9 t i nm sn a y fer ir . if>2c —dipping tlm Confessions of a new w ife - -- Illustrated by Paul Robinson (jtu^ÌfS ÿoix r MO W »MWlJ*» • — *—u. IN Q I’KHT OP PI.KAKl’ItK Wb n s v r«»u I - 1 "«circa in the my* at* rlouM locking «Me bow at the expo alon 1 look« a»’ e rly p bout In front Of UM was M in ter upon which were nuuitM»rIc«M -« of -uhMluti'inl bull«, «acb of wt to I gbt tw purehused f<>r n franc lh«ad of the counter, about ten feet aw ty Wot» two beds »»nd upon ex*« h ie i « <>M’d u t *‘t«- a* ft I 'v t ty • ’ <• nt** Only Hr Ir head» < re r is ib le but icb adorn bio h 11* » tw o couche», "and out they full If ' -treat fu i ’ Have n try," b» ¡» • !• t. hnn ltng no -A v rn l bulls with many an tiq u e bra»»«» brought LOCAL WATER IS PURE, from Kuaala by th e e n te rta in e r. them SAYS BACTER|0 L 0 CIST »•dree—r f llc i of b«»tt«»r day«. I _______ "T h e food 1« not ««pecUlly good. T hat Springfield w ater contain« but that*» negligible,” dec ared Andre, «nw trace wha-over*- of contam ination “ we’ll o rd er wine. It 1 m expected of or pollution*' 1« the rep o rt of J K you her«* and really they have ex< l»‘> «xi . ullng an o th „r H(}re , , s m- a d i t t i m i dance to a folk 1,011» of th.- nKDn, , , ll(,r . of w ater which I h a re tea ted • M arriage Licensee. for the past few month* b a re been —— ■ excellent. They contain no tra c e M arriage ttcenge« h are been gtanV w hatsoever of contam ination or pel- wj to the following per«o»a by th e lutlon from any source IXwpIte rum county clerk during the laet w eeb: or« th a t the w ater 1 m not of the beet LUthur Purde , Far!«, and Sadie Tay- quality, I wt|l aay th a t the , urlty of u>r Sw lvaboTe; C larence H oyt and the S p ria g fe ld wat< r !• the be»t it 8 a ra h Alice G ardiner. both of BtH baa been and the e 1 m no occasion to gene; Robe-t S ta a fh ld and M ateel | Roll It or tr* at It In nny o th er way W bttlock. both of P ortland; Jo h n AU to purify It. len Olson, Cresw ell, a rd Maggi® Sm ith, S p r'n g fleld ; and to Francia “ My laat teat »how* ’bat the wat. William«. Ilal»ey, and /Lillian Van a-« It coin»» from the faucet» of tl D arvork, Eugene. town 1« practically fr«e of all kite of bacteria, having only on“ or two H ave a Chair. per cubic centim eter. T h at 1» excel­ I lent." "1- Mr Smith in :" mu m pies "No, he'» gone to th e cem etery." ftpringflsld w ater 1» chlorinated .t it cnihiiruHAca m* to bu rp yt»u*«e "Do you expect him back soon?” Stopp«*' i "Jum a fear lino» to “a y th a t all , th e local plant before ».-nt Into the thing»* of bltat moi •"PhoM looplo are wonrtorrd ly well- city'» difltribut on »ystem. , ‘•No, not till R esorrrctlon Day." ‘In oth er words you believe—-’have born," raid B arry, who wa* K.-atod good tim e on*- bv on« and never a t my left. "I •<«“ * *a n '*' <)f th "m two by two,** I purephased mm we An a m a tte r of fa.«, I u n .l.m la n d — Iclwur l) «»nt nut 4 <»ur »(roll and not from pre»» agent» o lth .r — “You should '•«»» lived In the days th a t II few Of th e en terti’liter* a re Ot j <>f boot ttklrtM aitd crinoline. Curtl»» lb., nobility but have been robbed dear, bt - hi •• you alwava expect w and .Jyiven from th e ir own country to he rho< k d and l’u> not. No one In. a roault of lb - B olali.vlc regim e for th a t m a tte r any m ore." •rbev'ro plucky enough to try and . j But you're you, Halle and I don't m ake a go of It like nhla." rellafc tho Ilea of taking you Into ■'Indeed they are and a d v e n tu ro u s., plat < m Bke that. Boalde« 1 d id n ’t too." I .«Id. ’‘Bo you know the o ffic e r' know what to vxpet t Though Pierce o v er th ere—th e on« w h o JuMt flniHh<*d , t I d HU « »»•« tng out that It was m ill dpuclng? I l ’’ look* a* If h» w«'Te mn cornpar»«d to «ome of the other» h ere.” t ’onlng to you B arry o r ra th e r ns If: J u -t then Lemoyne with Barry and he w anted to a ttra c t your atten tio n Altdre M tdlere who bad been walk Ins Look." nhend, entile excitedly up ••Ye*. It* V ladbnlr T ch ertk o v and .agi J I----- "W e've deckled to ti ke the ‘Atuerb a pea. h of a chap I II bring him over , can«* w hh um when we leave hero to If you like lie'* one of the mo»t In- • do M ontm artre." cried Lemoyne, te re stln g ta lk e rs I've ever know n.' " th e m ’« a tn arralo u s Ruuaion place. "By all m eans, see w hat he w an t* .! 