THJE HVMINC TIIU R H D A Y , FEB. 4. »32«. page I) »MEWS rrv —— tbe Indians—but it would be a m ean­ More Truth Than Poetry. er trick to give It back the way it "Lend me live ilollnrst" is now. "Not*' ng doing. You never pay your d bta.’’ S lig h tly T a n g led . "I need It badly Just lend me five Confinaci lo H om e— 1. R. M u rtiliy la In fro m C ob urg— I l II K slr of Co- ■ and theae Include the forces of ft- more dollars and you' 1 never #»e mo Diner: “Hay, waiter thia roast beef again." o o n fln i’cl t» blu h o iu r w lth llln ta a . bur« *«« In town Friday Gougors Boost Coal Prices Poor r p ot and tastes like mutton!" others, are aald to have awmed the Back tram Trip— M II lluntly la Freeze, as Miners and Opera­ Camp Creak Vialtor— I'M Connally Walter: "lm sorry. I gave you an­ John Barleycor says that It wasn't fa d that the life of coal ua a univer­ of C u iiip erarle m ill'll un a lodai pfcy- buck front “ ‘rlp <« l’orllond am i A » tors Haggle. Congress Yawns sa l y used fuel la now known Io bo of right to take th a country away frotr ther customer’s pork by mistake." _. .11 - - - I 1 ■ Iria n fo r n in i Ir a i ( r ia ln in iil F rk ta y lo ria reeaonalily short duration. It la be­ and Twiddles Its Thumbs ___ O IV, I T h u ra fo n People In — Mr. and Mra. ttered that In from ten to twenty M ara fro m W a n d lln g — M r» D oor o f W rn d l m wna a vlaUor In Mob l'urrot of Thurston ajM'til a part Must W« Be Subjected to This yiars, oil, «lectrlcty, or some other i of Munday In Kprlngfli-ld. Outrage Year After Year? Let form of heating, will tie In general Bprioifl» d Tumilay Us Demand T h at Steps Be Use and that the use of coal be con­ G eorg« P o fte r H a re — O norge P o lla r. P la tte In — M r uud M ra. G eo rg e fined to great central plants dlapen- Taken To End It Now and •r v - will -r,.H.d(>ri, th„ Cnlted Mine Wo-k- T h e people a re grouno n e iw .e n u . - p ^ d e n t o f th e i n i w n m .n - - - prf . __« — takes Ik Here from Wendllng— Mr. and Mrs nether mill stones They arc ____ pow er-; America scarcely the D ow n w ith Flu—Virgil Blgt.or of west Springfield Is suffering form a Earl Matthews of Wendllng were vhi |,.,a. and left Ignored and panting on (rouble to explain his opposition llora In Rprlngf'eld Monday. the mat. Coal prices are soaring be- - Arb|trat'on,’’ he says. “Is not neces. rase of the lnfluetixa . u .. yond the bounds of all reason. Indeed gary," adding In the most matter of Here Saturday— Mrs Ernest Berlsrh Drive to Snow Line—James Mlt- thoIWBB4, of towns and vlllges It fB(.t wgy ''Bn(i |t would not be advan of Thurston was a visitor wlUi Spring- rhell and a group of friends droy. |mpoa||(bl,. , o gct coal at any pr're. taBeona to the min* rs? Seemingly field friends Saturday. j to the snow line on McKenxlo pass . «-«tie» wher0 tb„ burning tbat wh|ch Is not advantageous can- Sunday. of ,„ ,t (Vm) (i normally prohibited, not be entertalnCd. Between the fac- S alem M an V la lta — Vernon Tyler Eastons In— Mr and Mra Arthur the han has been lifted, with the re- , , onR jUBtle«». stripped hi her robes of Salem was a visitor bore Saturday ....................... it..r v iii.. w a r s I In n t town o w n autt su it that half the s streets t n e t s of tbe Eiuiton of w W . alcrvllle were the na- ,g dragged, yelping through the and Sunday. for a short time Monday. Hon resemble the offspring of a wed­ streets and cast Into the gutter. The ding between London and Pittsburg. miners contend they will never ar Visit Parents—Mr nnd Mr« Farm In from Jatper— Mr end Mrs Merchant« are In arms. In the city of bltrate wages uS ess they be permit­ er Franklin rlslted hla parent«. Mr amt Mra Dick Franklin, here Sunday Ì George HUI of Jasper were «hoppers New York alone houndreds of thou- ted to arbitrate profits. This says Mr here Monday. , «anM of dcGarw worth of delicate silks Lewis, the operators have perslstenb Suffera Stroke—Grant W’rlght of Thors,.................n_C h Grant of — In. and other flim sy fa b ric, hare refused to permit. On the other hand Camp Creek suffered a stroke of para Thurston was a hustnow vUltor here already M g ruined beyond s .le b .le the operators flatly deny th s state­ lysis last Friday He was tak< n to tbe ment. plain W fact Is that T* s rlav VBIHS. iw rill. The *“V !».••••« -W-- — — the atrttg Pacific CbrUitan hospital In the smaller towns denudation BiP tB COntinulned with determination Feed to Oakridge— A carload of of Spend Sunday H e re — Sunday was h«.