T llV K S IV W . F W . 25. THF S PRINOflE IJX N gW S PAOF TWO Lane County Farmers Ur <7* '• O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N VEG G ETABLE V A R IE T IE S • ARE NEEDED FOR OREGON Local R eporters -* J I. Ner-htip • C entral ............. Hay Bower • Ci. erd.ile Mrs I.. J O tehell • C rest F ork Mrs. Geo Kehelbeek. • CTe well ........ Mrs M A. H orn • Dore-na __ Mrs Ada Jen n in g s • H ee-'ta Mrs " ' ! .\ r • H adleyvillel .... Mrs. M G illespie • Ja s p e r Mrs Grace Jo n es • | .... Mrs C M F oster • ■ _________ Mrs V A Reynolds • Mt Vernon ... Bulah Sm ith • Creek .... E. B. T in k er • T r e n t ____ — v : d n __________ Mrs w e Po*‘t * LANE News 2 C O U N T V U N IT « O . 1« Community News By S o-olil C orrespond te OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY FARMERS' UNION O akridge O fficers Indicted. The county grand Jury yesterday ■ returned Ind lctn n n ts again»! llr I. 'P iu te , Juntlce "( th'' l-«'i"'« • and Al Haney, constable of OakrWg», ch arg ­ ing them with failure 1.» notify th • district atto rn ey a fte r having know l­ edge or th«' violation of ihe prohibit I >n law H a rr, Brown and Jack W right, arrested in roii» m ore In terest has develop. (<>n gtor(1 |g h a r ,n|f # nPW R#|| — batam . golden giant and o oth.’f more T here will he a m e e ttrg at the high p a in t, to-wit: for a deer«« of ih« w hite hybrids. '« d jn th e production of high egg-lay- In sta| lp^ Court dissolving the bonds of m atrl school building S atu rd ay aR erm xin woey now existing and griuilthg to Beans, snap—S trtrg le ss green-pod. in< stratn 8 P rofessor P -n g a and C harlie Z'eg- February 27 of all people who have , PlaintICf »" absolute dlvor»-« from refugee, black To show th a t high egg production m<>torvrt Corvallis last Friday relative« o r loved ones burled at the rh-fi-nlanL and f»*r such e th e r and Beans, pole— K entucky wonder. Ore­ and good stan d ard quality can he com- whppp , bey a tt„ n(1pil the annua high Pleasant Hill cem etery. T his m eeting fu rth sr relief as to the Court may h ired to a high degree in chickens. h(K), p(JuPat|onai exhibition seem Just and ««quitable. gon g ia n t has been called by the school direct Th'-a Summ ons is served upon you B eans, lima—H d m e s b u tter, Ore­ *uu and to along these i Maude Edm tston fell last T hursday 1 ors of P leasant I’ l l public school fer iv r encourage n " - . - - « breeding --------- --------- by t-ulillcatloa by virtue of an order gon pole lima. ' 1 "* lines, was th e purpose of the exhibit PTpn|n([ g rrain !n p h er ankle qju'et the purpose of dlscuM lng Ihe needs 1 of the lion C P B arnard. Judge of T o m ato —John B aer, bonny beet. displayed by the 1 nlted S tates D« ■ band wlth Mr w,h„ ,.an com e and who Is In ie re ste l directing thia 9umm«>na b - nt-rv<»d on yon by publishing U«e sam e one«- a In ** New w" York weeks s ago gneen. * . c City “ " - a few «Mvbt at MM J ’’n ’ ’ - -o tb- m l 11« upk«' 1» w«-< k for «lx conaecutlvw w eeks In The m ale birds of the d ep artm en t's Pum pkin—W in ter luxury. Miss W ise from C orvallis v'sltcd urved to he present the Spring! '1’i New - a •! that you P epper—Chinese giant. e x h b lt w ere all of excellent stan d ard over Sunday In T hurston. The pupils e-f the P leasan t Hill pub- T O. l/rwolen. form er (povnrnor lu t-w tr the aald Com plaint within «lx E ggplant—black beauty. quality and w ere bred from h e n s , Mr an«I Mrs. A klress from K'-iee. He school eiitertlaned Ihe parents and of lUlnola has a 4,600 acre farm w ,. k« from th« ilale of first publica­ n ear Orvrron. Illinois, to which he C arrots, late— C hantenay. n an tes which had laid from 200 to 290 eggs W ashington, a re v lsit'n g Mr. an-' patrons w th a -plerdlil program tion th ereo f Data of first publication appliea "dirt farm " methixla. Mr. Broccoli—St. V alentine. In th eir p lo t year. Most of them had Mrs W illiam Henson and Mr and W ashington's birthday Readings, mu February 4. IV I Lowden — veagna the immense WE1.I.S <1 WK144L A ttorney« for Celery—Golden self balancing a pedigree which Inciud« I several gen Mrs. Robert H errington. sic, drills and short playlets wer- well t -act, leav .