TUURAPA Y, PKP, 4, 1926. - ar— T B a B » « B B = a m i PAQ4 TORIES ■ H K "___ ". S CHRISTIAN CHURCH C. E. PRESENTS PLAY TONIGHT M a u d e______ Ember WcTOerxon Ferkln», g .O.. Bar I-aura __Frances Frisali Webber, ------------- 0 O.. ------------ , MaxwwH Frances Devine. Katberyn Hernenway Subs: Bates tur Webber. SpringfM * Melodrama— "Out In the Streets.” Referee, Bennie Davidson. Dresa reh«ar«al Indicated auccoaa The cast of characters are: for .he presentation of a home talent Myrtle Demarroa 8'emsem. Friend Houck play, "The Young Men’» MI mr I ou Colonel Wayne ..... Myrtle Demarroa Siemaem, two „ J W Pucket School In a Young Ladles' Seminary,** H"l"TD,,n D a v is.... Frank Lombari year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BL to be presented nt the Bell theatre Matt Davit __ __ Car. McKInnlsi^ Siemaem, died at the fami y hotno Dr Medfield ......... tonight by the Christian Endeavor o’ ........ Olean Riddle j her,‘ Sunday The little girl la sop* the Christian church. Mr». Ora Read Pete ...... .......... by her parenta, three b roth «« Policeman .............. Bernie« Manning Hernenway Is directing the play. Margaret Hernenway ttOd one »M er. Mrs. Wayne F o il SAI garden land Call A V Brower, hen house; will trade for good build Helen Davis Childers of the Christian church of­ First risaa condition throughout; •ctera for the two performance» fol- M nne Kilt« Apt», Springfield. Or« lug lui» or property valued up to 22800 • ficiating. Interment was at Leabwi* very reasonable price. Phone 827, Iowa: lluttor wrapper« printed aeoMvitng al Hiprlngfleld Win Va«by, 10 and It tf Monsieur Marfalne. teacher u«k for Mr. Mnor. Springfield Team Wine. ................... .......... Virgil McPherson to ri-gutatlon* with luume, weight HI,. Springfield, Ore. Wife and Husband See our ttne of vtatftn« • a ri» School Director Mu led Veri Feegles A Springfield pick-up team proved • nd addr««», *1 25 a hundred at the Both III With Gas ivnete>l or phrfri. nt tie, New «KH.-e Alderman Hogan .... William Lindley Itself too good for the Chase Garden New* Office. NOTICK OF IIBARINO OF FINAL ........ Leo Straton hoopsters last Friday night when the "For years I had gas on the «ton», F ull S A I.» Ourhon i«vp*r In larg» Micky De Bite E»t»ta uf I tom It ttarvi y, Oerenneil ACCOUNT Read Hernenway ] locals walloped the flower-growers. 26 j ach. The first dose of Adierlka «b«et», 20x:i9 luchm. suitable for ,HRy Letxosky NOTICE OF FINAL HETTI.KMENT Nottee I» herebv glven Ulat the un- making tMclaga The New« Office ( I’anH Swartzheimer Ralph Cole j to 11. The game was fast and until helped. I now sleep well and all gas N e t t i e 1« In ri li) given that Mvrtb. deralgned u.lnilnl»trut.ir of the ..»tate II llarvey. Executrix of tin- |u«t will of Niii.i-v .1 Boyle, deceased, ha.« flled | Olnds Caprlo ............. Horace Meyers the final period, even Then, how ever.il» gone It also helped my hushnnd and tentan « nt nt Our« Il Harvey, .!