9 THURSDAY. FEB 11. 192«. > fag r TWO ■ ■ Lane Countÿ Farmers Union News o f f ic ia l TWO WORK CLUBS ARE __ • OFFICERS ORGANIZED AT JASPER , OF LANE COUNTY • f a r m e r s ' u n io n • p u b l ic a t io n lan b c o u n t y u n it n o . h Community News By Sqaclal C o rrs s p o a d - -U B aptist Services. E vangelist G. G L aughlin Is preach Jug every night at the B aptist church Tonight his ioptc is, “W hy Living a Moral Life W ill Save Va." Sunday. 11 A. M —"L essons from P e n te c o s t” 7:30 P . M —“V alue of a Boni." Special singing a t both services • • • MUCH INTEREST TAKEN IN SCHOOL FOR FARMERS t'n d e r till’ lead Itlp of Professor • W ' llt, of C ottage l i n n . high achool. C \V. Allen Vida. P resident • • » schnei of Instruction for f irm er» W I. Seals. Eugene, Vice-Piassi- • • UPPER WILLAMETTE THUfcSTON NOTES was hw 1 «I Creakrell In F arm ers Cn- dent. * • lon hall M onlay « v.-nlnx with more Betty M Kappatlf. Cottage Grove • The bnskotha 1 game which was to * Mr. and Mrs Wll Innt R uth motored than 1 On In atten d an ce The progni,tl Secretary-T reasurer. • have been pla.Mal betw een the Pions- • W alter Morgan, Creswell, t'Ondnc-* to Portland last T hursday to visit ant lllll high school und S an ta Clara was given under the Htnlih Hughes * r’lelr daughter. L aura act tor. Mr C o lte r, ru ral school snpervtacr Ihursdiiy night was not played as • Partner« subm itted questions, which H. H Sm ith. Eugene. Doorkeep- vtaltod the T hurston school last Fri- ' c l«r» »•’“ “» <° n r' • w- re answ ered hy Professor W hile, I rive. • o L clem en t. W a te rv ille Chap- • day. • who gave the nam es of G A C ape. The lunties' a'd met with Mrs. Ben- Atttom ob'les have been bucking wt- )>fn • • c la llrts who would furnish fu rth er lah H arb lt last T hursday for an all J te r as high as th e headlights at the Inform ation on the subject The lead­ • d a y ’s m eeting T he next m e ting will i Brabham ranch the past qpek e r was given a rising vole of (hanks be held with Mr». F ran k T ay lo r lu l The spring day which followed af- BUSINESS MEN BEAT and was risked to hold another school -»----1- Eugene who form erly resided h ere, ' (Pr the heavy rains of S ntunlay and EX-SOLDIER BOWLERS Mrs, l-ouls R lait left last Friday to Sunday started the farm ers In the next re a r ______ F A R M P O IN T E R S The business m en« bowling team !Jo in h er husband In Arisona. ' Pleasant Hill d istrict to plowing Ten Bsblss Born. w rested a victory from th e American Mr« Day Morgan, who has been vis Th<> ap„tyl, n„ „ (> , f1 pn Ke,My Tu<„ , ta> E xperim ents with m eth o d , of tunk-, Ten babies were born In Spring. row m argin of 63 pins. T he game p ast two weeks, left for h er hom e l n | f th|a we#fc Ing m anure from »trnw carried on al field and vicinity during January, an- started th e Springfield league sea- W eudltng last Sat n la y A fter an epidem ic of colila a n ! tlte Oregon expelrm ent station are cording to th e report of Dr W II. son. | Mrs. Jen n ie F d m lsto n from Eu- ‘ cough« which kept nearly one-half th« progrcxslng well The d epartm ents of Pollard, health officer Two d eath s Gibson was h 'gh point m an. roll gene Is spending a few davs visiting , h(7"studentsi out- of high school last soil« and bacteriology are cooperating wens rep o rted I* le .- h eallh e a lth g rtle e r Ing 47S pins for the business men h er children h ere ' We«k only four were absent the be- '« ,h l* work fo ln ted out th at the fncl that many babies th a t a re hern to fTpr'ngfield T h e line-ups with scores of th e th ree I M argaret Campbell from Leo R(nn!nc „( ,b u WPek. The potato m ovem ent haa slowed up p a re n t, are born In Bugi ne hospital*, burg sp en t the week-end with rein- gam es : The w xnen of lhe C hristian church to som e extent and sh tlc the prices Bnd for this reason ’h figure« for h e ) Legion—V. M eats. S3«: Sharm an. tires here. 404; L ar-; M is, Maude E dm lston «pent the Sjinday ach«»ol had B w e Irual when , h„ , „ me th,- demand rn b irth s are c-M lually kept 1-4« 446; Olson. 