«. the actual farm ing to h n ln t ff. Post OtflO" A ddress. F u ­ ball Pratlo «-rations eggs o or r I F rank rh iv a lle r. who form erly re- given by ihe pupils under the dlr Cabbage, late—Glory. P an ish ball n s of producers of 200 <«gg« ten naaUtar ta, who are both coL- ig« tie, Oregon. kead. green savoy. m ere The exhibit include«! male birds g|(lp>1 hpfp gpr,ousIy # bog. o, Mr. M K H a r, Mra 1 F 4 U -IS 26 M 4 11 is Ljge-bred and sons o f the aoiL Sprouts. B rum e s—Oden«e m arket , h„ - ,i Plym ontk Reek h r - .-1. )n On,a r .o , ,,. c .-n I were I K al< ^D w arf o r ta l i green curled. thp Rho(lp Island red breed, and th e , Mp p ,.,pr)W)n fr(lnl E ateB e. wh„ Swlft> ncK ® . Moon. Lawvon. Jordan. C hinese c a h b a g e -lc n g b- k. , . . . , M l* n A sparagus—W ashington. th a t higfc eKnt production is not con Canit>b»d»p n«i nn* ■ I ■ S N O R TH W E S T M ARKING T IM E th e inauguration of egg laying co n tests Iagt TuPBdav t „ RprTP on JurT badly Injur««! on i- in this country about 15 y ears ago M..mbprg of thp SaIrat!on arm v rig h t hand She was taken to Eu- th -------- These —_ con tests a re now being* held from En)tPne wppp g-ne for m edical treatm en t, P ortland . Feb. 2S— (Special) — W ------, the tem porary C osing down of several In every section of th - country. A o am liftin g funds last Tuesday Mrs. T. F. K ahler and daughter. fir logging cam ps and saw m ills and b er of hens e n te re d in th ese official Flossie H errington, who atten d s Mary C atherine, spent th e past week th e resum ption of operations at oth- co n tests have laid more than 300 eggs norm a| a , Monmouth, spent the week end with h er fam ily nt P leasan t Hill s, em ploym ent on the w est coast In one year. The h ghest producing pnk showed no general gain, h hens tn s are now coming com ing from flocks n „ rrv „„a Ja i . v y firm P erry P rice and G rant motored According to th e 4L em ploym ent serv -1 which have been pedigree bred for up from Corvalli* fo r th e week-end. a t Elkton. buretors, Gabriel Snubbers. Bosch Ig n ition Systems, and T he P leasant Hill b asketball team Ice le tte r Issued h ere today. The ten- egg production fo r a period of years, dency. how ever. Is upward and co>n- A large p er cent o f th e hen en tered 'd efeated ihe S anta Clara team ’ ast etc. d it'o n s look b rig h ter than they did in th ese con tests a re W hite Leg- F riday by a score of 28 to ,4. F A R M P O IN T E R S fwo w eeks ago. horns, b u t Just as large egg records Logging o perations w ere Increased have been m ade by o th er popular W ILD AN IM A LS TO BE d u rin g the week in ’he Colnmbia riv- breeds, such as Plym ou'h Rock, Rhode If Oregon farm ers wal» befor tu rn ­ K ILLE D BY U. S. HUNTER n r aift W illapa harbor d istricts, while Island Red, and W yandotte. ing cows on the pasture until f g< ts We have several odds and ends th a t are priced to jnove. In G rays h arb o r one larg e sawmill To «rsdice’e the pre-lllory anim als a good sta rt. th«y w'l* h» s m l v re *nd several cam ps were closed tern- COUNTY AG R IC U LTU R AL - -be C a s i a '- fecthllls th " M paid later, believes the experim ent pororilv The Mlctoe m ills. Portland, COUNCIL W IL L M EET station n ts of Jasp er. Middle Fork and Row yesum«-d cu ttin g a fte r a tw o m onths' « --------- Soluble nitrogen fertllegsr com m unities ----- have asked for ■^«^ssauas. a w . . at «. v fh* .. ri r v.W — nhutdow n. ' . A — m eeting of — th e ----------------- Lane County Agri tv«v»-u. — o — - rate of ,00 to 200 pounds p«r ar. « »»yj, h u n ter. The state has agre.’d R eports from th « Inland Em pire cn l’u ral council will be held S atu r b arp bppn foun,] by tbP experim ent a