A dvertiaing M akes Big Stores O ut of L ittle Ones. T W K N T Y -T H IH D YEAR THE SPRINGFIELD S P R IN G F IE L D . L A N E C O U N T Y . OKKOON S P R IN G F IE L D M A Y E N T E R LEAG UE OF O R EG O N C IT IE S N.< h 5 T H U R S D A Y , FEB. 4, li'26. I Pat C ro w e’s P.ancom A proposal thut Sprtngfl»M )' In th«* L f r k u * o f Oregon Cities, w*hich b«*kl Ha second annual moating In Portland laat Saturday, wl I ba mad** m th«» council meeting Monday eve­ S O C IE T Y C IR C L E S Eighth-G rnri« Pupils M ust Pass ning by It. W Hm th, recorder. Mr. All Subjects Bofore tu t o r in g , Manv deltghtfit soc'al affair* serv­ Smith represented the city at the H igh School W ork, Is Deci* ed to mak« tin- In»* weekend o busy meeting A fr«« of |1 o will b»< charged Spring- sien; *To Be Applied In one in Hprlrnffb Id society if r d ;*a. Schools T his T e rm ; F um iga­ Enjoyable parties were encoded by field upon entrance to the league, an member* of the various club* of the organisation form» »1 for the purpoas tio n Is Tnlkod community, Including one or two Joint of working out legislation and other problem* of mutual benefit of all dt- ■ nfter t-lghth ara •* pupils *n affair*. h Complet'on of the «xamlnattofcs for lea In the membership. the Rpr nglleld Junior high school Sewage disposal In the W illamette UMi'-i clear their alate» i>f all condì the first W meater will make possible f they are to pas* Into the,lh* re uinptloti of social function* at river was talked at th - Portland meet- •ci.lor high school work. Thl* I* iho the high chool, none of which have W hile 't was agreed that the fact eubatunce of a ruling approved by the been held for the past few w»» ka. that practically all c lt’es on the rlv* J school board nt Its Tu aday n ig h t. --------- . nr dump In the stream doe i not work meeting, consider**! In th«» face of Priscilla Club Entertains. for the heat sanitation. Mill *a.tl<«Lie* a situation involving more than haif One of the most notable events of torv alternative wa* MUgge«t<*’ The a dosen would 1 m » high *«h<»«f stu b the weekend wa* the entertainment problem la being considered by en*, Above is “Eddie” Cuduhy, who when a youngster was kidnapped ent* who would have entered ninth- of the Kcedlecrsft chit» by member* glnecrs by the notorious "Pat” Crowe und grade work at the end of the *< me*. ' of the prise Un elhb. at the home of Another meeting w’ll be held In \ ’-> held until a $25,000 ransom was ter had It n were purchased in Portland i ,.r i.r.i en a llo w d to go nti, hl«h arho<>) Ituni W II Pollard. J A A b< a divine. v . j by Mat >ger G. G. Bushman on a re­ work on c o o d l’lon thnt th«y m ake ghaw. F II Flnnery. Carl Olson, It P Dr Bank» recently cloned a 2-wreeks cent trip to the metropolis. up the idghlh grade work In the de- Morien.* n. Floyd Thompson. I. May fld n et auhjecta later on T h l. nrac „ „ , rv. Walter Scott. W N Long. Wal «•*<•• '* meeting» at the Grants Paa»! A new sidewalk has been bu'lt In tice It 1» now believed. ba» not been «„r flo a te r and C O. W ll.on ‘•hurth. during which there were IIS front of the company's office, and a ! private telephone line connecting the conducive to beat work on the part Prlr.dlln club member» who were » c c tsslo n s to t 1 ___ 1 plant with the warehouse has been of the put'll». and lias not mad- for Mead a mrs John Tom- TO i u e r r o n r n h i g h « - st ,n ,! .,- .i, . I.»r. P R O P E R T Y T R A N S F E R R E D j built recently. "The People’« Paper" A L IV E N C W 8 P A P IR IN A L iv e TOWN N U M B E R 5. Commercial Bank Owners Increased D A Y L IG H T ROBBER More Stockholders Taken Into H E L P