|ng poured onto the heads of t0 re-establish the theory that mlgl feed was sent to Oakridge Saturday ! .p en , In Springfield by Mr. and Mrs , )o<,al c<)W sn)c, tor gouging tbe pub-Ì la rtght. and both sides are f xed In a by the Springfield Mill and Grain B d a rk of Cottage Grove. ,,c., out o( inordinate coal prices, belief they can win. — ‘r — Called to Portland— Ronald Robert» 1 though es a fact - the BI“a'l* c° “ • ’ , t ,a Openjy charged that back of company. was called to Portland Tuesday after , dealers are in Ihe grip o • the refusal of the miners to arbitrate Visits from Idaho—Mrs Nellie Bane was ca iieu W as rirm- the wage question lies the fact that tai *nu lam»» ocUpoa almost --------- ---------- of Bmmetl, Idaho, la visiting at th- noon. ' j jy lv ag as gre are the of ----- them mere there 1» Is no guoiaunv guarantee a-«- that wages th© people. Many ut 7 ___ s-A 1.S.V would not . a- _J___ s« K.. wn home of her mother. Mrs. A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William are rU |ned a» a rem it of lack be reduced by an awhlfr*. arbltra Parke H ... _-_i ! »Ion _,_____ ■ i_ wi'.rj.i arb'tratlon of Springfield. board Io other words arb'tratlon Park of W alterrllle were business business, As the strike continues the p u b lic'as the miners see It Is that It must Returns to Home—Mrs Oeorg* visitors here Tuesday. demand for facts tu but thar- , be heads we win ta ll, we lose, Meador, sieter-ln law ot Mrs. J. J. | a ill__O. H. Caltraln of Mill street to little likelihood of the public e v e r , Meantime there Is a growing d • M a n w a iln g . has returned to her home la eonflaed to his bed with a case of aaeertalnlng what really lies back of mand that congress take some steps at Prairie City. Oregon, following sev ­ the Influensa th is titanic struggle. The canned , ,o «ad the dispute or at least to guar- eral weeks spent In the rofley. Go to Corvalll»—Mr and Mrs. F. B, statem ent. Issued by the m iner, fo r ^ a te e t h . further production of t t e t ( Visits Hero—Mrs Jessie Cos of Flanery motored U> Corvallis Sunday, publication are » receptive a . the There appear, to be no sound reason Welton strived In town Thursday eve­ where they spent the day visiting re­ c a ^ e d statem ent, leaned by the o p ,a oppoeitlon to the contention that ning to spend a few days with her erators The result U It has been tan coal is a public necessity and as euch lative«. parents, Mr end Mrs. T. A Rathbun. possible to marhall an Intelligent pule can justifiably be brought rapidly un Undergoes Operation— Mrs Inland Be oplnloo. It la the dub» of the der governmental contTO . On the oth­ Lav« Operation»—C R I-owry of Eubanks of 8prlngfleld underwent > rich and the restaurants of the poor er hand the people are resentful ot Goshen end Mrs. Robert Evans of major operation at the Pacific Chris- ♦hat one must look for Informat'on. further encroachments of centralis­ UMgene. both known here, were op­ tlon hospital Monday. where In casual conversation a fact ed government on what shred* retrain erated on hr a local surgeon at the mav he picked np here snd there that i of 'our rights to life, liberty and the Vlalta Slater—Miss LUIle Schlewe. Pacific Christian hospital Monday. of 1 teacher In the schools at Noll, was a throws a little light on the situation of the controversy, however. Is that Maks Northern Trip—Ralph Coer- visitor here Sunday at the home of j There ta> no doubt that the root of the coal Industry admits its complete the evil Ilea deeper than any wag.' son. linotype operator In ihe News of­ her starter. Mra. Fred Frese, Inability to govern Itself; therefore dispute. From what can be gathered fice. and Harry Fundinm, aocompan DePuea In Portland—Mr. and Mis for example, the efrlke, while vital some power greater than either min­ lad by WnKer L»e of Eugene, motored Dal*ue were In )g o n ,y 8 y m p tu m e tlc ers or operators must take the rein« Frank k DePue tn Port and over to Portland over Sunday. the week-end visiting with their. B„ | , U(| . of mind prevailing If the struggle Is to be brought to an millionaire coal owners end and anything like a permanent * V is it 8 w a rte H o m e — Mr. and Mrs. daughter. Mrs. Wilmot Foster., and their son. Frank, Jr. C. M. Fenno of Goodland, Kansas, are visitors this work at the C. E Swarls Visit Father Here—E 0 . Sutton home. 11 went to Portland Saturday. On his re turn he was accompanied by his sons. Business Trip— Mrs. Charles Taylor Darrel and H srschsl, who will spend and mother, Mrs. Morgan of Thurston, several days hers. were