•>r T h e honest M e rc h ­ ant goes on record — H e Advertises fj ’ / THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS "Tbs Peepia’a Papar" A L iv e NCW SPAPCR IN A L i v e T O W N N U M B E R 9. SPRINGFIELD, LANK COUNTV, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1926. EXPECT DECISION ON SPIN I« MARCH BOYS FIND BODY OF INFANT; DISAPPEARS My»t» ry surrounds the (discovert by two boy« of « body of a baby, burled In a box ut Stony Polnri be- j jtw een hern mid Jasper. Ia»t Monday ( moraine. Sberlff'a officer« who went j Highway Commission Will Maleo the «pot to investigate following | Immediate Investigation Of . the report of tba boy« lo local »it ’ Springfield Bridge Plan; Is ,h,,rities found that the body had; Favornble to Body. Morrison „ r, ,uuv,Mt during the intervening Reports to Chamber | thn- The boy» who dl»coyi red the body I were Martin Hurlbut of Springfield ; and t hurley Pearson of Ja«p«r . Walking over Stony Point M onday' morning on their way from Jnspjr j to Springfield, the youth« came o n 1 n mound of fre»hly turned dirt. »re told at the Friday commerce With visions of a Captain Kidd I iilgh*t meeting by E E Morrison, basil (r,.BI)Ur»l from the sh eriffs be constructed Inveatlgatlon Several theories re­ Engineers wtio were Interviewed garding the mysterious «vent have with regards Io the bridge »abl that It been advanced, although no further would cost approximately $100.000 Information ha» been obtained. to »h« tim e for eon- / a dec I n I o l g r a d i n g the highway bridge acro » the W illamette river nt Springfield will probably b< given by the »tale highway com m ission at It» March ■embers of the cham ber of m eeting. III« ms Amnesia Victim in Amazing Recovery Railroad to Ask For Bus Privilege GUARD COMPANY HERE IS BELIEVED ASSURED OFFICIAL IB HELP LOCATE FACTORIES A headquarters company of the national guard Is bell-ved assured Mayor Bushman Is Informed 0« f ,r Springfield as a result o< act.on taker by the chamber of comm' res i S. P. Plans For Pacific Industrial las- Friday night tn agreeing to «and Southern Local Service :n expense of a meeting pla e unfll Agent Declares Local Sites The Southern Pacific company will I Ute f rst of next year. S s ’.uhi ilic.ent and Conditions Are Ideal For make application to the Springfield of a company In Sprlngfie d will Development; Lumber Plants O'ty council for a franchise to oper-' make a battalion of four companies Probably Come First at" a bus line between here and Eu­ In this district under Major W. O. gene, between now and April 1, offl-( White of Eugene. Springfield/» hope to bring about clals of the rail company have In- ! Work In a headquarters company the location of Industrial plants on formed Mayor G O: Bushman The | consists of training men for expert Ug frpp industrial sites west of the Southern Pacific proposes to operate service such typewriters, clerks, slg -. cRy approacbe» nearer to reallxMiog busses Instead of street cars, which 7 « be taken off the local run a . nal “ «“• and 80 ,0* h Re«Ul*r with the promise of Chester M. Biggs, officers wil lhave charge of the train lDdugtr)ai agent of the Southern Pa­ when the construction of the railroad in«. and the company will consist c)f)c com panr to bring the sites to bridge across the W illamette river of 20 men and two officers. tbe attention of many concerns seek- •tarts. This work does not demand a drill ,ng tQ locate manufactories in thio The railroad officials told Mayo» hall, and the chamber of commerce j gecllon Buehman that the busses to be used rooms In the Commercial bank build- Mr Biggs, on a visit to Springfield on the Springfield run would carry Ing will be used What drilling may Tuegday. inspected the tract, declar- 2# passengers, and that first class be necessary wig probably be don» ed ft to be ideal In every way from service Is planned It Is the plan of . „ , ... u„„ .<...(>« i *n school gymnasium. the gtandpolnt of Industrial sites, and the company to retain the bus service , and forfeit their franchise for opera U ” the ” lan ° f * . , stated that he ’rould m ake an lm' «.on of street cars, It 1. understood to make ‘he med,at? e” ° rt 10 ,OCate PUntS “ _ „ ' L, company a nucleus around -which to Sprlngfleld. Since opening his Port» While going to see his sick In 1914 the Springfield city council build for a r w l ,ar natlonal guard land offlce ln November, Mr Bigg« mother, John White of Bridgeport, passed an ordtnanc regulating the o p -- t M w n y Of which there are two at hag located Com., was knocked unconscious by located. 