TH U R SD A Y. I'T'.’ll IT>, IP.’ii. T i Ui tU’RLNiU'LKLl) NEWS OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. ------------ An epidem ic of in fluenia la affect- tag alm ost every heme in W estport. F ire destroyed the ria n t and stock of the C ottage Grove Packing company at C ottage Grove. W alter Ploam dohl. SS, a logger at Maxville, was struck by a falling tree and died from his injuries. W ith r loo dairym en in atten d ance. lh< regon dairym en's annual convent ien w as held at Astoria. The ceagregation of the P resb y ter­ ian ehu: h at Phoenix has decided tc build al > nee a new church edifice. PIONEERS STILL RETAIN TRACK LAYING RECOPDS W ithout any of the nxschinsry which lU hten m odem labor, the sturdy pioneers who constructed the first railro ad to unite the east and w est eetabltabed decords which a re still unbroken Not eyen in the W orld war did train ed engineers bu hl ten miles of track a day The C en tra Pacific railroads Ran vs did It in th e e a r’v six ties ag ain st alm ost Iniposs hie odda. They fought Indians while they w orked and they » nt w ithout su, plies, often atth o u t foed and sleep. How they did it is told adm irably m the W illis n Fox spocat production railed the 'I r o n H orse.'' which comes to the Bell ih atre for 3 days. T h u rs­ day. Friday and S aturday. The tra il break ers hud a pair of rails every* th irty seconds. 200 pair* to the mi e! Ten spikes to the rail anil th ree sledge blows to a spike! — A p air of r a ’ls laid and splk. I every m inute! A mile of track in three and a naif hours! ag e t r im fi, M s f - m rs th a t th e ir .14« d-ispel; d, whoal ; ee g, e have base: V l-lu that thia has ’ fur had lilrle . .'L ui . gows* going no fu rth e r aw ay from the fluids th a n is n e c e ssa ry to k e ep from balng a c tu a lly run dow n In th e nelghbcr- hood of 5l e 0 75.000 g, *a are vstl- uuved to lx- « l e t u p *1 in tlie rvglcn. Air tra v e le rs will have no trouble in pointing out Springfield In the 'u- ture. according to plans of K. Il Dan "or. m anager of the U auuer Motor company, who will paint the nam e of the town on the roof of his garage shortly. The name will be painted In huge white tetters, in accordance with a plan to be carried out by nil Ford garages throughout the country, in view of th e increase in alrplune tra f­ fic. W in* O ivorce. Mrs Edith II tlllleset» of Springfield was aw artled a deeree of divoree from Thom as I. tihlsen In a decislon band­ a i down by thè state suprem e court yesterday. The suprem e court rever s-d thè decislon of Judge G F Sklp «orili of thè circuii court Mrs. K stelg R e tu rn s— Mrs Jo h n K, tel» re tu rn e d S a tu rd a y a f te r a tllp io 11,-hron. N e b rask a, w here -he v isit­ ed re la tiv e s and frien d s. The Oregon Cloak & Suit Co. of Portland Bell Theatre Tonight, Friday and Saturday FEB. 25-26-27 < 5 ^ - = = ----- WILLIAM FUX PfN E SF-N T S THEF^5 .»: " " r l.. a a nuM A X cr f EAST u a J THE FIRST NATIONAL BAf- K . . J O H N FORD P « .O D U C T I O N SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, A new modern and up-to-date building, housing a mod­ em and up-to-date banking institution. The best business and banking methods are used in this First National bank. Open a checking account with us and you will be pleased in the way we handle your deposits and checks. Banking with a First National Bank lends dignity to any business and prestige throughout the business world. of forty i 'a r » ago. MIX plays lha role of a chivalrous soft spoken cow­ boy who comes riding forth to avenge his sister, khlnapixsl liy mi uti < t u- pulous law yer Tom Mix fits the role of Jim I n »Her In his latest W illiam Fox prod to lion, "R iders of the IMrple Sage,” so perfectIv that It seem s Zane Urey H ss I n f lu tn is - -The little d aughter m ust have had th e cowboy hero m ot f u r l laim lers of M areo a Is eon- mind when he wrote this, hl* great filled to her bed with a case of In- es( novel. It hi a typical Mix role, fluettsa with a iu p e opportunities for Tony, his wonder horse, to sh are In thu daring deeds of h 's m aster. C u tt Hand— Mrs tile l.lndlnlid of "Itlders of the Purple Sage" Will Ja s p e r sustained a serious lue, ration come to th e Bell th e a tre Sumluy It o| one of lo r bauds when sh- fell Is a pit tureque rom ance o( the W est yesterday. WAN’THIX- To buy a used piano ,,„„1 condition Phone 12.1J Holding Its Great Sale of Manufacturers’ Samples ■■■ ■■■ •of 4«. the* Farmers Exchange FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield Oregon Prices so rediculously low that anyone can afford to buy a high grade garment at these prices. FOX NEWS SUNDAY, FEB. 28 TOM MIX in Riders of the Purple Sage O Call Springfield 9 When You Want the BEST F r o m Z o n s G r s v ’s N o v i OF PO RTLAND ‘‘Charley's Aunt"— Thu-Fri-Sat March 4-5-6 at The Farmers Exchange Coming Soon— ' Rudolph Valentino In ‘‘Cobra’’ D. W Griffiths “That Hoyle Girl.’ Springfield, Oregon Notion Our Notion Week brings a myriad of values to your attention. In little things, too, savings are greatest here. Read every item! Soap i?dium Ivory Ivory 1 Ivory Flakes 1 Chfpso 1 Aluminum Kettle Face Creams Notions, 4c Lowest prices. Three Flowers Cleansing En-am— Pins, Snaps, Hair Pins 29c Tape n , i-.i'L* Measures Thimbles, Shoe Ibices Buttons All at this price Hinds Cream Owen’s Tooth Brushes-— 49c - ALL FOR $1.35 ' - Í '' •/} I Ponds Vanishing Colil Cream ’J ta I ltw stock in Oregon has been set for March 10 in Portland, the public ix rv- Oregon Cloak&SuitMfg.Co D C K A J trM E ifT < rO R E S Real Bargain Value for $1.35 in Jacksonville, Mrs. Alice Applegate Snrgont deeded th at stro c ta re and ber Collection of relies oofctalned therein to the Native D aughters' argaui»i»t!on o« Jack» mtrUle. H eari ng of tranaportaf Ion ra t s on Spring Coats, Dresses. Exquisitive models in the latest wanted materials. New shipment just arrived, including large sizes. NEXT WEEK— THE LAUGH RIOT buy- Are you one of those careful thrifty hard-to-,,1« : era, who aren’t satisfied with just anything.' Ho y iu want the very I,» st? The choicest? T lie sw eetest and te: derest ? if so trade here wher quality costs less. «barge of the historic Bnuiner building aw eotnmlaelon Ixrs anno'tnxxsd. The application for fhe bearing was filed by the Cattle and Hortw itaisera* n n o -1 -tatlon of On-gen, fo rtk tn d Dlvoetook .-zuhange aad l®wthwnmcrn S hippers’ Twifflc )