E D , H IN D E R E D Institution Through Sale of IN ESCAPE A T T E M P T Mrs. Kessey’s and O ther H old­ ings; C. E. Kenyon New Cash­ By an odd coincidence, R. H. Par- on». local lumber men. played a part ■ ier. in the »c rcuatancea surrounding the , ___ ... and ________ A” increase In the number of stock- atte * pted escape arreat ___ of . P. . . J. . Henderson, alleged daylight robber, ; holder» in the Commercial Slate bank Tuesday. of Springfield for the purpose of Il ndersoo, Eugene officers assert. , , _ .. . , . . bring ng together more closely the Htole $35 In cash and currency from the home of Mr». Ada McDonald, 'n \ ,tPrp8' 8 the city and country Is Eug* ne, Tu- day. Taking the purse, announced today by the director» of the man ran from the, house and down the bank. The enlargement of the the Street. ownership of the bank 1» accompanied F. C. England, of Walker who was ~ „ with new management. C. E. Kenyon In his car parked on the street, saw , Mrs McDonald waring her hand at the ° f * > « ’*"<’• « « » to g to the Institution departing Henderson and ea led ‘ t o ! !n «Ae capacity of cashier and admin- the running man that some one want-1 lstratlve head of the bank. The board «4 him. 1 of directors will remain the same un. "Oh. that’s my wife I know what til an election Is held and at that she wants." Henderson replied and time the number of places on the to prove his statem ent ran a littl. j board may be Increased it Is said. faster. Mr*. McDonald came np In-! u ___ e „ , „ , . . . . ,. . Mr»- Kessey Sella Share». formed England of the robbery, a n l j the Walker man called the police. , ThP e»'»rkem «it of the bank*. A little later England, driving has come about through throurh west Springfield, saw Hen- ,h e ° f M” ° B Kessey, who derson alight from an automobile and ownp'’ thP ' arSer nttn'ber of shar«i start walking down th - highway. He her by rteath of h"r husband, fe,pphanw, fhp sher!fr» office and In- ° ‘ B K p 8 sp F. he relieved of the responsibility of the bank. The bulk formpft pn ported A . the rule stand., .« .fin e d X . Mr. H .rriet Stewart, mother of I W W Weight, who purchased an ^ 1 ^ ^ Lumbpr comp>ny. TllI, ad wa, San F r is c o 1 | ‘hrob«h tbe death ° f ,ta ^ n d e r and « a n r T B u r iB c o - acre oast ea .t of of town town a about ano a a a«., Mitir»« - <■ • »u»rf of pr<> , n th* thp m mPanttme En(r,anrt, executive head. Mr Clarke ha» han- by tha board, th* work w*i*t b* tnk*n Mrs. 9*avey. acre u two wo an «r th* p pxnans’on nro- In oanthn^. Em m ile, from P A. Johnson, p a n . to announced by , he com. on tbe ro-4 cau(rht „ wtth Mr Psr. n,.w ¡,ome about Febru- PO STA L R E C E IP T S FOR Keeeey. directors. . * i~ 1 - tlph blank» for the u»e of those "P-1 for 2< gry 1# The Springfield committee for the City and Farmer« In terests Served. JANUARY SHOW INCREASE l>l*lnir • Lane county blulding at the W. C. T. The officers say that in the enlarge­ The »Ingle long table with the » o lf, The matter of fumigation of thr (hp orltl , E N R O L L M E N T A T H IG H Nlneteen-twentv-slx off with farm home will meet f)or the — sec- ment of the bank the .• interests of c u « , « ™ ■— got — - ........ a t . .«.u, echool rooms »t regular and 8" °r’ ; eanla‘ ,in,, bn,ke»s»w«*o fl hom- o .„ .. 80 ™ far 88 - ^Prln8,lpld r - . - o ------------ « -.« ..w - night — c u n r i l U A K F A R EC O R D nv,nK 8,arl bus" ond time » tomorrow at — the - II the people of Springfield and the Intcrvnls as n m*ans of preventing nlmcnt _____ , , to , the , ä lug«-nulty and . . •„at,, SC H O O L AK to ,« , concerned, («nncprnpil. renorta hmrv at nt 7:30 7 7:S0 -3 0 o o o’clock ’r cloc« ln u k to to com co m tx def - M ........ ........ reports from trom busl- d u s i - brary p pile v te «let- ; Iness is reports from busl- com d e l-. farnler8 farmers wert* wert* the the foremost foremost factors. factor«. taste ni of __ ___ _ i ___ E*..« __ __ d isease wn» consider««,, but sellon de | the hostess Following the dinner the w students enrolled with ' f e s s men about town ind'eate. Fur- inite plans for asslsttog in raising They believe gfeater service “to both Twenty I1' w’i" "'hp Rpn)<, , ler nt the ther proof Is to be obtained from fig- money for the building program. Sub- tow*n and country will result from ferred to n future meeting part»- gathered In th* parlor« to vie A now lawn mower wns ordered for for the large pink hat e , hp ‘ ures released by Postmaster F. B. comm ittees appointed at the meeting tbe Bcw organisation and manage* and Its my- the Hgntuui. ii high school M onday boosting th ^ RamHn wh(ch ghow. thp (h8 of last FrWay night are epectpd to the Sprlngf'cld high school s er'ous content-, an-’ Its opp«|sl»e, In t.he nbv'nce of C. A. Swarts, a miniature of the first prise. ’rP,.„ 7 |r,p»r 8 notablp ln‘ report. The bank was started in 1911 by chairman of the board. F Ixxik pro- , t |s llk e y that a program of som* (Mr KesSey and the present stockhob High score and the first prUs were T . o hundred fourteen students have crease over the same period of pre- slrt.d at the session kind will be given to assist in raising i rterS( The Commercial State bank has won by Mr. and Mrs Carl Olson Thr __ , h(. b *ab .«chool t h l s , Ttous years. January postal receipts were $588 79 (be $5000 still needed for Lane 8 ,1S ' j become an important factor In th« ! box being opened, revealed a pink year M A N Y P R E S F N T D U R IN G growth and development of Spring- • angel food cake. Mrs. Cogswell Camp- Two seniors. Ernest Nelson and Hat- Those of a year ago totaled $494 91 poo building, (field and vicinity since it was organ- T R A C T O R D E M O N S T R A T IO N | bp„ and b-pr partner. Mrs. Jesn Wood. el Fermenter. Mulshed their school and the aggregate for January of i»ed a id is regarded as one of th« G IR L S C O U T W O R K IS _________ . --------- received the small box. which con- work at the end of the sem ester, but ' 1934 w88 9505 More thnn 50 farmer« and others! tnln-d a small pink cake. P L A N N E D A T M E E T IN G I***8' 8raa11 banlA ,n We9tPrn Or* will graduate next spring with the P O R T L A N D MAN SP EA K S attend««! n Fordson tractor "clinic’’ | The next meeting of the club will remainder of the class. gon. New Cashier Capable. b e d at the E R Dnnncv Motor com he held with Mrs. Olson on February Preliminary plans for the organisa­ Enrollment at the grade and Jun A T R ED CROSS M E E T IN G Mr. Kenyon oomes to .the bank pnny gnrnge yesterday. M»>n from a» 11. tion of Girl Scout work In Springfield lor high school« also Incroased with far south ss Sutherlin were present ,Dr Philip A. Parsons, director of were made at a meeting held in the highly recommended by prominent th« opening of the new sem ester. to see the demonstration, during the Portland School of Social Work Lnctoln school Tuesday Ninety chll- bankers and business men of th« Bridge Club Meets. which experts took down and reas­ w » talk at the annual m eeting of the drPn have responded. Indicating that northwftBt H e was unt'1 recently n i...c , n ............... The Kill Klare club met with Mrs A M E R IC A N LE G IO N M EE connected with a bank In Weiser, sembled a Fordson Lane County chapter, of the America-» the work here will be a success. Free Inn«* wns serv«d the visitors