? A G E S tX . ----------r r t - r V |i » ’KM|> \V TxAK « M tlN O n K U J NRW» — ------------------ '.~¿r «e iteí ; s CF SFECiÄL EITEREST | Qi,f gQfl C O M M IT T E E T O C O N S ID E R S T O R E F R O N T P A IN T IN G W“ r tj * **• With the object o f Inv.'.l'iraDns » plan for painting all the »tore front* . In the Spr.ngf >H b » -n * » ,11« r .t R<, s u m e 0 , H ftp O en ln gS Of President H J Cox of the chamber the W»<* Collected tor of commerce has appointed a com- in It tee of nine. It is believed th a t! Our Readers. a wholesale painting campaign would ' do much in making the old but dins» harmot ite in appearance with the new a widespread epidemic of Influente ones, and would benefit business an ! Is noted tn the Brownsville section of attract outs M era i I-*““ county. The committee w'll consider a plan, Ths annual convention of the Ore- suggested by \ C Truax »ho offered gOn Beekeepers' association was held to paint all the fronts tn town for a The Dalles. straight price, and then hold a draw- Lloyd t . Reynolds of Salètn was Ing ai d give a lucky one out of every elected president of the Marlon Coun- ten a free pstnt Job ty Community Federation. Those on the committ e are John Mrs. Kllxabeth Lyons of Springfield Winxenr ed. A. J Perkins. Welbv celebrated her 99th birthday at her Stevens M M Peery. Jess Seavey. E home In that city Monday. E. Kepner. E. E Morison. O O. Bush­ David W James. 14. committed sui­ man and William Long cide at Roseburg by shooting himself through the head with a rifle. R. B. T H O M P S O N N A M E D The State Holstein Friesian associa­ S T O C K B R E E D E R S H E A D tion will hold Its annual meeting at Oregon City Saturday. January SO. Members of the Lane County Pure-i bred Livestock Breeders' association I Mrs. William 0**11 sold her lObacre named R B Thompson of Eugene ranch, located a few miles south of Route A. president for the Sal«»- »° J>'h“ •» Roberta the conaid Motor eration being 140.000. coming year, at a meeting held at th» Sheep men from all sections of the county seat yesterday. E. A McCornack was named secre- state attended the Ï9th annual con­ tarv-treasurer. and representatives of vention of the Oregon Wool Growers breeders of various breeds of stock associaflon In Pendleton, follow: Holstein. A Benter of C r e » -' A flax growers' meeting was held at we 1: Jersey. Owen Thompson; Short- Aurora Tuesday night for the purpose horn. Mr. Hawley: Angora. I t C. i of Interesting farmers tn the vicinity Wheeler; Gtiernseys. R A. Hard; In the flax-growing Industry. The new state highway bridge over Shropsh re. E. A McCornack: Cxford and Cotswold. R Johnson: swine. W the McKenale river a short distance below the old Hendricks bridge near Maxwell. Waterville waa opened to traffic. Mike Makahua. track walker (or the PLA N S H U T D O W N B O O T H - K E L L Y ’S L O C A L P L A N T Shevltn-Hixon company, was killed in­ stantly when hit by the branches of a A two-weeks shutdown o» th" falling tree near the company’s logging Springfield mill of the Booth-Kelly camp south of Bend. Lumhsp cotr-pany Is expected tn a Tlx«? American Lagton will hold a fortnigh' a» a result of the ant-ounce- sieeting in Baker February IS. ment bv Manager A C Ptxon that in d e e d ,D this district are Burns, the W endling mill an 'h-* comnan. « p-gnjon City. Prulrie City. Baker- Hunt- camps are to cease work’ng for t r i ington. Ontario and Vale. we*ks. b erim in g aStnn’ ay Dull mar- The public service commission sus­ ke»« sro «ad to be resnons'bl pended. pending aa investigation, the It •« urderstnod that it is likely j proposed new rates of the Ktrkputrick- that when the W endlingp ant is oner Coliins Water company, which oper­ a»ed again after two weeks, th* ates In Multnomah county. Serirgfi-dd e ’ant w'll h * shut d ow n , Dan P. Smythe. millionaire sheep for a similar period and that th re- man. died at a hospital In Pendleton. after. for a wh ’e the plant« will b* He was 43 years of age. Mr. Smythe operated alternat»lv In the» way un­ was one of (he largest sheep and farm til conditions change for 'he better operators in the northwest. Mr. Dixon and Ralp*» Martin «ales Harry 8. Thlenes. 