. -----------y - T i l l RSDAY. FED. IS. 1920. T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS . . . rit---------- 1 , — - ---- —---------------- SU PER IN TEN D EN T HOWARD P.-T A. IS TO CONDUCT SPR IN G FIELD STUDENTS AT D AILY EXERCISE IS NECESSARY, SAY DOCTORS FOOD SALE ON SATURDAY IS TO AÙDRESS P.-T. A COLLEGE EXPOSITION THE MONKEY« TRIED TT IMAGINATION S POW IR . CORN LOW, HOGS HIGH ZERO W ILL HFLP. Charle.« • ' rlat-.d. an earnest y a n g New E r i ' • inherited a s . . first to if -g e fortvm , no man take the me i t u .e y r . : ra o t. had a right mind an, ’rifted R e ehangi Convinci .. por­ into a sidet:. haps, that he « . an origina! • -.k- er, he decided that marnug an unnecessary institution, he is arrested, because a } child born on his farm died. ... hag for its mother an unmarried rfrt- _____ The you-.g man should realize that his experience w ts y our alleged simian ancc. f r thousands of years be ft appeared, and abandonee ur human ancestors of 100,OOC .-.rs ago. Not to do away with m ar but to make men WORTHY is the task of the human : “Away from the monkey life a better motto than “Back nature.” Imagination Is mere powerful 'act. James Dempsey, not the Dempsey you mean, ow s a restaurant. Two men entered, held him up, he delivered his money. • A poMeeman dashed in. arrested the man “pointing the gun” at Dempsey. The only gun was two fingers that had been pointed. The second man, escaped, came back that afternoon, pointed one finger at Dempsey, and the latter again gave up what money he baa tha. Corn pr U g h .” T U packer*. Coir. should gx> up ar.d down togr since the pig is really com changed into meat. There is al­ ways something to puxxle and liis- tress the farmer. He has no suffi­ cient national organization, and aftei election day he hasn't much influe ce in government, compared with :-.il roads and other big financial units. At 'he midday luncheon club ir New York you can see eating at the same time those that contro« ten thousand millions of dollars. Farmers are scattered all over the lar , and if you eould get them together there wouldn't be any hall that could hold them. U n d e Sam is riding along on ▼elvri Severe competition abroad in th, world’s markets at home is sa: to be ahead of our producers. But everything, including Provi­ de. ■«, ems to be with us now. of Minnesota get from tf '« University Interesting bout their State, i t -in g ot life on form of algae, • ears ago. coon as the t . ,'ell below the I ... . p ♦ • real animale v . . r L o g s and ■: and and i ir inches • 'be five know, i rs on , .... c -’oiu- ' .sp r Mi. i.cian « wish that ssda- n'i.aier r.r_; had .lix toes. That would have given us the duo­ decimal system instead of the dec^ mal system, which ie baaed oo our ten finger* and thumbs. Tha duodecimal system would be » great improvement on the decim al twelve having four divitora, tea having only two. Mr. Green, of the American Federation of lAix>r, predicts an early end of the eoaJ strfks, now dlatreaxing the East and other parts of the country. The th< mometer at aero may help. Arne cans are “docile,” as Northcliit'e said. You must pinch their fingers with the cold or pit ah their pockets hard to make ‘hem take action. And, urJ'k- p-; .e workers kn4 o”.Tfri', t p'-.ple nre g-m'.. Is O perated On—F rancis Donovan of W crdling and Carl Sm ith of Jas- gtK both unOerwent major operations a t the Pacific C hristian hospital this I' c t lo . il \ a t th e In It u u s i v e il J u u lia tllg ll E ugene Haily , xerc >e is tteceaaary for all (’ A llo a ’urd. aupcrlnlt ndeBt IUNTLY ENLARGES TO The regular m eet ng of the Pure i: around developm ent ot the body and T eachers association will he hel l ai c b o o ls a t