TIH'KSDAY. MARCH ■«. 192«. T H E S H R lN G g l K U > N E W S PAOK TWO Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY UNIT NO. 14 AGENT STARTS WAR NELSON POULTRY MAY MAKE H IG H RECORDS Community News By (tose I at PLIGHT OF STONE FRUIT > FIRE CAUSES $3000 IN NEEDS SPECIAL SPRAYING DAMAGE TO GREENHOUSE C orrespond--»« Damage approxlm nllng >3 im » o W here blosaom and twig bl’gl't of T hree-hundred egg records are like ! Oregon prune», cherries, anil ap ric o t. resulted fiom a fire which on Tuna* ly to he broken by at least one or tw > THU RSTO N NOTES | h'“ I " 1'" serious In the p ast. special day sflernooii destroyed the holler UPPER WILLAMETTE of the crack leghorn pullets owned by ------ ¡atten tio n to spraying th * m I* n e w s room an-l H irealeaed one of the laig R obert N 'l m Springfield poultry- F ra: k Campbell motored Io L caburg • a ',-1 by the experim ent station Mr* Andy Olson and Infant. Rote man. Mr Nelson Is keeping tra p nest est gr> «glbousea on the coast at Monday, March 29, To Be Un­ last Monday. ¡T he dis. use spores a re all ready be records of the laving of his hens, a n l i rt Andr«w. retu rn ed to th eir homo lucky Day For Lane County's rep o rted this week th at prospects a re from the Goshen hospital Hunday. Clifford W eaver m otored In from n g produced. and as «non as wi'H >r c h a se Garden«. The IdaSe spread to K lam ath Falla and visited his p ar-¡buds oi en they will sta rt new l»lf« the end. of on« section of the green* Cray Diggers; Two Tons of good for first class records from sev­ February 28 I house befor. being ■ -xtlngulsheil I f. etlnn*. Mrs. TR»worth, m other of Mrs enta Thursday. Barley Poisoned for Use In eral of them. George W illiam started bis saw m ill In places w here Hie disease has through' ihe aid of ap p aratu s from ibe Chas C urts, lert t e r Salem last week Drive On Rodent Pests. Says L ast v a r one of Mr N elson's hens io r u n n n g Monday a fter a lay off for been • ver. n Hie past, particular): on Kpi' ligfleld fire di p irnient taken made a recon! of 294 eg ss In a y ear, enroute to : , r hom e lu Idaho. Mt- Fletcher. npr<-»1« or o ih er very suso >,►, bis (he arena by local high school s lu i^ some time. T ilsw v rth has been visiting her considered a high m ark Had It not varici :>•« <>f fruì», s num ber of spray« lUgiiter at P e e -au t Hill th e pa » John Price sold his team of horse«. N ineteen tw enty six » lit b- an ur- been for th e cold spell, the poultry- L i John Kduilstcn and (am ity motored mouth Mier Ihe «1 eku •• w ag . 1. in ” man believes his hen would have lucfcy year for gray diggers If plans all wet and favorahle for apraort of The freshm an class at the P leas­ to Junction City last Bunday and vis unity It was found that the hollers Of County A gricultural Agent O S. gone into the 300-egg class, but she Ih»1 hud not been dam aged sufficiently to F letcher m aterialise. The county quit laving for a tim e during th e a n t Hill high school chose th e follow­ ll.si Mrs Ediulstoti's parents. Mr and ollowlng p ro g ra m I» prevent kte-l Ing up heat In the big ing class o f f e r s Tuesday, March 2 Mrs Jams»« C alvert. • c nt has prepared two tons of pois­ freez ug period. ■d '•»•> • < v.r.i r bini» (lower plant, thus avoiding w hat Mr and Mrs Ray lluugh attended T h is year, he says, even b etter P resid en t Vena Awbrey; vice presl oned barley and has outlined a def­ d en t. Nina Dilley s-cretary -treasu rer, open, » e ' befoye bio-som bud» would h a w been the most serious the auxiliary n teet'n g of the County inite plan of action ag ain st squir­ p ro sp ects for records are seen at his il -de:.UX 4 450. cover'lig daiiKign. If oiraiie. lairlliily cov­ rels in »11 sections of latne county. n in th He has several hen s anti pul­ H arold Dillev; class rep o rter. Maur Sunday school officers at Springfield appeal . every I ' l»1g In so m e ste llo :-.s ered Ihe loss suffered Monday. March 29. is qulrrel-poison- lets who a re prom ising to e u tc h new Ice Bendshadlcr. The Junior . f i l e r s la-t Sunday. 