••- her aicount for the flnal »idtlemrnt Gong Sing _________ ___ John Lynch the Springfield players carried things J (signed) Mrs. B Brinkl-y. ONH Old Stuff. ceiiNed, hit» filed In the <'minty Court of the «a <1 eatnte tn the County Court George Washington Rastua their own way and piled up a good spoonful Adierlka removes GAS and of th'- State of Oregon. In »ml for for lume County In the State of Ore­ '•| was out riding with H a rd T Whitewash _... .......... Gilbert Fish lead. often brings astonishing relief to the Lane County, her final report a« »uc.h gon. and that Saturdgy th e. twenty Margaret Haugann ! Here are the line-up with players’ stomach. Stops that fn l. bloated executrix, and that ten .Vcl.M-k In the »••ventti day of Fehruary, 1928. at the night. Ha got lost and hud to stop Madam i ftebeca forenoon of Saturday, the 6th day of Court lto.nn of «nld court In the Coun­ 'til he regained his bearings " ... Hazel Parmenter ' scores: feeling. Brings out old, waste matter March. 1*24. have been by the Court, ty Court Hmiau. In Eug' ne. Oregon at "Don't they huvo funny excuses?" Elizabeth Mary Fisher ! Springfield Gardens yon never thought was in your sy s ­ flxiel and appointed a« the time and ten o ‘rlock In the forenoon. haa been . I Marie ....... Lena Frfzel! ; McPherson, 2 __ F .................2. Cook tem. This eexoellent intestinal evac®- place for h' arlftg objection» to aatd tiv «nld eourt flxed bn the tiliin and A D M IN IS T R A T R IX ' NOTICE ¡G r a c e ___ Gertude Haugann Griffis, 12 __ ..... F_______ 2 Chasej ant Is wonderful for constipation. report and for the fltia »ettlement of plore for hearlng nbjoctlon» therelo, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE I Rose the ««late of anti, iler.-»»«.l Wilma Hack Nice 7, _____ C.......... ....... 1 Maxwell Flanery’s Drug store. and for finni «ettlegnont of «nld estät«. STATE OF OREGON IN AND lv>" MYRTLE It HARVEY, OOltDON S WELLS, LANE COUNTY IN PROBATE In j _ Executrix Admln^atrator of the estato of «nan «»«■■■■■■■■•■■M M ■BBB A E Wlmeler. Attorney the Estate of Elizabeth Young M c - '■ * Nancy J Boyle. J t i l l s 28 M ' Dowell, deceased '* J 28 F 4-11-18-25 Notice Is hereby given that the tin ,■ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE derslgned was appo'nted admlnlstra r W HERE Q U A L IT Y M E E T S C O N F ID E N C E Notice 1» hereby given that Harold STATE GF OREGON FOR LANE (rtx of the above entitled estate on J Well», Adxulntatrator of the K » t a t e COUNTY January 16. 1926, thut all debts due Emily Jones, Plaintiff, vs Jack the »aid estate »hall be paid to me. • of Della E Whwatflll. d«eea«»utn thereof, bar« »nt to an Order of the Honorable G of thia notice. Date o f flrat publica­ word of mouth may be Hose— been by the said County Court fixed F Sklpworth. Circuit Judge, made and tion January 14, 1926 irreapotislble, and con­ and appointed aa the time and plac* entered January 20, 1926. and the first pair ____ LOURENE TAYLOR, sequently It need never for bearing objections to said re- publication hereof Is made the 21st Men's All Wool Slip-Over Administratrix. be lived up to. Written port and for the final a etlem en t of ,Jan,Uu ry' ani 'i”! 'jaal i Women's Fashioned S i l k WELI^S ft WEI.LS, Attorney«. the estate of ..Id d ecca ed publlcallon thereof I. on the 4th dayj advertising on the oth­ J 14-21 28 F 4-11 Hose, assorted of Murch, 1926 er hand, Is a guaran­ MELINDA E HEMENWAY, colors, p a ir ____ BROWNELL « BROOKE, Executrix. tee!, If It Is truthful. Attorneys for Plaintiff Men’s Outing Estate of Abraham Miller, Deceased. A. E WHEELER. Residence: Eugene. Ore Women's Full - Fashioned Flannel Gowns NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Attorney. • J 21 28 F 4-11,18.25 M.4 Notice Is hereby given that Aman­ Chiffon hose A -e J 14-21 28 F 411 Men's Athletic da E MIMer has been by the County all colors, pr Unionsuits ..... Court of the State o f Oregon, In and for Tjme County, appointed Admtn- Inlstratrtx of the estate of Abraham Miller, deceased. All persons having claim« against »aid estate aTe hereby notified to HOUSE PAINTING Telephones: Office 612 Ree. 2075 present the same, duty' stated and Kaltomlnlng In all Ita Branch««. verified, at the law office of A. E City or Country Work. Lowest Wheeler in Eugene. Oregon, within Prices. Every Job Guerenteod. 