-------- j --------- --— pack r i v a THH RVHINOFIKL.» NHSVH THURSDAY. FEB. 18, 1920. ------------------ public school January K meet Wi-dnaa- or and alatke clover. end has the pcr-J FOR SALE—Carbon paper In largo Director; “Wet, w- can't ta d the ehoets, 28x39 Inches, suitable tor a tlst whe dr . w I th« re’s n ,thing day afternoon to bt «In work Mm J. er i,|«i tinblt of whlt< clover. Exporl- making tr usings T ne Ni-wa O ffice, nine to do but bang the pielure.” A I’helps In leader und the following mi nt station trial« have proved It very are member« of the club: Luc. tt i productive for ,ui:-tur> In the coa't Baughman, president; Louglnn Kub- dlntrlct, In the W illamette valley, and ler, vice -p resld tn t; Evelyn Monson, In eastern Oregon Irrigated sections secretary; Roberta Lawson, Rublnn In Crook, loike and Malheur counties. Lmwson, Evelyn Jlielps. Good seed yields have been aecur>-1 Mrs Russell Myers, Instructor at ln b,,' h Crook and Iwke counties The the Pleasant Hill high achot* has *”«1 Prlc« •» hl« h “nd tb” demand been sick with a severe cold and flu *ood Reaulto * « w that It succeeds The Dorcns basketball team defeat- i»'*1 on l»nd tbat '■ free ot common ed the Pleasant Hill lean* by a score white clover and alslke clover, of 16 to 16 at Dorena Friday night. I Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts FARMERS WAREHOUSE will be pleased to know that their 6- STOCKHOLDERS MEET Much thought and knowledge has been put into the bak­ year-old daughter, Vydette who has i , ing of Perfection bread. It is clean and pure and highly been very tick for several months Total »387,848 17 during nourishing. with Inflammatory rheumatism. Is 1925 proved a record business for the Bread and milk is a mighty good year ’round food for grow­ much better. Lane County FarmiT« Union Ware- ing boys and girls. It is an old fashioned dish but it is an Several farmers of the Pleasant Hit house ompany. Manager E. E Morrl ideal dish—a dish that proves itself because all growing dlslrlct are draining fields with tiling ion stated In his annual report to the childrn like bread and milk. The ranch of C. F. Hyde where tile stockholders In session at the Eugene ' was laid last year undtr the super- chamber of Commerce yesterday, It satisfies every demand for a hungry appetite. vision of the Oregon Agricultural col New directors named were: George lege Is shewing fine results from the M Kebh ebeck of Cottage Grove and draining Workmen who have be' n C E Wright of Walker The directors digging post boles on the Hyde ranch elects Ralph P Laird of Pleasant Hill the past week report that they struck Fifth and Main St. FRED FRESE, Prop. Perkins as president and C. E Jordan of ’he no water when In the drained sec­ Springfield I^axton same place sicretary and treasurer tion« hut were obl'geil to dig In the Phone fid Building Increase of the capital stock from mml where no tiling had been laid $15,000 to »30,000 was voted. Visitors from the east hnvo be-n thunkful they have eseaped some of "M B « tin- revere storms experienced In their f irmer home« in one Instance a letter was received reporting a gate that a W H E R E Q U A L IT Y M E E T S C O N F I D E N C E ^ blew S4 nt'b s an hour for 10 minutes and 6u miles an hour for several hours. Floyd John, who Is stationed with the army nt Missoula Montana, writes that he Is growing tlr'-d of winter ami hopes to be stationed at Vancouver, Washington, next winter. BREAD IS GROWING FOOD SPRINGFIELD BAKERY lilt. LOUIS ALBERT BANKS Revival m eetings at the Methodist church will be started February 28 by l»r. Ixmls Albert Hanks, noted divine, a u th o r and prohibition