Mite-hflcld and candidai KELP BUSINESS PACE Ulind. The right kind ot exercise ha* ,i o'clock Frldny aftern o o n ai Ihe i tur republican noaihiallon Io Ihe po a tonic effect on the mind. Good, Lincoln school. All m em bers and all i sit'ou cf siale superintendent of put* M II llu 'illy , m auager of lluntly s *hol*Mvtu* ath letic sport Inspire It i t u g i m e n i o f H ie a llo w Outdoor exercises are preferable to bit- milk for u n .L r n a t i 's h e d s c h o o l , Mr. Howard has been In the c o a n i' ■ a s e » , a n d i f n t t n r <«i u l p m . n l o f ;h a the y ear around. T h ere is no rro son staci Tuesday V. iteiilav he spoke 1«. . hfl.tr e It s p o n t ' d «>ut t h a t t h i s h o p . w i l l m a k e It p o s s ib le t o g l« a for a ’’•b u t 'n se rsi'h " In O regon It tor a ver ' cause, and that Hie lu n ch 'o n of relall d e a le r s In « c u Is easy to oc«i«lr > th e w alking h ibll ventilili at Eugene on "llu*ln> ss and s ,n v ic e t o l a r g e r n a m in r s o f p n t r u n a ’ h e n s - o i i t l . - n w i l l a - p re d a te flo n a - In the sum v but th ere Is n o'li'ug Itile Schools.” Today he • ¡»•.¡I.» to tb. III th e future. Mr lluntly sutii as from anv . Mrs Paul llrnt m ore b r s e i r i and atlm ulaP n» t^nn th e chairm an, rep. -la that there a wr.lk during the w 'n te r month« ar< rc titan 50 ehlhln n taking mltk W alking is an ideal all around exer­ each day. the I' T A. provld'ng fund« cise, available to everyone, and gives for milk for .10 children one an opportunity to enjoy the wen before it 1« too Iute, votile In m id inak«' your ttelevtioiiH NOW d era of n ature in a way In wh ch they w ere m eant to be enjoyed. C O M M U N IC A T IO N W alk w hh h o ly erect, ch est welt j . expanded and rm s sw ln g ln t \ dallv Springfield, Oregon , th ree mile Jaunt should be taken by | j, »«erycne whose duties are Indoors E ditor of th e Springfield New*: E x -ic lse accom plishes th e p u rp o sei p c rh:ips nothing that has taken only when carried to the 'h e point of ,n the , „ wtl of Springfield, has n'Oib .a te fatigue. Dal v exercise so upset m atters, and caused more bit s t a r p m s the ap petite. Im ptovea llg>•»- ter discussion and criticism than ne tlon. very g reatly prom otes the assb dog ordinance Most of the people 6c 10 Heavy Guage Tin«' I ’ le Platea m l's'io n of fix'd, and a tl« in the ex that have a dog seem to think ’hat It 28o 36c untl 88c •'W i'iiri'v v r” Plv Pinion c re i'c n of w aste products. S e im ta r y FOUR LOCATIONS FOR I Is nohodys business but th eir own If 29e 55c "W oarever" One Qt. Ptitltllng Pana hahtt» and physical inactivity co n tri­ C IT IZ E N S T R A IN IN G CAMPS b ute largely to th e .ills of man P u d they want to keep n dog Mo’ t of the $1.26 A lum inum W ater l ’ltchora people th at do not own a dog think $1.4$ $2.60 Folding Iro n in g Boards T en tativ e plans for th e C itizens cncu iatio n . as evWenced by cold th at no one ought to he allowed to $2.50 Heavy Galvanized Garbage ( ' huh . reinforced nld ea and feet and hands. Is one of ll.« Indica­ keep a dog In town, as they a re su'-h a M ilitary T rain in g ram p s in the Pact-, : 1 M lops. tion* of sed en tary living The ‘ 1 nn|K 'linc«eid**troytng law ns, flower fic no rth w est for 1928 contem plate th> 75c act o f alx W ater GI uhscm . th in blow n style» w ith latlon of blood Is d lrectlv in flu e n c 'd ! beds, gardens, etc., and stealing things location of camps at Vancouver b ar­ 49c etc,toil design, now- per act by th e contractio n nnd expansion of from back porches, m uddying up racks. Camp Lewis. F o rt W orden and $27.50 Five Piece Ih-i-oratfd Breakfust Seta. Ivory the m uscles E xercise Increase« 'h e walk.