• » tr PAGE FTVB THK SW UW Ojr.-XÜ MEWS TH U R SD A Y, FEH. 11. 182«. Ordinance No. 494. I AN ORDINANCE VACATING SO MUCH OF THIRD STREET NORTH I OF "F " STREET ANO "O ' STREET EAST OF THIRD STREET AS LIES W ITHIN THE TOWN OF SPRING- FIELD Wh> -r»as, C. L Eandrem , O. E An- iterson, K W W alker. The H arry M. Iftfew nrt Fuel Co., Inc., and lx>ud Mfg. ¡Co., own'-r» of the properly affected I by the vacation of the h erein after e opportunity | W hereas s a il petition lia» been filed to earn money as well,#» special prix- with the R ecorder of ’he Town of Snrlngfleld fcr thirty day» prior to es. Parent» pl»a»e note. Add reas f The he preaentatlon of this O rdinance j-u torlal Review Co., 995 M arket St . I „„a W hereas notice of the p cn len cv of F 11 San Francisco. ---------------- ^ (5 trß Ä f;g - aald p etlt'o n was duly posted In three of th e m ost conspicuous place« In the LATE 1924 ChvTroIet touring car Tow n nf Springfield to w it: One no F trat c la .a condition thro u g h o u t; j flee on the Bulletin Do-««! I" front very reaso n ab le prlc«. Phone 627. h*' ’ " ,t“ ' s , a ’8" Po"t LINCOLN PROGRAM TO OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF-SPECIAL INTEREST BE PRESENTED FRIDAY R. Iuka Circle. L adles’ of tJie G. A. R . will observe Lincoln's birthday to­ m orrow by sponsoring a program and supper at the oodm n of the World 8rief Resume of Happenings of hall, Mrs. C. F! Egg mann. pr s ile n t, announced today Tli program start* the Week Collected for a t 3 o’clock. Our Readers. Rich Mountain circle and G eary post of E ugene, have been Invited to FOR SALK « R TRADE NUT1CB DE HEARING OF FINAL To obtain fund* for Pacific college attend the local program , ar.d an In­ ACCOUNT. R x romu Imu»» In Springfield. at N ewberg a cam paign will be launch­ vitation has been extended to all Civ­ N etlre I h hr-reliy Rivrn t-bat th« 0 ' Would take lot In Eugene or Spring -»iljh»r account for Ih» final «> ttleni« nt antined In the U niversity ot Oregon per will be served. A Son. Eugen O re . DOX l>9.'l. Phone »f III» »n'«I »»U te In th e County Court The program follows to which th e Infirm ary a t Eugene aa a result of aa for Lane < mint y In the S tate of ,Gr*- 1U1-J F II m n . and th at R ati.rdar th e tw enty general pub fc 1» Invited: epidem ic of mumps. 1. S ta r Spangle«) B anner Assem bly E state of Dora It l l ti r v y ln-i-eased. lu-venth day of F ebruary, 1928. nt the O rganization of poultry taen of D et­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT. t'o u rt Room of «aid court In the Coun- enu’"» county will come up for con­ 2. T ribute to Lincoln by prealdent, Nptlra 1« hereby given thni Myrtle ty Court House In Kug- ne. O regon at ............. .......... Mrs. C. F. Eagl'.'iann sideration at n farm m arketing con­ II llnrvev, E xecutrix nf the Ia«t will ten o'clock In Hie forenoon, haa been 3. “L et’s Keep th«- Glow in Old Glory” ference to be held In Bend Thursday. bv »aid court fixed a» th e time and and te « ln U M 'n t of Dora R Harvey. d e­ Glee Club. Mrs. Ivan M ale's class ceased. has fll«-d In the County Court place foe h e a rlrg objection« thereto, ______ ____ The safe In ____ the __________ Southern Pacific of the Stall' of Oregon, In and for and for final rettk an en t of aald estate. Btatjon at Wegt F lr n(.a r Oakridge. 4. "T he P arade,’’ 1st and 2d grade, QORDON H W ELLS, Lan» County, her final report aa auch Mrs. Page and Mrs R oberts classes w j bJ{jwn opeD ,n A dm ln'»lrnlor of th« esta te of executrix, ami th at ten o'clock In III» E x-rcise. 1st ...................... Lincoln , ak e- Nancy J Hoyle. forenoon of Saturday, the 6th day of * R n r ln g f t o M ; nn n n o t ic e o n -w, er« - o e M a i . . n d Oth work »■ Bulletin Board of Idle S p r in g f ie ld . report and for the flna settlem en t of 1 L um ber Companv. which bulletin In« to an official sum m ary prepared "T he F lag...................... ... 