T hursday , F E n . is . 192«. T H E H P I M N f i m j i N EW S P A G E 3E V E M I Oassíñe Thirteen Month Year (BUYING «a SELLMC I OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Hapnenfngs o< the Week Collected for Our Readers. Lute Savage, ve’eran guard, who luring a ireak at ’he Oreg- i »’ate p -ill m ta ry August 12. was dismissed from a hos­ pital at Salem,, w l-r e he baa lx-in «Ince. Physicians said he probably would recover. Mayor Wright and W. 3. Link, mem­ bers of the McMinnville wat. r and light omcilsRlon, are In Los A n -g to Inspect several plants to ,■ un In­ formation before the Installs >u of a 600-horsepower eng - e In the munici­ pal plant at McMinnville. Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase, nation­ ally known educator and pn erty owners was presented to the La Grande city commissi .i re ..«tin g that a charter amendment bo voted upon at the coming special municipal „legion to jn ^ e a ie 'the number 'o t ck y comml„ , onerll from tbree to flv#_ vaa shot below t’ e heart NOTICE OF IIEARJNO OP PINAL FOR SALE—-Carbon paper In largo F " ll HALB Tho Old Oregon Trail association ACCOUNT. ah-eta, 20x39 'nchea, suitable for LATE 1924 Chevrolet touring cur held Its annual meeting In Baker Tues­ Ni t'ci, la hereby given that the un- making irnglnxa. Thu News Office. First eia»« condition throughout; rterslgntd administrator of the ««tute day. very reasonable prie Phono 027, of Nancy J Ik vie deceaaed. bn« filed He« our llnu of visiting enrdh. | Teachers of Hood River county at­ u«k tor Mr. Moor If h«r account for the final aittlem vnt ponoted. or plain, at the News ollloe ten d ed the second Institute of the year of the ru d eatate lu the County Court i at llood River. Rutter wrapper» printed accor iin< CALL AND HNE Dr N W Kmeri for Lane County In the State of Ore­ Total taxes In Marlon county for the on or* ■ 0« Pint, unii >tb»,- work »• gon. and that Saturday th> tworty to regulations with namn, weight seventh day of February, 1920, nt the nnd addreaa, $1 25 a hundred at the ¡year 1926 are <1,896,968.17 a» against Dr. George W Davis of Ottowa, Court Room of «aid court In the Coun­ New» Office. 21,817,705 14 for the year 1924. B»tnle of Horn It Harvey, Deceaaed. ty Court House. In Eugene, Oregon at i ta» , has worked out a "Calendar NOTICE OP FINAL BKTTIJiMKNT. ten o'clock In the forenoon, baa been ’ f Nations" which has 13 months With the Hoard man school closed Notice 1» hereby given that Myrtl« hv «aid court fixed a» the Urn» am' Card of Thank«, f 28 days each, the new month because of a smallpox scare, there Is 11 llarvny. Executrix of the l»»t will place for hearing objection« thereto. We wl«h to thank our friend» for Luna” being placn1 hetweer, June now an epidemic of mumps with 10 and toatutin-nt of Dora It Harvey, d e­ nnd for final «ettleanent of «aid e«tat<> their many acta of klndneaa shown 1’ily. It ha« "ci. - ’•mJVfe cases already reported. ceased. ha» filial In the County Court A d m ln '.trato r of th e eatate of durlnr ,h '' llln,,M‘ “ nd nt of the Hint« of Oregon, In and for Thomas Meckleson of Portland has Nancy J Hoyle Iour beloved huaband and father, Lane County, her final report aa »uch accepted a position as auditor for the executrix, and that ten o'clock in the ___ _________ J 20 P 4 11-18-26 C harle» R l .amur; ar.d for the many Oregon public service commission. He forenoon of Saturday, the 8th day of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE beaut ful offering«, we are very grate- Estate of Perry R Edmlston, will succeed B. B. Fenwick, who re­ March. 1920. have hecn by the Court, Deceased. Organization of the Southern Ore­ fill'd and appointed aa the tlm« and 8TATK OP OREGON FOR LANE ful signed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. gon Peace Officers’ association was MRS M J LAMAR and Family, place for hrarlnx objecllona to »aid COUNTY Notice Is hereby given that Wa ter Rntlly Jono». Plaintiff, vi Juck Delegates from nearly every Eplcco- at s gatherIng of gherlffa. report and for the flnn »ettlenient of GEO W LAMAR W Edml»ton ha« been by the County pal parish in eastern Oregon attended Jono», defendant ch)efg prohlbltion o„ lcers and the eatate of aald deceased Court of the State of Oregon. In and 8UMMON8. the convocation held at St. Peter’s traff(c offlcerg Qf BOU, hern OregOB u MYRTLE II HARVEY, To Jack Joni», the above named Director: "W e|| we can't find the < for l-»ne County, appointed ad-mlnis- Executrix. church In La Grande Saturday and A ihiand Apprcx;mately 50 oiflcer, defendant artlal who drew It io there's nothing ¿ h„’L ? ta,e of Perry R M A. E Wheeler, Attorney. mlston. deeased. NAME OP THE STATE Sunday. from various counties were in attend- J 4 II If IS M I OF IN O r THE ' eoon " you are hereby "requ'lr- eI,e ,o do but ’lan < lhe p ,clu ri‘ All persona having claim« aga'nst Early spring gardens within the city ance. to appear and answer the com said estate are hereby notified to limits of Ashland were badly damaged N o t ic e op f in a l s e t t l e m e n t ed glxty patlent8 £rom the OregQr; ho„ f/alnt filed against you In th« above A D M IN IS T R A T R IX ' w iT tn r pre» nt the same, duly stated and by a band of deer which wandered p)ta, for ,nsaM at Salem were trang_ _ .... . ST,lATR1X NOTICE. verified at th« law office of A. E Notice la hereby riven that Hnrold entitled court and cau«e, on or be-1 .9Q PRT _*?*’' T V ? Wheeler, In Eugene. Or-gon. within down from the mountains seeking food ferred t0 {he Pendleton hoapltal to J. Well», Adtnlntetrator of the Eatate fore the expiration of the time pre­ of Della F. Wheatflll, deceased, ba» scribed In the Order of Publication. STATE OP OREGON IN AND FOR six months from this 18th day of and salt. relieve the congestion In the mala filed hl« final account aa »uch, and to-writ; On or before the expiration DANE COVNTY IN PROBATE In February, 1926. The annual conference of the Young institution. The population of the the Court haa act Friday, the 19Ji of «lx weeks from the date of the flrat the Eatate of Elisabeth Young Mc- WALTER W EDMISTON. Women’s Christian associations of the Salem Institution now numbers 1904, day of February, 1920 at 10:00 A. M . publlcatlon hereof, and If you fall to Dowell, deceased Administrator. at the County Court Room In the answer for want thareof. plaintiff Notice la hereby given that the un- A. E WHEELER, Attorney. smaller colleges of Oregon was held ( of which number 1221 are men and Court itouar, In Eugene, Lane County, wlll apply to the court for the relief drrslgnerf was appointed admtnlatra- P 1825 M 41125 at Pacific University In Forest Grove 683 women. Oregon, aa the time and place to bear prayed for In the Complaint, to-wit: trlx of the above entitled estate on Saturday and Sunday. Car, H BJorqu,rt of Marahflel