TH U R SD A Y. PRB 25. 192« PAOi ■ B k E»tate of F erry It Edmlaton, LIFE 0 É BANKS READS I )•* C f "IIA LIKE W ESTER N T H R IL L E R N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Notice 1» hereby given that W a tar Draw ing from a storehouse of 70 W Kdinlaton hi«» been by the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and years' experience, Dr. Lew is A lb ert for Lane County, appointed adm lnt» Hanks, who for tw o week» conducted tru tn r of the i-atate of Perry R Ed* evangellKtlc meeting» a t the M e’ hod- mlston dressed A ll person» having claim» aga'nntjlHt church concluded big work here said estate are hereby notified to Monday evening, when he told of the present the »nine 4 u ly ’r t , , *'d a ’Jil putbo'», romance, adventure and a:nu v e rifl-d at the law ofrlce of A. E Whee ler. In Eug. ne. Oregon, w ithin j n -n » * »1 a m in is te r» life »lx month» from this 18th day c t . From the Ume when a» a bov of N o t i c e O F H E A R IN G o r F IN A L See our Hue of vial f a g card a February. 192«. I Hl he delivered hl» firs t sermon of ACCOUNT tm ite M or phttn. nt the Naws olAne W A L T E R W RDM IS T O N , ¡eight minute» up to the tim e he reach- N rf'e » I n ht r«l,y «le rn that the un- Adm inistrator. led the pastorate o f the large»! rhurch derslgm-d adm inistrator of th<* »sthto B u tter wrapper» printed according A. E W H E E L E R , Attorney of N e a ry J Bovi». dsfl*n»ed. him filed , o regulations w ith name, weight I F 1825 M 41125 In Methodism , the »tory o f D r B u rks' her iiciou iit for Hie final s it tle m .n l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | life read» lik e a western th rille r. and address, 9 125 a hundred at the nf (ti,' ae'iI estate in Hi« County Court Attend Dental M eeting Dr N. W , in Vancouver W ash., -Where he wa» for Leon County In iho Stuf« o f Ore- Newa Office. Em ery and Dr. 8 Ralph Dlpoel a t- i pastor o f a church and edlto’ of the iron, anil that S aturday Ih» tw enty tended a mooting of the dentlaw of P a d ft c Censor, the firs t prohibition »«•«folli tiny of February. 193«. nt the A D M IN IS T R A T R IX ’ N O T IC E . Court Ilooni of said court In the Coun­ tin county, held a t Eugene Saturday j paper west of the Rockv m o iirta ln r. IN T I I E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E , ty Court lltniHn. In Hug, ne. Oregon nt e ig h t Dr. Hanks was shot by a man who ob- ten o'clock In lh<- forenoon, ha» been S T A T E O F O REG O N IN A N |) FO R — — Jscted to the sentiment» expressed In IN P R O B A TE . In by »abi court fixed »a the tim e and ftA N R C O U N T Y P l» '» for hcnrl'ig nbleetlons »hereto, the Estate of Elisabeth Young Me- ; IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E the u t i e r In Seattle during t h - an ti S T A T E O F O R EG O N FO R L A N E yhlne— riot« a scaffold was elected and for final »ettlfsnea* of said e s ta te .. Unwell, deceased. OOR1X1N S W F L L H , Notice Is hereby «(yen that the u n -. C O U N T Y i r u ,,» on which to hang him and aevera' A d m in istrator of the estate of derslgued was uppo nted adm lnistra- ,N 'l , , K M A T T E R O F T H E A D O l Nancy J Bovle I trig ^f 7 h e a lm i. . ntR I. d ariaTe Ln T1O N O F Dorothy Msxln« W alker, a other men who had advocated p ro te c lAds vi i 6ET RESULTS? L A T K IJC4 <’ti•’ vrol«*t Hporl mod I louring < «r F irs t 'MM estate shall be paid to mo, I ruary 1. 