2d G rade th e esta te of aald rteceasi'd Rnilly Jones. Plaintiff, VB. Jack ADMINISTRATRIX* NOTICE bourn fic e s and I p on th - prem ’s^s by Coroner Smith. 9. P laying Soldier ______ 2d G rade MYRTLE II HARVEY. vacated: nald notice contaln- Jones, d e fe n d a n t I COUNTY COURT OF T H E . herein . wnl>p„ . ,» R eservation of public lands in Coos 10. R ecitation Executrix. T Ja k j ' S n » / " r ’ « ’NB. o w i n v i IN v AYR » Mr. i F>R *«> d I log the ^ d .srrlp to county as public park s and camp sites h r . b o v . named « T * I E OF n OREGON «« X h a tlo X n of l the X property on 11. Busy Folk» Song, 1st and 2d G rade A E W heeler, a tto rn e y J i l l IS 25- M I defendant LANK CO! ST Y IN I ROBATE. in (,ay of January. 192S. and w as proposed in a bill Introduced In 12. B etsey Ross, ................... 1st Grade IN T H E NAME OF THE STATE the E state of E lisabeth Youna Me-j W hereas no opposition h m been the house by R epresentative Hawley. 13. T hree L ittle S isters NOTICE GF FINAL SETTLEM ENT OF OREGON: You ar* hereby requlr- Dowell, deceased tra d e tn »»if h pet t Ion or enpl'catlon. J r>1 . , ___. . . . __i _____ __________ la t and 2d G rade Notice is hereby stven th a t the un apfj Common C< nncil has now de- G overnor Pierce issued a requisition < Notice 1» hereby given th at Harold ed to nppoar and answ er the oom fll»*d nan nut you In the above dernifned wan appo Bted adm lnistra- term tned on «uch aopllcatlon: and f°r l ^e return T. W. Lyle, who is 14. Vloiin Solo ......... H arlan Duncan J Well», A dm inistrator of the E state of India E W henlftll, decease«!, h»« entitled court and cause, on or he trlx of th e above entitled estate on j v.Tier*as there Is on f i e herein, w a n te d jn H arney couuty on a forgery 15. R eading .......... Mrs. Glen Riddel filed hl» final account aa »neb. a n t fore the expiration of the tim e pr»*- Jan u ary id. I*l2d, tt at nil deb ts d u a ,|j je w ritten consent of all of the land charge. Lyle was under a rre s t In 16. Songs of th e H our Idaho th e Court hn» aet Friday, the 19 li scribed I n ’ the O rder of Publication the said e sta te shall b*4 paid to me. ] ow no. M affected by this vacation; M esdames W hite and K irkpatrick T herefore, , ua o. day of E ehruary. 192« nt 10.00 A. M , to w it: On or before the expiration and th at all persons having claim s! W illiam Cole and George Cabel, Co- 17. W histving solo nt the County Court Hoorn In the of «lx w»»4 kH from the d ate of the first ag ain st th e said esta te shall present i T H E TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD C. F. Eggimar.n, assisted by W ini, ! p p E R *ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS* lum bla county prisoners, escaped from C ourt Houae. In Eugene. Lan' County. publlcntlon b e n f, nnd If you fall to th e sam e to me with vouchers plaintiff at mv rc Id. nee. 423 O S treet, j s , H t„ n , Tn. t B.h>of (hl> f,.n- w r.g lhe jail at St. H elens a fte r confeder- Oregon, a» the tim e and place to h e a r answ er for w ant th ereo f fred Tyson. objection» tu th e »am«*, anil for the ? ',rln« i ^ .OrPB: i ” :'nth. : -i* ■ ' • > a h of that ttte, on th0 out8ide had 8awed away 18. Ford Specials prayed for In th a Complaint, to-wlt; from the dal* of first puM teat Ion of ; part final »«ttlem eni of wild E itn te I , 1 , 1 of Third I 11 I I ' 6 . S j X tre I e t 1 betw I J . ' v een -Il tfio w* • • ......... Mr. and Mrs. Glen R 'ddell HAROLD J WELLS. F or a d«'cr«e of tha co u rt dissolving thl» notice which Is Jan u ary 28. 