PAG h 8iX SCOUTS W IL L OBSERVE S IX T E E N T H ANN IVER SAR Y O bservation of th e sixteenth anni­ v ersary of the Boy Scouts of Ameri­ c a Is planned for aext week hv mem b ers of the Lions club troop of Sprlug- flebt Sunilav n g kl th e troop will loin With Eugene scouts 'n a*' inline a t t e i i c g at the Eii«-n- Conw evutlen- al church, at which an .«lire-» on Be in lin e ideals will he .in ’* Next T h 'i s la y . the local troop ' ” 1 hserve "ilo a good turn her your com 'u n i t ' d ay " in a m anner ro t y : el,I I S atu rd ay a team from th e troon w‘ I p arV c'p ate in a swtmmin.r meet at the W eir n' b u lb in g it th - n p le - alte. a -d a knot tying contest wM be held T N folL'wfng «cents have reeelv .it tc ’ erfo'.'-t cert f ’cates a d b ad g es’ F : -r t oik. A rthur P o tter. Carrol Adams P ran k m a n A m 'ersoo C iena N e t'. E.i-1 W heeler. Ralph and E vin F t t e S r e v t . - r O derktrk, T h ay er Me M urray Oemld Morrison V-mne G rif­ fith. Lloyd M attison and E ugene W sl- ke- At Mondav rig h t's m eeting H. E. Maxey, president of th e Lion« club and C R Clark. Lane county execu. five. »poke. A c h a rte r for th e troop h as been sen t for. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Jan u ary 3l»t February 6th. If yoUr Is this s e e k you a re naturally v .rv honest, noble and kind hearted. You have a generous sym pathetic disposition hut. Im tausa you are- a rera&rkaM' f n e Ju ie of ch aracter, you are net easily ta k .n In with a pitiful tile of hard lttyk Y u a n a'way* agro. hale and can retain your di tn 'ty on a I ocea-lot s You rarely lose your tem p er hut at* quick to r> sent any fancied or real Insult. You possess many ra re talent*, which If developed, will tak e you to su prente he th is Ho-vever. ' < u ar. v ry easily w-;r -I and discouraged by those around you, and often bury y ear higher aelf by mean« of dogm atic m a­ te ria lis t'. s ' d a routine of h abit which eventU iUy leads to a g.ootuy and useless I t f .. B th men ,.s I w om en born -'o r ti » o I ’b ■ t - do t'c u ’a r eff rt. •' I . ih"dr->n .ex ’. bom., T a lso u . lite ra lly The worn« n a re v.*rv fend Inclined, and t ir.nv fam ous a th o -s h a v e been born u n d e r th se dûtes Thl q uintet de- Civic Club to M eet |fe a re d the S; ringfield high hooptnen j IS to 16 ir an ov ertim e period. The P lans for Im provement of th e B rat | score was tied 10 tim es during the ta in school grounds and for decorat­ j game. 9 to 9 at th- end of the half, ing the new club room s in th e Com j j a 'd 14 to ’4 a! th- -nd of th e gun’« m ercial bank building will he made i The -booting of N T.lhhy. I’n lv ersl’y a t a m eeting of th e Clv:c club to be 1 h ’.:h ferwa-B. wh< ‘he e n s a tlm •'( held Tuesday A p aper bag luncheon . ’h e m e i t . c u rie ! and won Lady will be served and all rgemb- rs ar«* I ' m ' ><• >nj ti,s,,n M from the mid.'l-' Invited ' th f '- q g i”d c»«’v 1» the gam" The com m ittee on wavs and m eans 1« stl 1 w orking on Its p'an« for an J reduced i l k * which Sm-'i g '1 11 ha I old-time d a -e e C om m ittee gaemhers ra«nagugges’lotv 53 ag ain st the nearest com petitor's 21. NOTICE The o artv s h e p 'rk I tip a ladle-*' Scott Here— S R. S co tt of Blue gold WTlst w atch at thx C hristian R ver waa a visitor h ere yesterday. Ships Burts. grv-wvv»-»' '» k,« - Hu M. C W alker of T h u rsto n sen t out a «hlpmcnt o'f m a-le burls to Minr.e Is known and will avoid trouble by B aby Girl W elcom ed— Mr and Mrs. a " r S a tu r ’ay The b u r s a re to he retu rn in g th e sam e to me. Franci* Flrdon of O- «hen a r the need in an eaRRriment to m ake maple j MB3. W M H PN T E R proud p aren ts of a »-pound baby girl, 333 »c S t—et horn yesterday m orning v n eer from »hem ---------- . . . The Best Teacher is Over the Path of Experience . T -/ - . GROCERIES ‘ o f course F T IIV K S h A Y . FOT. O NEW * X î.