J PAGE FIV» TWM n W J C ^ W ) W W 8 TIU’REPAY, JAN 2S. 1926. Confidence By Ho Here from Corvallla—Mlsa Hattie the sordid soul who married tor m ot- him. and put all thought* of the oth Nudvornlk was h-«re from Corval'ta er man with money out of your head. ay never has. • to spend the last week-end with her But your friend's assertion is not You would never be happy with him parents. right W« h«-ar of the unhappy mar­ If you didn’t love anybody elae. but Mrs. Psttijohn III— Mrs John Petit- riage, but little la said of the happy I when you admit oving a poorer man John 1» ill at her home here with bron- ones. I It is unfair to the other man to even , chlal pneumonia Her daughter, Mrs. Of course, no sensible person can encoBr>f, h,m. John Purcell of Wendllng, la here ook around and see the number of taking care of her. divorces and unhappy marriages C. Bressler Here— M C. Brest- without being made fearful and w ith­ tor. M . former business mar, of Hpr'ng Spend. • J ' V ’X y T t out asking oneself what chance of field but now a resident of Cottage T e m p L J o n ^ s u w^ k.eD(, , t happiness tere Is when so many oth­ called on acquaintances here ( C- P RPbhan er« have failed. But hope springs eter­ Grove, Monday evening. the b om , of Dr- W C. Rehhan. nal In the human breast, and each of us believes that he or she w ill realize the old fairy tale— "and they were married and lived happily ever after." Motor to Portland— M r and Mra. Baugh In Town—tHanlx, Baugh of K N IM Ion tuotored to Portland Inai Marriage a Gamble? Mohawk wa* In town Friday Sunday, returning Monday A ll Htnbands Alike? I, |||— Bassla Bxui'U la III at tha Buya Suppiloa Hara— Mlaa Flora honin' of her |uir»ub> born Dear Mlaa Flo: Would you tnldd Campbell, Inatryrtor In Thurston high Varna Bmlth Oown—Verne Smith rbool. was tn town last Friday to telling me Just what •• ?our *'1* a of marriage? I consider It a give and puri bnae supplias for the school. was down from Fall Creek Monday lake proposition—a gamble—where 0 Schoo I board to Moot—.The Spring- there Is Just as much chance for hap­ Hara from Laaburg— Mr» John Cur­ field school board will hold Its regu­ piness, If you rea. ly love the man ry of I.««lilira wa* In lown Monday lar monthly meeting Tueaday evening ¡aa (hero la for unhapplfbas. However Marcóla Paopla Hara— Mr and Mrs accorlng to a married fr'end of mine But, as you say. marriage Is a give Waltarvllla Men In— Frank Aahlay I'm all wrong. This woman, who has Fred Wright of Marróla were In and take proposition—and at times and C. F, Orant of Waltnrrllle paid Rprlurfleld Friday been married only five years, tells Springfield a business visit Tuesday. m«- that all husbands look alike after It seem s almost Impossible, even with eii Jonaa III—Kll Jonea la reporte I a man whom you. low- No men an«l MOV. from Waat S p r in g fie ld -« . W h» ''" b~ B " * n * d woman ever lived together without ; | by a loonl phyalilau to he confined |«, , r and fa«.» y hay, moved from all romance dlmippnarw to hla bed .with lllneaa. some difficulties. It Is so sweet to, forgive the little fault» and pecu lari-1 W ..I Hprlngfl.W to 227 M il .t r e a t .,» '«»<• '« ‘h” i • rl to marTy th‘‘ TOan w WOI,t Waltarvllla Man Haro—Waller Fa» B rln field ties of the man you love, and so hard P 11 | money? Then when romance goes she ton of Wattervllle wa» In town) on bu»- to put up with thp ways of the man In P ortland-W ayne McLagan. chief at least has the consolation of things lnw«- company's local plant, .pent with a splocdld young man. who Is and so exasperating to have to work farmer, war among the " h O l^ r , h e early part of the w,»k in Portland, ao poor that we could not possibly for the man for whom you care noth­ Bprlngf'eld Friday. merry f°r »owe tto®. Id w illin g ▼ Here from WnIHrvllle— P J <><*1 VltJtt R tbhin Home Mm I W rnorry him now find continue working ing Of course, the woman without any | ar«1 was In SprtngftMd for awhile la»i Ferris of Spokane Is vls'tlng at th e 1 Unt'l we got started, but he won't Prtrtn. , home of her daughter, Mr* W C. to m»4 On the other hand,* » backbone—«the woman who cannok Itebhan. this week. know a man whom I respect and ad- take a few bard knocks— Is not the Msbla Raaldant Vlgltw -S Adams o f , 'mlre greatly, who would give me every wife for a poor man. she would be Mabie wps in town for a short lim e! SpancH Night Hare—< »plain Lead- t^,n< j „n u t My heart tells me to mlsorahla— and make t he man ,u s* better