I Advertising is a big fie ld --b u t w ith no space for quitters. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-THIRD YEAR GIRLS HIGHEST IN SCHOLARSHIP LIST SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. i/oc/e DEPARTMENT SECRETARY Honor Rolla Announced By WILL BE ENTERTAINED Principals of Locnl Schools y Mullid A. M clnturff, si'C.retary of Show Nadine McMurray and ululo depurim i nt, American In Ruth Carlton at Top; 25 Boys g|(l„ a u xilia ry w ill (>• guest of honor Get High Grades. at a nii'flIng of tile local auxiliary at Says B cth are Junior b ah sd ii mi pupi » lion reward leg vurloua protect» which The honor system approve,! by tho railroad officials and r< quest th a t the m u rd erer of Lincoln, was cornered Itigli school honiww so tu M urgarcj lire being carried out by Hiixllliirle« Mr < • h ran to the scene and say i d u b gives recognition by pins, badge». In A raging storm In ml4-oeean navesnent along the lines from T h irl Bwart« with n gruite of 941-2 per l throughout the state. A program , and Booth did not encape but wa< 1 ' et»., of hlgh-cla»s work In scholarship, Captain George Fried of the S. S to Tenth stre e t. In bad shape, be re ­ c ni nnd Agatha Heal», B4 p er cent I refrenhm eut», are am ong the feature» by Keigt. C orbett of B aker’ Roosevelt directed the rescue o; paired at an early date. taking Into consideration In a les. creev from the disabled Britisl airy and di» ' u ' • ’« In lb. prim ary grade» Ev, lyo d o rm I I r lo r en tertain ,» , nt. .Mr» ger degree other school activities such freighter Antino«, recently. Fo I, was pointed ont th a t the line along ley him an av erag e of 95 |w»r c«*nt. H untly nald. I as athletic«. It was Introduced In Se­ three days Commander Friet , this section Bad not beep touched by and I* followed overboard and drowned. j m eeting last Friday noon. pair The companv’s franhlse. I, was R eappointm ent of F. B Hamlin as ttrnttnin *n* the hlgh«**t boy In thin tngtnn'n birthday, F ebruary 22, accord­ C. E Kenyon, recent arriv al who Is ; said, ca, s for keeplne up the pave­ p o stm aster of Springfield for another division with 92 p er cent now cagh'er of the Com ercial S tate j ing to Hiiounc« mi nt by Mm. Orn Read m ent on th» right-of-way. B rhotarahlp honom throughout th e Horn on way. principal. Both Lincoln** 4 year term was Unnounced thia week ¡,ank wa(t tntroduced t„ the ,ub mem GIRL SCOUT PATROLS A nother Im portant down-town In - by the first assistan t postm nster gen­ nchool* go tam ely to the ftfrln. tb*« und Wn>4iinfcton‘n bfrthdaya will b<* her» nnd spoke a few words. Mr. Mor ORGANIZED AND NAMED (,r°vem ept planned hv the council eral a, W ashington. I). C The s< nat» Itatn »b«»w. Of the 9s <»n the honor obflerved at th at tim e rls of P ortland was present as lh - ______ Monday’s m eeting w as th e pavem ent has duly conf rmefi the appointm ent to*’, 7s ar* Kirin and 25 are hoyn In gue t of William W right and was al F u rth er steps In «he organization ° r ,h * " ,,ev betw een Main and A V alentine h o le s will bo opened at for a term beginning Jan u ary 29. 1920 the high nrhoot tfti+re are JR honor ftperlal program s to be held In the va- of girl scouts work In Springfield have «H -ct» from Third to Ei«th street. Aa Mr Hamlin was firs, appointed on girl«, nnd four hovn; Ju n io r htah rloiiM »chonI rooms tomorrow. The a p ­ Elons club m em bers volunteered to bppn ta |cen wf, h th nam ing of five i ordinance providing for the Improve- Jan u ary 2R. 1923. and took office on aehool, ?5 glrln and neven hoyn nr* proach df the day h a t provided a mo­ patrols and the choosing ,of leaders T e n , w as ordered draw n no. and 1 to two fu lltim e clerks and a half an average of 96 per cent H er record »ears of age, passed aw ay a t hiä “ >» I ' Eva Louk A1)cP D arn ng JuTel H,Ide. | b e tte r than miidlhole. Jt» pavem ent In the county was exceedingly high bridge party by Mm. V A. Sm ith. In thne asslsln n t. House dA tvery was home a t Sixth and, D stre e ts here yes- • b ra„ d Eugene, r'-cenlly Maxine Sw arts, M argaret An- w‘ll he a v aln ah 'e im provem ent. It Is added Ins, Septem ber. The