443; J Meats, they were e n t-rta in e d hy a splendid n(1, Btro,,K B„ j th»- m arket aoums w hat they arlu altv are week-end at Llnslaw with Mrs Wise. I son. 44«: total. 5153 lags and m usic fol a lltlc uncertain program of ... read .................... ............. . --- Business Men—Smith. 454: Woods. Miss M a rta n t R ussell, who t-ach - « lowed by a fine supper furnished by I The general price level rem ale« about 37S; Qlhson, 47«: G ardner. 463: Olli at I.eabtirg. was ill and unable to the men of the Sunday school as ,1 1 n a r ,py fl)r j t« 'b eginning Io at- (lie «nine G rains for livestock feed. esple. 433; total. 3195 tench last T hursday forf. • for loosing In the recent Sun (rap | atten tio n ami Is held ut »r* nom inally priced In Portland ---------------- -—• The VUbi b asketball team won over lay school cnm pa'gn. C akes consist- , 4P tl, ,50 B t„ B. d pending »« »hont *30 a ton. although country B u tter w rappers printed according rh«‘ T hurston team last k r'd a y , jnK of pnncahe» w ith lay«»ra o r fro riln r . . q ual| , y „ n,| w hether prices are su b stan tially above th at - betw een and other undcacrlble dalnt pj, e np( „ , , rw .,,.#tl,,j Th« need for figure. to regulations with name, weight , Ing on the local floor wprp w r ,e d the women An an- bor)py w,..te m O regon for live --------- and address. »1.25 a h undred a t th - Dick H arblt from Cottage Grove spent Sunday w ith his m o th er h ere ,,sUa||y m erry tim e was hail hy all , , OPk Bnil poultry feeding Is still vary W inter grain on som e Oregon land News Office. ------------------------------ «*«’ braved the Inclem ent w eather to pron„,)nrrrt ani, grow or* nft*© I rv In with rfect dmlnaC* nftvn h*«* * BEAN AND BROOK FORM he present. 1 „ goo,! supply of H nnneben barley yellow green rotor In e a r y spring. HiriA/ I AlA/ P A B T N F B R H I P At a m eeting of the grhoo board seed before the f . ders use II up T his can be overcom e and th- - . . I ,,f b M aaaaat Hill pu' : ’I ’ Increased bv early spring application lo u la F B eatT aiid W H B rooke wr.s decided ro call those Interested P astu res In the W illam ette valley ,)f td ,r, , , . . art Io 100 pound» to an h av e form -d a law p arln ersh .p under -In the P b a .a n t HU) cem etery to a . b r finl.blng e a r .v l a m b . « ' ^ »««■ w. , t puiverU ed and broadcast th - nam e of Benn and Brooke and m eeting to be held In th e high .chool talnlng th a milk f l o w . r d a lt r ro w . , OW!(r(1 r ,o . e of «he rainy p< r.ed ! w l! occupy o ffice, form erly occupied I budding at l:» 0 p m . F ebruary 27 »>« ’'.•«dry seeurwl In the late rx p ertm e„t atotlon Brat . .. _ « > » ________ a ____ . . a sum l i n t m er wlwre Irrigation I» obtain, j«..suits a re obtained on land havlag by W illiam s and Bean at 360 W iliam -¡for the purpose of dlseuaslng tfie up DELICIOUS- k e ep and oeed» o f th e c e m e te ry Ev « b le Hheep w e re m a in ta in e d on th • fa lr q rB |n a ,e . ette street. M T a n i s In . n a E t ugene l v of I.in e county ¡••ry ó ',. having an i n t e r r a t a the c e m -^ rrlg a t-d p o a to r. «1 th e Oregon ex The cold w eather and leaching pro­ TEMPTING- Mr haa Bean Is a engaged n ative of in L ane o u n tv ” , «“ r V '* requeotod ...... and bene the c active to he at th l . m eet-j périm P * " « * ent station at a cost of 11 4 v e n the form ation of n itra le s o r th eir cents per head per day In the Inst reten tio n thus causing a deficiency ! practice of hi» profession for 20 y e a r s .. ***• SATISFYING dry season. th e first week or tw o of the grow ing devoting a considerable portion of Spring beautlea and ysB o* violets hla tim e to corporation and tim ber have m ade th e ir appearance In t h - ! Th< (fp#n m ark et continues to be season. A hom ecokinit club a« - » »ew tix club « r e organici! ttil« vrvek «t Ja - per, accordine to Arnold Collier. ! • • eounty club leader. • Mrs. Paul Bailey the leader of th e . hooking club Irle W.