1926. n nP Of «ne4 : nd requl’*o,'t position. Give me a trial. Jan u ary 1926. to nppear and answ er the Comnalnt M other of six children, although only oil hauled from Rtxxl River to Park- ROY KOCH, Springfield, Oregon. truth wherever It Is scirnti- AM x\D A E. MILIsRR. filed herein ?.galn«t y^n. In the nbov% Mr- Q vivu i Fi ’on Sisters, located at the east approach GEO. W. PERKINS M lrassou. Romolo V atuone. Anthony by Publication by v rtu e of an order to the soenic Mc.Kenxle pass country, 12 and c c u c tg s east ol the Cascades Corner 5th and D Streots SUTTON TRANSFER Vatuone, Pacific O rca P ain t com- tb.e Hon. C. P. Bar; ard, Judge of prepared for the coming tourist sea­ on April 9. Springfliold, Oregon pnny, a corporation; and nlso to all j J?e a ’" ’’1? r / C harles Hall, state p enator for Coos son by organizing the S isters chamber P lans and E stim ates Furnished Phone 57 o th er persons or p arties unknown d tl' “' V*“8’ and C urry c«>untioa,' issued a state­ directing this Summ ons b: served on uf commerce. Dr. H. L. Vincent is Free. Will Help You Finance I claim ing any right, title, estate. Ilea. m ent in which he accunced that he Your Building. [ or In terest In the real esta te d escrlb you hy publishing the sam e once a president of th e new organization, will not e n te r the republican prim ar­ week for six consecutive weeks In unit«.», n ! ed In the com plaint. D efendants. the Springfield News, and th a t you! " « Crosby, known m cen ies 'to seek the nom ination for gover­ To each and all of th e above named d efen d an ts: You a re hereby required answ er tho set«’ Complaint w ithin s l x . tr®' O regon through his w ork in in nor. Inability to adjust his business GEO,. N, McLEAN DR. N. W. EMERY Io npp«(*r and an sw er th e com plaint w eeks from th. d ate of first publica- j vestigating the w ater holding possibili- affairs so th at he could devote his Automobile. Fire and Life filed ag ain st you In the above entitled tlon thereof. P e te of first publication ties of the Benham Falls storage resar- tim e to public serví«» is given by My. DENTIST IN S U R A N C E RUlt w ithin six weeks from th e data February 4, 1926. j voir site, died recently in Boston, Hall as his reason. Surety B°nda,. Pljone 6J7 8utton Bldg. Pjtone 2 0 J of th«> first pn b l’cntlon or th is sum. W ELLS W ELLS, A ttorneys for f ie n d s |n Rend been Yiotified. mons In th«' Springfield News, w h ich 1 P laint ff. P o rt Office , «1»'. Ires», Eu- My b u tin era It Bto p ro tect yeur Oregon allotm ents for pending riv er Resldenco Phone 183 M T he city council of McMinnville vot- [ Is firs! published Jan u ary 7. 192«. and ¡gene, Oregon. business and harbor projects are expected to be yon a re hereby notified th at, unless F 4-11-18-26 M 4-11-1S ed to hold an election on the question Springfield. Oregon S6J W illam ette S t E ugeneJJregot^, you nppear and an sw er w ithin ths ■ ■ ........... [o f including the college campus in the increased conskierably over th e figures included In the pending wr.r d epart­ said 6 weeks, your default w 'll bs IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT O F T H E corporate lim its of the city and of vot entered and th e plain tiff will niaks m ent appropriation bill as a result of V A S B Y BROS. a p p M c a ilT O ^ o ^ tin c ^ M u rrfo r" ^ ” «» i STATK n F OREGON. FOR LANE tng on the 850.000 bonds for the 8500 II P resid en t Coolidge’s recent action ap­ ' 006 building cam paign of the college. lief prayed w ithin th e com plaint. t e . ^ l ’^T Y proving an addition of 810.900.000 to Painting & Decorating wit: T h at th« title to th at 310 acres Zola Bowers. Plaintiff, v s. W illiam Speaking before the Marion-Polk m ore or less of and described w lth l. . W oodard B ow era Defendant. I P ran k the 840,000,000 riv er and harbor item Your Homo When In In all Its branches "?"