« S h 'HLN T— — B rief Resum e of H aooenlngs of the W eek C ollected for O ur R nadora . ■ . 4. . 1»2« ‘ ___ ir. S p r in g f ie ld W i n * . CHAM BER ASKS HELP IN Springfield bowler* boat an Albany DECORATING NEW ROOMS learn, by I«« pin* on the Engen« alley Ponatloua of picture* and o th -r trim m ings for th e new room In the , ('om m errlal S tate hank hultdliig are naked by th e Springfield Chamber of - Commerce. Those wishing Io M |> should get In touch with 1’rosldeut i H erbert J. Co* of or other Irgaulia ,.|b>n officer*. Tillamook will be- tree d«llv»ry of ■nail l>< ginning May i. Hop contract* sre be -.In n ’ -ig Io ba ui -..I ■ il l It-i-.i t o r tin * 1326 i r e p . F ir* « lartlng from an pvvrh il c l sieve d<- . I the Oahi' -’go het'd *( Oakridge. Plan* a rc being drawn for construc­ tion of n I2U.OOU new arhool house In th* I’ i - ■ G roi* d istrict of Hood lllvcr. F -bru iry 1 m ark. •» th* starting dato of Inin' ig oi'cralb n* nuiong many big aheep outfit* that prmluc* early lam ba. A svrisa of on* day farm er»' Itiatl- tut*a o r extension achw B Æ fc f c j Jiwwwr a 1 0 0 P a ir RUFFLED CURTAINS 69c pr To S pringfield News renders only wo o ffe r fo r F riday nnd S nturtlny 100 pnina pretty snowy w hite ru ffle d M arquisette W indow C urtains. Etu’ h cu rta in 2 ' .- yttrd long nnd com ­ plete w ith ru ffle d tle-backa. R uffles nicely utttrt««. These curtain» are go fraah and p retty fu r bed rooms, kit- hens, w w ln g rooms, hath rooms, etc., nnd ¡it i!9c pair arc priced low er lln in we have ever . seen such curtains m arked. You w ill want « vcrnl pairs. On sale Friday and S aturday o n ly! -W«i. >4 -»- • r~ ’ ■r— 'OR i . i . M i x j i j— . i i i i s u j . j u m i i - t .i STYLE Q U A LITY ( E C O N O M Y - i ''M erchandise of M e rit O nly’ 'ro p e r ^Decorum Decorous in m anner, w ith unquestioned a b ility and fa cilitie s we o ffe r to the extrem e occasion a Service of S incerity and k in d li- ness. . PHONE, & 6 2 -J W FW ALKER 2 ^ 8 FUNERALSEKVKE T iN S pringfield , ore ® IM M HM HHW M BiiM M Hi laches. »vvot‘»’»* A walk around our store will prerer.t more convincing arguments than words that this is the model food »tore z Big Nucoa Sale FRIDAY and .SATURDAY 10 pound* the limit. Get a Teddy Bear with Kelloggs New O i l A and PEP. We have a complete line of Kerr’s Feed« and Flour. •• CASH&CARRy The state land board sold to Frank Boutin of Portland approxim ately M r 000,000 feet of yellow pine tim ber In K lam ath county for a consideration ef $162,752 Money derived from the Bale of the tim ber will go Into the Irre dnclble school funn. Jennie G rualhouM , 65, of near Craw fordaville, was taken to the Linn coun­ ty Jail a t Albany, when she failed to pay a fine of $350 Imposed upon her In »be Juatloe oourt. on a charge ol puns'sialon of mash (It for the manu fa ilu re of Intoxicating liquor. Cullison and aesoclatee of P ortland were Huroofwful bidders for the con­ tra c t of cruialog 1