I Buaineaa ia brought into »lore» by an in- visible eacort---A»lv. THE SPRINGFIELD NE no HHKINGEIKLO. LAN E COUNTY. OREGON. T W E N T Y - T il I III » Y E A 'I M ake* M illion 'OClßi STARTS BUILDING Tw vo o S tructures Going - Up r While M achinery Shipm ents A r e C om ing; Business In Con- stru ctio n M aterial For Houses To Bo Handled When Expan- --------- Legion Auxiliary Meet». loval A m erican Legion au«ll- Ttw U ry wlu m(M)l Il(1< ,.V(.,llIllt ..... WlMM|t|1„ h ,,r u„ work! hull Import- Bll( |,un;„, H m utter« will i> • • ai»M- .-r«l. after which u «octal hour wii »><• »pent In conjunction with th s iho American Legion poat which »HI incut at th e «limit time A large atten d an ce of m em bers o f . the auxiliary la u rg 'd In Iho future, the second and four'll I Thuim jays of c»< h innntha will !«• the m eeting nlg’H of the auxiliary Moot­ ing pluco H the W oodm tn of lh u . World hull. T l IURSDAY, FEU. 26, N ew T ransform ers Going in a t P la n t "The People’» P aper" L iv e NCW SFAPKR IN A LIVE T O W N N U M BER 3 192«. C h allen ges C orbett OPERATION OF ICE 14506078 Changes Made To Handle Addi­ tional Demands For Power Henry W agner T o Lease Prop­ erty on T h ird S treet B uilding To Be E lectrically Equipped For M a n u fa ctu rin g A ctivity, Letter Indicates. For the purpose tit taking a re of an Hu ren'-.d ''sta n d by dem and" for the city of E ugene’s electric lighting sy a -1 h m, three new 1250 kilow att tran r form ers are sorm to ba Installed at T h at the concrete ice p a n t build­ sion In Complete Hie Springfield sub station T hree 1000 ing on T hird street, form erly belong­ kilow att ira n a fo rn e ra a re now going i n g 't o 't h e W elnhard estate, ia to h e Actual c«>n»lructl«>n of new bulld- In a t the Eugene tod. electrically equip. <*1 and operated for Inxt an I e th e r act'v itle» in conn.... Steady grow th of the Eug'-ne and th e production of Ice In the n ear fix­ Unit with iho • X pan «Ion of lit« <’»» Hprhigf i Id district has m ade ’he tu re was Ind ented in a letter received cu le M anufacturing company are un (thange in the local sub-station neces­ by A. Perkins from H enry W agner, •,.-r w ar ii< »he com pur*'« plant < < n ordered tor th e plant, and The building haa been standing A t seven te«ai Mkea Gene Goldman Increi. e the capacity to 3000 k ilo w att, i on-IruclIon of ,i Mldi-trio k will Set ' idle for some tim e, being used now le ft h er p aren t’» farm in C algary, from what It I k at present, and thus Endeavor* Meet. C anada, uiul took a sa leag irfs posi­ under w ay shortly, M anager O F An and then for storage purposes, des­ According to W. J Rankin a will handle the heavy load th a t lia s A Jolly «octal was held at the Chris- tion In Chicago, selling real • >tate farm er of N am pa, Idaho, Jam es J. dcroon announced today. pite the fact th a t It is equipped with been overtax ng the capacity of the on th e ride. Today she has her tian church laal night when the church C orbett, form er hw.vy w eight ice-m ar ufacturing m achinery. Form ­ Two building« arc going up The own com pany and Ima made a mid- equipm ent for some time. cham pion said he would fight any Endeavor« with m any Endeavor* from erly th is building housed one of wnrehnuao, io ho use-1 for sto rag e pur Th* re transform er a re used for the man 60 yean, or older when he dbor i hurcli*'« of Iho city aa Ion fo r herself. Springfield's busiest industries, and , h » of, '» practically com pleted and him self reached th a t age. C orbett purpose of "stepping down" the pow­ guests, met to play game«., Th«- »octal it Is hoped th a t the n--w developm ents ready for uac. The o th er b u ’H Ing Just e r from the big California-Oregon ia now GO and Rankin, whe ia 73, hall waa well file d Delicious refresh C H AM BFR ROOMS ARE and weighs 200 pounds w ants to Indicate a returfi to th is condition. li.-lns »larlcd. 