25. of Deer Horn, manager, are to spend a few dav# who was accidentally shot by his In S cattle »tending the annual meet­ brother. Earl, while the two were out ing of the West Coast Lumbermen's on a trap line, died at the Pacific association Christian hospital m Eugene. With four cases of sn.ellpox at Can­ The J. A Eh*.«- M»*h-e V o-n? Mi* that city. H,.« '« pi»*« h«« h- — inv’D»J C. McC. Johnson, spruce lumber mill t*-e. to ra -t'e'-a 'e In th* cerem' h a s he n p ro v id e ! fo r th e operator of Reedsport, announced that c'a 1 m he had purchased the Wade spruce Occ« «'o** tract of timber at the m -uth of Snath “The Q’jeef'on« of Life and Jest:« river The tract has 50.ub0.tMW ftot ot Z n - w e r ” v 11 h» the pastor« ttv-me spruce and fir fo r 'h ev en in g More than 200 out of 2000 real estate “ A F u ll tjn sp e for This Oeoera- op< rs'ors in Oregon were pen dlzed Ç - m* fer th* tt t i e r " —«!’ he ’h 12,50 each for not btaining their 192< o’clock «eev'ce license» before January 10 it wat an­ c t-n re k school tre » « “ a t 9 4 ; ln - nounced by Will Moore, state real es­ r« » t « ir*, ,.3 'a te 1e» m e a t ~ n M ■rvk— tate commissioner lepgfte at *10 M 'dw eek Abolition of 'be state parole board, Tber-dav 7 3A S'ranger. wclcoT e at “T»e tir.me-l ke Church." F L Moor-. or a rte.d reitriocos by law of Its functions sad powers, was recommend­ M nis'er ed in resol o' ions adopted by the Dis- Here f*om L * a b u rr_ ‘ t '» » -'r o ti tri«/ Attorn*y«' ssse'iation of Oregon v a) most.ag in Portland. erv vs« *” own *rom Leahnrg Tues­ * tb TTT Her» from Wtndllrqj— Mr» I* A Southern Pacific rail-laying crew EDGAR LO U K N A M E D AS ¡('row mid Mm. Hlrwltt c*«x»M of Wood putting dowu 90-pound steel rails be­ S E N IO R P A T R O L L E A D E R ,(n< wtir# | D town yesterday tween Natron and Springfield on the Eugene-Klamath Falls line has reach­ Springfield ltoy Scout». in meeting i ed a point about a mile east of Spring- with the scoutmaster Monday evening ! field, having started the work at N'a named Edgar ta>uk. former head o f , iron. the llob White patrol, as senior patrol I Automobile owners of the state will leader for the Lions troop. Louk'j be aaaeaaed aaother tax of 1 ceut a place as leader of the llob W hiles Is I gallon on gasoline, for country road taken by Evan Hughe». purposes. If legislation' proposed at At the Scout meeting next Monday the annual meeting of the state county night It Is planned to complete the Judges and commissioners' association organisation of the third patrol Four j tn Portland becomes effective. patrols are to be formed in I he Lions The Fidelity A Deposit company of troop. Maryland and the Hartford Accident A Indemnity company, a corporation, M A N IN JU R E D BY AX are preferred claimants tn the liquida­ IN W O ODS A T M A R C O LA tion of the State Bank of Portland, de­ funct. according to two oplntous hand­ Myron Craig of Mareola was sever* ed down by the state supreme court. ly Injured when he »lipped anil fell ■ Highway construction in Oregon this year will not be as extensive as It on an ax while working for the Fisher ! has been tn the past decade, owing to Lumber company In the