«, stealing eggs from chicken Fort George W right. $ I ii.75 or Gray Em inu'l. table um, fo u r < hairs, now force and frequency of ihe heart yards and killing chickens, chasing As planned th e larg est cam p In this the fam ily cat tearing clothes on the area will be held at Vancouver bar- beat. COME T tlli.W BF.FOItl'. IT IS TOO L A T E ’ ! P n 'ly exercise followed by a cold •Ine. and o th er th ngs to num erous to . racks w here th e infantry candidate* show er Is a g n at preventive of colds mention. from Oregon and a arge p art of E xercise deve op« f'tll tb-ep b reathing The city has seen fit to puss i dog W ash'ngton will be trained F or’ w. UM Most persons 1« ling a -edentarv Ilf-« or inane», and every ow ner of a dog George W right, n ear Spokane. W ash­ C h a rg e use only on- half th e ir capacity for th at allows his dog to run it large. Your ington. will also be an infan try camp, h re a th 'rg St ignatlon of air din- to Ne Is supposed Io pay this lirs'Ose. The C r e d it where cand id ates from eastern W ash­ lateree' lack of nreper air motion m akes them object of this ordinance is not for th e ington and n o rth ern Idaho will be susceptible to colds anil resp iratory i n i r i e of revenue as a gr»a' ninnv assigned d'seases. Physl. 1 exercise |r-« r p i ,«r m to think, a« the r venue F o r’ W orden. W ashington, on the the am ount of oxygen taken Into th Puget Sound, will he the (m ining sta-, lungs and the am ount of carbon diox li r • ' therefrom 1« v- r ' In«Ignlfl . t'e n fcr those who select coast a r t'l- i Ide and o th er w aste products given cant The object In the f is t piece Is ery C andidates from the two states i oil'. Physical exercise, su ltsb le to fo n-t rid of a great many w v ih 'c f Il Isn't a bit to o early to th in k of your Spring Needs 'h a t arc a gn at nuisance to « h o elect cavalry or field a rtille ry , age. skill and ability, regularly prac­ d will he sent to Camp Lewis for train -' tice«!. Is an invaluable a'd to the ac­ tbv ' ‘•y. and ro t worth ih>- t -! ? of ing. • quisition of a pleasant disposition and • h. t1 ■' n -e In th " aei'olid plsce. anv c r i 1i at w ants to keep n 'ng thi L» II- Detal ed Inform ation reg ard in g th«! th«- full enjoym ent of life C ■ tag Identifies the owner. nn M r * . M o n t g o m e r y V l » i t s — Mrs Knse _____ _______ • Ing.“ Montgomery of L eaburx was a rlelto? A dog Is persona property, ami hn« i no more right« to tr i“-pnss than a co'» Saturday« n ig h t's topic Is "T he Im In Springfield Tuesday. _________ __________ or a horse or any o t h e r anim al L it ro rtrn a t« Saviour." Sun lav morning. visit* Aunt H e re -M r s Vivian everyone th at w ants to keep » d o g "F ld el'ty to a T r u s t;“ Sunday even­ ing. "Saved For the Sake of A nother." H a r'h of Roseburg, nelce df Mrs. F c o m e In and pay the license fee and t i ­ Tb«- ordinance of baptism will be ad- B. H a rt in. rlsited Mrs. H am lin for d0““ wl’h 11 lt W SMITH. Re. « nier m lni-tered at this service. a sh o rt tim e T uesday. O regon A gricultural Coli c«' Cor- vallls, Feb. tg - R epresentatives from Springfield high school are attending i the th ird annual «durational cxposl- t'o n her«' February 19 SO and St. These a re Mrs. Virginia Rice, fa c u lt' ! m em ber; F rank bom bard, C harles Them peou. Evan Hughes, boys; E lisa­ beth Hughes, Agatha Beals. Ida Cox. girls. From T hurston high facu lt'- I m em bers are: A rthur H P engra and Flora E Cantbel ; girls. Kent Baxter, ¡E m m a P a r 's and Manda R ussell; boy« C harles Zeigler. More th an 150 high schools are rep resen ted this year, with nearly S00 a u th o ris'd delegates on the campus. This is the largest atten d an ce since th e exposition became an annual event. During the exposition the college hopes to si m ulate thinking along lines of h ig h er education in p rep ara­ tion for the vocation which th e stud­ ent Intends to follow The co» ege has p larn ed to give a real service to the d elegates by Indicating through lec­ tu re s d em onstrations, exhibits and round tab le discussions th e work to which various cirrlcula lead. Anticipate Your Requirements—- Removal Sale Super Values for Thursday, Friday and Saturday ^/E T H E R B E E -P O W E R S C hristian Church. 