PAG H SW TUH APttlNCKUNJl NBWS - TOWN AND VICINITY C onfidence By Flo should be flll«*»l with happlaeea, ,ove and ix'cupatlona th a t a woman finds In having h er own mail anil her own home Interests. If your children refuse to listen to reason now when you try to explain, m arry anyw ay, they'll understand when they a re older. Ih’n t think because the second man Is not a co n n t-rp n rt of your first hu« band you cm not love h tu « « «I -plv as the othej- Von van. , ,n love many people for many, many l.ffer- op and realise a m an's re - ;, islhilltlvs Motor to Bandon— Mr. and Mrs. on the offices of the Booth Kelly cotupn , t 1 mu t I I l«vt ttnot e r because he is witty and brtt. | F ra n k L enhart m otored to Bando Lumber company here. j was quite lacking In ai.v first war* llant and cynical, and still another I jday. M.-s. Roberts III— •Mrs. Ronald Rob* ' Hag«,. I ¡tin sur« that th is man weuM becati. hi« head and heart arc full. H ampton In— I : race H am pton of erta Is 111 w ith th« Influenza at h r m ake roe very ! innv. and I am iu te of bi atulful dream s, and he Is as on- ' th at he would b • a good fath er Io mv falln G vah’n was a business vis tor h ere home here. and tpustlniy a» a child. A Monday. 1 children. How--« er. they ohj ct siren woman may love one man because Marlon Chase He Marlon Cha«» uouely to nie tt arrying hi a:—not bo h e Is a money m aker and can give R eturns to W esf'r—D. K M itchell of Camp C reek was a visitor in town cause they «|o net like this p art.« alar h er ears and d'am om ls. and another h i ; r. turned to W estfir a fte r several Friday, m an, hut because, well, i »appose they because he Is rem ain lo and fe u ls her days spent here. a re a little Jealous All my. frleuds soul on («retry and sentim ent. A man V is it s fr o m P o r tla n d — F rank De- Mrs. Stoddard Here— Mrs. B. S to l- Pu- . Jr., was down over the wekA ¡id predict unhappiness for m e If I m a r­ muy love one woman becauae she Is ry him. 1 don 't know what to do. s i l- a in tu.'. gay and frivolous, and ba d srd of W altervllle was in tow n for a from P ortland, to visit his parents, I'm not going d o do anything until I may o«-e another because sh e is » t i e Monday. Neaves Family Down— Rob- rt N'eav- hear from you. M arjorie. practical and sensible and dom estic, V erger Here— H P. T o rg er of Mar- ur.l family of th W endltng camp and m akes him com fortable co’u was in town on business Satur- were In town ate last week, My advice to yon. M arjorie. Is lo P erhaps it'» because we grew in wls dsv. m arry th e man you care for. if yq-i don In love with experience as w Miss Nelson Recovers— Miss P earl Craig Family Here— Mr. and Mrs. Xf!«i>B. who hn, ff>r r .,, think h e can m ake you happy. Y on «to in o th er things C ertainly, si co« l M ron Craig and fam ily of M a rc a a d a v . w th th e Influenia. has recover- would be very foolish indi e ! to s e i - m arriag -s «re much more ttpt t„ |M. rifii-e your life to your ch ild ren's »el- ihappy than first m arriag es. Ill in w re v s ors in Springfield M onday e n S atu rd ay the local com pany tc view the new highway bridge at L am bert, widow f the late principal ro t want mothi r to live with them, rer, dyed a car o f poultry grit from th at po rt. of the Springfield schools, was a vis- Your being m arried and tu n in g your Idaho own horn« will be an advantage— net A carload of flour was shipped to H r t from T h u rito r—C harles T ay­ It r here Sunday S he is teaching at a dls.i vantage to your children You A s h la n d S a tu r d a y b y th e S p r in g fie ld Corvall at the farm home. lor of hurston a .d his fat! r-ln-law, Mill and tirain com pany Mr. >' gan, v e re In town on business _zave fo r C alifornia—Mrs. Lyda Me cn lay. Gowan and h er slster-In-law . Mrs G M erohanta In— George M arks of H K etchner. left recen tly for Alham W a terville and V H Seavy of Mo- bra- C alifornia. They will rem ain lo h a - k , both m erchants, w -re Spring- the southland for som e time. E e’d business visitors late la st week. Goes to P ortland— Mrs. H arriet M Miss Flora T hurston T eacher H ere _____ ____ Sc®— Fir H ow ard Nelson of W endling a re the proud parents of a new baby, born •cglflrig on the Pacific -lop«- of O re­ in Soringfleld Saturday. The newcom­ gon and W ashington last week was reported a t 67 per cent of total capa­ e r is a girl. city, while lum ber m anufacturing in H ere from M arthfield—Joe Lem ­ the game territo ry was reported at m on and wrifo of M arshfield a re in j 87 ■ per cent of norm al ■ — one-shift -- «.