9 A d v e rtis in g M e n n i In c re a s e d Sales and D e c re a s e d O v e rh c a d THE SPRINGFIELD âPRÎN G l’IELI), LANE COUNTY. OREGON, TWENTY -T itilli» YEA’t FINAL EFFOfll BN _ ..E S p rin g fie ld Bus Line is P lan n ed 'Autos To Carry Passengers To Eugene When Bridge Work Starts On April 1. R. A. Booth Gathering Data Foi Submission To State High­ tlussea will r< place cara for pas way Commission February aenger tran sp o rtatio n betw een Spring- 2S; Springfield and Eugene field and Eugene, when the construe- Men To Urge Early Construc­ lion of the S outhern Pnlflo hrldge ! across the W illam ette river h ere j tion. a tarla April 1 fttreet car service will i Jazz Dance» or Minuet? **f O. I.lbrury A w jj » — s L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 7 THURSDAY, EEB. 18, 1926. « - ■ " 7 “’; ested in Springfield s Free Industrial Sites; "The People’« Paper" ‘ DFIFSIBE GLBSED IN » . SPRINGFIELD ------- Roadside Stage Terminal Is To Be Established On Property A ssistance of both the. Southern j of S. D. Cairn; Blossom'» Pacific and Oregon E lectric railroad and sta te cham ber of commerce has 1 Land Is Sold To Eugene Man For Subdivision Purposes. been offered the Industrial and P ark | J com m ittee In locating Industries on | ¡the 250-acre site e a s t of Springfield, j Two Im portant W est Springfield not be resumed foF owing the comple­ I The com m ’tte» has mailed out much property deals closed this week, arg Thi- .u p ten t« offer! In bring about bellev"on P°lnt nad "to ’” ’,n* Place ty t ru a ry 26. next T hursday, when n d el­ siim nur, would m ake stre e t car »or. w here a man is Interested in locating , autom obile stages, and subdivision of egation of Hptltigfleld and Eugene Ice on the span very u n satisfactory I two acres of W est Sorhngfleld projb a ready cut houae factory hers. business men will put th e m atter hr- At the presen t lime, curs are held up erty into residence building lots, a re The Southern P aclf’c railroad has | fore the «tai« highway «•otumle.ion In coni nunlly while the bridge section the expected resu lts of the two tran«* i gotten the second lot of literatu re and actions. _ _ ««««ton a t Portland. of the track« 1» being used for «team h a re w ritten the d istrict freight and _ ‘ It A ttoolh. form er m em ber of the train s j passenger agent th a t they desire to I s D r a ,r n ’ of W est SpRngfleld, 'Vomenlaalon m em ber of the Eugene It Is believed that b etter service “keep the Springfield tra c t in t h » ! " 'a(ed toda7 t’,a t he had « * d an Shall we off with the new and on ^ b rid g e com m ittee, haa consented Io will he given by the busses than haa ( tlon on a roadside strip of his prop» with the old, reversing the well- j foreground.” be one of the deleg atee to the com been given recently by the street car i , erty, located on the Inside curve of known »xlom f Miss Bina M. V e st P resid en t W. F. T u r n r of the Ore-1 m ission m eeting H e la now doing line. It la expected th at the automo , the Pacific highway, 10fl yards from of Port Huron, Mich. Suprem e gon E lectric w rites th a t the l.te ra tu re fhe car cro„ , ng atld „ lrectly p rellm 'n a ry work, gath erin g facia an t biles wll run on regular schedule and J Commander of the Women's Bene­ fit As»oc>atlon seeks to aid the re­ Interview ing engineer«, with the pur­ nt »host Intervals, operating on Earl i * nd. “ i ,? Cal_‘n ? . . ^ i Urtr.le! !" I opposite the greenhouse. The proper* vival of old-fashioned dances. But ‘ Springfield has b te n turned over to ty. C airns understands. Is to be th» pose of putting definite proposal» b e­ E leventh evenue In Eugene, out the , Olive Belle H am on, daughter of i the traffic dep artm en t of the road site of the construction of a roadside fore the atate board. Pacific highw ay and th e McKenzie ‘ the late lak e L Hamon ardently j with Instructions to help bring lndus- term inal for stages traveling the Pa­ P ier« O ffered Fr««. highw ay to Springfield. advocates jazz and present« • j trie« here. T he railroad company has offi re*, beautiful a rg u m e n t cific and McKenzie h'ghw ays. S uperin ten d en t E L King of the th e use of the old Street car bridge S outhern P acific Portland division a n - 1 i The S tate C