ro p riate J ’ Ot) for the work an 1 Indicate th a t woods work th ere has day afternoon a t 1:30 o'clock at th" statio n to be a desirable top dressing th " « nty court |1<>0 provided th. been ham pered by wea’h er changes, Eugene C ham ber of Commerce A re- )n many Oregon orchards for clover f a i - e r s and stockm en raise another And th a t due to lirh t snow fall In the , port of th e . project com m ittee is ex- e __ ^ p ______ ,, th at _ a re not m ak'ng a good J100. Th fed»-ral governm ent will to calum lnate In the program g r o ^ n furn'sb »t-os and poison and guper- b ills this w inter, a lack of w ater may pected .......................... yeduce sp rin g log drives. Inland Em­ of ag ricu ltu ral work for th e year. Oregon farm ers are advised by the ex- vise th, wo-’t of killing the wild nnl- p ire saw m ills have not gee-orally s ta rt­ Rodent control w ork for the y ear ppr m ent station to tak e an Inventory m als. Do 'r 'h e last few years I' w if be outlined at the m eet'ng. Couo- oy t bp| r fertilizer needs for the com- ha« heeotn«- rly Im possible to raise ed cu ttin g for the season. T m he r m Milton iiu ii Box ««"« Co., ov.. a » large pine tv A gent O. 8. F letch er Is planning on ng „eAuon and make arrarcem en fa to sheep or goats in these sections farm B ill a t Glenwood, W ash., wi 1 resum e sta rtin g rodent control this year earl- ob(a jn th 'm In order to have them on era say operations about March ft with two ler than last A lready he has mixed band a t thfi t ,m„ nee,]Pd for applicm- ------- --------------------------\ ~ n w u m ... iiiiuiu.' it]iii i— MBHimii' ni'Tainuiw mw rr rmiwiwininmii— ‘ 4000 pounds of poison barley and will t | on . . • • • • (hift«. according to reports. C entral and eastern Oregon mills place It on sale n ex t week. A. W. Ruta bagaJs offer some promise as * T IM E AMO < » -------- - ------ — t state — ro d en t control a erop ‘n Columbia ind C at-op co u n -l* LO C A L M E E T IN G * a ssistan h av e continued to run all w 'nter. In Moore, Idaho the large mills of the Boise-Pay­ lead r. has been assist ng In g etting , )pa th e experim ent ¡tatlon. * Onocy--Wu*» . Portland uses large of «nern, them ’ ---------- * * ’" ’’" • * * 7 ? * ™ » ’and Bom e tte L um ber Co., at B erber and Em­ the pol«on h alt ready. i-oriiano targ" q u a n u tlth n ea s or While the cam paign last y ear was |f) yparg whpn potato,„ a r„ . xpenslve fT«w erW o-aacw« nfftne Iv,r>«ne S< «-oral and Fouth Tues- * «fjfve on the Jtiry for the spring term . S. D 'p n rtm en of A griculture Indicates • duya, D ofooa (3«ire4i. that th " w ln'er w heat acreage |n the • Hadloyvillo — F irst and T hird • ' ■ ’ . •rturada,:«. Had.« yvl.le M m I year. Considerable Injury ha | . H aoeta_ F tw t of each • ' ■ j place in the soft red w inter section • m onth, HecPt» School H ouse. • j £ of ........... t The things in dica'e Glut Jasp er—flecotnl and F ourth Wed- the p lanting of »nrlng wheat 1« Justi­ • ncsdwya, W. O. W. H all, Jasper. 5 Q uart Heavy A lum inum Tea Kettles $1.29 fied th , y ear In those sections w h e n • Ixrrsixr-dieccHid and Fourth th,. crop a- "ag«s ' 4 ' Federation 14 Q uart Galvanized Garbage Palls ................ 98c L O. O. F. Hall. B 'an d hard federation aro recom m ended I • • Worlnoedivye. MMC«nete hw»*. socon ‘ i ’ 2 O E U n A r » llT B n r L - a jj- .O Daniel Ahern and Azn K rueger. • RP'-rottudos vIH pinnae send hi * .j I j both of O oldson; Ralph Woodcock, • limn and pl««w o1 ntfudtn» and • j g Eugene, Oregon 662 Oak Street "R uirnne’a Own Store” ¡M o n ro ,- and L ’lll, May Riel,»id.«, June- • charfgbu of da/n a* ttrny i«W h«r * . \ I Neccesities TIRES Springfield Garage Phone 11 414 Main St. “II PAYS to BUY in the McMorran & Washburne Basement Store. —here are just a very few of the worthwhile savings oppor­ tunities offered for Friday and Satuiday! W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan ^^norrant-Waihbi/nie^ore am