Q,.orKP m Bir |n Eugene last Friday q N |\|£ X T T H U R S D A Y N IG H T Red Cross, being held at noon today ' Another meeting will be held next Idaho, but has sold his interest« st noon Chair« were furnl»h<«l them, present from Springfield were Mrs at the Osburn hotel at Eugene. Monday at the same place at 4 o’clock. there. The Springfield post of the Ameri­ Highly Recommended. and they gathered In a circle In th« Miutdp Bryan. Mrs. Clark Wheaton, Important business is also to be con- ( There is no local fee for Joining the High recommendations of Mr. Ken­ shop of th« new garage building while Mr„ Riigen-e Kester, Mrs. M M. Peery can Legion will m eet next Thurs­ sidered at the meeting, at which G. F Girl Scouts, and a 50 direction of R T. Crake, tractor FhIg,.ne women present were Mrs , 1pii and business m atters. Adiutant or guardians Is required. ( matured and safe judgment as a ban will preside. expert from Portlnmd The mncblne Bprt yin c-n t, Mrs. Fred Chess. Mrs Walter Gossler announced today, Members of the Lane County Girl pr> and general standing have been wns taken down In 45 minutes and r e - 1 Ernnk Poindexter and Mrs. Wilfred j La„t Thursday n'ght the veteran- Scouts association from Springfield rPCP|VPd by the directors of the local To Attend Convention. asnembled In nn hour nnd 15 minutes Bcclt met and heard a tnlk by Fr - -e are Mrs Clark Wheaton. Mrs. Paul bank. The expert unswered all questions p u t’ --------- j» y , of Portland. Mr. Lemley was t Walter Gossler, adjutant, and M B Basford. and Mrs. Clayton Barber These recommendations come from Huntly and C. A Swart*, w tl go to by the visitors. Mrs. Roberts Honored. first commander of t ie ora ’ such well-known men as W. L. Thomp _______________ ) nnd told of the trials and n a n p Bt>appurg Roseburg tomorrow io to ropic=o..* represent — the son, vice-president of the First Na­ Surprae Party Held. Go to Roseburg. Another week-end soc'al event Wns facpt, by tbp legionnaires In g e ttin g , gprlngflPid post of the American Le- tional bank of Portland: Phil Metsch- Mrs. Emma Olson was honored at an president of the Imeprlal hotel of Po tmaster F n Hnml'n and Rnm the hlrthilay dinner honoring Mrs. thptr organisation started back ln j y|on at a meeting of the fourth district to be held In the southern city tomor a delightful surprise party by mem Portland: Charle« E Walters, presi- Richmond were Springfield residents Ronald Roberts, held at the Roberts pnr,y post-war days hers of the Royal club Wed dent (M the Charles E. W alters bond- row afternoon and evening . — Neghbors - aceompnnvlng a group of Lane conn home Sunday noon. Orouptes New ---------- Rooms. The object cf the meeting 1« to con-jnesday afternoon. Those present were lng house of Portland; Charlee H. tv members of the Dn1t<«1 Spanish Those present were Mr and Mrs. Wnr Veterans who attended the third J A. Sflnvey and fnmlly. Mrs. Grace Thp chamber of Commerce t i n slder various matters which the dis-1 Mrs. D. W. McKinnon and daughter, Stewart, vice-president of the North­ annual turkey banquet of the R o se -, Roberts. Welby Stevens. Mr. and Mrs wppk occupied Its new rooms 1« i th« trlct may bring up for consideration Mrs. Nettleton, Mrs. Fred C ine, Mrs. western National hank of Portland: hurg camp Saturday evening. T h e ' w. H. Adrian and Mr and Mrs Rob RPCond story of the Comerclal Sta e at the state convention to be held lat- ! George Ditto, Mrs. Scrivner. Mrs. W. H. Brooks, Eugene attorney: an ! Stearmer, Mrs. Harpool. Mrs. More- Judge E. O. Potter of Eugene. ¡bank remov er In the year. dinner was held In the new Rose ho- erts — and - - a family. »»-.it» •— •- building. Previous to the remov- i.» i ’ lock and Mrs Olson. al fo the new quarters. Gley wprp rP(1‘ tel. Adjutant George W hite. Frank Attend Birthday Dinner. inovnted nnd remodelled Into attrao- Dislocates Shoulder. Godfrey, camp commander from Sea­ T H E A T R E REDECORATED Bulletin Board Unveiled. Dislocation of his houlder wns sus­ side, nnd others were present. Mr and Mrs R E Moshler w e r e , tlve q u a rte rs .