T IK ’KHDAY. FBB. 11. 192«? THR 9PIUNURTBU) NKU*S °A O E FOUR ------ - THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Uubllahwd Every Thun».:** at Springfield. l ane Counts. ittveoo. by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E MAXEY. Editor. “la s woman aa old at aba luuka; I Anything une Milo had halitosis. • a • ll tS is’d a l I A big sltrndano* from nil part» of the »tale 1» »-xpeuted, The Income tax officers sav that nine out of at th« annual llxiall Morchunt* con ' m ery ten peopb are natural born fiction writers. »cnllon and short c»»urs« to bo boil ■stand sa second clsaa matter, hobruacy 14. t»«S at tba I wonder If Henry Ford originated that baying. Eu<,,n,. K. binary n t ? . at which poetdtftce. St rmgfickt. Orueoo •Th«^ 'a one born every m inute.” R ob ert C I. no. p r e sid e n t of ilio l ino MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE chata atoros lu Montana, will apeak, _T5c One Year In A.bai • St 75 Ihreu Mumhi fox farms with an ln.ve.st according to |H«n K (' llo td iin » , of • Oregon now h/is 21' . kc u sh lt’e administration Six Months ___________ $LM S'ngl» Copy _ . . there farm s have >h»¡ achí i,l of »f h business in ert of $1,825,Odd. )t||’n< arm igetumts which ’< s ..i nno Thus fox farm an Investment of i>v- ARY 11, 1126 TH w ! I itti)he throe talk« aa I? ne ’ '•’a’ rv. Ing Is becoming quit» ui 1 art of i ht’ Harvard grad inlrs and coin­ nn< Editorial Program im '!b gs» Re wns Oregon shipped I ' ' • • • i I . • b r ef roil N«1 L Make SpHnpfield the Industrial Center of W ee uni has been verv fo tern Oregon. Patronize the puli ie market successful In conducting a chain of II. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Budd a City • • • stores In Montana For s on«’ timo ho ef Contented Home« j m m e n t E d ito r ia l was fle d man for the *< hoot of husl III. Improve Living Conditions on the Farm. Pro­ mote the R* t rig of Purebred Livestock and no«« nt the Uni,- rs ly of Minnesota the Growing of Fruit; Work for Better Markets Since he hns b-cn on national pro- rubber s i ruA T iii.v. IV. Tell the World About Oregon’s Scenic Wonder­ grame of trade a-isoctatlqna for a , (Statement by SS-,-rotary I, . v.r January 2d. 192«.) land. No amount of discuss.en can obscure the fuel Unit th number of years he la expected to 1 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e -l nt price of rubber was t l 09 p r pound and three months make a valuable contribution Io the ! i forward rubber was $105 on lx «-ember l(Uh when I asked meeting here this month for th cooperation of the manufacturer» and c o n su m e r s O th e r s sp e a k e r s will be Marshall WOMEN. BRAINS AND POLITICS in a drive against the exorbitant price of rubber by con- Hana, , —. . , _ __- u _ . m a i.r iv e s k s i i o i m e c a u r u o a u i u n i - - u i i u e u e , u j w u ................................ associate e d ito r of (h e O r e g o n , Rheta I .'..ole orr. no it xvr e , J- a . . «ervatlon and provision Ilf independent American supplies Journal, and lrv ng E \ Inlng. presl. | outstanding woman with brains has as m uch We haTB h# » ent level of pr'cea. controlled by her husband and his m achine.” N ew sp a p er* D eere**«. tVa undertook this action because the monopoly had p u t. Idling more fagots on the fire, this woman the price to «00 per cent of the cost and to 300 per c< nt University of Oregon. Eugene, Feb. critic o f her sex says she recently heard a speech oxer the price that their own comm ittee of producers had j j _(Speclul I—-A slight drop In the in ongress that a high schol girl wouldn't make. them eelves announced as a fair and profitai,’e price. total number of Oregon newspaper« I* She also„declares the same condition exists in lo­ Of equal Inipor'ance to demonstra! Ing that the Ameri­ shown hv statistic* compiled for the cal politics. All the women co-leaders in the dis­ can consumer ha« an abll’ty of reslatance to any of these ,925 Oregon Newspaper directory un­ tricts of New York she denounces as women w ith­ nine governmei tally c r a t e dmonopolles In raw materials, der the direction of George S Turn- out brains, usually anti-suftragists and chosen our Industries _ _ _ and ___________ have renili»«! undertaken the serious hull. professor Journalism and editor by the bosses because the man know there is no ™ ^ providing rubber-"suppite.’ free <* control, of Oregon Exchanges real organization back of the anti-suftragists. Seven new newspapers were start­ ed during 1925. and , , dlscon,Ineud. THE KILLER AND THE HELPER. "Women are still being discriminated against" the directory, which will be off the concludes the writer, "though hey think they are They took a vote In France re»-ently as to who. In a I press shortly, shows This year 2|8 in politi e." all of which may be true in degree, puhllcntlnns are listed; las, y< nr there but is not m any way peculair to the sex. There ____ Many thoughh that Napoleon Bonaparte would win. are m any men who think they are in politics but But he did rot. Loul* Pasteur won Napoleon was next, were 25,; and In the ,923 directory there were 253 Consolidation* have i who in reality are only the tools of hidden power but thousands of votes behind behind the throne. Years of observation of nomi­ In the last two years several b pgraphles of these men played a part Ih ihe decrease One nations made irom time to time at the command have be.n Issued from American preaees Napoleon's dally and four wnekltea were In voved l of man controlled machines here and there are gre heailwl: ,.Mogcowr ..Thw Ketrvat from Rm. In the consolidations One nr more publications nre stt- , %U,te i OS U“ Vk P^ ^ K » r H ’ *»••• • Elb»-' Waterloo. “St Helen«.’ el cetera, while P»s- thengh iflieta Childe Dorr may be outstanding teur's life chapt-rs are headed: “Studies on Urystallogra- uated In HO Oregon towns ,n the | figure in the world oi literature, she does not pfcy." “Contagion—The AntUeptlc System," The Prophy­ whole state there are 1>»8 weekly I newspapers and 32 dallies. weigh heavily as a political and economic a n a ­ laxis of Anthrax." “ Rabies." lyst. W hatever may be said oi the standards of The one »»as the killer, the other the saver of human Only seven publications changed names during the year the women in political office it must be rem em ­ lie bered they are bound to be representative of the We are m od civ lllu d when we vote to give our popu­ Wants to Know. intlligence and honesty of those who place them lar faith to a Pasteur, rather than to a Napoleon; to a doer In their posts. Outstanding woqien with brains rather than to an un-doer; to a Savior rather than to a This Is a story of the old darkv have an excellent chance of getting into congress Killer.— Dearborn Independent. who was out flshto* on de Mississippi and more and more will be elected as time goes e e e when be caught an Immense cat fish, on. w-h'ch pulh-d him overboard CURB PARIS FLAPPERS’ NOON TELEPHONE CALLS Coming tip spluttering and «rRtlng The gallantry of the Fr cch Is proverbial. Frerchmen mud he yells, “what ah wnnls to Let some man with business ability come forth for a plrce on the school board. A dirt-ctorshio y‘e li '■ none In the curt -sy and pcllte i - o i i - il -ratloT know |s dl« Is , flshln’ br is dis here shot Id not go begging. The schools spend more »•Teh they accent to la d les. But I, the men ot Prance catfish nlxgerin mcney ti :.n any other branch of gov m m eut. ■n note- for thelr good manners, Frencnwomen ir «qual- Too Fresh. Th y should be looked a fter by capable men and lr dlarlngu'shed r e t <>■ !y for the modtshnesa of their at- “Are your eggs fresh?" ri n or: a business basis, especially when their fi- i.-e. but ai o for «n f » * nattng vivacity of th ir conver- ’V s Mam t h e s e e g g s s h o g dn't h” Now. vivacity implies loquacity, ami thereby hangs There are limits. It s* • o «. to what even a Preach- sold til, tomorrow’ ’ man will pu* up with in the way of loquvc ty—especially o:, :he t le ; h o n e Vigorous Jiave bew roundtrip fares secure surprising value for your travel funds. Figure your expense in driving your ow n car against tnc cost by train. The saving in train travel will amaze you. So save the car h Itv product Come Io this Acme Quality Paint und Varnish Service Station und discuss with us a*y indoor or outdoor painting problem. Wright & Son Phono 31 tu ta ««»»•<*- »