postal r e ­ for eighth grade »tu«’ nt» believed., terday. Rev. LaM ar came to Spring- ; ther, Maxine Hem his h l’,_rP8_'*ln , high school and the elem en tary pup*,» situation tu the d istrict around th« th " club k itten Mrs. C P McKensle Two ru ral routes a re operated o 'j» ,th t' “«dive m inistry 10 years ago. Helen M cFarland. Hazel Collier, Ev­ Lincoln school resulted >n a decision tn the case of the Ju n io r high only wit ,«• h o siers at 1 octork luncheon at of Springfield office, and a S ta r route' Rev. LaM ar was born a, Anderson- elyn H arris. Angellne Severson. nam es of honor stu d en ts are g*ven -hf the counrll ,o have the r » v en­ supplies nine postofficcs beginning ” »*• T euueasee. Septem ber 10. 1852. Birch P a tr o —L eader Maxine* Snod- gineer look over the e n tire storm-wa- as the avernge» hnd not been com tho Hotel Osburn on F ebruary 19 with T hurston and ending with Fol»v early life was spent In the vicin- piled nt the tim e of publication: ,y of Andersonville, and of Knoxville, 9ra s8 : assist: nt, Margo e t S w arts; te r drainage situation of the city In P a rty a t H a d le y H om e. sprlngs A new off*ee. Rnlnhow. has Hloh School. T ennessee. He moved to Oregon a |A J t l l t i t PerklcB, Andry Danlols, M arr th ° spring. Mr nnd Mrs Ann H adley of west hw'n n,h,w1 to 19,0 S ta r rn u te rerPnt1^ qu arter of a century ago. Mnrgnret Rwnrts. 941 8: Agatha I.ouk. tpie property-holders n rese"t drew IR receiving tho cor.- Beal« 94: Dale G riffith. 93,-9' Fa- Springfield o ntvrtaiiifd nt an enjoy- A fter serving the loca p asto rate B utterfly P atrol—Leader, Louise attention to a sltu at'o n on O street, th r AfcPh»raon. 98, 2; M unrare, Oder able Five H undred party lnnt Friday rra tu la tlh n a of bin friends an a resu lt for «ome time. Rev. LaM ar went to Xr' Aer; assistan t. D orothy F isher; w here the w ater in the recent heavy his reappointm ent. kirk. 98,-8: ,ow a Carlton 9 ,, 8; N.i night L ate In th e evening refresh -j California, w here h continue! In the J a n *‘ Scott, Eunice M cFarland. Bar- 8tor m o v e rfle w d into yard* and ran o n l fn rtto n . 9*?,-8: \lrnn Oreenwoo*,. m ents were served by the host s». m inistry R eturi ng to O regon, he hara Adams. Dale Daniels, Thelm a m ,o haseerents. They said the reason 971 2: Evan H ughes 924 2; Dorene Those presen t were Mr and Mr«. SCHOOL ELECTION WILL lived at Medford f >r some tim e. ^ A e r , Velma Moskop. was the lack of an adequate culve-t T.nrlmi r 911 4; C arl Mi-KInnls 91; G. Redm an. Mr. nnd Mrs H ansen. Mr BE HELD LATE IN JUNE preaching In th a t vicinity He also h as) M innehaha P atrol— Leader. Maxine at Ninth a rd G streets. A net'to n G ertrud. Mu",i" 9 ' W IIIT n PoUard nnd Mrs Hall. Mr and Mrs. George ______ served as p a -to r at churches a t L a - iPos* y ; E 'm o Pm ith; Eliz« asking fo r relief was presented. W hile 9«. f e n tn n r r R chhan. 9,3-6; Lnclle W ard. Mr. and Mrs. J. II H adley. No can d id ates for th e position of ctin be nnd at Lebanon. Oregon h ttb K enney, E thelyn Stark. R uth ( ft was the opln'on of councl’meu »hat ,t . h't'i'iid 91.14 Emm,» Hoger» 92; Miss Doris H adley, Mr. anil Mrs. C. m em ber of th school hoard, to he ,|, retired a decade ag moving lo Bauer. the situation of lest week was an • H annah S h i'h r 9 0 ,4 : EucUe Stew ­ A. Peddlcord fill.-,, nt an election In June, have Springfield, w here- he had a wide qir- Mootings her» a fte r will be held nt pm or?ency a* a result of an unnsnnll art. 92I2- W lnlfr I Vv«„n. 92,-8. Asa Hadley rero 'v ct, firs, prize and yet h w n announced. C. A. Sw arts. , r ie of |oving fiends. In his passing 4:10 instead of 4 o’clock to accomo- storm . It w as decided t3iat the m atted Mr Hodrnnn tbo connotation prlM lu n lo r High School. who Is now chairm an of the board, tfo,. com untty loses one of its most ext m eeting p-hould he Investigated. Many culverts, Nadine McM urray, Edith H u rl. will com plete his term of service to respected citlten s. be in the form of an observation n laid, a re too small. M ita Mtchcll Honored. R uth P ar,ton , Bnrharn C handler, N el­ the hoard on /July 1. School hoard Rev. LaM ar