woods near [ the decreasing funds There Is much Mareola. Monday afternoon The ax cut a deep gash In Craig'« '■ work under contract, but for new pro­ jects the highway commission is limit­ nhdonien He was rushed to the Mercy ed financially and intends proceeding hospital at Eugene. cautiously, using available funds 8. P. Agsnta Meet. where the best results can be obtain­ ed. Carl Olson, local Soilthen Pacific Two contracts, the last needed to agent, and Oawitd Olson, express complete The Dulles California high agent, attended a meeting of Southern way from end to end. were ordered I*aclflc agents of this district held In advertised for the February 26 meet­ Eugene Saturday night. Ouy Illll. of ing by the stae highway commission. the Portland offices, presided at the These Jobs consist of surfacing the meeting ten-mile section between Bend and Imva Butt« and surfacing the ap­ Mrs. Lyons H u r t proaches to the Crooked river bridge, Only three days after she had cele­ the latter structure being now In pro­ brated her ninety ninth birthday. Mrs cess of being built. Kllxabeth Lyons fell while getting out Fred Springer, ex-convict, who was of a chair at the home of her grand­ reported to have been killed while daughter. Mrs Grace May. and struck Staging a hold-up In Canada a few her head a painful blow The head was months ago. has hbt-n arrested at Mc­ Allister. Okla.. according to word re­ cut had y, but Mrs. Lyons Is not In a ceived at the Oregon state peniten­ serious condition. tiary. A prison guard has left for C h ris tia n C h u rc h . Oklahoma tn quest of the prisoner Sunday Services Responsive to a rigorous protest 9 45 Sunday school It E Moshlsr. against closing of numerous trout sy-eaius for a period of ten years in Superintendent 11:00 ''The N ecessities of Life," bv all parts of Oregon. E. F Averill, state game warden, has asked the Rev S Earl Ch Iders The quartet mate game commission to defer ac- will give a special number. tlon la the mu-ter until the next regu­ 6:30 Senior Endeavor 7:30 "Did Alexander Campbell lar meeting of the commission Febru­ ary 8. Found n O tanfcf" I" !(• v C » 9 . County Judges of a majority of the George Signor will sing IS land grant counties of the state af­ CALL AND SEE Dr N W Emery j fected by the withdrawal of the lands and consequent loss of tax e s, m et in nn prfrei, of pinte and other wnrk Portland and went on record for uni­ ted effort In a campaign to seek con gressional reimbursement for loss of I taxes amounting In all to about 84.- ! 660,000. Lewis Doolittle, proprietor of a restaurant in Tillamook, was arrested on a charge of stea ng food from the t Martin store at Garibaldi. Officials i believe the alleged stolen food, found tn Doolittle's automobile, was inland i ed (or use In his restaurant. He was 1 said to have confessed to three bur­ glaries. The Increased prestige of Oregon as a grain exporting state is reflected , in the compilation ot her total foreign export shipments for the third quarter of 1925, issued by the department of commerce. The departmental figures »how that Oregon, In the three month period, shipped merchandise ov-rseaa valued at 121. The Skamania Light A Power com - pany. which operates at Cascade I Locks, was ordered t,y the public serv­ ice commission to repair Its lines and . reconstruct part of Its equipment to , comply with the standard regulations. ' Complaint against the company wus | filed by a large number of radio own- | era living in the vicinity of Cascade ' Locks. Painting and Decorating I f you are p la n n in g on p a in tin g y o u r bonne o r b un ln es* b u ild in g com e In and link u«t a bo ut o u r prb » m l easy p a y m