ham ber of C om m erce An a ttra tlv e stucco building Is to piers across the giver free for lh* n.mneed April t aa the date for start-1 now has the S prlngfio d lite ra tu re on be b u 'lt by the purchasers of th« NEW PATROL OF GIRLS consl ruction of n highw ay «pan T he liig bridge construction, while In Eu- . HOW TO CATCH THE WILY Its tables and will re fe r seekers* for option, wrtio. It Is understood hy high« > bsMgn M ■ ' SCOUTS IS ORGANIZED free Industrial site« to Spr.ngfield. ac- Ca)rni( haT(J arrangem ents with stage gi-tu vesterday CURS COUNCIL CONSIDERS th e offer, would >»lmls»ie « d a n g -r l cording to Its secretary. in terests to use the place as a divi­ ou< ra ilro a d c ro w in g , and would -I j A new girl scout patrol, AdJIdaumo, | Methods of »nforclng the dog ordi­ sion point. Lunch stops for through low th e ra Irond In low er 11» t r e . U - nance was th e chief topic of discus­ has been formed this week w ith Bar­ BOY SCOUTS CLEAN UP stages will be made a t W est Spring- . at th e overt» ad cro ssln * on Mill sion o f the special m eeting of th e city bara C handler as leader. O ther m em ­ ALLEYS. VACANT LOTS field, and It Is probable th e point will • tr e e ! Tills would be i «»lble Io pr • council held Monday evening The bers are Frebla Manning. Fay F isher, --------- be used for the change of stage drir* Vide a paved outlet to lh» Pacific | m eeting was called lo tak e up th e N - lie H ickm an, Lydia Myer. El za- The town received a thorough ' prs on no rth and south divisions of h ig h w a y front Ht»rlnrf »Id bond laaue but th e city atto rn ey could betfc Hemenway, Vilda Carson, G race scouring S aturday when the boy . the stage ro u tes W est Springfield. It A « U g g ' »H on 1» made that the old j not be p resen t so thia m a tte r was Lea. scouts of the Lions troop d d th eir ( seem s. Is exactly the rig h t distance hr dge . t r a d u r r he - I and r - S0C|AL PROGRAM AT HIGH T hree new m em bers have been nain annual "good turn to the com m unity" from th e next division p o 'n t on th» postponed inoved lo thè llavden bridge «Ite on A dog catc h er has been employed cd for M innehaha patrol They are: : by cleaning up alleys and vacant lots, route, and thus Is thp oeical stopping SCHOOL MONDAY EVENING thè McKenxIe rlv rr a fter thè n»w and it I dogs w ithout collars a re being Audry S hults, M argaret W alker and The scouts met at the city hall point and lunching place for s ’age» bridge |s bullt It Is al«,» polnted out U n d e r th e a u sp ice » of th e P arert- Impounded and will be destroyed un Eileen Schantol. and began activities. Armed with carrying through passengers. Such th at If the new bridge 1« built right T. u-’ier» ns.w clation, a com m unity so- less redeotued by th e ir ow ners. How­ The local girls will atten d a m ass forks and shovel», they divided In") roadside dlvls'ons are being establish- aw ay. ri-Boorlng wntl other rep airs Clul will be held at the Springfield j ever. It Is '«catching before killing' meeting In Eugene S aturday even- groups and went over the tow n thor- ed all the wav from Canada to th» on the old atru ctn re will not have to high si-hoid Monday evening. An In and some dog« are hard to catch Th« Ing. They will m eet a t K etels drug oughly. S coutm aster Percy T yson and Mexican border. h e made. tcrestln g program h a s been arranged j counciltnen gave th e dog catch er store nt #:15 o'clock and th e re cars A ssistant Clayton B arber supervised A. O. R atliff, of P ortland, handled Delega^sa Named. by Mrs W P Tyson, chairm an of th e ! som e advice as to how to catch the will be aw aiting to take them to Eu­ the work a t tim es. the deal for the option with Cairn», T hose who a re llkelv to atten d the wily curs. gene. A hike, planned for the ast soc'al com m ittee, »a follows: F riday night the loca' scouts en- but did not sta te who he was re p ra ­ ■tat« com m ission m eeting aa rep re­ The council heard th- first reading m eeting, was postponed until b e tte r te r ed contests at a boy scout m eet Renting Day and K night, who ar» Sung—Ju n io r high school alee club sen tativ es of various bridge com m it­ Pre School Chi d W elfare, by I)r of the o rdinance to pave th e allev w eather. held in the mens gym