leaves to mourn hta ^Hce. V acation of Third stre e t from F to lie S tew art, F ran cis Fit ler. George I Miss H attie Milch« I. m issionary to Friday night a com m unity sing for p street line was ordered by the c^'n* m hers a re electejJ for term s of passing his widow, three sons: George Mason. Glenn Rnnndell; R uth Hauer. action was tak en as a result th ree years W . of W allace. Idaho; E verett of San gir scouts will be held at the Eu- P|j Africa who Is visiting at her home A udrey Smith. Eth< lyn Stark. I.oiidi I- . City offices a re to be file d at an Jn.ie, C alifornia; Roy of Los A ngeles; ^pnp cham ber of commerce. The tim e of a rewpeet of various lum ber end . h ere on a y ear’s furlough, was hon­ In Wl Ilnme. Mtutlnn IVrey, Emma 1 ored at a reception held by the ,n Nov. mb. r, and no muni- „ne daughter, Mrs. Mary T aylor t f Is 6:45. P arents nre urged by scout fyp, In terests owning property they« Sm ith. Violet Bosserm an, Dorman F irs, C hristian church at Salem la d !’,pnl o" ,rps W,U he pu t on ,h ,‘ bn,1<” Coldwater, K ansas. w orkers to be present. who are seeking to extend1 th e ir yard«, Chase. Earl W heeler, ,x>utse Archer. Friday night. Miss M itchell Is sup- Bt j The county Is also vacating a stre « ! prlfnary election In May. An I The funeral will be held tom orrow M vrna Hnrnholemew. Dale Daniels ported In the field by the Salem ' to help the situation. of much ,n’P°r,an ce ,o Spring afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, a t the Bap- P. T. A. GIVES MILK D orothy F isher. Iren e Manley. Faye The publ!c library board was so- rhurrJi. She spoke a t a m eeting of the field, how ever, will probably he v o t- jtis t church, TO SCHOOL CHILDREN P arsons, Clifford M urphy Nellie Hick cd on nt th e May prim aries. This Is ' thorlzed lo spend funds In h aving i n . church Friday, and again on Sunday m an, Vivian Meyer. Rnna d Abrams, th e proposition of the county’s voting | SIMMONS TAKES CHARGE Investigation having shown th a t a ! ««chimes of books rebound immediate- Rnlph H pghes, Audrey Daniels. Ruth h alf th e expense of building a new OF LOCAL GANNETT SHOP Inrjro num br of p u p ls In the Spring-1 I{ w a’ a,so decided to rep air th« Goes to C a lifo rn ia . Em ery, A udrey Schultx and Mary highway bridge across the W illam ette field elem entary schools are under- r i ° Te In com plying with H adley. Mrs. Maude Bryan left W ednesday i river here, Leslie Simmons will tak e charge of nourished, the Parent-T eachers asso­ orders of tli« fire chief. Jew ell Pollard, V erne G riffith, Thom ­ morning for Long Beach, C alifornia. ' The quesV’041 of what inform ation Is the shop a t the local branch of the ciation Monday launched a nourish­ as Yost, Ooldle Gates. w here she will visit relativ es and SPRINGFIELD PLAYS G annett Motor company. Chevrolet m ent program to be financed by the to be given th e Portland T rust com- E le m e n ta ry . friends indefinitely. She goes directly WILLAMETTE FROSH ,rtea,ers' according to announcem ent organization through the presentation PanY regarding the recent bond. F irst grade—Mildred Cellars. 91; to tlhe home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim aw arded th a t company Is to be decid­ m ade yesterday. Mr. S ’mm ons, who of m onthly program s. Irene Anderson, 91; la» Moyne R lark, Clark, old Springfield resid en ts, and R einforced with the speedy Grif­ now lives In Eugene, will move to A pint of milk daily is being furn- ed a t a m eeting to be he'd by th« 91; A delhert A rm ltage, 91; Pauline from th ere will visit old school m ates lsfced 30 children in the schools. The ! co’jncl1 M onda’r n!