'I.e» C hikum i'ti»' 11« cnlled, brand new. The R ussian refu g ees have my deep­ I htdteva, and they put on a »how and e st sym pathy and I'm su re we'd all dance.’* be thrilled with his account of th e j "Oh. but Its probably too late," I conditions over th ere Especially | •with .autour. DRUGSTORE a . C u rtiss. He r.a-ls qnd talks about th e . danger of Bolshevism all the ttm«. j Go on B arry, before he start» danc* i Ing a again." A fter a w hispered conversation be- i tvy-i-n the two, they re tu rn ’ d. J u s t; as they reached th e tab le the or««hes- tra stn rtrtl a Russlon drin k in g song j and Barry before Intr.sluciug him w h e n p u r e t e 8 t A s p ir in T a b l e t s slipped quietly into his place, filled a r( i t a jje n fo r tj,e relief of pain, tw o « lasses with cham pagne, gave depend on their quick .o n e to the Cossuck officer and one a ( ,jjo n . ,ji e y a r e usually dissolv- ASPIRIN TABLETS lie »to(»l facing in«' and begun to a ng in a He'll b ari­ tone a t th e sam e tim e holding aloft h is glass. to me- ! ed within 30 sqoonds. These tab- lle »toed facing mn and began to je ( 8 a r e m a d e from the highest sing In u rich b arito n e nt the sem e q Uaj,( y of pure, true aspirin. We tim e holding uloft his gta»e His recommend the purchase of the I voice was u n train ed but held th at b o t t l e Of 100 tablets because pathos which ensues to one who h as {>u r P t e s t Aspirin Tablets have «uttered much 8O many uses that it is wise to He wa* not good look'ng but th ere have a supply handy, was a proud galluntry of carriag e and Bottle of 100 Tablets—75C an tn ta g ib e sp irit of v alo r th at o n e ' felt In his presence—only the h a u n t-. lng sadness of his voice N trayert the z x - .r ’ c I T f l i r r sbm der and h itte r y ears of h ’s expert- P I c H l C i y S LSl U g ence In Russia. B ary had said th at he talked vividly | 'of the chaotic situation once he g o t! started . A fter his song p. rh ap s he could be p<-rsuaded to give us soul-’ first-hand Inform ation. Life w as full of colour F or Instance, h ere 1 wns. In the h eart of the Mont­ m artre. being to a s tc l hy a fascinating C ossack officer In surroundings that held th e atm osphere of old R ussia with all Its 'historical rom ance and th e hrllllanee of court life from the dnys of "Ivan the T errib le to N ich­ olas, the T e rrifl.d .” Store " I c o u ld n 't h it 1 he W n o lw o rth liu lld I» nt' un.-il (be fact tim i it was alm ost lug beside» I 'i ii'd -p to p rely ln»pir tw. lve o'clock. cd." 1 ughlng r.fu .-.I. hut you Irv "No. ro lh lu g down th ere gets go­ m id f i i r l l » - ten. he 1 n gii«»l shot." t bi»; until a fte r m idnight." chimed In «b-cl. rin l pre . n l l i i . h im w ith th e 1 ii»r m gton Bit ree, '«In fart, this p ar­ m .ill ng l.a ll B ui Ie- .«heok -hl» bead tii alar place doesn't begirt to be In- " I d o n 't kn o w what w. ve g otten t' r »ilng until tw o o'clock." Into." he said to me In an u n .l.-rle n Yumaiy yum m y!” I cried, "w e'r.i w iill. the o th e r» were tr y in g th e ir o n!" s k ill, "s o far. .) good h u i I've Just Ill a f< w m om enta we w ere standing been llt in k ac nmvbe I lu - ll'- r I .-»1-• outside the gnies balling a passing y o u m il In i o n ,in : .»ly. i>r e rr " Io 1 ah. To be continued.) lie llttttcd In ord.