worker. The meetings will continue for two w"eks. Community News THURSTON By Sosclat C o rr«apond--ta UPPER WILLAMETTE NOTES PILCHER’S SHOPPING NEW S Evening Gowns Reputation FARM POINTBRS Mr and Mrs F -llx Sparks from Friends of Mr A bln Olson and Blue river are spending a few dnys Miss Ixiretta Smith were much sur- fb-mend for seed flax In Oregon 1« wlth Mr and Mrs Arch »hough prlsod to hear uf their marriage Wed- greater than the supply, the experl- The Ixutles* aid gave a flve-cent nesduy. February 10 Two charivari , , tm-nt station reports. The tariff o f 40 poclal .1 the Thurston h sll last Thura-, parties visited the bridal couple, the # day evening The proceed, amounted , older folk , on Thursday night and the (h<> ,„ to »27 09 high school young folks Friday. Mr., petition. Where freight rate« are high Mrs. John Edmlaton motored to'O lson has lived many years at Eden- there Is a big advantage In growing Junction City last Wednesday evening vale where he ow n. a prosperous )n pn.ference th„ f)brp with Mr and Mrs William ftrnred and Kraln and chicken ranch, and 1« road vorlety — I—.. of n t X l.t.lef f n 10 family from Waltervl !• and attend*«) 1 -rl- nuparvlaor district No. 10. . Experiments with flax seed produc­ the revival meeting that Is being cor.- Mrs. George Lord of Enterprise Is tion In Oregon are being carried on at ducted by the I. given growth. Results at the Moro station company to have their line from t h e ^ y the young folk* lh e Christian fir, not ga„ . r, ctory enough , o high banks on lo Springfield put on Endeavor society Saturday night. I recommendation ln ftiat see-1 the government poles aa thia pan o, .February 13 was a marked success tlon l p|ant!nga ln previous year« th* Hoc needi repairing. 'The audience waa kept lautfbtnie much 1 have had had serious losses from heat Frank Remmle «pent «eversi days of the evening as the parts were all canker. With early planting last year; visiting his parents last week. , well taken. Those In the cast were: much better results were obtained.’ Miss Flossie Herrington, who Is at­ Wrexon Brown, '•Daddy" Jed Wheeler Corvallis station results correspond j tending normal at Monmouth, spent Mrs. Brown ___ Lottie Bendshadler with those of the Moro* station and ; the week-end with home folks. N ellie Brown ____ ___ Hate) Wheeler many other stations In the northwest J Jay Grant, who atends O, A C at | Field peas are a good spring-planted ; Teddy Brown ........ .......... Carl Linton Corvnl Is, spent Sunday In Thurston j m 'choaW r B essie Fr-agles forage crop for both eastern and w est-' Mr Weaver and Arrh »hough at- p>ul rh l.Hl(.r Bert Feagles ' em Oregon. When planted with beard- tended the Elks lodge In Eugpne 8 a . Jane, the maid _______ Violet Inman leas barley or oats on some of the urday evening Thompson, the butler ....... Roy John cool Irrigated projects field peas do Ray Never spent the week end with The play netted the society oyer ' Particularly well, the experiment sta- his parents Io Eugpne. »30 Candy was so d after the play. , bon reports. In the W lllnmette valley. Mr and Mrs. Curtis Price from The Cloverdale Community club ! b>r those desiring a leguminous forage j Notl visited relatives here over the will meet at the home of Mrs. Tlvey jikat may he °n som e of the soils too, week-end. , . sour for vetch, peas and oats have j Mr. and Mrs Teddy L eavt« anq next Thursday A baby boy was born nt the Goshen F'»“1’ «'x,d results when planted In j family, also Mrs. Charles Leavitt a n d ; hospital Wednesday morning at 1, March. April or even In early May. | Mrs Kissinger from Eugene called o'clock. Februnry 17 to Mr ana Mrs. 