T H V n a i^ Y . PAG« TWO &--------------- -- Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L p u b l i c a t i o n COMMITTEES TO HOLD OVER SAYS PRESIDENT . canary 1 ■ — • All standing committee* of the t^ n e County Farmer«’ union will hold •’». r • •D til the next quarterly meeting, an • fcounoee C. W. Allen, newly elect»! • ftv s l lent The next meeting will h- • h e ll in Creswell some time In April. • Be aays. * —— — — —— j • Christian Church. • .9 :4 5 . Shtndav school. ’ 11 OO “Jesus the Light o f th e:« • World " by Rev. S Earl Childers 11:40 Junior church. 4 :SO Christian Endeavor. Margaret Bogan, leader. T:S4 "When the Peril Went to Church." sermon by Rev. Childers. Henry Ford began life playing with i rattle and hasn’t stopped since • • • • • « • TH U R STO N LAN6 C O U N T V U N IT n o . ,4 UPPER WILLAMETTE NOTES ---------- • • O F F IC H R 9 • • OF L A N | COUNTY • • • • OFFICERS HELD IN •’HI-JACKING" PROBE Looal Reporter« • Miss Juanita Lom bard, who lhas • F A R M E R ’S U N IO N • J L Northup •’ Mr and Mr King from Newport ■ * "Failure Io notify tire district at­ ... Ray Mower • a . -re In Thurston a few days ago been helping at the T. F. Kahler • Central „ . home at Pleasant Hill. r< turned to • Ralph Laird. Creswell, President. • torney after having know edge of vio­ Mr». L J. Uetehell • looking after their property her« Cloverdale . John William from Cottage Grove her home in Springfield Saturday, • Will W heeler, Trent, Vlee-Prsel • lation of the prohibitory liquor law" Coast Fork Mra Geo Kebelbeck • dent. • ts the charge against Hr L W. Ih-et«, January SO, Mary Catherine Kahler, Mrs M. A. Horn • was In Thurston last Wedu slay Creswell Betty Kappeuf, Cottage Orove, • Justice of Ihn peace, and Al llayne, „ Mrs. Ada Jennings • There was a party a t Jnht Kndl- who has been staying with her father Dorea* at Pleasant Hill beeause of lllneas, eec.-Trees. • deputy sheriff and eonalable. of the Mrs it Baker • , % Heceta N. A. Morn, Cottage Orove. Door • Gakrldge district, who, With three Mrs M Gillespie • m, young people from Thurston tut I returned to her mother at Elkton Sun­ Hadleyvillel K eeper, • others, an- under arrest Th« other», day. January SI. Jasper ____ „ Mrs. Grace Jones • ( ld spent with perjury, are Jack borane ___ The Girls Sewing dub with Mrs M duetor. * Wright and his son. Walter Wright. Harry C. Jackson • ,agt Friday night at Charles Taylor’s E. Hays as leader, has lx«en orgunlge I McKenlie _ O. L. Clement, Chaplain. * 17, and Harry Brown, pool hall pro­ Mt. Vernon Mrs. V A Reynolds • ^he came out to help care for Mrs. for spring work Those who have Joined are: Emma Olson, preeldent; ____ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __________ prietor Silk Creak ______ Bulah Smith • Morgan’s baby who has pneumonia E 11 Tinker • y r an.l Mrs l ink Yarnell an I Ida Mav Woo,Hard. ae. r.-lar) Irras T n ¡rt The cans grew out of an alleged "hi­ Vida ______ ....... Mrs W. K Poet • ,taughier. Edna June, have all been ur.-r and song leader. Florence and Christian church will entertain the jacking" episode at Oakridge on De­ with pn gram an 1 ea t. at the cember 10 In whleh It Is asserted that . , . having the flu Mrs. Paul Robley has L adle Jordan. Geneva and Margaret a so been 111 with the same mulady Dunn. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker. Helen chureh Thursday nglM at 7:30 »0 gallon, of liquor were obtained. for several days Dr. Rebhan from Carter. Vera Linton. Haynie. |t I. alleged, helped to take Springfield was called to attend the liquor from the rum runner, but The «'Buay Hands" club was organ T he Farmer's V ou S ee oo r this of vtettto« them lied at the Pleasant Hill public school [aiaetM l o r piatii. M the N ew s othee failed to notify the district attorney Last Friday evening the Pleasant for hand work Mrs. I. U. Phelps Is ■>f thl* fact Hill boys basketball team won over leader. Those who Joined are: Mil­ the Thurston teams. The Thurston dred Monson, president; Jam es Jor- IN H E C ... IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Horesshohss Popular. . . . T ------ girl's team won over the Pleatsant dan. Robert Phelps. Leland Morse. STATE ° F OMJQON. FOR LANE The ancient ami honorable game of COUNTY Hill team Dwight Brown. Marjorie Linton. Eola Rowers. Plaintiff, vs , William horseshoes has broken Into ihw Anda Calvert and Ivan Rickard from A great many students have been Woodard Bower». Defendant wo* d of sport activity at the Spring- Wendllng spent th» week end visiting field high school ’ Th» game Is not SIMMONS absent the past week fro mthe Union relatives to Thurston. They report hl«h school due to severe colds and To William Woodard Bowers, the confined to the boys, and both bova the logging camps above Wendllng above named defendant and girls will stage an Intenclasa coughs. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E closed for two weeks. The Union high school No I baa- ---- -------- _ o p OREGON: You are herehy re match aa soon as Hi« weather per­ The la d le s ’ aid of Thurston wit mits ket ball team defeated - the qUire), n(yp,-ar BWI and «IlSWri answer IU th API I’OH «vee... xs --- Thursto-i I]II IT'Nt W have an all day’s meeting with M n .. . . . s ^ ~ . . in i.v a <* ««'«ire I.. I . . . .team . Friday. January 29 by »core eomjil«.lnt fl ed against you In the Beaulah Harhlt Thursday ,.f 25 to 13 Those who played for above entitl'd court and rnu.e, on Gets Grows A p po intm en t Merrit-Benter from Slltleoos vtalted 11......1I W W ood w ard or b efo re th e e x p ir a tio n « f Ule time Pleasant . Hill were Russell omJwwl. Mrs Alice McMIller of Springfield, at John Edmlston last Sunday. center; Willard Elliott ami Fug« « , ,on> to-wlt On or before the j-xplra- who recently took the government civ­ Herold Baughman from Eugene Parker. guards; I-elo. Davis, Kenneth , |)in (1j »ix w„. from the «late of il service «-«am I hat I on for po.tofllce •pent Sunday In Thurston vds'tlng McKenile. forwards the first publication hereof, nnd if clerktolp. has been appointed auxil­ ...... ... you fall to at swer for want tb»wnof. m latlves. The Pleasant llil| pu 1 e pla'nllff will apply to the court for iary clerk al Cotlag. Grove postofflcs. Rev. Turner from Eugene filled the wtll give a Washington and Lincoln r«,„aj prayed for In the Complaint pulpit here last Sunday In the ab program on W ashingtons birthday, to-wlt: Ha Wins the Pelts. ■ nene»' of R* v FltF. For a decree of the court dissolving The moat al»«nt-mlndi-d man has Jay Grant awl Perry Prlco m o t w l February M at 9 30 a m. the marrlugo contract now existing UP from Corvallis Friday evening an! r.u rteen farm er. In the upper Wll ' ”^ i n, *"“,j ’ ,^ /n d a n i foT b«-en found at last A friend called on lametta alley district have ortierea Ult> r)g^( reaume her maiden him the other night and talked for K. B. Reid, from the great mW- \ spent the week-end al home. Herold Remme passed the 8th „«.tylene lighting plants for their o. z „ |a jtttWth and for such ten minutes Suddenly be arose, pick­ w««t, la now the American Farm- grade examlratlons. He was the oniy f in c h e s . Among them are: Rudy Ol- other and further relief as to the ed up hla vlatlor'a bat and ovwruoaL voice ta Washington, * ^ d e n 7 t o Thurston to take B now .' B. T F. Circle. G e o « . Krisay. D. c u r t may se m Just an, proper ru>ITTIWI by th* begged Ihn oatonl«hr• *• I - » , » . . . » - c? - „ ? , ; 5 X S r . ? , K h» X K . " ' ! for talking so long and »aid good-bye. American Farn “ * at the end of the school year l ama. C. E Ionian, Ernw.t Score . p ,,arnnn, (-ounIy Judge, made anil He left hla own house and baan'l been l H. SBe,°Jr- Shelby. — •-----* January ---------- 29. ------ ------- »•“ seen or heard of atoce. Ilam y««u seen Overdue ________ ________ l w w H entered a ... .T«« -■ « “ “ « M,. m - s o . . ~ T .r r . « - " - !5'. him wandering about 7 TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THF. IT ATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR ,ANE COUNTY. Elna Horton. Plaintiff, e g . James ( Horton. Defendant. SUMMONS To James M. Horton. Defendant: ! In the name o f the Stale of Oregon, ou are hereby sirmoned and required » appear and answer the Compalnt [led herein against you. in the abov« utltled suit and Court within six. reeks of the date of the first publl-1 atlon of this snuMiiona. and If you all to answer, for want thereof, the lalntlfT will take Judgment a g a in st1 on as prayed for In P laintiffs Com ralnt. to-wlt: for a decree of the lourt dissolving the bonds of matrl- Sony now existing and granting to j »laintUf an absolute divorce from lefendanL and for such other and Briber relief as to the Court ma? w tn Just and equitable. This Summon« Is served upon you publication of an order ------------------ by . virtue ------------------ the Hon. C. P Barnard. Judge of ; zw zx__ « _* -m-w Poiinlw he County Court of T Lane County, Oregon, dated and filed Feb. 2. 1928. Bvectlng thia Summons be served on «on by publishing tri» same once a reek for six oensecutive weeks In he Springfield News, and that you mswer the said Complaint within .lx « visit«! at the bom«* of tholr daughter. paibllratlou lher«>f is on the ISth reeks from the date of first puhllca- who wants to see you about the turn I Farmer Jones aaya that While eon- itn r e » Morning then*». 11 o’clock. Tn B„a„er on Ty«.«- j , , , of March. 192« lon thereof Data of first publication Mottow: "Ten h ® to hare a chair. f o ^ n S f , greaa la trying to relieve the farmer'« February 4. 1928 burden how about umklng It easier WELLS * W E L iS. Attorneys for III be down In a minute, dear." anthem by tn -• Havng lost In the Sunday school Residence: Eugene. Oregon Plaintiff. Post Office A»1 dress, Eu Boy: “I did. but he says he came Evening theme. IJstenlng mn. conleat the men of the H e s a a n i H ill F 411825M41118 for the farmer's wife? I with a big *’»« by the newly organ- tone. Oregon. F 4-11-18 25 M 4-11-18 for the piano. lied choir. At the fireside Jiour before the germon—The Story of Barbara Marr Alno—"la Mr. Burbank Believ­ ing Hie Donbta and Doubting Hla Be- Hvf»»" church aehoo» at 9:46. Inter­ mediate league at 8 P M Bpworih league at 8:20 WM-wee* fellowahlp hour Thursday at 7:20 All at the^ fiome-llke church. F. L. »«or»- t“1“ “The Strain is the same Anyway”— says Mrs. Randall Y ou, T oo, C an R eceive Ca«h D ividends later. “No matter how badly the house and