business visitors In Springfield Returns from Portland—W. F. Wal­ ker returned Saturday from Portland, At Albany for Week-end— Mr. and where he attended a meeting of the Mrs William Dawson nnd sob . B lly , state embalming board. ■spent the week end at Albany, visiting Goes to Washington—Robert Mar­ relatives. ket* of Springfield left' Sunday for Visit at Riddle—Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Everett. Washington, on a trip In con­ liam Wright spent tho week-end at nection with field work for the Wood­ Riddle, visiting Mr. Wright's sister, men o f the World. Mrs. Elder and family. Auditor Here—O. H. Cnmpbell, trav- Visitors Here— Visitors at the Dick j cling auditor of the American Railway H. Hnrrer of Portland, secretary of tho Wiliam cite Valley Grain Dealers’ association was a caller nt the offloe of the Springfield Mil and Grain companv last Saturday. Harter was on a busi­ ness tour of the valley. P o rtla n d M an H e re — W Here for Time—Louis K. Posvar, former Springfield rest,lent who mov- ed to W est FIs some lim e ago, Is in town for a few weeks while recuperat­ ing from nn Injury received whll» working In the woods. Hie wife and chi dren are with him here. whose left thumb wns nearly severed from hla hand lust w*eek, has hopes of regaining the use of the Injured thumb, his physician reports. The thumb was struck by an ax, which cut the hone completely In two. Sworden Well—C. A. Hworden, who wns the victim of an accidental shoot­ ing In the woods east of here several Weeks ago. Is now completely racOy- ered. Sworden ree.elved a gunshot wound In the leg, which made It nec­ essary for his physician to make both a tendon and a skin graft. W ether bee-Powers R e m o v a l S a le ! The above Items are taken a t random from the num erous offe*ir cf being made during this sale—do not delay m aking your selections until too late. yETH ER B EE E 9th and Oak S t THE FIRST STEP TO PERFECT HEALTH is the food you eat Absolutely pure and wholesome bread increases the vitality. Quality and Purity are potent factors in Perfection Bread and pastries. If you like good things to eat you will patron­ ise the Springiield Bakery. Besides furnishing the best bakery goods the Springfield Bakery is a home institution. THE SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Monday. Franklin home Sunday were Mr. and j Express company, wns a vialtor at Mrs. Wendell Williams of Junction the local offices of the company Mou- City. Mrs. Franklin Is Mrs. Williams day. aunt. Visits at Neet Home—Orrle Neet Mrs. Robison Employe«»—Mrs C. A and wife of Portland were visitors a t , Robinson has taken up her duties as the Levi Neet homo last Sunday. Mrs clerk In Hall's Cnsh «tore. She re-j x e e t remained over for a few day», places J. M. Swenson, who resigned Buys Eugene House— W. A. Swane. last Saturday. who recently sold his Interest In the i Guests at Murphy Home—Mr. and Elite rooming house here, hue pur-j Mrs. E. D- Anderson wpre Bunday chased a similar place In Eugeni* and dinner guests nt the home of Mr. and has moved to that city. The Elite Is | Mrs. Dallas Murphy. Mrs. Anderson, new being operated by A. T. Brewer, who lives In Eugene. Is a sister of formerly ot Camp Creak. Mr. Murphy. Hand Improving—Clifford Bryan, Save on Everything for the Home at FRED FRESE, Prop. Perkins-Laxton Bldg. tothclaflikvp You Have Good Grounds for Buying Cofiee Here SOME GROCERS WILL MIX ANY KINO OE COEEEE TO­ GETHER ANO CALL IT “MOCHA ANO JAVA.” OUR POL­ ICY IS DIFFERENT. WE IRTY THE FINEST JAVA ANO MOCHA COFFEES IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET ANO HAVE THEM HLENOEO BY A MAN WHO IS EXPERT IN BLENDING. Now when you will be drinking m uch coffee, when you w ant the invigorating flavor of real coffee is the time to buy ours. You'll enjoy your next meal more l.f you buy a can Maxwell H om e Coffee from ua. W e.have established an enviable reputation of carrying the best in town. So in your next order just say Maxwell House Coffee. Phone 66 An Up-to-Date Chevrolet Garage Has been opened by the Gannett Motor Company in the Stevens Building, Main S treet Springfield. Expert Mechanics in Charge with a Full Line of Parts and Accessories. Cars on Display We have new Chevrolet cars and trucks on display. Our line comprises the following: The Landeau, Sedan, Coach, Coupe, R oadster and Touring cars, and a one-ton and a half-ton truck. See these beautiful new models. Gannett Motor Co. 330 Main Street, PMOMI MIE FRDNÌ MCEBl SPRINGFIELD BRANCH Phone 89