3 elx months from this 14th day of Osteopathy stands for the ' January, 1926 Give me a trial. AMANDA E MILLER, truth wherever it is scienti­ ROY KOCH. Springfield, Oregon. Administratrix. fically proven. Phone 125 J A E WHEELER. Oeteopethic Physician and Sur Women s Patent and Kid One and Two Attorney. Men's Single and Double Sole Work Shoe, goon Strap Slippers J 14-21-28 F 4-11 | black and brown, heavy BUY FURNITURE HERE OfMre 464 M ft W. Bldg., Cuban heels........................ chrome and retan leathers... Eugene. Oregon Rockers, Beds, Mettreseee, Stoves. SUMMONS I Growing Girls' Black and Tan Oeleopalhy »laud« for th« truth tn Oxfords Oxfords. Tube, Stove Boerdt, Clothes IN THE CIRCUIT COURT n p THF I Men's Heavy Work Shoes. wherevet it ts scientifically low heels. Baxke’s. Exceptional values at ...... ¡STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR proven. Sizes 21/» to 7 Wm. DONALOSO» NEW AND THE COUNTY OF LANE SECOND HAND STORE ■ SUIT IN EQUITY. Men's Dress Shoes and Oxfords, welt Women's Patent, Kid and Black Satin J T Oiifry, Plaintiff, veraus th» J soles, black and One-Strap Slippers. unknown he re of Lavicy Ann Snvlor. I brown ........- .............. Covered Cuban heels .. (deceased: the unknown heirs of Han I Contracting and Building Call nah A Hendrick«, deceased; Peter L I Women’s Buckle Pumps, patent, tan kid GEO. W. PERKINS Broad. Medium Toe Oxfords, Mlraasou, Romolo Vatuone, Anthony I Men's and satin, covered Cuban Corner 5th and D Streets Vatuone, Pacific Orca Paint com- 8 black, brown and tan SUTTON TRANSFER Springflield, Oregon and Spanish heels ................ aP ^T e a /O pftny, a corporation; and also to all 3 leathers ............................. Plane end Estimate» Furnlehed Phona 57 (other persons or parties unknown '■ Women's Patent, Satin, Velvet and Kid claiming any right, title, estate. Ilea ' I Boys' Dress and School Shoes in black Free. Will Help You F lm n ct One-Strap Slippers. Spanish or interest In the real estate describ 8 Your Building. and brown leathers. I ed In the com palnt. Defendants. Cuban and low heels............ , To each ^nd all of the above named I Sizes 2ya to 5>/2 ................. ’’ defendants: You are hereby required | GEO., N. McLEAN DR. N. W. EMERY to appear and answer the complaint Automobile, Fire and Life i flled against you in the above entitled DENTIST IN S U R A N C E suit within six weeks from the date | 8urety Bonds,. Pl)one 6J7 ‘ of the flrat publication of this sum -' Sutton Bldg. Phone 20 J ! mons In the Springfield News, which' My business le \to protect you« Reeldenco Phone 153 M i Is first published January 7. 1926. and ' business od quality Cotton Sheet Blankets. Good Springfield, Oregen 860 W illamette 8t. E ugene.gregofl, you are hereby notified that, union* you appear and answer within t h e : white cotton sheet blankets. said 6 weeks, your default will be Pequot Unbleached Sheeting, entered and the plaintiff will make j Size 72x99 ............................ 