__________ _ D U R IN G PA ST W E E K tained by Waiter Wallace, Jasper The new electrical sign board of gui-sts nt the home of Mrs Moshler s To Hold 8oclal. farmer, when he slipped ano and fell r e « while ^ .^ Mpt„od,gt Bp|gcopal church was pine Needle Club M eet* . — Mf w R Kpott The Bell theatre underwent an at­ The monthly social » U h r will M working work,n(f pp nil„y. M cerpmónleg on his rancB ranch ^ Bunday c.remAnles heM held 8un„ Sunday Meeting at the home of Mr Fugene Bunday The affair was In tractive redecoration program during observed by members of the ( hr s WarR(.p waB bjw,gbt to the office of ......(q fh<> f< > thj- ,on Adams on East Main d r m t w , , p„ w( Mr ob„ TVPd by w *rab*<'T" ^ . ^ lt'h‘,'a; I Wnl ace was brought to the ornce or (<> ^ « the past week, and as a result a morn , , r„„y. the members of the Pine Need J ((nn p ^ g h t wIth nr r ftn ^ prp th„ ,nJtlry 1« pleasing lobby and Interior greet pa­ » - — • _ — - - s s . M„ny . « . 1 . trons of the *ocal playhouse. The In­ terior was decorated in pink and blue, ments were served. ! Party Surprise. (freshments are to he served. Kessey to visit Colorado— Dwight McKinnon’s Story Published and an attractive coloring arrange­ K essey will leave Monday for Colora^ Those present w«we Meeflnmes ' ------------------------- — - ment gave the lobby a much improved Huntly. Mnnwnrrlnx. W illiams. T.ar1-| Costello J. y Costello OO for nw n n enforced vacation __________ - - of — three I The Four-L Lumber N ew s was ot an y Mnnwnrrlng. i,nr«-1 Mr apd Mr„ Mrs P P. A W oolley were w ere C ostello Here Mere — A. « . -• - - — - • do mcr McT.agnn. Hansen P ettleorl. hmiorpd hy a Rmn|l group of friends frP|ght representative of the Balt - months, the result of ill health H e , especial Interest to Springfield mom- appearance. Plans for working over the slru Tuesday party more a.nA and n Ohio railroad, Wns wns a visitor will return to Springfield and his hvrs this week due to the fact that 111 I nxton Doane. Hunter. Nolsotl »•___ - j -« » night ~« » at a surprise nnrtv h lo railroad. — d for ------- getting work at the Commercial State bank ' a gtory written hy D. W McK’nnon - new seats for the at the WnAlley home Games center- at the local Southern Pacific office Eggimnnn, Parmenter. Rodenhaugb at the end of that time. t secretary of the local unit, was ca« , playhouse are now • lng around the valenitne iden were yesterday. and McPherson. ------ ried bv tho publication The story I opening of the theatre with ih o n e w .»payed. Those present were Dr. and , ■ w» w -s* Ft*—W H Adrien presented (< ° f l rs4 Mrs. W ( Tonolls Tonali» Removed—Bill o* .,* Flr_ w H Adrien presented the the old old logger’s logger’s view view point point decorations decorations wifi will be be eele «e W Emery. Dr and Mrs Removed—Din Thein,s Theint« n In from Msrcols—Mr* Fro« Jones Mrs. N. W. ... • bed h's tonsils It* »„roz»VUi H Pollsrd, MVs Emms Olson and - WsBerv'B* removed g Wpat F|r on hus'ness on »fo In an interesting and original row night with the « w g of Marcóla wns a vfcftor hen« yester Wtes ("bloc W o o ley al s local phvstrlan’s offici* yroterdey yaatarday. _ «Vyle. ' clase picture. ,.* « day. ' J ’. . ’ ••• '