a THURSDAY. FWB 11. 1926. g AG h Sût N otis»—Old Tim» «oslal. attending the international conven­ BEN JONES. PRESIDENT tion at Ann Francis«-«». From here h r OF LIONS. ENTERTAINED JACK CORRICAN SOUGHT ON CHARGE OF FORGERY Th« young m arried people of I he M ethodist church will give a program M r» Laxton Awa|j— Mrs. Jam es and lunch on Friday evening. F ebru­ L a ito n left Saturdnv for 8«-altD, ary 1# at 7: SO o'clock In «he church wtbere »he wl I vlsll for »ome Ilme rooms, The program will be free F II wlth her daughter, Mrs Adam» went to Fortland. Hen Jones, p resident of Lions In­ A uthorltle» » re looking for Jack ternational, received an ovation in the C orrigan, «l as P. I. H lbner. » h o left Mahls Man In—S A Adam* of Ma Jasp er Man In— S C. D rury of J a s ­ e n tertain m en t given in hla honor bv Springfield in a hurry early «ast F ri­ per was a v isito r in town Alonday. hie was a visitor her«“ Saturday. Lions elubs of this d istrict a t th» day m orning taking »-ith him an over­ Gees to L eaburg—Miss C lara Wys > I* III— Mrs II M Kbbe was 111 at Eugene hotel Monday evening tine co at and a sw eater belonging to local hundred fifty Lions and th eir wives persons, some $3S In cash obtained m otored to L eaburg for a visit Sunday a t h er home last weekend. w ere p resen t to g reet the In tern atio n ­ tfhrough bad chocks, and the ill »rill la III— M rs. Jess S e a r e y was on the M r». N elson III—Mrs N. Nelson Is a l e x e c u tiv e . of half a daaen Springfield people. I confined to h er heme with the tu­ sick list this week. A «loam Sprln field Lions wer C orrigan w orked around Springfield . fluenta. Mrs. P o tter III— Mrs C E P o lte r; am ong tin1 l ’tl"present at th e dinner fo r about th ree weeks L ast T hursday T hurston F srm rrs In—George and of W nltervllle w a - brought to S p rin g -, Coquille. C ottage Grove, Lebanon. he decided to leave town, ap parently, . ’II». Eugene and Springfield are C and at m idnight dropped Into Fred W alter P latt of T hurston were In f le d for medical treatm en t T uesday I- » th e d lstr el. uni M dford th ’ C line's r sta iran t a rd cashed a $2’ tow n on business Monday M rs. G o ff III— Mrs F W Goff, wht w.i i ,-r. n .-.l 1-v a g o ’ iti^e g stlo il check, draw n on th e Com m ercial J R e tu rn s fro m P o rtla n d — R on ald lb ■ »’ I' fish atch ry, Is ill this v.hich aceiwuyiuled 1’resUlenl Jones S tate hank and signed by the nam e. | R oberts is back from a visit to Por’ » te l, . '.it • trip north M ei 'ay Presliten* M W elch W elch Is a o n tracto r here land. for whom C orrigan had worked. ' Hero fro m T h u rs to c — Ira O rav and Helm of the P ortland club was p re s­ C orrigan ihen eft town In th e wee L e a b u rg M a n H e rs — A. A. J o h a s o l C F G rant w ere T hurston men visit- ent with a delegation, and P resident Jo n es was being conducted over the hours of the m orning, w earing of L eaburg tran sacted business In Ing in town T uesday. sta te by M ayor Giese of Saloni. overcoat he had borrowed from J. T ib­ Springfield Monday. , Downing Io—Jo h n Downing of F el owing the d in n er ITesIdent betts, and a sw eater Tom S harm an Awbrey In— J. W. Awhrey of Cres- W endllng was a visitor In tow n for a Jones m ade an ou tstan d in g talk. In had lent him In his pocket was tile which he declared th a t unselfishness »55 fro n-the check to Cline and »11 well and wife were v isiters la Spring sh o rt H u e Tuesday. received through an o th er check signed field M o n d a y . Mf># Riehmond m — Mrs Sam Rich- was the only successful motive lo gin- cera com m unity service. by him self and cashed here H e re fro m L o w e ll— Mrs. T hom as ntoml is ill at h e r htsn-e. She Is suf- T h e I.!->ns c lu b b r a d had Just been Mr C line's check was retu rn ed h r g ykeg Lowell w as In town for a ferlng from a case of th e Influ nsa the bank as a forgery on the name o f short tim e Monday. O perated On— T hom as Yost under- Mr Welch, who had no account with th e Comm ercial S tate bank T he oth- Vielt at Com stock—Mr. and Mrs. w eut a m ajor o peration at the Pacific er check was retu rn ed for lack of au W illiam P a r k made a trip to Com- C hristian hospital S aturday. stock Sunday, acount for C orrigan In the bank. H ere from L eaburg—J F K ennarlv A nother angle on C orrigan's case V isits Here— Mrs. Druce H ow ard of of L eaburg was a visitor In town P r ‘- w as obtained when it was learned th at P ortland is h e re fbr a few days visit- day. he had left a room rent bill unpaid. Ing h e r m other, Mrs. George Barnes H a k e H e r e — W I lam