11 11 Industrial Industrial concern», eratlon of busses to and through Eugene and one at Cottage Grove. thugs, who stole his money arm and has 37 others seeking locations threw him into a freight car He Springfield to protect the street car» ln thia territory. It is to these that regained consciousness in Atlanta, from competition hy bus service The AMERICAN LEGION WILL G«u, but his memory was gone. Mr. Biggs will tell of Springfield'» ordinance stipulated that all pub Ic Newdigale Owcnsby, alienist has SPONSOR SCOUT TROOP °«er carriers whlh coperate wholly or par­ succeeded, after weeks of patient Need Wood Factories. work, in bringing White's memory tially within the limits of Springfield A second boy scout troop in Spring- back The industrial agent suggested mat should pay to the city an occupation field _ Is to be . sponsored by the Ameri- Snringfield first go out for plant« . tax of 5 cents for each round trip P aving P ro|ect Up. can Legion, the veterans voting to go , wood SQCh as door and sash made. The matter of paving Fifth. Seventh ahead with the work at the meeting ,anlng mllls, sawmills, and T H R E E CARS D A M A C ED Tenlh or some other street to pro­ At this rate, the tax for busses op- held In the Woodmen of the World forth The city's proximity to half IN M A IN S T R E E T C R ASH vide a teived outlet lo the county rot d ! eratlng on a half-hour schedule be. hal! last Thursday night. Walter Goss- " county’a 60.000.000 acres of to the north, was brought up Presi­ ite n here and Eugene. 18 hours a ler. legion pout adjutant, h a . consent- " ig a good argument Three cars were more or leas dam dent Herbert J Cox appointed as i day, would be more than I860 a year. ed to take over the work of scout- stana,n* 1 ‘ com m ittee to Investigate the fenstbll aged when an automobile piloted by on this point. The ordinance also stluplated that master. After follow ng this immediate plan. Peery. Herd Rose, of Eugene, careened In to( Ity of the project: M, M terminal polcts be named, schedules The troop will be financed by volun- M .1 McKlln. I. May. Georg« W Per two other machines standing on P .-T . A. PROG ■ ................................. — i fted , - - u . . s and .iu that violation of the » — — m r y s subscriptions u u e c r ip u o o s o by y memoers nttural RAM TO ordl- (ary members or of ine the be suggest'd that an f Main street here Tuesday afternoon, j kins and A J Perkins BE H E L D M A R C H 12 nance would be punishable by a fine pogt and no mrgiey will be taken «» locate plants utl ixing agr c Rose's car. a F o r i sedan, first It Is understood that a petition l- from the treasury for the work The products In'this c o n n e c t s he sp ok . ; of not more than $206. llkely tn b- circulated urging the pav­ struck Ihe large sedan owned hy J - For the benefit of the Springfield need of a second boy scout troop has pf a pickle factory, b et . u^ar ing a» a needed Improvement The I. Newland, local merchant, doing Parent/TeAchera association, an en- been felt here for some time, since torv. mint distillery. con . n . PLANS ARE M ADE FOR Lions club considered the Fifth street but little damage to a fe n d « . 't the Lions e ub troop has been over- fruit cannery, and cheese factory, teru lu m . ut inc udlt g a farce and a protect a th«dr last meeting and then cleared the Newland machine, 2-act coui.dy will be given at the SCHOOL HEALTH DRIVE run with applicat ons for member- said that he was in true w u p Maxey appointai and collided almost headlong Into a President II. E ship. From all appearances, boy scout representing al' lines m^nt one s e Grace ¡Springfield high school at 7:45 o'clock Meetings In Springfield on tbej work is to be a great success ln ing factory local ons, and wou C. F Hgg’mnnn. E It, Danner and Ford coup.' owned by Mi$ te great (| ain-¡on the evening of March 12, John Ketels to consider the plan third Monday of .