THURSDAY, FEB. IK. 192«. PAO » TWO Local people should line up with the fanners INFLUENZA DISCUSSED of Jasper and Fall Creek dlsiriots In their efforts g y BOARD OF HEALTH to have the had section of the Springfield-Lowell road improved. This is the shortest route b tween, u , „ (.1U1M„ for , the two points and is used must, despite the Im- alar,u ,h„r, „„ number proved hut longer road on the west side of the of ,,f ,nflUMMM rv,atr„.,, river. Besides in late years m< st of the ro ad i lead- , . ,,, . ,1 ¡n g away from Sprlngfl.’ld have been improved In a r.t'lil for n Is ooiiblamly tw I If your birthday a id f,"A I*'»ding to It have been put in the beat The real w.rkbwtale parldi’tnlca have good, ami don't give of conditions. usually hern precvri.d by a number i THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thuroi'ay at BprlBgfleM, lume County, Ore-on. by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MANNY, Editor. k io m l » toeed ciawi« » February 2«. IBM at th . poatotflce. SrrlngfleK. Oregon ... ------------------------- — .......... .. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Thirt' Months One Year In Albaner 0fx Months _ Single Copy ___ THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18. t»2S. Editorial Program I. Make Springfield the Industrial Center of Wes­ II. tern Oregon. Develop a Strong Trading Point: Build a City of Contented H om «, • • • of smaller epi l««u'i*s which paaaml uic ,5r - 5c The boy scouts did a "good turn" to tin* city noticed. — Saturday by cleaning up the alleys back of the inf u m* has been hailed by ano store buildings on Main street. There is it ehanee m tir icynerr.ttnna as a new nis.,i for some of the older folks to do a "good tu rn " lit is, h ow iv.r, an old disease, and , to the city by keeping them clean in future. A < pliicmli'« am f i o r d i ’d « early na » lot of us could learn from the boy scout manual, j imri a d F xn p t in time of evident III. Improve Living Conditions on the Form. Pro­ mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of F ru iti W ork for Better M arkets IV . T e ll the W orld About Oregon** Scenic Wonder­ land. « • • • Public m arket days are Tuesdays and days. |'r s It Is difficult tn distinguish bo- tween cam's nf true influenza and an- S a tu r­ verv cold* or mild Infncllni s nf the nose, lihrnul and brnnvlilal lubes. The FFllRHARY H Tir ÏOTH. Is this unek, you ar. * any one muck c a n , to worry about you Voit aro optimistic and while disappaili list when vou fail it tien » yi li n ui. I taken, you do not mope or mourn over It You «1« your Imat tn everyth ng— and b avo u then Although deliberate In action you aro vi ri nuli k in thong i Vou n ove sfoivly but stuudtly You have a well he la l i t «I mliel t ut :««• teivei over . :t ihiiiiiaitl- alami anything You « » only Hie le ut fui »i >■ <•» erythlng— I 'lu t ie yi.ii rituai’ III lin k al Hie oilier sble While not i'aiieulli suspicious, however. you ar< quirk in «« use nny limila erlly or decedi In o l ' • r , V. ur happy diapnaltlnn mak<» fur you many fr ds you nr«’ invariably a favorite every whom you gw Altogether, you h«v an unusually le mil Kill nature. with few defects. Women born under these d a b s a ch aurreM as Interior decorators, • If vou w a n t .it v o n r n o tc h , :i« a v up a, th e t.«;t ,, » • bl* whau tt occurs In epldi ‘ if you want to bring the bacon and put it in your d agnostic difficulty In * connection i _______________ with the disease la due to the fact tha! shop. the disease only occurs In the uil ■ Men Are Injumd. E W Albers called al u local phy­ If vou want to get some feathers and decorate I complicated forwt during thu ea rly ’ A. I’haff«*. of Full Creek Is recnviT sician’s office Friday Io have steel vour nest. stage» of an epidemic Uncomplicated ¡ from bad burns received when a removed from tils eye Albera Is foro- kettle nf hoi lug water upset on his man of the local Mountain Utah’s THIS WORLD COURT IDEA.