-JO« capa- j tow for a few days visiting a t th e city, according to the 4f, em ploym ent hom e of Mrs. L em on’s p arents, Mr. le tte r isaaed h ere today. A ctivity of and Mrs. John W inxenried. ‘camps and saw m ills in the various w est coast d istric ts was given as fol- Drive to Sum m it—Mr. a rd Mrs. ¡o w s. M ilton Cyr and Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur j Logging Saw m illing Lloyd motored to the C ascade gum-1 p ooa g.jy .66 85 m it on the McKenzie riv er h ig h w a y ' 50 75 S “D,3ay' Tillam ook L ine .. . .56 90 McKinnon Recovers—D. W McKin- Colum bia R iver . .... 66 86 non, who was in b>'d writh the Influ W illapa H arbor ... 40 76 enza for several days, Is back a t his C entralia ....... ... ... 70 90 90 desk a t the office of the Booth Kelly G rays H arb o r ... .„..86 Tacom a D istrict ..75 p lant here. »0 S eattle D istrict ...75 95 Here from Oregon City—Ru'lolph E v erett D istrict .86 »5 W enger, hop man of Oregon City, is Bellingham DisL ...76 85 h ere on business for a fey days. He The 4b le tte r said th at signs of the la staying at the home of his au n t, usual northw ard tr«-k or w orkers from Mrs. N. A. Rowe. California and o th er southern d istricts R eturns to Coos County — Mrs. ! were to be noted la s t week In the Glenn Ditto left here S aturday m orn­ , larg er cities of w estern Oregon and ing for her h«wne a t Coqull e, a fte r j W ashington. v isitin g for som e tim e with relativ es and friends here. — Young Wife Afraid to Eat Anything Salem People Here—Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fish of Salem were visitors at “I was afraid to e a t because I al- the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dit­ w ays had stom ach troub e after­ to of Springfield Sunday. The Dittos wards. Since tak in g A dlerlka I can eat and feel fin«.’’ (signed) Mrs. A. ! are the parents of Mrs. Fish. Visit at Eugene—Mr. and Mrs. Dal las Murphy of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A rehart of Lebanon, and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Anderson of Eu­ gene were visitor» Sunday a t th e home of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Murphy of Eugene. ..... / »- d J U r Howard. ONE spoonful Adlerlka remove« GAS and often brings sur- j prising relief to the stom ach. Stops th a t full, bloated feeling. R em oves' old w aste m a tte r from intestines and | m akes you feel happy and hungry. E xcellent for o b stin ate constipation.] THURSDAY, FTCB IM, 192«. — — — ...........-J - VO U C A N N O T O F F E R an« otic a p la te o f Ice c rn n n t that Is not up Io par Yoa m ed never fear the outcom e of offering anyone M plaie of our i ream, (or we make it a point Io In . p It alan lair all th» Cm To that we <>w< our su»- EGGIMANN’S OPENING OF ( Drop-in Restaurant Under New Management Tony Gruvog. formerly with rh«> Raluhow In Eng.-ne, haa purchased the lim p In and will conduct an np-to-dute res- j (unrant und con.«•« li o n e r y . EVERYONE INVITED TO GIVE VS A 1 RIAL. COME IN AND G irr ACQUAINTED WE SERVE GOOD EOOD Drop-In Cafe Tony Gravos, Prop. Learn About These Travel Extras $1.00 pr. stylikl) colors and black. / V no a d d itiiin a l fa r t, get n t n ¿dvanrigr« when yo u m v r l P io '.f I «repover p n v ilr ^ c i on I " J j v fo u m h n p t ic k r it m jn y Oregon points. Vi%it at several p o in ts in sira d o f o n ly one W eekend ro u n d trip tickeis io and fro m P o riU n d w ith o u t n r o p o iir - arc v .itlv reduced in cost. H uy them (o r oscr * unday rrip*.. R etu rn lim it is fo llo w in g Tuesday. T e ll o u r agent y o u r travel plans. He’ l l gladly advise you rc g .rd in ^ a moet advantageous itin e ra ry. -s Southern PacificLines Sold in Eugene exclusively at • 'OR STYLE CAIIL OLSON, Aguiit QUALITY “Eugene’s Own S tore” —- - L REMODELING BARGAIN FEAST ENDS SATURDAY, FEB. 20th This rem arkably low price sale has been taken advantage of by thousands. We are moving our large stock so th at the store can be remodeled, made up-to-date and more attractive. By Saturday night, we expect to have accom ­ plished our goal in stock reduction. The opportunity will then be gone to bay merchandise at less than cost The Stevensor.s are now getting alongySwi? together Mrs. Stevenson was crazy about mo­ toring. But she was mad as a hornet over the way the old car looked and Bad had his troubles. Finally he got busy with some Acme Quality Motor Car Finish and now the “ Missus” and the motor are both radiant. The finish is easy to apply. . , . ones. l I l las a j ' long en­ Makes neat cars out of . old durance. Comes in just the color you want. ACME QUALITY Paint^W arnish V Our store is the Acme Quality Paint and Varnish Service Station. Before buying paint, enamel, stain or varnish, it will pay you to come and consult with us. Wright & Son C. J. BREIER CO. 605-609 Willamette Street Eugene, Oregon F lan ery ’s Drug store, A