4 8 50 strength I» reconi- are: p resident. Barry M auney; vice- record? In th eir claws. lng day throughout th e county. George P la tt lost oue of bis valua a» hlgi Tho power tine wh ch wan o p erat­ m.-n.I. ’ "h • »econd application wlth The w orld's records Leghorn ben presid en t, R ussell W oodw ard; secre- ble Je rs v cows last S alu rd sv ing pumps being used to force w ater Adopting a plan of sta rtin g the thè sitai • m lxture I» be«t applled aa tarjM reasu rer. M 'nnle O lsen; d a s Howard P latt from Eugene called lu fighting the fire went out of com. anti-squirrel cam paign e a rlie r this laid S3“ eggs in SS5 days, and a Black «non a Ih» fim i blo»si>m bud» uro on his brother. W alter, last Sunday. mission when the blaga was y ear than last. C ounty Agent Fletch­ O rpington hen In A ustralia laid 242 rep o rter. H elen Larim er. openlng The Hilrd when thè Ireos Guy M athews of D exter was cho* T here were no preaching service» at its highest, and It Was e r will appoint squirrel contrq sn- eggs in a year. W hen hens get Into are n full bloom I» offerirle. then that the help w as called from pervlsois In all d istricts w here th ere the 250egg class or b etter, they are en as all-star guard on th e lam e here last Sunday as Rev F ile has re­ H row ers do noi need to fear re- considered doing exceptionally well, county al-star m ythical team In class signed and no one bus been chosen Springfield In th e m eantim e the fir« Is a squirrel problem. du.-eil fruii »et« from Ih!« spray The and a 300-egg hen, such as Mr Nel­ "B." picked In Eugene S aturday night to fill his i>ice. hud spread lo the greenhouse, burn- In county papers Mr. F letch er is P " ” «'” 1«’“ uauallv I»«™ «* son believes he has. Is a rem arkable a fte r th e tournam ent held at the Y i; »»rd C otten from Springfield vis 1 , lug a section abrtul 20 feet tong (laving published notices calling a ’- set of fru ’t against blight. M C. A. layer. Red relatives h ere n u t Sunday The most serious dam age was lo tentlon to the sta te law which m akes , i Th.- most desirable lam b for Ihe W alker high school b asketball L ast fall Mr Ne son took several The T hurston basketball team only th e pumps and to an electric m otor It the duty of every individual own­ O- ms**»et |s on- that has condi­ of his best fowls to the» International team defeated th e Plea-ant Itlll team liked one game of w inning the silver III Hi.- holler house ing or occupying land Infested w :h Livestock meet at Portland and cap­ S atu rd ay afternoon at the Y. M C , up of being the b at rural team Th- y tion anil weighs 75 io so pounds when Moes to New P is te — F r-d l i e • l i ­ rod nts to proceed with the ex term i­ sold the erp -rlm en t s ta lo n fin '« tured all the first prizes In the class­ A building by a score of 37 to 17 met t h e r defenl with th " W alker b erty and fam ily on T uesday moved nation of the p ests In the notices. T hat k'tv! of am h w'11 dr.-«-> R e n te was a su b stitu te. 