H ake of Eula In th e room w as an old coat of his. on which was a state chauffeur's li­ V isit a t Grove— Mr, and Mrs. J. j was In town on business Saturday, cense. The license had been Issued W Shaw m otored to C ottage Grove Mrs H ake is t.'aching at Eula. DRUG STORE to F. I H lbner of Mayville. Oregon. Sunday to visit Mrs. Shaw 's parents, C r a ft R e tu rn s H o m e — W 11 C raft tt w as learned by cheeking with th-’ Mr ton«l Mrs. H. C. Mitcheli. retu rn ed to his hem»- a t ta ’ab u rg Mon- sta te off ees. and It Is believed th at X ttle- day a fte r visiting for a day In Eu C orrigan was living h e re u n d er an N ettleton H ere N’orris a las. At any rate, his reap p eraan ce ’°n- retu rn ed to C urtain. O regon Mon gene. In town would he heralded with Joy a fte r “Fending a week with his H ospital—G V W right of b y h a lf a dozen persons. m other here. Camp C rek who recen tly suffered a 6 -Piece BRUSH SETS Special to Springfield News Readers 89c SET ’ A handy set of brushe# limi should be In every kitchen. Good strong liristi«-« firmly set In t w I s t e ii wire. Some with enameled wooden handle«, oth- ers wire handles. A brush for every purpose: V -tV$' 'with Clothe? Brush Toilet Brush Bottle Bru»h Refrigerator and Radiator Brush Vegetable Brush Bath Brush .ati/our^ R eturn to P o rtlan d —D arrell and stroke of p araly sis Is out of th" H e - , h - l Sutton returned to Portland hospital. I T S E L F A F T E R R A IN S S atu rd ay a fte r a visit of sev eral dava V isits H untlys— J. W S tra it ——— w ith th eir fath er, E lia Sutton a t P ortland arrived h ere T hursday to vl « Springfield is std l drying Itself af- g r r ing f|ej f.-a- tu re of an Old Time dance to bp he d under the ausnices of r’-<- Wo- m an 's C vie club a ' Steven- hall Feb- ru arv 17. The «plrlt of the affair will be carried out iy old time dres« worn by the dancers. Old tim - fiddlers and G a-rett's or­ M ohaw k G ir l B urns F o o t— M iss chestra wl! furnish the m usic for the M arjorie Conn, h gh school girl of ancient steps. Mohawk, was brought to th e office of — ——“ — — — — a local physician Sunday suffering Cox Recovers— H erbert J. Cox, coun- from a badly burned foot, received c ita a n and accountant a t the Booth- ■ several days ago when a pot of cof- Kelly plant. Is back at work a fter a fee gpUled on it. The injury Is brief confinem ent due to illness. | reported to be tap ro v in g . i'" These hats are the creative impulse of master designers. All styles, shapes and colors are now on display at prices that are not prohibitive to the woman with limited in­ come. You’ll be surprised how nice these new Spring Hats are. Make your pick early while there is a large selection. THE FARMERS EXCHANGE "The Store of Springfield” ^aG 7>g COURTEOUS CONSIDER \T IoN for all of the formalities and an arrangem ent of the details that is beyond criiiclsm murks our Service of Sincerity. .W.FWALKER ™ IH PHONE 6 Ï-J hjheral service S p r in o f ie l d . o r f z a a A . » ti. a n « :.wwessa» ' aaai Pork Backbones Niue and meaty. You will be satisfied, both as to price and quality. Try them. Smelt There’s a Deal o’ Knowledge in Books We take delight In making thia first offering of new spring millinery—a fine individual assemblage of smart hats, radiating the very spirit of ail that is new in the fashion world. ECONOMY "Morchandi»e of Merit Only” D ittos V isit Here— Mr and Mrs. Mrs. C arney III—Mrs W allace C a r­ is the new. sanitary and Im­ Glenn D itto of Coquille visit« 1 ney of E street, who h as to en con­ proved m ethod for handling ab ­ George Ditto here recen tly They a r" fined to h er home, for some tim e w .'h sorbent cotton In the home, spending several days v isiting in this sick-room and nursery. th e Influerza, Is now recovering. d istrict. Your hands only touch what M otor to L ea b u rg — Mr. a n d Mrs * you actually use. The rest re­ Visit Frese Home— Mr and Mrs. F. Egglm ann and Mrs. Alice Doane mains in the patented box away Stanley Ogden of G rants Pass, and m otored to L eaburg Tuesday to visit from dust and dirt. Mr. and Mrs. C arl W e b b e r of Eugene at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs AI Mont- Economical, safe and sensible. c a l ed at the 'home of Mr. a n M r « IJoctorg endorse it. Fred F rese of Springfield S aturday Fom* r F 2-oz„ 4-oz., and 8-oz. sizes evening H ere from Camp C reek— Camp Creek resid en ts who w ere business M r s. Boesen Here— Mrs. Ella Boe- , visitors in Springfie d T uesday were fortner resid en t of Springfield ’ <‘n A. E. Davis. C harles H ayden ami Jess who has be