PAG£ THREW T iiE SP. THURSDAY. KEH. 11. 1926. Remodeling Bargain. Feast co C. J . Eugene, Oregon ..■■■—605-609 Willamette Street ■ ♦ s Now On-Ending Saturday, Feb. PEOPLE OF THRIFT Should appreciate this chance and by all means take advantage of this once in a long time opportunity. DON’T HESITATE You can never buy any cheaper. If you haven’t the money, borrow it, so you can get in on these bargains. A hint is sufficient to the wise. „ BUY NOW / . Men’s Suits All wool Block Suit». Suit» of the best quality and styles, young men'» styles and conservative. Buy your suit now. They’ ll never be cheaper. Remodeling Price— $18.50 One lot suits at $11.95 Men’s Overcoats Block Mode, conservative and young men's styles. Never before have Overcoats of such quality sold for these as­ tonishing low prices. Remodeling Prices— $11.90 to $18.50 Men’s Hats Buy high grade hats now at reduced prices— Remodeling 1.98, 2.48, $3.48 Men’s Dress You will Trousers find a great saving A special all-wool Pants. now. Remodeling Price— 3.95 to $4.95 W IT W ILL BE NECESSARY TO REDUCE OUR VOLUME OF STOCK TO A M IN IM U M . OUR STOCK IS LARGE AT PRESENT AND MUST BE GREATLY REDUCED OWING TO TH E FACT T H A T WE ARE MAKING C ERTAIN AL­ TE R A TIO N S IN OUR STORE. IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK AND GAIN ROOM TO REMODEL OUR STORE WE ANNOUNCE A HUGE REM ODELING BAR­ GAIN FEAST. T H IS FEAST W ILL ENABLE YOU TO GAIN AGAIN BY OUR BIG VALUES AT LOW PRICES, EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STORE W ILL BE SOLD A T A BIG SAVING AND AT SPECIAL PRICES. OUR GOODS ARE GENUINE AND A T T R A C T IV E FOR T H E MONEY YOU PAY AT T H IS REM ODELING BARGAIN FEAST. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION IN EVERY D ETA IL IS T H E PRINCIPAL OF T H E — DRY GOODS Big savings by buying Gingham— checks and plaids a real bargain. Stock up on Ginghams now. Remodeling Price, per yard— 13c Flannel Special— large variety of Flannels, in season s latest colors, 56-inches wide, extra special. Remodeling Price, per yard— Black Kid or Brown Dress Shoes, good stock. We offer these high grade shoes for a few days during this sale at Remodeling Price— $3.95 $3.95 to $9.50 J u v en ile Suits $1.95 Serges in checks and plain colors. Buy at these low prices. Remodeling Price, per yard— Boys' here's a chance to get a good Suit in assorted pat terns, all new. The regular price of these would ordinarily be $3.50. Age 3 to 8 Remodeling Price— 79c $1.69 Curtain Scrim. Here’s real values in fancy curtain ma­ terial. See these new patterns at these low prices. Remod­ eling Price, per yard, l i e to 25c Outing Flannel, 36-inches wide, good heavy material. On sale, Remodeling Price, per yard— 22c Blazers Our regular price on blazers offers you the best buy in town. Now we have made special reductions on these. Remodeling Price— $3.95 Misses’ and Children’s Dresses 16c 10c Gingham One lot Ginghams in assorted colors, Remodeling Price— 10c Great reductions in Children's and Misses’ wool Dresses, late styles and colors. Come early and get your choice. Remodeling Price— $2.68 to $3.95 Women’s Hose Big reduction in women’s Silk and Wool Hose. Hose of quality and will give satisfaction. Remodeling Price— 69c One lot of women's Wool Hose, in heather. Remodeling Price— 49c $1.89 Women’s Pumps and Oxfords $2.85 Men’s Shoes Women here is yourtchance to reap the benefit of this sale. New Silk Dresses in latest styles. Values up to $12.50 Buy now. Remodeling Price— Flannels— good assortment of colors, good quality, $3.00 value, Remodeling Price, per yard— One lot Ladies’ Pumps and Oxfords, in Suede, Patent and Kid leather. Remodeling Price— Remodeling Price— Women’s Dresses $2.95 $2.79 Greatly reduced. Come in and see the many bargains we offer. Tan Oxfords and Pump3. These shoos are regu­ lar stock, full run of sizes, no baits', strictly high grade. $7.89 to $22.50 14c Towels, Turkish Towels, good grade, extra special at Remodeling Price— $1.95 Closing out our entire stock of women’s coats. These coats have been reduced before but now we give you last call. Remodeling Price— Cretonne in beautiful colors and patterns. Buy at this sale, Remodeling Price per yard— Odd lots and samples offered at this sale at this low price. Remodeling Price— Boys' Shoes in dress and work. now. Remodeling Price— Women’s Coats GIVE US A TR IA L AND REAP T H E B EN EFIT Men’s Shoes $2.95 take advantage of the bargains C. J. BREIER CO. 27-inch Outing Flannel, heavy weight Remodeling Price, per yard— One lot Boys' and Children's Shoes, good wearing qual­ ity, Remodeling Price— E FEEL W e owe remodeling to our city and customers. To give you better shopping quarters and to keep growing with our city, and in order to do so we announce this Remodeling Bargain Feast to make more room. This is not a money mak­ ing feast but to unload our stock as much as possible in the next few days. Come prepared to Women’s Cotton Hose, regular 25c seller, Remodeling Price— 2 for 25c * -1 . — . * >•* (♦« Women's Lisle Hose In assorted colors, Remodeling Price— C. J. BREIER CD. E U G FN F OREGON 39c Children's Cotton Ribbed Hose, good grade, real values. Remodeling Price— , 2 for 25c Women’s Felt Slippers in colors. felt. Remodeling Price— ■ 79c Nothing but high grade