-r to reach the Pnuscasians ."K nocks them out of bed?" 1 finish­ we bad to desi end a lig h t of stn lrs Jones says th at the way to m ake ed for him. that ap p aren tly led below th e ground. th ese new fangled dances popular Is '"Well, yes You see. yon never can We enterisl n sm all, oblong room that to Invent one th a t you step on your tell what th e French are apt to do. ita» already etow ded with guests. f e e t T h e y 'h a v e nn entirely d ifferen t view­ Small tables with exotic covers were point and nn elastic code of m o ral. pushed ag ain st th e wall leaving th e "Tell me a story mama." Som etim es they go p retty f a r ” cen ter op. n for dancing and for the "W hat kind, d arlin g ?" "B ut I w ouldn't leave now. not foi featu res of the cab aret. The room "One th a t I have to e a t candy to a million d o llars!" 1 exclaim ed. "I'm was simply but effectively d ero rated llsten to." «lying to know what happens. Look B arry 's throw ing w dl H e Just missed 11 th a t time. Come nn C iirllss Join In th e fun T here! he got It th at tim e Look, look!" “W hoop-pee, w hooppee." cried a Shrtl fem inine voice W hoop-pee!" san g 011I another. Ding «long rnng th e hell and shniiltaneoiisly the two lm- p r vl»od eotmhes toppled over th row ­ ing th e little sleepers out to th e m at By Subscribing to the Springfield News and Portland beneath They were clad very h rle fb Telegram ' In pastel tinted georgette. "W hy this Isn't ns had na the F ol­ lies B ergere,” w hispered Lem oyne ' rtllello. *»ood nahiredly and regard' ess of th e cold night a ir they picked them ­ selves up and scram bled hnek under th e blankets whlrh they nulled up to th e ir nlnhaster chairs and waited for th e next throw "W ell, did you get a th rill out of w atching the little flrlsettea.” naked The TeJegram covers tho State of Oregon with a corp of C urtiss ns we walked op to th e next correspondent» in Every City and the World Through the attractio n of th e mld wny, under Its Associated Press. dazzling b rilliant lights. Although the squnw kers of the various am usem ents The Springfield News covers Springfield and Lane County spoke only In French they w ere Jnnt. in a thorough and reliable manner. ns p erlslsten t and th eir voices Just ns rniieous as those nt nny stre e t fair THE COMBINATION QIVES YOU ALL THE NEWS AT A "Now ’fess up. Mr. F gey-Fle yon PRICE LESS THAN YOU CAN GET IT ELSEWHERE thought they w ere righ t Intriguing yourself, n’est. co p as?’’ I answ ered him using one of th e few F rench ph rases w ith which he h ad grown fam iliar through Its constant use. Priced from $ 5 8 .0 0 to $112.00 e See our display at any time, there is no obligation to buy Wright & Son THE NATION’S MOST POPULAR INVESTMENT IS OPEN TO YOU Right here at home on your doorstep is a prime investment in public utilities—industries largelj responsible for development and prosperity— favored for investment, by banks, insurance companies, and millions of conservative citizens the nation over. You know Mountain States Power Company—how long it has ren­ dered faithful service and how steadily it has grown to keep up with the ever-lnareasing demands for its services. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that you have to have a consid­ erable sum of money to put yourself in the dividend-receiving class. Walk In and Order Your 1 Preferred Stock on Easy Payments We like to have our Company used as a thrift making machine as a means for helping wage earners build up an income-paying estate that will make their declining years filled with comfort and ease. You obtain safety and a good return when you invest with this Com- pany. Ask for Illustrated Booklet During the Month of February Springfield News, 1 Year $1.75 Portland Telegram, 1 Year 5.00 Total - - 6.75 BOTH for $4.50 Offer Coed Only During the Month of February Start the N ew Year right w ith a new Colonial Range You, Too Can Receive Cash .Dividends SAVE $2.25 "Well. possIWy. If you hadn't been nlorig, sweetheart," ho replied, "but PA Oi TU R E# THE MFWiNOfittl JJ NfcWrt Mountain States Power Securities Company OFFICE MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO. Albany Cottage Grove Dallas E ugene Independence Junction City I Lebanon Stayton Springfield