of the WWIamatte university w>(t for , hj> j joy«—my head tells as miserable aa she Friday a frosh team, which played here lari me that marring«» Is a bualneae propo- Any young woman, w'th a rood Hara from Thurston— Mr and Mrs Prhlay night, spent the night at the ftnrt «j,at 1 honld marry the body and a good mind rhonld be Ira Gray were AprlntfleM rtoltors home of Mr and Mra W P Tyson mBn „,«h , hp money. Can yon advise ashamed of herself for even thinking from Tburstoe Friday of marrying a «rnn Just to be support­ Paulina la rocovarlng— Mrs May (Taft has ed She certainly should have enough Ratuma to Portland— It Nyberg Tonr fr'-end'a philosophy about.mar­ Independence »n«l courage to roll up who'»pent a few days here last week, ri-lumed to her homo after r~mala- has returned Io his hom e In Portland lose at lk«‘ home of Mr. and Mrs Up­ ring. mlrht be all right If marralge her sleeves and go to work and m ike land ------------ Moahler — during I----- - a seveee attack were only a business proposition In an honest living for herself until she , Matthews Visit»—A B Matthawa. of pB,.omt,n|a t>>t * WOTnan would he quit» Is ready to marry the man she ores pncnmonla of Thureton. was in town on hnalnea. Ratified in .Mltog her..-f to the srhether he Is poor or rich — “X - - k r : ' Marriage la a gamble— but there Is certainly more chance for happiness, Jackson M .ra -H C. Jackson ol W allervllle was a visitor In m an late than for unhappiness when » w .............. .............. pie love each other, so don t let a last week ,'n5’' I Even If yonr friend'» assertion that disillusioned woman spoil your chan- j la-III—Detoiwa Coatell. of Wiliam To Cottage Grove— Mr and Mrs all hnsbande look alike after a few ces of happiness. ette Heights, is suffering from a case Walter Gossler motored to Cottage years were true—and If love only If you can make the man you love C.rov. Sunday, wh< re they visited jtd last one year—or one <*f- of pneumonia. realize that it Is unfair to ask you Mrs to wait for him wh«-n wou are will­ To Camp C r a .k -n r W H Pollard Mr and Mra. Harley Harms „ „ a visitor In the Camp Creek Harms Is Mr Gossler's sister. ing to continue working—your prob­ lem Is solved. Otherwise. If you ’nv" n» lichlw?rh h l. bed wUh the D’tto home, motored to Coqnllle Friday and ret« m ed Sunday. At nm ew . ” Coquille they visited Car of Corn Received— A car of Ol.-nn Ditto. The Omens are maiden!» corn from the middle weal wag r» of Pendleton. celved Saturday by the Springfield Bl.terln-law D lee-M rs L. K. Page Mill and Grain company. received word Saturday of the death B u.m aa. Man H .rw -Q . Arnhart WH.er. Idaho, of her manager of the Creaw.ll Feed knd Mrs William Klotz. Mrs Klotz Is good company, was In Springfield on tbe mother o f A den Klotz, who makes I his home with Mrs. Page, and 1s th. huslnaa. Saturday. Receives S h lp m en t-T h e C.rbolln- „„m Wood Preserving company re­ ceived a shipment o f creosote oil Monday. W a lta rv llla People H ere— M r PERFECTION BREAD IS ALWAYS GOOD and fluffy. One of our cakes w ill make a hit with the family. Buy one and cut the pieces large if you would be popular. H e r. from C re s w e ll-M r s . « V i. FR E D FRESE, Prop. Perkins-Laxton Bldg. R,nc(J chrlrttna.. 8 George, Claim Agent Here—’S. ------- claim ngent for the slate Industria SprtngfV?«"*tor medical attention ,lcl.1(,,,nt commission was In In Spring ¡¿ " J 'fie,d Monday, looking Into .ho cases BU"d“y - „ „ I Of several local men who have been Mayor at Portia recently, and arranging for Biishniun returned Friday after i pm-ment of comjtonsnt'on to the trip to Portland. In Portland Mr „ |(,o w ' of Robert bee Bankey. who Buahmnn ’ooked over feed mill ma was recently killed In ogglng opera- p Hare for Treatment—Mr and Mrs •I tlons at Wendllng. f T V ie ' ^ e q u ir e m e n f/(• 't .. The occasion calls for the requirements of ability, diplonlary, courtesy and facilities that make up our Service of Sincerity. p ^W .F.W A LK ER 6 2 -J r Phone 6b a— mimmi uni w n w FUNERAL SERVICE S P R tN O F lE L D .O R f The White Front Grocery «« "ORbum” vegetabl* bruBhes have fibres of JuBt the rittht stiffness and quaJity for Bcouring vegetables without injury. Handy Brush Sets 95c Regular $1.29 value for 95o! set of 6 brushes. Clothes brush, bath brush, vegetable brush, toilet brush, radiator and ice box brush and bottle brush. Good s tiff bristles firm ly set in wire.. Dry Hand Mops $1.49 No more wet, sore hands— no more stooping and backaches _here is a new mop that actually makes mopping a pleas­ ure. A simple turn of the wrist and the mop wrings dry instantly. Tested and approved by Good Housekeeping Mag­ azine. Fancy Mixing Bowls $1.39 Set of 6 white earthenware bowls. Graduated sizes. Red cherries with green leaves and old Dutch Rind mills form a pretty side decoration. Many uses for such handy bowls. EXTRA FILLERS FOR VACUUM BOTTLES. 