192«, F ran k L linker, of now Delta Cobran and Carol L A N E I “ '" 1 l ' IB' **11 person» having c laim * _ Come« . , . . . . »uch a rio t D r Banka for two and a W aldport. Oregon, filed applications «T A T E O F OREGON FOR Cochran, being husband and w ife, against the said estate «hall present 8 No. (116.17R under the Act of March C O U N T Y and resident» and Inhabitants of h a lf -hours -wag covered by three men Jack, “attic to me with vouchers at- SO, t JMS. (42 Slat , 4B5) to »«change E m ily Jones, P la in tiff. ' tachod, at my residence, 423 0 Street, Lane County, Oregon, and respecttuUv who «pent the tim e tellin g h im how th c 'L o t« 5. 12. Ut, and 14, Rectlon 20. Jones, defendant B jrln g fle ld . Oregon, w ithin 8 months petition the county court In and for and where they would shoot him when ToamahJp 13 s Range 10 W eal W M SUM M ONS To Jack Jon.», the above named <•>« date of firs t pul» teat Ion of Lane County, Orogon, and state as thp o rder to fire came. w ithin the Siusluw Nut tonal Forest, ib U notice which |g January 28, 1928 for, the T im ber on the N W Ig . 8W 14, defendant D u rin g the old days as a circuit follows, to'w lt: IN T H E N A M M O F T H E S T A T F l M A R Y I. A B R A M S. R e v lo n 27. Towtudilp 20 8 Rango a T h a t they are resident Inhabitants , r *der he covered all thia and snrronnd- A dm in istratrix, E-i*t. W M , r . wH-tiln tfce Cascade Ns O F <)RF « » Jon" A n V ’ U ‘" X " 1 « " ' • L ? ? * . Z w* ny . ’ .. > ^ n . . t . D .. . Rls. I If... I " m •> « « . v*. - b I.». y c given r udes I... by < the under- "¿"r "‘’"¿ o h * ,the|,r,h «,«to fU ceb a d d r ™ i ' " " ‘a t "h ° P at Oakridge. !-ane County. Oregon; F r®“ 1 / * 7 Ch. ? ,ndlvlduate ’ rho n Ie d returns for the w ill apply to the court for the re lie f »*«"*4 adiu lnlatrator with the w ill i n - must t><- filed In this office w llhln prayed for In the Complaint, to-w it: u * 1'’** * a,<1 «’»tale, th a t he has th a t Maid Carol S. Cochran 1« employ- *,‘ e« Dr. Banks looked back and said, year 1924 on the basis o f the >1.000 th irty day» from the date of first For a decree of the oourt dissolving ™ pd * 7 “ o îd e i" th«W C«mn'ty ‘ 1 a" ’ » • ’»P1»«'“ not ,o found in and 82.500 exemptions, which applied publication of Iht» notice, which flt»t dg« of b i n . C o X ' t X o m K e r ’M r « a m Z “ " . M e " ^ * “ v.7c ‘ “r 8 ,h,e “ bUt “ " et ' ncon,< the m arriage contract flow existing publ'eatlon« 1» February 18, 1928 Judgi between her and defendant and for ed Saturday. March 27, 1928. at the H„ (1 BUu„b|e malntenane and m u ltltude, In riches. In glory, nor In for the year i 925 doea not excee(i t i,< non-coal fix the rig ht to r< sume her form er name H A M IL L A C A N A D A Y . hour of ten o'clock A M., a t the l^ j„ (,a, i on j o the above named minor hut In the simple things of life amounts above stated, 81,500 and $3,- of E m ily Asunrel. and for such other Register cham bers of sakl Court, a« the tim e and that said petitioner» are both — !