•>- ¡•«me certain deed dated S eptem ber 22 j ST MMi'NS. „a carried In th e bill. Springfield ' 1920, executed to plaintiff, nnd record [ To W illiam W oodard Bowers, the ‘' “ rfdn, Marion county dairym an and Im provem ents in several state game 312 Main Street ed on page 430 in volume 130 of th r .a b e v e named d e fe n d a n t hop buyer, urged a reduction In taxes Lane County, Oregon. Deed Records [ IN THE NAME OF T H E STATE fur the support of higher learning and commission fish hatcheries in the na­ h e quieted In plaintiff as ag ain st a l l ; O F OREGON: You ire hereby re- advocated additional stale aid In the tu re of cigicrete pond-partitions, new and larg er faoJlltlee and stronger dams of yon; th at thi m ortgage d ated S ep | qulred to apTa a r and an sw er the « d u c a tk m o f fa r m e r s tem ber 22. 1920, executed by i^hlntlfl com plaint ft ed ag ain st you In the DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL are now under way and wii be ready JE W E I-R U and his w ’fe. nnd reco rd ed on nags above entitl.-l court nnd cause, on An olt-hnstl»" *> all pooWoome In to bold moro flab next summer, ac­ D EN TIST 191 of volume 49 of the L ane County, or before the expiration of th e tim e K lam ath Pulls conducting punchboards Repairing a Specialty Oregon, M ortngngc Records, and th r prescribed in the O rder of Publica- and slot m aebtnes; to all gam bling cording to the January report of Mat Spriuglielil, Oregon Phone 43 lease dated S eptem ber 22, 1910. ex* tion, to-wit: On or before the cxplra- d|v«a; to all bootlegging reaorta, and Ryckman. superintendent of batcher- c.uted by p laintiff nnd M s wife, a n i tlon ___ _______ ______ lee far tho game commission. of six w orks ____ from tlie d ate of . , ... F irst N at'l Bank Bldg., Sprlngfljld recorded on page 314 In book 146 P»Fth« pntdlcntion hereof, and ; nd if to th e first publication from Steps for carrying the fight agajpst the Lane County, Oregon. Deed R ae yOt) f.,q fo ,,t iiw er for want th reef, unlawful a«-ttvittea was delivered by E R. W. S M ITH the P ortland Boning ordinance to the erd s both be cancelled, and t-hal all . p|a tl ff will apply to the court for L. Elliott, d istrict attorney. United S tates suprem e court were In terest of an y of tho d efen d an ts tn rc i;8( pra y, ) (v>r In the Comp’ int Justice of the peace and ®r8* 8,ap ,n “ Program which takon a t Salem when Chief Justice Mild 310 a cres of land or any port to-wit'- r. , . .. . . . . contem plates the ultim ata purchase McRrlde of the Oregon suprem e court notary public, Insurance WM. G. HUGHES th ereo f be cancelled, and th a t each ol For a decree of the court dissolving . . .. you he fo rev er enjoined from mnkmg th e m arriage co n tract now existing by This sum m ons Is publisher pnrsu- to obtain additional right of way on week In the S;< . g f hi News Bir t ant to an O rder of th e H onorable C. I '1« « 8l' n widen tt from 40 fast to 86 ATTORNEY AT LAW make a specialty of crushed dtrte of th« first publication of fhw 4th «lay of Februnry, 193«, and the . . u tfMxt. JCnginoers from the s la te high­ . a ... rock and rock sand. Bunk­ NOTARY PUBI.TO Mitnnwwis. last publication (her. of is on tho 18th he boW Thuraday to bills to way commission h a ra been at «swk H E. SI.ATTERY, A ttornay ft» ers at fo o t of Main on Mill «toy of M arch, 192«. confirm and <«Jiot ¿ ra n ts Button Springfield un the aurvuy. which will eliusinate Plaintiff, and my postoffioe urtdrow BROW NELL & BROOKS. t® «Utaa. * street. [ Buldllng Oregon. four sharp lu rtts tho« now exist In tha Attorney« for Plaintiff I HENRY W. CHASE. R»P- Redkioom : Oregon. ' J' *■ .i. (BUYING oa s m [B U S IN E S S BEY GET RESULTS) D I R E C T O R Y 1, Dr.John Simons u The Loop D. W . R oof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO, , , .„J, \