e n t plana. W o g u a ra n te e o u r w o rk and use the beet o f m a te ria l» VASBY BROS. S p rin g fie ld , O regon 312 M ain, The Man Who Saves T h e m an w h o apettdit lew» th a n he earna hag le a rn e d th e w a y to lnde,tendence a nti Huceetw. No m a tte r w ha t hlg Incom e m ay t>«>. he kn o w » th a t he can n rn tn g c to liv e w ith in It a nti Have gome gurplu a fo r his g ro w in g b a n k a cco u n t. W hen m on ey in put aalde re g u la rly 11 g ro w s w ith re a lly s u rp ris in g speed. T h is h an k helps t h r if t y people to save by p a y in g 3D In te re st on savings a ccou nts, su bject to usual re g u la tio n . FIRST NATIONAL BANK T e a c h yo u r d o llar» to have m o re cent» T h e p rc h le m o f v a ry in g the lu m lly d ie t in m id ­ w in te r haH been solved by th e s k ill o f the c o m m e r­ c ia l c n n ii' r.T h c a rt o f p re se rvin g has s u rm o u n te d the seasons, b rin g in g »he fr u its and vegetables o f e a rly s p rin g and s u m m e r to o u r tables, d u rin g th e «old m o n th s , in a lm ost th e ir o rig in a l c ris p fre s h ­ ness. M odern food p re s e rv in g m ethods plus th e u n x le rn m e rc h a n d is in g m eth od s o f S kaggs S tores p e rm it the s h re w d h o u se w ife to serve h<*r fa m ily a pleas­ ing v a rie ty o f h e a lth fu l foods the ye a r 'ro u n d . These p ric e s a little p la n n in g and personal sh o p p in g w ill men na s u b s ta n tia l sa vin g In th e w e e k ly o r m o n th ly budget. 55c B ro w n S ugar, 3 lbs. 18c D ill Pickles— large No. 2’/ j fin », 2 tin s 35c Pineapple— B ro ke n sliced. No. 2 ’/2 tin s , 3 tin s 55c 2 tin s 25C T om a toe s— O regon S o lid Pack No. 2 '/2 tin s 24 tin s $2.95 C orn — Good grade s ta n d a rd c o rn ................................................................ 10c I (Case 24 tin s , $2.35) - • 11' T/ i ’ <1 2’/ 2 lb. tin .......... 49C S yru p — A d e licio u s blend o f Cane and M aple 5 lb. t in ................. 89C 10 lb. tin ....... $1.69 M o th e r's O ats, la rg e a lu m in u m p k g .................... ................. 33c B room s— D om estic, lo n g life , each ..................... ........................... 6 9c C ra c k e rs — F a p tily size, 2 ’/ 2 lb. S n o w fla k e s ...... .....................48c Eggs— Fresh sta nd ard s, 2 doz................................ .......... -.........53c C offee— S kaggs W h ite W ra p (th e b e s t), 3 lb. ... .............-...$1.47 F lo u r— B ig K, th e best, 49 lb. sack ......... - ........... ..................$2.43 A ll Purpose h ard w h e a t, 1 bbl. $9.49 T h e changable season o f e a rly F a ll w ill cause m an y people to s u ffe r fro m s lig h t coughB, hoarseness, etc. Nyal Huskies Overstufied suites and odd pieces in all shades of fine mohair or jac­ quard at prices greatly below regular. . A Handv Remedy For Hoarseness p le asa nt a fte r-s m o k in g T a b le t th a t p ro m p tly cleanses th e th ro a t. P rice — 25c I rosi »fia y A H. B e rry , 10 lb». L im it— 10 pounds to c u s to m e r S u g a r- H andy to ca rry and pleas­ a n t to take. -k In from Oe*lsr—11 W. Matthe « of llexter wa* a visitor In Hpringfle Id Friday, Saturday and Monday Feature«: Senashe* Eino«r—C ?--"h of SM«h- -wr'» camp. M»eco1a. called at al loca, phvstc’an's off’*“ Tuea-iav evening for tr‘ 8tm*Pt of a «my«v*d fing'-r w ill relieve in flam m ation and the tic k lin g sensation in a very sh o rt time. |8 I9M . Ju ly ’s Food in January day evening. I i\v W e are n o w c a rr y in g P o u ltry and D a iry feeds Prices from $ 8 7 .5 0 to $ 125.00 SKAGGS UNITED STORES Wright & Son No. 213 (W e D e liv e r) Tel. 75, S pringfield