-very month will Monroe, of Eugene. Connldernhl y. them of Springfield Springfield, local men Interested The program follows: •Paint-up” Campaign- be held here In connection with the* Following the short busines se s­ i age lo both coupe and sedan resullM i Location Ideal. Music: Mav I Is «b» deadline on Spring from this crash County Health association's No more favorable location could My Aunt from California." | ,J*ne sion. the legion and the auxiliary Joln- Farce. field ’s "point up" campaign. and m The Monro,- car was given a shove, ) he found for industrial development Mrs. Gantt; h e r , Dlans for a local health campaign <-d in an enjoyable social hour. effort Is being made to have all pron and struck a Crevrnlet owned by I^»e Cast— Mrs. Needy. Salley nmong school children and elsew h ere.. j than here, said Mr Biggs, noting tha u - , , children. Felicia. Rosaline aud ertv ow ner, give their bu Minx* n»« d Davis, which was parked In front A This was decided at a meeting of lo -' ‘ facilities for furu-shing abundant j J , . Needy. Myrtle Harvey, DeLtta Ilur- cd coals before that dale ' t i t l e fender damage was done to the i ’ . .. ____ cal women Interested in the project, i ' BASEBALL PRACTICE IS _ ’1 and water to g the yee and Kuth, ryu Hemenway, respec­ S T A R T E D _ ! 1 H ,G H N ' N E ttowp »nnsuany good «upplv E p p in p r tract. .v W President Herbert J Cox. follow Du vis car. held w th Miss Beth Konkel. secre­ tively; Mrs. Wllcoxg bs. Mrs. Loucks, Ing the meeting of the chamber Fri­ tary of the county organization, last Prospects are in the dark as yet e8, ®*Torab'e railroad rates, fine rail Muntobourn, Mrs. Tyson. day night In which the plan won en­ Friday. regarding th e probable success of road f*c ,'!,Ips pn ance W1 dorsed. appointed a commit««* to In­ SCHOOL BOARD T A LK S , Music. A pre-schoo age clinic, to be held C “" " » ' ,■ TZL k ”,*. o-'enlnr of the Natron cut-off on A D M IN IS T R A T IO N PLAN („m. iy. "The Laughing Cure. terview property owners In an • ffnrt ...ninn —in Springfeld high sch ools baseball o ,eo i« « n , . I early In the spring, will start the ........... whIfh the tract ts located, and »0 to get them to paint their buildings health campaign In the school. This season, but Coach V. D. Bain Is giv­ ailers of ef administration adn iln lslrnllon of the before May The committee Is cot- | M atters ‘be Owjrff Carey ..... ing his men early season work-outs, on- p„»ed of Elmer Heppner, chairman: Springfield schools. Involving the P « ' , J||Iinjl,. Klnier nalsU!ld will be followed by an outlined pro­ while arangements are being made h* e h<* <»aP««*d the gram of health work. I M.S W aite, j Scott and M r Clark slb le em ploym ent of a s u p e r i n t e n d . , ^ ^ ............. Mr WhIUker for a heavy schedule of 12 games fo r . bollneum Wood Preserving plant and Mrs. Scott, president of the Spring- E W l-ea-on. mem ber, of the Woman't .en t of all city sch ool. In accordance , , H ( n M r > Qlen ' the Cascade Manufacturing p lan t field Civic club. Invited Miss Konkel i1*10 season. j » wt .w ith a plan adopted In many cities He was accompanied by L. L. Gra­ Mrs. Alton Lasell Civic < lub (lay Hanson and state representatives to meet i Looking over his material, Coach und towns, were the principal topic Kitty Clyde, stenographer ham. district freight and passenger with the club at its meeting on Tues- ^ a!n found that he must mould an the N E W B U N K H O U S E S G O IN G <>f discussion at a meeting oi Mrs. Kathrine Duncau day, March 9. Rrepresentatlveg o f j entirely new infield for this year's agent. Local men who accompanied IIP F O R B R I D G E C R E W Springfield .Choo» board at the city him in his trip over the tract wer« Friend Houck Dr WhNcomb v’ hoys v to Mr Gosser or M r.! materia! is comparatively green, but was due to paralysis. Uno Routh of Sprlngfleld. and new that Sprlngfleld' offered the best °P *[nat follows- should apply Coach Bain has hopes for developing i ________ — and heavier rails aro being laid In portunlty for a location. Ira M P e t Mar(>h ¿ _ Merry MaId March; Vaughn. Safety Meeting Held. a team which will make a showing preparation for the use of the trucks erson. an attorney of Moro, Oregon. March 12, P.