- You must get a wiggle on you and hustle like the cases are almost never fatal Influenae Is an acute, extremely l*’ 1 w,,,'k Chaffee*« badly scald Power company plant, and received rest. The m ajority of people in this county think contagious dlioase remub Ing a severe * " r* •rested by a local phy the injury while wprklng for the com­ th a t it was perfectly all right to pass prohibition pany. «g with fever, pain In the bead. alelan laws taking away alcoholic drink from everyone | E d ito r ia l C om m ent V ears or muscles. I i ^ - oumvi o* but would abhor the suggestion that we prevent suddenly and the general weakness people from eating bread. In France people think UNFAIR COMPETITION. is entirely out of proportion to the this country- is crazy for passing the Yolsated act Newspapers, especially the «mailer one of the nation. . other symptoms. The disease la ex — they would rather have bread taken from them than wine. Hen ■ two entirely differant »»* now < » • « * * * » campaign» «•> » • » • • • * • »•"«’> »«*«•!> iafaattow it is h u e lines Of reasoning. This is typical Of nearly- every- Sam •» refrain from printing return addresses on Stamped by saliva and inuacus thrown out by line of reasoning that the two peoples have and envelope« at cost in competition with the little printers, . »ugh ng. spitting and aneeaing. amt Is not only-true Of France but with all Other coun-ivnder existing conditions. Uncle Sam hires salesmen In can probably bo Indirectly trunamit- tries of Europe and Asia—they think in thousands <»• p ^ " '1” of P°"tal w n'>,o’r"*’ lo ' contact with eating utensils 076 DEPARTMENT STORES of different term s and speak hundreds Of differ- Mrrlte UP ,he 0Pller8’ transmit th«m to the punter, co tect and perhaps, to »«tin extent, by dust, ent languages, some Of which are impossible to ,b* bill ami deliver the printed Job at the consumer .< I he causativ« agent of Influcnsa Is 943 W illamette SL. Eugene. Ore. translate into exact English meaning. I oiflee. ,,,’t kn,’*n To one who has been in Europe and learned a w h r the • « » » • » newspaper« alone should be subject..! Susceptibility seem s to be univer- 36-lueh Broudcolth, fust Honor Muslin, our own little something about the people, he cannot help to that kind of competition from their own government and lht, q,8,.aae »pread» through color— brand— but wonder how a world court, world league or «-*nnot be explained and there Is prospect that the prim- oommunttles with speed and ease league of nations can rem ake these peoples so • ing service «hat the government has rendered free to users which indicates that there Is very th a t they will all think alike and agree on any 1 of stamped envelope« will be abolished by this s«-»slon m u » naturu| resistance In the noraual Indlvldaial. The real m enace of to­ Belle Isle Muslin, u real given subject—especially one affecting their sel­ of congress. Fasheen, guaranteed fast other business enterprises that are perennially threat 1 uenxa Is uue to Its complications, fish international interests. Certainly it is no task value, the yd— color— fo r the Americans, the black sheep in the flock ened with government competition below coet. If taxes becauae It lowers the patient's reslst- and overhead were calculated, should Join with the new s. i»nce. especially his resistance to res- Of nations. Then, too. If it were possible to m ake all the papers in the effort to get Unc e Sam out of the printing P'ratory Infections and thus makes P e n c o S h e e ts . 81 x 9 0 — people pie of the world think alike on a given sub- business for the general public, in competition with private j tllm *n °*«y Pr,,y to pneumonia. Ject. SO that difference could be enterprise, and thus strengthen the principle of con fin in g1 The Cotnou cold should be regarded rt. or nearly enough so Colored Prints, 3f>-lnches Settled by arbitration, there would be no need of government activities to the functions of government.