«ht A <* fiths, clever forward, the Springfield Springfield soon. P engar, 90; Floyd G reen, 90; Flor- an d relative» In d ifferen t p arts of the ch arter, and other inform ation not high school b asketball team will In­ M anager Moor will leave for P o rt­ result Is expected to be a reduction ance May, 90. slate. vade Salem S aturday night and a t­ land tom orrow to a tten d a Chevrolet of undernourishm ent accom panied by on hand. Is sought by the company. Second g rad e—Evelyn Gormley, OR: The m a tte r Is In the hands of th« tem pt *to w rest a victory from the dealers m eeting to be held In th e m e­ b e tte r school work by the pupils. Mildred Morgan, 94 plus; Jo Hnnn Put S iste rh o o d M eets. city attorney. W illam ette university freshm en. The tropolis. T rade discussions, and a ban­ mnn, 94; Mnrgnret Jn rret. 93; Ade,-. The E. O. S isterhood m et In Eu­ Springfield q u in tet lost by a single quet In the M ultnomah hotel, will be STUDENT OFFICERS ARE h e r, Ttrlceo, 93: Marlon Stafford, 92; gene Monday evening. P resen t from I baa*t(d to th e u n iversity squad In a features of the m eeting. SCOUTS WILL CLEAN UP Lilly T rlnkn, 92; Velma Peddlcord, NAMED AT JUNIOR HIGH The G annett M otor company during Springfield were Mrs. D. W. Crites, l th rilling argum ent on the local floor ALLEYS, LOTS. SATURDAY 91; W ilma Elpes, 91; Mildred Twhey, the Inst m onth sold 11 Chevrolet In 91; Jack Elnsey, 91; Vlnimle Lewis, Mrs. W. II. Pollard, and Mrs. Lyda recently. S tudent body officers have been i G riffiths, who g arn ered lo points Sprlngfle’d and Eugene and vicinity. McGowan. A general clean-up of Sprlngfleld'9 90; Delorla C asteel, 90. named a t the Ju n io r high schools as back alleys and vacant lots Is to h« j In tlhe C ottage Grove gam e the other Third grnde—V erlln Posey, 93; follows: Jack Jackson, p resident: the work of th e Lions troop of boy J night, was n o t o lgiblo to play In the SPRINGFIELD WOMAN IS Miss Copenhaver Married. Donald Nelson, 92; A rthur Pengra, Law rence Newell. vice-president; j first gam e w ith the u n iv ersity yeat- CHAMPION OLD FIDDLER Jule Pollard. secretary : V ernlc? scouts on S aturday m orning as th« 92; V irginia O ates, 91; Elsie Beals, Frlends of Miss Nellie Copenhnver. j lings, but will be In th e gam e Satur- scout's annual “good turn to the com- 90; Ju an ita Seam ans. 90; Echo Tom- form erly of Springfield wl 1 be pleased day ntght Coach v D Ba,n sa|(, t(xlav Mrs. C harlotte B arnes, 59. resident H awke, treasu rer. T he election was j m unity." P lans for the woyk wer« selh, 90; JWhn M ontgomery, 90; Ar­ to learn of her m arriag e to Harold . th a t his team Is now th e stro n gest It held yesterday. made a t a m eeting of the scout lead­ of N orth Mill street, Springfield, Is chie HUI, 90; Jack B urton, 90; Jar- W tasenrlod, last S aturday. The couplo haH been tb)a aeason The Ju n io r high has a basketball er, la st night. this week receiving the congratula old B urton, 90. will resido In Portland. L ast F rid ay Cottage Grove was de­ tlons of h er friends over h er being team coached by Principal Burchum, Evan H ughes, leader of the Bob F ourth g rad e— Earn nr Brnttnln, 92; feated by tlhe loca, squad, 27 to 11. aw arded th e cham pionship of the which h as won four of the six games iW w te patr()i wfi en ter the knot-tyin« M arceline ,Senvey, 92; Odorge An­ To Entertain Children. played. It has 77 points to Its c re d it., contM t for 9C0Uts { th e Springfield sounded this week by P resid en t H. J. com pany shlppel out a oartaad of on C stre e t to Mrs. M innie Spong the event was decided' a t a m eeting of Twice as much room w ill be avail­ high school will hold a basket social Cox. S u itab le pictures a re sought b y , grain fo r Coquille Friday, Morris. Tho deal w as closed by a lo­ th e com m ittee a t th e library last able for the restaurant in th« net« a t tho Woodmen of Hhe W orld k a ’, tlhe cham ber for decoration of th e | A doable carload of tre a te d pole» cal re a ly t dealer this week. F riday n ig h t quarters, which are to be rennovated tom orrow night. C om m ittees w ork­ walls pf th e room. Ajiyvmn wishing to wns shipped to e astern Oregon by the The Crites family will vacate the A nother m eeting of th e com m ittee before the move Is made. Mr. OHn« ing on th e plans prom ise a Jolly af­ donate abnuld get hi touch with Mr. C arhollneum Wood P reserv in g com- place on or before March 1. At that will he held on M arch 19, It was an has operated the “Little Jim” In thfl fair. . t Cox or pther o ficers o f th e civic body. ( p&aj. time Mrs. Morris plans to move In. nounced, preeenj location for 10 month«. ( t