1« a « '-nHnu.Hlon o' Pow er com pany's transm ission line fight th e ex-pugilist. m enta were nerved at th e close of the i Mr. W agner in his le tte r stated th a t Iho old a t'iictltrc and will hous III” BEING REM ODELLED through here, for us« on the Eugene j be had arranged to lease the budding new m achinery which la no on it» evening'» «vent». and local system . The transform ers to certain parties, but th a t tt would A k itch en ette n rd cloak room have at th«- Eugene end step it down again MRS. IAMPS I AVTHN IS way t» sp rln sfio 'd Five H undred Club Me»ts. V IC T IM OF PENUMONIA be arranged for operation by electri­ been partitioned off of th e C ham h-'t A full ...... piemen! of fram e ipacb- Mr and Mrs I E L arim er enter- of Comm* re«« quarter* In the upper for use on the Eugene distributing city before actual reeum ntion of Ice- e t c la to he In s ta ll'<1 In th e expanded system. ry of of th in ” - c C o onn n ,m e en tai Hta’e m a - bank n an s -p, -,-hedute at present Is for the as “ "*7?™ .«° X t o ™ ^ m anufacturing is started. In form er lalneil ’he F ve llundri'd club Fri sto d o ry rclal Tlv schedule at present Is for the plant. Me A ndcrm n «aid. and with day evening building A gas ga« atov Hove -.ink. «ml o th er ,(>ea, p i ^ t to g en erate enough ¿ Z ? S of an attack of pne- y ears th e plant w as operated by th« ad d itio n al equipm ent th e cum dUtl a8 as a a re resu lt ® of an attack of pne- steam . Those pre •«»nt w « t «' Mr and Mr« a ..— n lnululli-1 In , he for operation of the Booth-K»!- * been Installed 1 1 1 ihe qulpm -nt tu n pony will do hualne»« on a large scale m onia a t ht*r hom e at Fifth an.-r Anderson in connection with pro- ’ ' . . ... . . . ,,, •'’ Pr " 1 ON NEW W ATER SYSTEM duetto» Of fram e work, during th e '« ’ “ Ixh schn out to the w inners In the n ear her life In th e state, living in H enry W agner. Sr., and H enry W a * I given at the Lincoln school He gave y D . , ner, Jr., cam e into possession of t h . Bain an High w ater w h’ch was running In puai two ' ' arl' ,Z a an h Inspirational talk, dealing with in spirational talk, dealing w.tn, m ,»« e T h„ gygUm w„ ‘ Pikne* is survived by her husband, plant. The parties to whom they h a v . o n e of the buildings la tOxHO feel | ............... ------- a ,h.. t the — ra le - — of ou 80 * gal­ ---------- ---- a t ---- a i- s u e 18 s u r v i v e a o y u«=* - ch aracter of W ashington and the Ideal , „ . , , , „ , . 7 ln , h„ . rh n n i. to the „ tunnel recently Instituted In the schools |OO(| Laxton. one of SorlngftelC * now leased have not yet been ah- end the other «0x100 feet In d im en­ lons , a m m (nule inute yeBterday m orning he se ts for young America w ork on t j,e tunnel being bor. \ prom inent cltlxens. and two children, nonneed sions. V arious Ju n io r high school pupils through th e efforts of th e local Lions club, which rinanced the p urchasing undPr tbe McKensle at H ay -! John Lingo of Toledo, Oregon, and ---- — — riv .. er . — ---- took p art tn the program which fol­ of the badges - — bridge for E ------------------ . . - W OMEN TO M EET AT den ugene's new — w . a — te . r' . , . Mrs Adams of . «,— S eattle B O O T H - K E LLY M IL L W IL L lowed Many visitors w ere presen t. T he aw ards will be given th is tim e gyRiem CHAM BER TOMORROW S T A R T O PER ATIO N MONDAY on a basis of what was accom plished WorItnl , doren rose cuttings for P.-T. A. SOCIAL EVEN T tom orrow m ade of the recent rem odelling w ork th ree o r four C" ,,,n ^ X rn , ■ ced at the W ashington b irthday pro- high ................. Elght hoys were given th e ir te n d e r-' Springfield high school night at 8 o'clock which has been under way In th e planting at the B ratta!» school PROVES TO BE SUCCESS K grounds. It was reported. foot certificates and pins a t th«’ meet Momtay afternoon E lm er Greenwood. A special stu n t by high school stu d -' roolu »„ annnsnr nna One of the mo«t successful com­ ‘ | n_ | Irish m an , took second place, and De Springfield s rep resen tativ es at the Th cluh decided to