-T. A. program ait high | A safrtv-flrst meeting was held at ln the high sohool games. by main line trains after the opening i Wl,e^ announced that he would REALTY ACTIVITY TO sch o o l; March 26. Lnughteresque the Mountain States Power plant o f the Natron cut-off. open his office here and start prac­ PICK UP IN SPRING April 2—Junior party; April 9, Tuesday, with E. A Taylor of CorvaV JOHN WESLEY NEET tice on March 16. — sophomore picnic; April 16. Operet-, Shipping News. D IE S A T ACE OF 75 »’ • the <'™Pa’1> - b V w a i t a r Mr. Peterson has obtained the Com­ ta; April 17. Hl-Y banquet; April 2 8,i Approaching spring promises a re- ¡In char&F. He was assisted by Waiter Tho Mountain State« Power com­ mercial S tate hank building o ffic e 1 Mother nnd Daughters luncheon u n -! newal of activity In realty business pany yesterday loaded out a car of formerly occupied by the Roof Jew- dor nusp|Ces of Girls league; A pril, of this district, in the opinion of A. John W esley Neet. well-known resl- Smith, electric superintendent. Sim­ ilar meetings are to be held every wire wheels for Montana. _I... «tore. _ . He . . has v been — , F. F owers. local property dealer, who. dent of W est Springfield, passed away -mninves at elry practicing 30. freshman party. The Sprlngfleld Lumber company |n Moro f()p Rpvpra) yparR )g c , (y #t May 1. senior breakfast; May 7,, already observe« an Increase in the at his home there Saturday at the a g e , two we< a amo shipped two cars of lumber east ye»- ,orn<>y thpI>p h(|, ,g ,Pavlng , senior p a y ; May t4 or 21, May day; number of Inquiries regarding Spring- of 76 years. Funeral services were the local plant Lloyd Edwards, district superin­ terday. I that the fie d Is too small. He comes held at the Wa ker chapel Monday, May 28. Junior-senior banquet. field property. tendent, and Carol Walter, radio ex- A carload of Fords consigned to I apr|ngf|(.hl w |, h R goO(1 r,.putatlon with Rev. Hammer o f the Free Meth- June 4. Comrnencement; June 4, This week numerous parties have odist church of W est Sprlngfleld of- pert, were also visitors at the locat the Danner Motor company of Spring- ns an attorney. called ln Springfield seeking prop-, final assembly of year. field arrived by Southern P bc IH c yes­ investment. Both p o in tin g . power plant Tuesday. erty suitable for terday andi were being removed to Mr. N eet was a native of Indiana. business ami residence property seem | EA R L M c N U T T G E TS M A IL To Entertain Club. Rem odelling O ffices. the cotnpnnjfs Fifth and A stroot He had lived In this community for Fred Cllngan and Elza Sutton will ’to be In demand, C O N T R A C T FOR N EW T E R M The real estate offices of A. F. garage. many years and was highly respected entertain the Five Hundred club nt 1 ■ ■■ ■ Flowers and Vasby Brothers paint Power Line R ebuilt I *>? t"«"? who kn,,w hlm Bari McNutt, of Eugene, who held the home of Mrs. Frank DePue Fri­ Study Aid Work. shop are undergoing a remodel’Ing He Is survived by his widow; five The electric high line between here, Boy Scouts of the Sprlngfleld Lions Ihe conlracit during the paet |four day evening. program which promises considerable sons. Moody A. and Levi of Sprlng­ and Albany, whloh has been undergo­ club troop Inst night heard their flrrt years, was the low est bidder for the fleld; Ernest of Orvll, California; Or- Improvement in appearance and con­ Mrs. Tyson’s class will havp charge ng a rebuilding program by the lecture on first aid- requirements for new contract for carrying mall to venience. The realty offices are to Mountain States Power company. Is rle of Portland and Elmer of Cottage second class scouts, given by Dr. W. Fo ey Springs nnd wny-polnts from of the Christian church social night be papered, and the partition between Grove; two daughter. Mrs. Harry no wcomplete and has a new capacity them and the paint shop Is to be ex- C Rebhan at his offlco. Practlcaly ill the I och I office, It was learned unof­ program tomorrow night. Skeels of Morgan Hill, California, and The program- numbers are: orches­ of 66.000 volts. the scouts In the troop were present. ficially today. The new contract term Mrs. Vergil Casteel of Springfield. H s, tended to the celling. In the paint The company’s big turbine, which is also survived by two brothers. ’shop, new shelves are being install- A patrol leaders m eeting also was starts July 1 nnd expires after your tra se'ectlon. trio, dialogue by Mrs. has been removed from the local plant Moon and Mrs. Elliott, ladles' quartet. to"portl'an'(l"for some'time for an o v e r , Joseph of Eugene, and E lls of Ban- ed and other tmprortfment« made, held last night, with Edgar Louk, act­ year». A number of persons hid for the ptnnologue by Mrs. M. C. Adams, solo hauling, wan shipped back Saturday]don, California, nnd one sister. Mr».! The front of the building la to b» ing sen'or patrol leader, ln charge Plans for the next m eeting were j contract against McNutt, lt Is u n d e r - ' H a t t i e Mitchell, playette, and a painted. Mandy Moore of Chicago. and Is being re-lnstalled. made stood. 'Selection by the glee club.