— • serious matter The prevention wide, fast color— a league. Relations between all countries Of the Santa Rosa, California, Republican ° f influents is largely a personal raat- Nation Wide sheets, 81x90, J ter. Effective measures depend on the World would be like those now existing between WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN I voluntary subjection of the hablta of th e United States and Canada. the Indlvldaul to the public good Europe m ay some day work out som ething in Jnp Crepe, all colors— Cretonnes, 3fi-lnch— th e way of a league th at is practicable. But, In this month fall the birthdays of America’s national I Everyone should realise the ser- heroes, Washington and Lincoln These two— entirely dlf I |OUa nttturv o{ a "cold •• j America will have her hands full settling troubles A cold may with Mexico, South America and the Philippines fBr,“nt ,n th<,'r orlKlb “"d background. Washington, a man I,«. Bimo, t anything from a trivial archipelago. We should not be too fast in rush- of WPalth and position, and Lincoln, a self-taught rail «cold ln the ,^ ad., pn(um(,nla The Infection may vary from the very ing into any world alliance. Many blunders have splitter—gymbollxe America’s great Ideal of Liberty. been made in the name of peace. This Is the land of freedom. Our people desire as com- ml d *° b*1* moM virulent known to 49c yd 18c yd 49c yd 12*c S1.59 25c yd $1.29 19c • • • p ete liberty for the Individual as Is possible under or- science. State Hoard of ganlzed society. We want to be free to work out our own ,le “hh. ——— — — Republican leaders are determined th a t the personal destinies and fortunes, being assured that pluck p arty will line up behind one Strong candidate to ;anr "His name was sm ith .’’ any player, and may. 'f each opportunity be pres V. til The difference betwern a boldness and keen judgment, lead to th« very hlgh’e ’ cf cop and girl Is that when the -riz«s. cop says stop he means i t Liberty and freedom of opportunity—America thrills to Tint Iderl! The field« of science, art. politics and business c t i l 'onge every American *o try his skill, to match his brnln. his resourecfulnees and bravery of spirit against all others who care to enter the lists. Here Is opportunity for high adventure! Let u not for­ get the wren who made It possible.—S. P. Bulletin. ! J , • T hey Drive, i\ie 3OT TH€ BLAW< Z FOfc MY AUTOMO&ILC (.IM CeXl-Se ALU Fi ix e t« c w r - j "TOLU HE TC L o n g T o " T H IS "What «h ot.' Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­ keeping Course Eugene Business College Enroll Ttxlay i f , A (’KX>d gehooi A. H. Roberta, PriMldent 992 Willamette 8t. Phone 666 Eugene. Oregon traffic traffic Handy Ever- Ready Remedies for the Home '-...A"” Bozo Butts 19 to 69c i ’ ll TAice it THÇ HAAi I ArJti s i u e . Y ou A TOLU "TO RRIAÌG I CAKtt, WHICH'fhU -n -te e>LAAi< OIÆR Hfc-Re. ' t a k £ t o WIMbouO 310 V. N,'_. O W Him Nut» UMRAMGL H G - I’H Op -TAPS There are m any everyday ne'v’ssitles in the way of Mrug store goods which should have a regular place In your Medicine Cabinet. We submit a list of sugges­ tions which should aid you in m aking selections. Court Plaster New Skin Absorbent Cotton Adheeive Tape Liniment Glycerine Castor Oil Peroxide Hydrogen Antiseptic Croup Remedy Dyspepsia Remedy Sore Throat Gargle Cough Remedy Cold Tablet* Epsom Salt* Toothache Paste Corn Remedy Headache Remedy Chap Lotion Laxative .Seldom a day passes th at you do not need one or more of these items. GEORGE WASHINGTON A man who possessed in rare abundance those fickTe qualities of the gods th a t mark a man from birth, a leader. 1732-1799 LEADERSHIP * Leadership is born nt an individual, lie either H uh It or he hasn’t it. Leadership belongs to the m an possessing personality power of mind, strength of character, foresight, keen Judg­ m ent and an understanding of those he serves. Leadership miiong business Institutions Is conferred by the people of this com m unity upon our bank, because they have found it to be faithful in s< rv i e, strong in character wise of counsel, powerful and SAF E! One transaction, one deposit will convince you. Commercial State Bank HprlngfleJd, Oregon