'll P r ic e revival In Eugene last Sun term ination and levy the cost against Lambs larg er than Ihnt will »ell but new records from the Nelson poultry Mr. an " Mrs Hedge, who p u rch as­ .1 -v aft. rnoon S iili Life. ■aid lands. they »ill bri'ig I- - mon. i . yard. ed a ranch at Pier an t HUI Inst fall » •- I Mr-- G ir r’-o- nnd (MBit? Agent F letch er recom m ends th at A choice carcass of dre»«. d lamb have traded th eir place for a ranch *n M areóla visited Mr- B axter list “ M a n . y o u 'r e I 'h .t m a p h '.r gcnltTel poisonlntr day be celebrated is thick. Idoeky. brinli* Io coin, of Mrs Solomon. Bear O rlands. «’’Ifornla in ark* hl I n e v e r p l-o tn g r a p li.il I. v bv farm ers on March 29 by a coun- flesh, and . vciilv cover' d with w hite H u b b y ‘»Why a re you dating this O tto II W tngcllne of I-ong Beach. fo glv. on* who oulil hold the sam e porti Ion The la id i.s ' atd are go‘ tyw tde w ar of ex ’erm lnatlon ag ain st e tte r the lfth when today is the Cal fornla. who Is ranking his home fut from the h«ek to the neek In i F rlil,. ■ a pl.- social at Ihe ehurek for mi long without moving How squirrel*, n ^ rtg th- p o 'so esd bsH ev 1ft?" th " less desirable ear, . *• » one d'- 'S at P leasant HI l celebrated h s 7»n His M aster’s Voice. death rate from Influenza bad l > n T hursday. FARM POINTERS R astu s ‘in undertone to Sambo higher ‘his w in ter th an during th» Man.!- EdraM on spent Tuesday "T im e was when ah could whip de •courage in 1918. The Inst new spa­ nlght wlth her cousln, I-eon<» F.lml- old lady in a ruff and tum ble fight.” per from th ere gave notices of the ton. The object of spray ir e for fungus Old Lady o v erh earin g : “ T ou's a death of five p rsonal acquaintance» BIG GENEROUS Mr an»l 'Ir» Félix Snn-k frío» dl-eases as explained bv Hi» P re -n n black l:ah—t me nebbah w uz--ncbbnh f Mr K ahler B in e R lv c r v ls lle d M r n n d M r" A r h PORTIONS e x r .- in v n t station is to ro v er all ex­ a in 't—an ' ain 't nebbah will be." The botany class at the Pleasant S h o n g h o n T u e n d a v posed surfaces with a fu n ru s po‘«on. of our Ice cream you ran HUI high school will go for a field Mr« » W W eaver ha« recelve-l Which will kill th e diseased spores, give to the rhlltlren w ith­ trip in the n ear future The mem- n- -d thal «. r sm fer-fndaw 'n Bovlll». th a t would have been carried to th» • OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • hers of th e class a re very busy pros». I<;Bho wq, gfnlrk w |, h parll|y . |, nn(j out any had after effect». F A R M E R S ' U N IO N • p lan t and thus prevet Infections. • It In ho pure and good that ‘r.g and classifying the wild flowers of e r 't'm l |1 T horoughness in spraying Is there- It will benefit (hern rather • C W Allen. Vida. P resident. • Oregon. W alte- Fdtr Nolle«. in • cut and oth er wonnds should also day. • S ecretary -T reasu rer • w ires • _____ • be protected by an ¡»nf‘«e"’fe t-p " • W alter Morgan. Creswell. Conduc-* C F Hyde and Em ery R ehverders IV HFRRSS In elm"»' ' 127. gen-ral F „‘nt rock as Sherw dn-W iliam 's F un­ • to r. * m otor d to McKenzie hr! i t s S' ' <■• law of O reroti, enacted In 19"). It It gi Pord» In raw linseed o f. • H. H. Sm ith, Eugene, Doorkeep- • A splendid program followed 'i a declared to be th>' duty of every pe-- • er. * lively box social n e tte l th e m em bers firm, co-partnership, company Ar average fleece w fe h t. or stand- • 0 L. Clem ent. Wa tervdlle. Chap- • of tht W oodmen at Pl«e " t Hill >v r o r a n ' corporation owning, teasing o- e - ’ fleece w- zht. for each p a rt’cular • lain. * e r forty dollars S aiitrdsy night. F»;>- •upy'” - pc- e- '-fng or having