-tl aev Is prvsi r a|o>. , p n ,,,r„ h n r „ ,„k people Violets have been In hle«,om , hp , „ m it fl AV»-d*agboa * .• « a .__ » - « a s a n - W - w — ‘ a f w inter and —.« y*ll«w flafRMlls have ritorta. t-*s# uwhoa and m ore w heat Is going out from burst Into blossom. tn »k Ina trvtrtoga. The P ortland in th e Im m ediate fu lu r- T he heavy r a ’ns of the past week I washed out th e draw a t th - B eavor mill. The P leasant Hill public achool b as­ ketball t-a m will play th - D exter team Friday. Chas C urts has been on ebn sick Ils the past week. T h - fT irlsttan E ndeavor ptsv. ’Dad ’y” will be gty-a at the Woodman ■II Ra’ordav night, F ehrauarv 13 Enroll Today H'« A Good Those who tak e part are- J-d W hen A. K. Roberta, Prefddent pe. lfa re l W heeler, Be«-|e Feagles. 9H2 W illamette St. Phone 666 Eugene, ” arl L 'n t n. I.a’tte n a^dshadler, Bert ; s tie s and Roy John ■ 'te S aturday night d s n e s nt Ilex «er -*e proving very popular Mr and Mrs. Andy Olgon Installed an ac ’’ lene lighting plant We»9nes day of t l ' s week A COMPLETE LINE OF CHEVROLET PARTS is being kept in stock for the benefit of car own era. gSKBS* T IR E S 330 MAIN STREET Springfield Phone 89 » G lfis o W ' Eugene Business College See these beautiful new Chevrolet ears. They have many features found only in the higher priced cars. GANNETT MOTOR CO. it r a o « tor Secretarial, Stenograpl.ic or Book­ keeping Course Sunday n'-rtit 7:30. "Tierc r t l ! b illu strated songs from slid»«, tog- ' • it wltft old tim e h y m n , with »nec'-i' m usic by ih - choir. The p asto rs u sage for th e evening will be "T h - tVay Up." a story »-rm on. At th e 11 o’clock hour, • E v -rla stin r M«rcy” a study in convey.- on w'll h- th e them e. Special ’ mu - lc by th - eh-tlr. chnrrdi school m e e ts a t 9 4‘ ___________ In term ed iate league a t 5 P m. Ep­ Attend« Conference—C harles H worth lef-gtle at «:30 Mid week pray e r and praise, T h tir’ day 7:3«. All at Blom, pastor of the B ap tist church, th e h /in r-lik e church, F. L Moore, attended a pn (or’s conference in t P ortland this w-nk m inister. is now made at the Gannett Motor company garage, Stev­ ens Building. Main Street, Springfield. Complete garage equipment is now installed and an exjiert mechanic 1 b in charge. te School Oregon A Baby Today-Yes --But in College Tcir.crrcw! A baby today I k ready for college lomorrow, bo it seem«, unlttsa parentB are prepared to meet additional expense« of b e tte r education for their children. Do yon w ant your child to have a good education— an even dhance with others? It'« up to you. To be prepared, s ta rt now. n; A Hmall savings account Is the way. - W anted Special Prices of all sizes (or a few days Get our prices before buying else­ where. We specialize in Balloons. .Open It In baby’s name. Make regular deposits each week or m onth, no m atter how small. And by the time baby Is ready for college, the needed money will be waiting. • Also 'there is an educational value to this m ethod of saving. As the child grows older anil is perm itted to make dejsisits, it learns the fundam entals of TIIRII1'!' without which there can lie no lasting suet ess. Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan DON’T FORGET WE SELL. RADIOS WE HAVE A FEW SPECIALS ON HAND interest annually. Springfield Garage W. H. ADRIAN, Proli. 602 Oak Street This bank will help th at baby college fund liy adding 3% 414 MAIN PHONE 11 THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT GROW! Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon