court fliod mm rh* Cochran, being husband and wif»>. resulting In dmage which ha» **noclock in the forenoon of that ........... , „ . p . h earin g ^ b je rtlo u i •‘" 'J '•* « •■ * •«“’ >»>«•»•<*«“ ‘ H W 15 to repair. Such t a g I No. O|«37| under the Act or March Einlly J,,n,««. Plaintiff. vs Jarit any you have, why an order should 20 1 ’ ,42 Slat . 4«5l Io . thereto nnd for flnul settlem ent of J ane County, Oregon, and resp ’CtfuUy been the only Jail expense. tile Lets ft, 12 1.1. and 14. Section 20, Jones, defendant not be made authorizing and directing ! said «•state. ‘ petition the county court In and forj -----------------------— SUMMONS. Township Kt s . Range 10 West w M . 'he executors or said estate to seb i t THOMAS it McCORMICK. To Jack Jon,a. the above named Lane County, Oregon, and state is But Papa Can. within (be Sluslaw Nutional Forest, I private sale the following described Administrator of the Estate of for the Timber on the N W ti, HW'4, defendant real property belonging to said estate, follows: tooslt: John M McCormick IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Section 27 Township 20 S Range J That they are resident Inhabitants “° h- mf>tber that monkey looks like . to-wit: L. L RAY, Attorney. OF OREGON- You are hereby requir­ I East, W M t . within the t'aacudv Na­ La”« County. Oregon, and are of papa." Beginning at the Southwest corner ed lo appear and auawer the com- tional Forest M _ ■ A g'X’d moral character and repute. ___________________ “Why, Marie you shouldn’t say such nt Section 18. Township 17 South of [g.-tlnt filed against you In th* above The purpose of this notice Is to That petitioners are husband and , - ¡Range 8 W est W illam et'e Meridian* allow nil persons o aiming tin, lain!« entitled court and cause, on or b«e COURT tip THE w-lfi-, said Della Cochran being ap- thln«*fc , ' 'hence North 89 degrTea. 39 m lnutei selected, or having bona fide objec­ for«1 lh<- »m iration of the time pre- ' K 0,1 DRLt.ON FOR LANK’ proxlmately thirty-three years of age But mother, monkeys c a n t under- East jg cbalns to the Quarter cor* In ihe tinier of Publication, COUNTY. tions to such application, an opportun­ scr'bed I and old Carol S. Cochran being ap- stand." ner on South line of said tectlon 18; to-wlt: o n .or before the expiration ity io file their protests w th the Rog. THK ESTATE, proxlmately thirty flw, years of age The modern woman Is more like a ?h“nce South 20.37 chains; tbenc six w w k , from the dale of the first lster and Ree, Iver of th<- United of publication hereof, and If you fall to GEORGE T HALL. SR th8" 8 »m tterfly-judgln« from ?onth 89 _ degrees 45 m lnuûe Eaat States Land Office at Roseburg. Ore­ and wife, with their postoffice address for want thereof, plaintiff Nolle«, fs hereby given by the undir 10.03 chain» to a point on the W est gon Any such protests or objections answer the way »he goes thru clothes at Oakridge, Lane County, Oregon; i line of the John M. Croogs Donation must In- filed In this office with i t will apply to the court for the relief signed administrator with the will an that said Carol S. Cochran Is employ­ thirty days from the dale of first prayed for In the Complaint, to-wlt: n«-x,-d of «aid ••state, that he has ed as locomotive fireman by the Sou- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER- 5024• S h e^ ee^ N o rth 38 For a decree of the court dissolving hj" fl' nl account In -aid estate publication of ibis notice, which fled the marriage contract now existing and that by Its order th« County thorn Pacific company and «aid pe- IOR_ UNITED STATES LAND OF- East „ T ^ t . n s to t i e c e ^ pul,I cations Is February, 1«, 192« Judgc of I-nno County, Oregon, has tltloners are amply able to provide ^*jpB between her and defendant and for Roseburg, Oregon, February ter of the channel of Bit Hays Creek; non coni. til,- right to resume hS, former name fixed Suturday, March 27. 1926, at the proper and suitable maintenance ann HAMILL A. CANAD'Y, hour of ten o'clock A '. M , at the education to the above nams«l minor, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. S’0??— ** C? anneI 88 *«»’£ " « : of Etnllv Agnnrel, and for such other R egister FO R EST P Y C H A V c r s ! i2Tth^ 8, di'’rrPPS 20 m in u tes; W est nml further ridlef a« to the court may Chambers of said Court, as the time and that said twtltioners are both FOREST EXf HANGES , 6 29 chains: North 22 degrees 42 min. F 1825 M 4111« mid plart for hearing objections, tf strong and healthy persons. That the >ng have publication hereof is made Ihe 2lst GEORGE T HAJ,L, la n e County. Oregon thnt th* father N E 'iN E Q . Sec 21; W ^ W ^ N T V ^ utes West 1.52 chains- North 5 ia. been appoint, d Joint executors of ’h«* of January, 192«. and the Inst Administrator with the Will An- of said minor Is Frank W Walker. NW<4; W H S W ^ N W U ; EH S E ’i CT<*e East 174 chains'N orth 26 da- I-nst Will nnd Testament and of the publlintlon thereof Is on the 4th day n«*x«*d of Said Estate eatale of George W Snnderaoh. die I ° t March, 192« F 26 M 4111825 and that .his present when-abouts Is NWH and E H N E 'iSW A i. Section 22. frees West 1 97 chains; North 82 BROWNELL A BROOKE. unknown, he being last seen or heard Tp 15 S Range 9 West. W. M . within degrees 15 minutes West 4.85 chains; ceased, by the County Court of Lane Attorneys for Plaintiff County, Oregon of by the mother of said child, on the Sluslaw National Forest, for the North 146 chains: North 24 degrees Estate of Dorn B Harvey, Deceas«*d. Residence: Eugene, Oro April 12. 1925, at Raymond Washing- Timber on the SWH SW H. Sectfon 3” minutes East 1.44 chains; North All p«-rM>ns having claims against J 2128 F 4 11.18.25 M.4 n o t ic e o f f in a l s e t t l e m e n t . ton. 27, Township 20 S., Range 3 East. W. fi2 degrees West 4.46 ch ain s’ North said »«tale are required to pres«*nt Notice Is hereby given that Myrtle, Thnt said petlt'on, rs deslre to nnd M . within the Cascade National For- 43 degree« 30 minutes W est 4 73 them, with proper vouchers, within II Harvey, Executrix of the last will , do hereby petition to adopt the above est. gig months from the 18th day of Fen Phone Her 101-J chains; North 79 deurreeg W est 7.35 Office 73-J and testnnx-nt of Dora B Harvey, di- nam«*d minor child nnd to change Its The purpose of this notice |s to al- cha‘ns; North 45 degrees 30 minute« ruary, 1926. to tlx, said executor« at ceased, has filed In the County Court name to Dorothy Mnxlne Cochran, and low a„ persons claiming the lands se- West 5.88 chains; North 26 degree« F. H. WALKER the law offici* of L. L Ray In the Min­ ( of Ihe sta te r Claimant names as witnesses: duo diligence be ascertained, and It Lawrence Walker, Alden McCu-m- GEO» N, M oL E A N DR. N. W. EMERY further appearing that the written ber. Samuel Vinson, Nettle Vinson, Automobili H i Firs and Lit» consent of the father of said child all of Jasper, Oregon OCMT4ST I N 8 U A A N C t .cannot lx* ohtnlnrtl and thnt he has HAMILL A CANADAY. Surety Bonds,. Phons #J7 J not consented’ thereto, nnd that pi r- Sutton Bldg. PJtons 20-J Register. I sonai service of such petition a n i of My b u sin ess'is ¿Jo protsot your Rsaldenoo Phon» 163 M non coal. the order of hearing thereon cannot F 26 M411182B business Springt laid, Oregsn MO Wiliam atte 8t. Eugeni Oregoiy be mudo personal v upon the said father of snld child, nnd cannot he IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE made otherwise than by publication thereof In the manner prescribed by STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANE COUNTY. ^ASBY BROS. law. now. therefore, It Is If It had been in the family for generations— Zola Bower*. Plaintiff, vs . William tiRDERED. thnt a copy Jf said ioti ,that old walnut table. Jones protested, but Woodard Bowers. Defendant. tlon and of this order he served upon Painting & Decorating SUMMONS. finally dragged it forth. And now deftly re­ said Frank W Walker, father of said Your Hom» When In In all Its branches To William Woodard Bowers, ths finished by M rs. Jones and a can of Acme child, personally, If found within th« Springfield i| state of Oregon, and If not so found above named «tefendant. Quality, the table is the pride of the house­ 312 Main Street IN THE NAME OF THB 8TATK and «ervwl, that a copy of said peti­ hold. There is an Acme Quality Paint, tion and of this order be served upon OF OREGON: Yon arc hereby re­ Enamel, Stain or Varnish for the beautifi­ said Frank W Walker, by publishing quired to aplpenr and answer the a copy of said petition nnd of this complaint fl ed against you In the cation of furniture of all kinds. M any beautiful colors order once a wk for three suc­ above entitled court and cause. Tin DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL are available. Each gives the dependably better service JEWELER cessive week» In the Springfield News or before the expiration of the time that comes from 40 years of knowing how. So use only DENTIST a newspaper printed and published tn prescribed In the Order of Publlca* Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, and tlon. to-wlt: On or before the explra- Springfield. Oregon Phone 43 possessing all of the requirements tk>n of six weeks from the date of ■>/ law —- for —■ publishing - _______ - - legs, - - - the first publication hereof, and i f - provided by First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield notices anil that said duhVcgtlen sh all'you fall to answer for wnnt thjeToof. I be made and comflleted nt least tour pin nt Iff will apply lo the court for] R. W. SMITH weeks prior to the time herein ap-1 the relief prayed for In the Complaint ¡4o wit: pointed for hearing aald petition Justice of the peace and For a f Is on the 18th rock and rock sand. Bunk­ day of March, 1926. NOTARY PUBLIC A M on March 27. 192«. BIIDWNFJ.L A BROOKE. ers at foot of Main on Mill Dated February 18. 1936. 8utton Springfield Attorney» for I1’« In tiff C P. BARNARD, street. Bulrtllng Oregon. Itos deuce: Bugone. Orogivi. Judge HEN R Y W. CHASE, Prop. 7 4llS ?»’le ll1 9 F 25 M 1111825 Classified Ads (BUYING Ot SHjtoG^Ä^CßSÄhiETHFV (.FTIÎFÇHITN ) ■ B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ^ Or.John Sknons “The Loop R and Jones joined in on the Chorus! D. W. Roof ACME QUALITY Paint»«d Varnish SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. Wright & Son