nasium at th e operating sim ilar places in the 9a- te e s a re : from T hird to Fifth s tre e ts betw een W H. Pollard. U niversity of Oregon. E ntering the . lem district, were the first to w og S p rin g field C h a m b e r of Commerce Main and A stre e ts Song— High School Olee club LEGION EXECUTIVE TO hat race were V erne Griffith. Evan over the property and discuss th» C om m ittee: E E Morrison. II F The recorder was order* d to notify P atrio tic ad d ress — hy C o u n t y deal w ith the W est Springfield man. C la rk » R ub-com m ittee, A J. Perkins, HOLD BUSINESS MEETING 1 son. the gravel work« th at no m ore sand School S u p erin ten d en t E. J Moor - — Billie W heeler. E arl W heel ’r, The property Is so located on th» C. O Bushman. W elby Rteven». Comm unity singing of patriot!» airs. or gravel should be taken from the i The American Legion E xecutive T heron M cM urray and Ralph Hughes, Inside of the highw ay tu rn th at it t.lotls club com m ittee II J Cox. O. city ground« on th e bank of the riv­ com m ittee will hold a business m eet-i The sam t‘ ^ OUP p c ,”red ,h e k“ ° ’' ! may be crossed by a cut-off road, <: Bushm an. W F Walk* r e r as It was endangering the dump Ing at John W ill's shoe shop a t 7:30 Dr,nK Mrs McLxgan Entertains. wltk the addftlon of which will pass behind tpe proposing E ugene eom m lllee: Il A. Booth. Mrs. W. C Mcl.agnn en tertain ed a! ground«. , building, th u s elim inating congestion , o'clock tonight to oousider a pro- I F ranklin Drurv. C arl W aahburne a valentine parly for her uncle. I.. W E ntering th e boat race w ere Evan t In the term inal yards Should th» The I,Inns club com m ittee, nam d gram for the next m onth's activities. S m llh. of H athaw ay. Oregon. Stir, DR. KUYKENDALL IS . H ereafter, the legion will hold only H»*hea' A,onzo M anw arring. T heron new highw ay bridge be built acros« »hove, war today appointed hy P resi­ day. B R O T H E R H O O D S P E A K E R a short business session a t Its sec­ McM nrrav. V erne G riffith and Ger- the riv er on the old stre e t car span d ent II E MBxey to cooperate with T a s i'fu i decorations consisted In piers, the term inal would be located ond mooting each month, and w ll be ! aid Morrison. th e otln r com m ittees. h e a rts of red crepe, red stream er«. I "Although m il loti« o f d ollnr- are The locals lost in all events. at the Junction of the McKenzie and Jolnn-d 'luring the la tte r p art of the and red candle- on the table. Place I np- nt on In stitu tio n s for bettering th - Pacific highways. m eeting by the I^adies of the auxil- NEW PLANER INSTALLED cards were of tiny rap id a ami elves 1 stock« of our hog« and our c a ttb . Blossom Sells Property. lary f - r oeial affa irs All service men T E N C I V I L WAR V E T S AT SPRINGFIELD PLANT Th» del clous two-course dinner was ‘ th ere 1« not a single in stltu t on In th'» HEAR LINCOLN PROGRAM D irectly across from the proposed w hether m em bers of the legion or not, enjoyed bv Mr and Mr« 1-. W Smith, i --------- | term inal site, are two acres of land The Springfield Lum ber com pany's Mr. and Mrs. L A. Sm ith. Mr. and ! world used for the b etterin g of the a re Invited to atten d these m eetings. Ten Civil w ar veterans, six from J which have been sold by Ed Blossom hum an race." said Dr. W iliam Kuy- expansion program continued th * The legion vaudeville nights a t the Mrs H. O. B urnett, and son. Billy. 1 kendall of Eugene In his address Hp]| th ea t r ,,_ T uesday and W ednesday Eug- ne and four from Springfield, to W F. Road, of Eugene. week as n new planer arrived and Earl Sm ith. W illiam Bumber, Mr and Monday night before the M ethodist ()f , h |s Reed, it is understood, plans to cut proved successful and w ere am ong the m any who heard the w as in s ta te d and p reparations w ere Mrs. Glen II enls and daughter. Peg-1 church brotherhood. w,j| continued next month. Mrs. Lincoln day program given at the the property up into building lots and m ade for constructin g a sew dock. gv, Mr and Mrs L. It Sm ith and T he com pany received a new resnw Problem s of racial advancem ent C harlotte B arnes, w inner of th e couu- Woodmen of the W orld hall last Fri- se'l It for home sites. Blossom a t children. Louise and Jim