81 inches wide, per y a rd ------------ application to the court for the re-1 VASBY BROS. lief prayed within the complalnL to ( Double Bed Blankets, g r a y and tan wit: That the title to that 310 acres Pequot Bleached Sheeting, Paiutlng & Deooratlng colored borders. more or lea«, of and described within 81 inches wide, per yard ........— Your Home When In Size 64x76 ------ ---------- in all Its branches one certain deed dat(»d September 22. Springfield 1920, executed to plaintiff, and record- | Good Quality Sheets, size Double Bed Blankets, gray with blue 312 Main Street ed on page 430 tn volume 130 of the j 81x90. Eadh -------------------------- and pink borders. Lane County, Oregon, Dead Records ' •I be quieted tn plaintiff as against a ll' Size 68x80 -------- -------------- Pillow Slips, good quality, of you: that the mortgage dated Sep tember 22, 1920, execute., by plaintiff [ Double Bed Blankets In plain and plaid size 42x36 --- ------- ------------- DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL JEWBLBR and his wife, and recorded on t « g e : colors. Size 64x76 191 of volume 49 of the Ixine County, j DENTIST Cascade Sheets, size 81x90, Repairing ft Specialty and 72x80 ................... ....... . Oregon, Mortngage R»>cords, and the j Exceptionally good value — Springfield, Oregon lease dat'd Septem ber 22, 1920, « x e i Phone 43 Heavy Double Blankets. Wool mixed cuted by plaintiff and ihds wife, and : First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Springfield Pequot Pillow Slips, size plaid blankets. recorded' on page 344 In book 146 o< the Lane County, On-gon, Deed Kee , 42x36. Each ----------------------- Size 66x80 ______________ R. W. SMITH ords both ho cancelled, and that all ( interest of any of the defendants tn < Justice of the peace and «old 310 acres of land or any part WM. G. HUGHES notary public, Insurance thereof be cancelled, and Hint ench ot you be forever enjoined from maklnx FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE any claim In or to sold land or any port ! NOTARY' PUBLIC City Hall Springfield, Oregon thereof ns against the plaintiff Hon I , Office at C. P. Tlarnard, County Judge of Lane | FIRST NATIONAL BANK County, Oregon, made and dated at ÜL V - Springfield, Oregon UUCCMWORATfO order, January 5, 1926, directing that Setti Larawgy tiht« summons ho pub l»hed once each 966 S to re s Bnlldhifl week In the Springfield News for a Willamette period of six successive weeks, and All kinds of gravel for con­ FRANK A. DE PUE that you appear and answer the said A c r o s s fr o m Rex Theater crete or road work. We A TTO R N EY AT LAW complaint within 6 weeks from th« make a specialty of crushed date of the first publication of this rock and Vock wtntL Bunk­ NOTARY PUBLIO summons. ■ r ( H. B. 8I.ATTERT, Attorney fot ers at foot Of Main on Mill W HERE 8utton Sprlfigftald Plaintiff, and m - poetoifice addresi HreeL Butfll In g Ora$on te kùuMoue, Oregon. «a PILCHER'S SHOPPING NEWS Men’s Hosiery Furnishings Specials Obligations 49c 1 aZ>l.v/O t/O C $1.49&$1.98 $4 9 g $1.69 *70 / tzC QQ/-. ..U O C B U S IN E S S Q Jp 1 •T'eZ 79c D IR E C T O R Y ^ QUALITY SHOES Or.John Simons For the Entire Family $2.98 $4.98 $2.98 $2.98 $3.49 .. $3.98 . $4.98 QQ . $2.98 $4.98 Sheetings Blankets 59c 69c .. 98c _ 29c $1.49 - 39c “The Loop” D. W. Roof A P IL C H E R ; CX) SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. MCNRY W. CHAQ6, FrQg. J 7-S4-2US F 4-11,11 $1.98 $2.19 $2.49 Q ft QO «pD.JzU