„ friendships and the love of one’s 500, respectfully, tt w ill not be n e o and fu rth e r re lie f as to the court m ar F 1825 M 4 tt!8 und place for hearing objections, If ’¿ X “onf\h :*'a h o ’ ,veP*‘n"me8d X r ^ s , “ * - C^ * * Oro~ 9 e n 0 n ’ 1 to complete o r file returns fo r stem Just and proper. any«there be. to said account ana Its This summons Is published pursu­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S named Sibyl W a lk e r, 'hough she 1«; ’ h r year 1925. approval. ant to an Order of the Honorable G frequetnlv known as Dorothy W a k- Injures Hand— W h ile w orking In the ---------------------------- Not re to creilltora Is hereby given ¡E Sklpw orth, C lr c itt Judge, made and F R E D E. H M IT H . that the First National bank. Eugene, ntered Junuary 20, 193« and the first er. and that said mother of said min- woods last week. Harold Bfddell of Down w ith the Influenza— Ben Web* A tty , for A dm inistrator. Oregon« and M ary F ra n c -» l» n g have I publication hereof la made the »tat or Is now a resid« nt ? a* 7 7 P Dexter inju red hi« left hand on a log her. truck d riv e r fo r the S p rln g firtd G EO RG E T H A L L . I-nne County. Oregon that th“ ta m e r » been appointed Joint executor* of the day of January, 1928, and the Inst A d m in istrator w ith the W ill An­ of said minor 1» F rank W W a lk e r, cable T he cut became Infected. M ill and Grain company, was taken III lotst W ill and Tealanyent and of th«' publication thereof Is on the 4th day nexed of Said Estate F 25 M 4111826 l i r , ,ha< hi» preseAl wherugbouts Is and *■* called In town for treatm ent w ith the influenza Monday and wa« estate of George W Hunderson. de of M arch. 1MC ceaacd. by the County Court of latne B R O W N E L L A BRO O KE. unknown. I19 being last seen- or heard Saturday. unable to go to work. Attorneys for P la in tiff County. Oregon Estate of Dora B Harvey. Deceased.! of by the mother ef saW ohlld Residence: Eugene. Ore A ll persons having claims against N t-T IC E OK F IN A L S B T T I.E M E N T . April 12. 1925. at R ayu-onl Washing J 3128 F «11.18.25 M.« satd estate are re q u ire ! to present Notice la hereby g l v n that M y rtle That said re tlt'o n trs desire to and ' them, w ith proper vouchers, within H H arvey. Executrix of the last w ill (1f> h(>r(, bv - . , 0F, , he above, a'x months from th«' is th day of Fen Phone R e, 101 J O ffice 73-J and t.-stano-nt of Dora B H arvev. d e -, n(, T, and it appearing by the affl- C M ontell. of Jasper Oregon, who, dr.vlt-s of 8 ’byl W a lk e r, moth- r of 12,n June 28, 1921. made Homestead Contracting and Building said child and or Fre-1 E Sm ith, nt- E n try No. 01M485. for S W U . SEk«. Call GEO. W. PERKINS tornev for said net'tloni-rs that the " , mn l-> Townahtn 1« 8. Range 1 fath er of said child Erank W W a lk e r W est, W ila m e tte M eridian has filed Corner 5th and D Streets SUTTON TRANSFER notice of intention to m ake three- Is not n resident of the state of Ore Springfield, Oregon gon u>nd cannot he found w ithin sa 'd i v»ar Proof, to establish claim to the Plans ant) Estim ates Furnished Phone 57 state, snd It fu rth e r appenrtnc to « h e ''a n d above described, before E. O Frae. W ill H elp You Finance vatUfhctloa of said c u r t that t h e , Im m el. V . 8. Commissioner at Eu- Your Building. i.res-nt wherenbouls of snld F rank W I - me. Oregon, on the 27th day of W a lk e r Is unknown and cannot nfter M arch. -192« .Bill Endicott’s Glher Reason I [S U S I N ESS D IR E C T O R Y l Dr.John Sim ACMEQUALI, Paint^Varnish A Wright & Son GEO,. DR. N W. EMERY 0E N T I8T 8utton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 158 M hprlogtleld, Oregon “The Loop t Automobile. F ire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds,. Phone 6J7 11 My bualncrs Is .to protect your business I 1 86J W illa m e ttr St. Eugene Oregon,, 'VASBY BROS. I $ Painting. & iTeporating in nil ils branches Your Homo Whs.n In Springfield 312 Main S tieat D. W . Roof DR 9 RALPH DIPPEL D EN TIST JEW ELER n - ’ i'ii ir i n g n S p e c ia lt y S p t'ilig fi< 'lil ,«„ as S . t x diligence he ascertained, and it ' I v C laim ' ant f name» c N, M cL E A N ( ) ’’P” (»li Phone 43 R. W. SM ITH WM. G. HUGHES F IR E City Hall Springfield, Oregon A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC . All kinds of gravel for con- creto or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand Blink­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. H E N R 7 W. CHASE. Prop. thereto ihi order of hnarhig thereon cannot be made personal v upog «ho said fath er of »aid child, und can: o ’ he I land" Otherwise th an by pnbt atlon 1 thereof n th e m a n r”r prescribed by I law now. therefore, It Is ORDERED tj at a copy T s a il p' tl- lllo n < i»> of hi- o d e r he - rxei' u;» " s n d F lan k W W alker. r,.th er of slid, person ’!y. Stui. -d court ami ou or befora the i-xn-rallon of the time prescribiid In the O rder of Pnbltc.a Con t o 't i t : On or before the -x p lrr - ->f idg n e ks fre o nf ,v ' ihHvhtn*' b'»r ’i'"* r - JhiP .»*•’ ,lA - f l - , . the «Iste of r - m l - at 01 hereof, "tid if the enti ■in Jr, m »wer for w " » fh 're o f, ; not I, com if w ill neolv f ’I»- - c i r t for 1 be mnde aw 1 catrnlo* 1 at h u rt fe'.ir •In W«» r r ’ f • ♦ ' *]V' ♦ • • ' 11 ;m 1h- - t -f prayed f- r In Ike Complaint ♦ o V "'t • pointed fbr h earing -aid • ot'riop I- hi a d i-e a e 01 ihe com t di-solving FURTHER ORDERED, thn» 11 e- now existing ; o* :hls order and of f ie sal* net tiou **’ * m arriage contract defendant, for - betw een plaintiff and her maiden nnd for such | d Office at FIR ST SPRINGFIELD GCAVEl CO, ar.d ♦hat t” r mini servlc* of such petition :n 1 ' f nO*ne* f ’n r F irst Nfit'l Bank B'dfl., Springfield Jnftk-e of th«' peace and notary public, Insurance cannot tie obtained and that he has i »U of •’ not con * NATIONAL Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE AT LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IC Sutton Buldllnj, , To San Francisco Los Angeles —a n d e th e r C alii ?rnia W in ter P lay g ro u n d s Speedy, eonveojent aervice via popular Shtata route. F our Tmii s D tiiiy S h asta ♦' O regonian S outhern C alifo rn ia Express S an F rancisco E xpress Conifort.ibie Pullm an accninnur-larions; delicious tree 's in Southern Pacific dining cars. W inter excursion tickets at reduced cost o n sale daily. For reservations, schedules nnd complete travel infonnntion, communicate w ith BANK Springfield, ATTO RNSV 1 1. t1 Springfield Oregon. Idgvs prior to th e said d at. of n .s i 1 j " r n n i 'l i i . 'n vunTH ER tin t th-- saklRS e K sh M ^ ^ a r d ” by Jn d 1 „ fire tilt« court nt Its e ln m h -rs In ' . h . f i t a o - C o o n tv Oregon Court In the 1 itv of Eogene, Oregon, nt ten o’clock O pkp fhp Honorublp c i I’- B arnard. County Judge, made en tered J a n n a ty 29. 1928, and first h-ubjieation hereof 1» made Ith day of F ebruary 1928 ami last ¡uiblli-atlen H u t j o i I s on the and the the the 1-th dav of M arch. 1926. A’ ' M on M arch 27 ’ 9®« B R O W N E L L & BR O O K E, Dated February 18. 1998 A ttorceva for P la in tiff C. P B A R N A R D ; Ro-Ydonce: Eugene, Oregon. Jadee r 4 1 1 S ? 5 'h ll F 25 M 1111825 Southern SMcifìcìines CARL OLSON. Aaent lîC H L