m y. Oneln The new m achine Is to he used for were discussed at length by the Eu- ty old fiddlers' contest, gave severa dal under the auspices of the local ready Is tearin g down hl« house on Sm ith. Mr nnd Mrs McLngnn and finish work It Is equipped w ith prof­ gene m edical man. To often, he said, selections on the fiddle, and W alter circle. I-adlee' of the Grand Army of ( the p roperty and will rem ove It to sons, R ussell nnd Ralph. th e Republic. , m ake way for the developm ent p ro ject ile heads, and will be used for pro- "w e stop with individual |develop- G ossler sang two solos. A varied program in mem ory of j The p ro p erty lies directly along tb» d u rin g celling, moulding, shlplap. and | m ent and b etterm en t. But as fo f a c -. — ------------------------ the Civil w ar president was giver highw ay, and consists of an attractlv » A eneas Meeting. various kinds of special work, adding tu al developm ent of Ute race, we are ¡SOUTHERN PACIFIC DOES Among the num bers which received : orchard tra c t as well as meadow land, The A eneas club m et with Mrs. C m uch to the equipm ent of the local far too Inactive.” ____________ MAIN STREET REPAIRING much applause w as wlhistling solo by | E. Sw art» th is week Those presen t plant for diversified' production. P resid en t Sam Bartholt-mew presid­ C. F Eggim ann. accom panied by Miss DEPARTMENT OFFICER The pinner was unloaded at th e w are Mra. M. J. M< K 1 I i i . Mrs. K. ed nt th e brotherhood banquet, which com m ute Ip locating Industries on W lnnifred Tyson. T he program was p lan t Monday. At th e time, M anager Browning, Mrs. N. W. Emery, Mrs. wns well attended. VISITS LOCAL CLUB ing along the ra ils on the s tre e t car presented as printed in la s t w eek's n H. Pnrsons stated that plana w er« 8. W right. Mrs. F. Moore. Mrs J. . line on Main s tre e t was started yes- News. being m ade for going ahead with th - P arker, Mrs. J. W illiams, Mrs. Ella A m erican Legion auxiliary work Local Team Loses. • terday by employee of th e Southern • construction of a dock, 16(1 feet long, Lombard. throughout Oregon was th e subject S uperior shooting ability gave the Pacific company as a re su lt of re- J. E. NELSON DIES AT Miss Ednn S w nrts assisted the hos- to be bullt on new p roperty ad jacen t of a talk by Mrs. Mabel M clnturff, W illam ette U niversity freshm an team quests th a t the w ork be done m ade HOME OF HIS SON HERE d epartm ent secretary, when she wa» to the mill The dock work was foeld less |n serving a two-courae luncheon, a victory over th e Springfield high i by the local city council. np n n tr vacation of s tre e ts In the The table was tastefu lly decorated entertained by the local auxiliary la s t school b asketball quintet o tithe Sn The work sta rte d a t F ifth and Main Joseph Em ery N elson, 76 y ears ox s tre e ts In the d istrict had been n't- In carnations. lent floor S atu rd ay ntght, 23 to 18 stre e ts , w here th e planks were taken age, passed aw ay a t the hom e of his S aturday night. Mrs. M cln tu rffs visit thorlzed by the city council and the The gam e w as fast and close, the up and repaired. It Is understood th a t son. R obert Nelson, prom inent Spring- Is expected to resu lt In renew ed In­ county court. te re st In the w ork of the local or­ Hold Bridge Party. score at the end of the first half be- the repairing program will gover the field poultrym an, yesterday. D eath ganization. t M s , A. J. P erk in s entertained' tihe Ing 12 to 11 for W illam ette The uni­ en tire length of the stre e t as fa r as followed Influenza. A uxiliary m em bers held the enter* MILL CLOSES DOWN FOR Kill Knre club a t a 1 o'clock luncheon v ersity frosh b eat -the Springfield the c a r line goes. Mr. Nelson was a resid en t of Leb­ talnm ent in th e Woodmen of the PERIOD OF TWO WEEKS «1 th e hom e of Mrs. Clark W heaton team 12 to 11 on the local floor some anon and had been visiting a t the World' hall. Alec Shipe, Madia Gros« last T hursday. Following th e lunch­ tim e ago. 4L U n it to Meet. hom e of h is son since July. H e was and W alter I-ee of Eugene gave sev­ The local Booth-Kelly Lum ber mill eon. th e guests enjoyed an afternoon The Springfield local. Loyal Legion' born in Pennsylvania in 1849. He