cbnrg • flock is 1»cld d u-o n hv «ticce«»f,i| ruary 27. The money wlll go t< war '* oi I m 'n lo n over n n - land, pln'-e, —— — grow ers of farm sheep All sheep not buvlng baseball suits. "Mir - e tr it'l wharf, pier or extension service. j As only a few people turned out fo '- k -v "h Is In feafe! with ground from the fleck. Bv cn l'ln e th e e y e - th« cem etery n r-e tlrg called by the s- '-'rr'-’s nnd o th er noxious rod'-nts Peach leaf curl In Oregon orchards th a t sh ear light fierce* the average Plea nt ' l l • b! . cbool b I o r 7’ ' torv Bnlm"l*. or as soon cannot be prevented or controlled af­ fi te e weight for 'h e flock Ir.creg«» action was taken In regaroj to th» as I*' o’e s-n re of the sam e shall It Is w»!| to he«- in mind th a t In all te r the leaves have begun to ano a '. 'n e cessary Im provem ents that w-'ll come It' th eir or Its knowledge, nt c » '!lrg work two-’h 'r"« c t th" retu rn Before thl« t m< though, the experi­ soon hav - to- b m ade a t the cem»- one" to "" ' d and to coni nun In f'T K the ewes comes from ’he l-mh« m ent station has found th at bord"atix tary. good f a b ’: •" ex term in ate and des­ g" ' on -th rd from the wool, savs the m ix tu re spray will give com plete pro Much Inter, «t is being taken this troy such r» ‘ Is bv poisoning, tra p ­ t'c (lo n . W here a protective spray has F X t'nsior service not been given and Where th ere are w inter in th- T re n t literary so eb ty ping or other -prnprlate and effec­ I t ’s A Oood School Enroll Today only a few peaeh trees the ow ner can which has held som e very lively de­ tive m eans; and fbiecessfnl OregO" farm s col! th' bates and good program s In the past. control th» disease by pulling off ’he A. B. Robert«, President W H EREAS gray d'gger. ground gw»« in th eir farm fleck* on th» ba*l« In a health record taken a t the squirrels (f’Rellus douglasll) are n o t­ diseased leaves. In doing so th»- tree 902 WlHamette St. Phone 6*6 Bugeno, Oregon r»r age, conf ÿ-maticn *I zp fleece, ar.d w 11 »end out new ones provide 1 the P leasan t Hill public school It was ions rodents In L ane County. Ore­ ability to breed. Th 'nform a’iio r on buds a re not pulled off T his of cour».' Iparned th at the children range from gon. th e -e various points s gathered only app fes to very sm all orchards 25 pounds underw eight to 25 pounds Now therefore, all of such persons, throughout »he year. Culling on th» as polling off leaves In a large or­ overw eight. firm s, copartnership«, corporations basis of conform ation Is done lm- Be le olsotl is sick at. h |r homo and com panies ow ning or having do chard would he im possible. Th. fruit «redlat"ly a fte r -hearing. T he condi­ will he lessened th e first year hut with the flu. | minion over land In said Lane Cotin- tion. *iye, and conform ation of the will be b e tte r the next year and the 1 fy. Oregon, a re hereby required to Iam bs are Indications o f th " ewe's disease will have been controlled. W IL L A M E T T E take steps to ex term in ate said grny ability to bre"d R nrords of neeee digger ground sq u irrels fCItclIus w -fghts s re taken at sh earin g time. Mrs. G. R. Fish was stricken with douglnsll) w ithin -thirty days from FOR S \L E —Onrnon paper In large T he best tim e to dispose of the colled sheets, 28x39 lncbea, suttohle for paralysis Sunday a t Junction City, the date of th» flrnt publication ol •w es Is In the f 1. says the college UMgiiaiii Mi' i a issi..iii.iii:a i.iii ii M B)i!S i :Bsw»i,N i i BFii»ii*i|iii i|B 8BB >uiHi:iw iinriTwaw«nii't:,isirwigiiTm'''in.'niiiHtiimii