69c ROYAL SOCIETY' CROCHET COTTON, 5c SPOOL LIQUID VENEER DRY DUSTCLOTHS. 29c Sns0n«m®n t^faiMurae Storg 0 UAL IT . Í CCONUMY - S e r v ic e G a ra g e Will be opened by the Gannett Motor Company in the Stevens Building, Main Street, Springfield. February l»t Expert Mechanics In Charge with a full Line of Parts and Accessories Cars on Diaphy Five carloads of new Chevrolet cars and trucks are being unloaded by us this week. We have a complete showing of «cars in our salesroom as follows: The Laudeau, Sedan, Coach, Coupe, Roadster and Touring cars and a one-ton and a half-ton truck. See these beautiful new models. The Service Store of Springfield Gannett Motor Co. 10 advantages o f the servi zgrocer SPRINGFIELD BRANCH - Laird of Creswell was among out-of- Monmo„ th. where they had spent a ,-k. Mrs. Scholhle «- Is taking a short town visitors In Springfield Satur- - -- course at O. A. C. day. » chlnery. * r°’ P. N I rP«„rnc(, Sunday from Corvallis ami Improved Vegetable Brush 25c THE SPRINGFIELD BAKERY turned as far ns Portland with th“« . Mr.- Arthur Haston of „„«I. offer making a trip to elslt re- were am«,ng the out of-town shopp-rs .latlves at Astoria, will return to hen' Monday. ¡Springfield next Sunday. B Free-, atlng In outh _ M r F m . c . Stilt VltHIng In Portland—W B w ‘” " •’ man Itili« friend* »n< return In about a week. —a convient shopping center for th rifty people. A CompUt«, Up-to-Date Made out of the best flour by the most sanitary methods Perfection Bread 1 b always good—A fine uniform loaf, light Here from St. Helens— Mr. and Mrs. Monaco of St Helens arrived | h,.-e Fr'dsv to visit at the home of her , # Mr' NEWS FROM THE McMORRAN & WASHBURNE BASEMENT STORE FOP, STYLE mother of Mrs. Bert 8nooka. an I father M » O A- 1. The service grocer saves the houset- ifo's t nt and permits her to use her shopping hour for social calls. 2. The service grocer conserves the housewife's energy and relieves her of the carrying of heavy packages, thus saving her strength for more Important things. 3. The service grocer offer® a complete delivery service, bringing any order, large or small, to the housewife s kitchen, regardless of weather conditions. 4. The service grocer relieves the housewife of shopping and parking Inconvenleuct s. 5. Ths service grocer offers the housewife a telephone service tluit suits her convenience. '6 The service grocer offers teal service at no additional cost, as records kept over a period of one month will . prove___ It la not the cost per item, but the total for the month, thnt counts. 7. The service .grocer offers the housewi.e guaranteed mt; "ha:.disc. He knows that quality merchandise will build Ills bufiiness. 8. The service grocer offers the housewife the saving ef­ fected through reduced store expenses, for, in the long run, less overhead is required to fill the telephone order than any other kind of order. 9. The service grocer offers a complete stock, giving the housewife a wide range of choloe. 10. The service grocer offers personal service, and it is to the houBewife’B advantage to trade where she is a known and valued customer, rather than where she is ‘‘Just another” »hopper. FHOMI 3 - n il Fanil 6KB( PHONE ■ 9 Cut Travel Cost —vet go m ore often, travel farther, than ever before. Go by train. Save in m any im portant ways by doing so. Low roundtrip fare « secure surprising value for your travel funds. Fij ire your expense in driving your ow n car agai < th e cost by train. T he saving in train travel will amaze you. So save the car for pleasure purposes. Save n erv o u s energy, too. fo u r travel re­ sponsibility ends when yem board the train. Thus ride in entire com fort, w ith a chance to relax and rest and plan y o u r activity at your destination. N o m atter where you p’ t to go, Southern Pacific and its connections an take you, com« fortahly and economic?lly. Arty Southern 1 v* cific agent will gladly aid in p ’ inning your trip. Rely upon'them for cc mplete, accurate travel in fo rm atio n . Southern Pactûu Innés CARL OLSON. Agent