Is eral Instrum ental m usical selections. closed1 down last n ig h t to rem ain si­ of bridge. High School Assembly, of L oggers and Lum berm en, will survived by bis son here and an o th er Shirley H eraenwny sang, accom panied len t until M arch 1. T he shut-down fol­ P resen t from Eugene w ere: Mrs. A Ju n io r high school assem bly was m eet In the W. O. W. hall Monday son, F ran k of Spokane, W ashington. by W inifred Tyson. lowed a »hut-down of th e W eudllng ^ -| fr ,xi peek, Mrs. Bbrt V in cen t Mrs The funeral and burial will be a t evening. S ecretary D. W. M cKinnon held on Lincoln’s day. and Rev. F. T he d epartm ent secretary had m uch plant, and It Is understood' th a t the p-rank P oindexter nnd Mrs. Fred Lebanon. L. M oore of th e M eth o d ist c h u rc h an n o u n ced y e ste rd a y , to snv In praise of the efforts of Mrs. u plan Is to alte rn a te shutting down th e c h ess. Local women attending were a d d re ss e d th e stu b 'iils T he m in iste r I — ■ ■ 1 — M. B H untly, local president. She •tw o plants for 2-weeks period. Mrs. Eugene K ester, Mrs. M. M. F irs t Aid Practice. eulogized th e life and work of I, n- Dress M aking Course Plans, urged the m em bers to give Mrs. H unt­ Lum ber shipm ents from th e local p P,.ry> Mrs. W. 11, Adrian, Mrs. W heat- F irst aid practice wns held a t the coin In his talk. ; Mrs. Clarn B lanehnrd. of O. A C.. ly strong support In carrying on the p la n t will continue, how ever, nnd It on n n d th e hostess. local p lan t of th e M ountain S tates T he stre e ts were deco rated with rp)lue»tB th at all Springfield women legion auxiliary work here. Is prohnhle th a t th e pinners will run flngs In observance of th e b ir th d a y , wh„ w| sh to jo| n a new course in Pow er com pany T uesday, under th e Tai ks also were m ade by W. P. Ty­ for at least a part of the time. To Give Social. of the w ar president. d ress m aking and m il nery be a t the direction of W alter Sm ith, d is tric t son and W alter G ossler, president A social will he iMven hy the young C h rst’an church Monday afternoon, su p erin ten d en t and supervisor of and ad ju tan t, respectively, of th» Odd Fellows E ntertained. safety, and E. A. T aylor, superintend­ m arried people's class of the M eth­ Confectionery to Open. or call 122 W est Springfield. legion post here. The R e b ek a h lodge en tertain ed the en t a t Corvallis. o dist church Frldaiv night a t 7:3(1 The Drop In, loenl confectionery Odd Fe lows nt an enjoyable affalt ... . P ractices a re to be held m onthly .. wl I be gtv- shop, has bee npurchased hy Tony Moore to Speak. In th e Odd ~ Fellows hall here i..„» la st o'clock. A free program ........... _ ..................... Potter Here—Geoige Potter <■ her» a t the plant, and w ithin six m onths op, and a luncheon will he served Oravos. form er confectionery man of E. J. Moore, county school superin­ night. R efreshm ents w ere serv ed at for ■ few day« to be near hla mother, afterw ard , for Which a sm all charge Engene. An up-to-date shop Is to be tendent, will address the m eetin g of th e M ountain S tates com pany hopes th e end of Ux« social evening. 'Mrs. C. E. Potter, of WaltervU’a, who will be made. the parent-teachers association In to have all Its employes proficient In Is confined to her bad with sertona Ut m aintained by Mr. Gravos. first aid work. Springfield next Monday, F ebruary nesc To E n tertain Club. E n tartaln a t Anohorage. Pol« S hipm ent Made— The Carbo- 2. He will speak on som e patriotic Fred Cllngan and E. G Sutton will Hom« After Op«r«tlotr— Dorothy Uneum Wood P reserv in g company subejct, It Is reported. Mrs. Fred' W alker and Mrs. F. e n te rta in th e Five H undred club to- Adrian a t Wendllng— W. H. Adrian Gibson Is home following an opera­ m orrow night a t tho homo of Mr. a n i F lanory will en te rta in th e Needle- «hipped a carload of treated poles for spent three days of lh s we«» at tion for appendicitis at Mercy hospi­ Hsrtley In—Harold Hartley of Wal- Mrs. F rank DePuo. A Jolly tim e Is ¡ c raft club a t th e Anchorage In Ea- the S outhern Pacific com pany yeater- Wendling on bnsluess. tal, Eugene. torville was In town Monday, planned by th e m em bers of th e club. , gene today. d«7' 'Sczÿ/yj