sponsor onu ents betw een acts Is a ttra c tin g con-- u s c „ „ ,. m unity social event* held her«' for . K ite Duryeo, senior, third. . , , . , , highw ay com m ission m ee'tng In Port patrol of Girl Souts here, si -Table in terest A spirants for the «"S“ - " j . sum*- tini,- was th e P arent-T eacherg Lions H ear Talk. i Thu prlxe essay was read a t the ii , . club i , are selling n ,u i expected bsck orrow Boosters the tickets 1 land 1. * are . hilVA . tom n coelution m eeting h 'l l In the hlgn 1 T h K n r l n r f l e l d 1 in n s « In ti In meet program by Naomi C arlton Th«> e- -»-ci ««<11 nenhohlv rfTinrt * .n ig h t and will probably have report« PASSENGER DELAYED L , b » » ............. ~ „ , r „ „ „ „ !t. , » . . . « « - .* » u « . « . « . . . m i . , school auditorium ' Monday i v e n n g i to m ake on th eir appearance before g y DE R AILED CAR K, citations, songs hv the Ju n io r high ¡th e com m ission 'sslon In the in ' te re sts *“ of „bbW ,»,, c.n " "" h a n d CAUGHT IN unit high school glee club * nti-l n p v ] H’lnte for nom ination iw< I nltvu ' ¡th e new W illaonette river bridge. «o>oi. Eastbound passenger train. No. 93, trio lle talk by County School S uperin­ s. h ltnr Th. en ’em Dregoc 1,0 | <>«’ ->r Uladlsh. grad u ate sluilei.t tt GEARS AT MARCOLA M ILL T he com m ittee which has heen con was delayed for nearly two hours yes* tendent E J Moore, were features of told of m illions In this dlalrl. t when U»« H nlversfly of Oregon, gave an in -------- sidering th e palm ing of all store ter(lay a f, prpoon by a d e ra ile d car- ,,,. ......... Min i.,nt in the C n lv e rs Ity H 're s tin g p atriotic talk having Io do | E rneat S’.ew anl sustaim d a pain- fronts in Springfield In an effort to ]oad pf ,um ber Jugt above Lowell on th e event Mr Moore. In hi tiilk. drew a tte n ­ of O regon 2o y«ura ago. : wl,h W aahlngton and Ms attain m en ts t *«1 injury Monday when h is hand Improve the city ’s appearance also )hp N atron cut-off ine. The train did tion to tin- fact Hint America has ______* _ program. ___ _____ was caught in the g ears of the ma- ■will have a rep o rt to m ake, It is ex- nQt pngg rhrougb h,,re until late in O ther visitors wcr< I N. P atterao n Iat M onday's h ul m any grunt leader«, hut that a fte r | Soveral num bers were given by th " ; hlnery ’n the F ish er mill nt Marcola. of Moro .mil Ben F Dorris pected. ; t he day. nil II has been a patrio tic people h o -, pr n a ry grades. Including songs an I , S tew ard’s hom e Is »t H alsey The de railed freight car w as got­ him I those cadera th at hnve been re- drllis. A g irls’ quart I. com pose! of | The injured man was rushed to g p R ||\J C F I E L D W IL I P L A Y Nelce Is M arried. ten hack on the track s late in the aopnalblc for Hie progress mid sii ­ M yrtle H arvey. Nnoml am t Iowa Carl Springfield for treatm ent. From h ere. M OHAW K HIGH SATURDAY afternoon. Po i m axlre F B llatn lln has re ­ c i’«« of the A m erican republic li e , _________ I Ion. and Gladys Cet lins, sang, nnd ho was tak en to the Pacific Chris- ceived Hie l> :innoiini’"in«TH annoim i’ meni ■ of th e nun-i m ar­ > « Hie violin solo.I Han hospital, w here It was found nec­ quoted from Wilson. Roosevelt, ami Springfield high school's last ganiej . „ i,..,i. » i.i. h a d e s Nadvornlk gnv . t O lsens Make Trip— Ail enjoyable o th er «tnteam en a*-, to what they ac- riage of Ills nelce. Miss Ruth Rich- essary to am putate two fingers of, before the home crowd , th is .« a * ™ , wag takpn over week.end by M llw.ink'e. Oregon. Io Mr nrijs of Ihe mnngled left hand. • tu.illy consld, rid p atriotism to he. will be played S aturday night, w hen | Mrg C ar, o ,9Pn and M ary Ellxabeth Corion, .lohn A G ustafson The we,f,ling took th e local cage a rtis ts will m atch t h e i r , RuggpH p o rt,am , lDd..pendence. and pin«'«' nt the fam ily home at Milwauk­ Mary E lisabeth Corion «lied at hcr HOPE FOR LET UP C. S tre e t Home Sold. skill against the M ohaw^ U n-i Tig(ted flnd Ru>geU ie F ebruary 21 to m e at 649 each Ninth stre e t on Feb­ Sale of th e house belonging to Mr». Ion h'.gh school quintet. The ih’H n g -' ¡rem ained . . for - , „ a . few w days ,„..s with friends frip .d S IN IN FLU EN ZA EPIDEM IC ru ary 19. aged (Î4 years, She is surviv­ M Klovilnhl. on C hut ween Elghi h « o d squad will try to re taliate fot Legion to Meet. , ed by her _ ............ ................ before returning to the home here. husband, George ........... Corion, . _ a m ill N inth stre ls, Io Dodd Ml h r, was Hope for n let-up ln the Influenza , the 3(1 to 11 defeat they suffered nt A Joint social affair will he held son, Ralph, of C ottage Grove; a daugh announced (inlay. Mr M iller and his epidem ic that has confined large: hand* of the Mtthawk w arriors a the A m erican Legion and ami thu m e le- ic- j t«»r te r . Mrs. Elsie S ta rr of or Eugqne. Kugqne. and ami fam ily wll move Into the pine«' imme­ by V isits Tillam ook ---- D istrict—W. C. Me- rvn ago. »«0*0 _ I ...... 11S tf.VI. - a . 1>" I«- S I husl- SS I . grandchildren. a « , • • -a s k. C .. 1 was I j htimli«, ot Springfi, hl p«opk to week glon auxiliary following brief ,,|Kbt The funeral The finnl gam e of the season will L agan, M ountain S tates Power com­ diately ! n ess sessions at the W. O. W. h a ll ib „«d nt th e horn«' Sunday. Rev. F. L. i r s ‘ u rln * 11 ‘lst ’’rim g i V is. Klovndal,:, who has been living bi’ played ag ain st C ottage Grove th ere pany engineer, made a routine inspec- tonight R refr. alim ents will be se rv -1 M()or„ of , hl. B aptist church official , y” " ^ " y ”7 , Dr th ere, will move 1«, Eugene. on March 3. L ast Friday night, the , tton of his concern’s Tillam ook prop- i -.-I. « ■ ■ , 1H. Pollard, city health officer Ho «st. q Ids will tie th«’ first ot n num ber i ,nK Springfield b ask eteers sent M onroe ertIts T hursday, Friday and S aturday - . ,, „ w I , , said that there were Indlcattono th at of such m eetings (Vanned. \ j r s Cotton »«* tiorn In W isconsin Funeral Today. , . . . the num ber of case« was losscntng. back across the B enton county lin e of la s t week. She has lived here for about six jo a is . , . The funeral for M rs M J. Powell, ' . ■ ■ ■ ■ ________ . The retu rn of wet w eather wus sorrow ing over a 28 to 9 defeat. 4L M eeting Held. form er dtpr'tigflehl woman wh > died ! said hy Dr Poltard to I«- one reason M argaret H rynschuk. F inance of the local organisation b held nt th,' Ventch chapel In E n­ Visit» from Noti Miss Lille S< u b()p(> (baj (b(> «.pyemic would let Kill K lare Meets wnH « s»tr- E lm er, Is su b stitu tin g for him. las Murphy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Roland day m orning. nuirrow afternoon. r.f E ugene; Mrs. W. H. A drian, M i?, /la y . T hose present were Mrs. F ran k MoKhier. Miss H attie M itchell, and Mrs. Eugene K ester of Springflelu. E ePne, Mrs. Je ss Seavey Mrs. Ous Visit» Parent» H»r«— Miss G race Miss Nelson III—Miss P eart Nelson Mr and Mrs. H T. M itchell, atten d ed 1 W ashburne, Mrs. M. M. Peery. Mrs. IVstta Aunt H are— M A. N ickerson, Malo w as home ov, r the week-end th o fuuera.’. for Will H arp In Junction ia convalescing a fter a severo attack Visit» Em ery Home— Mrs. W illiam John K etels, Jr., and Mrs. V/. H. visiting nt the homo of h er p arents, w ho Is locating a r a t road* for the City Sunday afternoon. The local peo­ of the Influenza. She ts not exepectod V IS T » e m e ry n v m e ----- — -------------------------------- L ightfoot of College C rest Is visiting Adrian Special guest was M rs H ar y Mr. and Mrs M M. Mnlo. Sho re tu rn ­ F ish er Logging comtmny a t Marcola, ple contributed m usical num bers to b ark a t b er work nt the Springfield ( 1 Stew art. ed Monday night to P ortland, w here w as a visito r at th e home of his aunt. bakery until late ln th.' week, a t least, »t the N. W. Em ery home today tho services. Miss Mnrv R oberta, Sunday. she la toachtna. s aj i Zi