1 I-adlna clover seed growing In seme ' on friends In Tburaton Monday Mrs. i Andy Olson of I'lgasant Hill. The lit- of the eastern Oregon Irrigated sec- Teddy Lenvltt and children are spend­ tie fellow has two sisters anil two tlons promises to be a good Industry ing a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. W olf from Canndn I brothers to welcomed him Into their for those Interested. Ladina clover is lives. the giant form of white clover that visited Tuesday at A W Weaver's. The “Quick Cookers" the cooking has come here from northern Italv. Mr. and Mrs Ray Baugh visited club organ xed at the Pleasant H tl It is Intermediate between white cloy- relative« at Junction City last Sun day. nlso ntSend-d the revival there. •B H U M». and Mrs. Hastings also Mr W eeks and fnmlly attended the ded­ ication of the Light House temp e In Eugene last Sunday afternoon* Mrs. Roy Edmlaton Is 111 with the flu Mr. and Mrs John Edmlaton and fnmlly, Mr. anil Mrs. Arch Shough j and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis THE U N IV 6 R S Ä I CAR Price took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Price. The man with a rep­ utation Is rich indeed. Riches may be stolen, but a reputation, never He who would be weal- they, shot» d first estab llsh a reputation, for that Is the foundation of prosperty. Pilchers la Indeed building dally a reputa­ tion of fair dealing with Its many satisfied customers. All New Arrivals BEAUTIFUL NEW STYLES, THE VERY LATEST IN GOWNS FOR EVENING WEAR, IN ALL THE NEW SHADES, TRIMMED WITH GLITTERING BEADS IN THE NEWEST DESIGNS. $19.75 and $24.75 ,,, ,* CIVIC CLUB DANCE IS ATTENDED BY MANY The Civic club's old lime dance. Pi-Id Inst night, proved to be n fl- * nnnclal as well ns social success Tha 1 affair wn* largely attended, and the evening was spent In reviving »m ost forgotten steps, recently populnrlzcd hy flivver's Inventor. Mrs. Carl Olson, of the elnb com­ mittee, today expressed her thsnks to the city council and others who he,pod make the affair n success. Cloverdale Has Good Meeting. Farmers union progress In Lane county was discussed by various spenliers at n mooting of lhe Clover­ dale Farmers union held last Friday night. Tboso who spoke were C. W Allen, county president; ,J. C. Jack son, former stale organizer; O. S. Fletcher, Lane county agent, and Ar­ nold Collier, county club bailer. An entertainment program and refresh- ntents followed the spenklng. Genuine Ford Accessories Buy your Ford Acessories at The Ford Garage where you get thè heat quality installed by Ford trained mechanics. Let these prices speak for themselves: $ 1 5 .0 0 Installed Biflex Bumpers, 1924-1925 $ 1 8 ,0 0 Per ^et Installed Shelbrite Steering Wheels $4.5 0 Rear Curtain Lights, at a Bargain $ 1 .0 0 Per Set Foot Accelerator $2.2 5 io $2.5 0 Installed Motor Meters, (Sock Type) $ 7 .0 0 Installed Ford Oiling Systems $ 3 .5 0 Installed Lincoln Snubberg We Also Have a Complete Line of Good Year Tires 2 BaUBIW Smart Frocks Spring Coats The Very Latest Newest Creation* » All the beautiful new shades for spring wear, in dresses for Women and Misses A wonderful selection of the latest styles just arrived from New York— Charmeen Twills, Tweeds and Baskara Weaves Our Low Price Novelty Plaids. Checks, and Plain Colors right from the fashion center, the very latest In styles for spring— $14.75 to $24.75 $12.75 to $29.75 PAPIICH ERCO Bath Laraway ■ulldln» 966 Wlllamett« Across from Rex Theater E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO FIFTH AND A STREETS, SPRINGFIELD »'ii ¡iiii»aHRBiigwg«iiiiaMiiim «»w'iniinnwMMHi : --------- I ta * l ? t y m eets c o n f id