9:45 S'in-’.ay schon R F Mnshler, superintendent. 11:00. M orning service. R« r. 9. Earl ChiMera. 11-00 Junior church. 8 '0. Senior Endeavor. 7:10, Evening S 'rvlce T h e J. A . M e m e r i* ' M e t h o d is t Receive S hipm ent—Th» Sprltlgfie'd Mohawk Man In— Frank Blaf urd of Mill and Grain company received a Molin« k « a s in on buslnem Monday. shipm ent of charcoal and an o th er of Ha* F l u — E m e r y R ic h a r d s o n , e o o y ster shells th is week. piove a t the Mountain S lates l’ow- r Leaburg Man Here— Percy Rossm an plant. Is down with, the Influent*. of Leaburg wa* a visitor in th j city ____________ T akes Lay Off—L. A Smith, for Rent House— F rank Woollen and many year* one o f th e n g.'.t n o n at son o t C alifornia have ren ted t h " . tho lo ta pow er plant. Is taking a la/- R ichter house on Fifth street. off d ue to II health. Sprinqfield. M orning them e at 11 o’clock, “T h e : Goes to Grove— N. A. R ow j of T eachings of Jesus " Anthem by the Laird Here— P M. Laird, Cre-w ell I Springfield was a visitor In C ottage h o 'r Member« received. farm er, called h'-rc on business T ues­ Grove Tuesday. , Evening service. 7 10. th em “ : ‘‘The day. 9> yen Lamps of L 'fe,” with a g o o d , W altervill* R esident In—William program of special music. In from W alterville— 8. J Qoddard H ucka of W altervl/le was a buslnesa fh u rc h school meet* at. 9:45. In te r visito r In Springfield yesterday. of W alterville was a visitor In town m ediate league at 5 p m. i Tuesday. Family III—Clayton N estle, his wife Epw orth league, 5 ?0. Mid-week p rayer and praise ThuTS- and children a re all confined to bods I day. 7:30. All at the home like church,; with Influenza a t T w enty-fifth and A gate streets, Eugene. L. Moore, m inister, Mr*. Griffis III—Mrs. Georgia Grll- \ Undergoes O peration—Mrs. H. IL fls Is suffering from a case of in-, N estle of D stre e t subm itted to a fluenza. m ajor operation a t M ercy Biospital Mr*. C arney III—Mrs. W allace C ar­ yesterday. She is reported to be do­ ney of Springfield Is ill. ing well. P lant and O ffice Phone, 122-75 M A R X ’S EUGENE DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS M ASTER C L E A N in tS , DYERS, PRESSERS AN D PLEAT ERS See Us In O ur New Home 243 E. N in th Eugene, Oregon N ew Soring DRESS GOODS We are proud o f o u r fine mid varletl line o f new Spring Ore»» Good». O irr display of fabrics w ill suggest many i lever com bination» fo r dainty Spring and Sum m er dresses fo r the women o f foresight, who is now planning fo r the b rig h t days that w ill soon be here. A ll our S pring Dress Goods are o f finest ip ia lity , and o f­ fer the woman of In d ivid u a lity the opp o rtu n ity o f develop­ ing her own Ideas of what best expresses her personality. THE FAPMEP? EXCHANGE Your Order— Send it Here and SA V E! Gardening Time We Have v isitin g H e re -J o h n broth« r Of Mrs. N advornik is visiting here from Dickinson, N orth Dakota. F isher »pent several m onths in tills vicinity som e tim e ago, and he is re­ new ing form er acquaintances. ' t-asosui Full Line Garden Seeds in Bulk Onion Sets Seed Potatoes Seed Corn Every Article is P t RE and FRESH PHONB PHONB 9 WHITE FRONT GROCERY 9 t