THPRSPAV. JAN 2». t9 ? f. ? t PAO« FOUR i j a I e Suu waa Mayor Brown of Seattle, who apparently h*a bad hl* fill of n«w»pap«r publishing tor thw time be­ ing. Hugo Kelly. • ’ true of weekly newspaper«.—Record l*r««*a. Blleaeburg. ucta plant, and the Carboliueum Wood Preserv­ ing plant. To this prosperous group Springfield is now Pabltahed Bvwrx Thur»i*» at seeking to add others of a similar nature, and Its Springfield. I à o » County itrwgnu. by unusual offer of free sites for industries offers prospects for success In its undertaking. T K l WILLAMCTTt PRESS "We feel that this opportunity should not lie H E MAXEY. Bditor WITH A SALOON ON EACH ENO overlooked by prom oters of Industrial concerns." The longest street In the world, the Pacific « u n d .-taa* n»att«c r « h n i * w 14. IS M a t highway, reaches from the snows of Canada to said PresWent Herbert J. Cox of the Springfield po rteT flo *. a p m ig fle fc l. ik Cham ber of Commerce. "There can lie no doubt the sands of Mexico. as to the desirability of the tract as the site for MAIL SUBSCRIPTiaH RATI industrial development, and the city’s offer Is _T5c One Year In Advance ... ft 78 Three Meath« E d ito r ia l C a m m in i worth while Investigating by any one caring to •tx M o n th * _____________ »!.*• Single Oopr - engage in industrial business " SPRINGFIELD PROMOTES INDUSTRY. Those desiring further information regarding TH l KSIV.Y. JANUARY ÎS. 192« tOrvgon Uiteta«,*».) turegoi ua «, i , ¡Springfield's Springfield's offer should address the "In "Industrial - ... . . . H . R • •• . Maxey . ------i„ is (.hftimmn Seldom is anything giveu away free, still less jnd ^ - rk ■ Colnni, cl Editorial Prqgram often Is the use of land offered for no consldera- . (hp comm|ttee nnd » . p Clarke is see ret ary. tion. But that is exactly w hat is happening at . • • L M a ke S p H n g fle td th e Indnatptal C u o ta» o< W aa- Springfield, Lane county, where the city has ac- The W enatchee Morning Sun. a morning newapaper that t» m Oregon. quired 250 acres of land, ideally situated for in - )haH ha<| a rather «Iran exiaienc* over in Wenatch** for II . D evelop a S e-o «« T r a d ln « P o in t; feMM ■ C ity dustrial development, and offers It free to any * fl,w has been auapendwl an«l will ba auecced*«! • f C o n ten ted H oots*. . persons or corporations who will locate on it ,1V a weekly n<«w»pap«'r under another name The anni| Jlin “ s i.~,si»-.-iai » Th.. THE FUTURE RAIL ROAD MAP. cut-off line, and at the junction of the main line iin(jim.i|)v mll(1 Wl,.lh,.r the r«< i A decision m erce Com- with g f,c N„rlhwM, has permitted >» con M l * hv by the Interstate Com Commerae «U h the Springfield-W ootlourn i . K TjxeuaeU minion on t h e ' application of the Grand Trunk bright prospects for the development oi a a “ « - of murh outdoor work in all railroad to extend to Klamath Falls from Bend ling industrial «enter 6 7 6 D E P A R T M E N T STO K ES is expected early in February. W hether the deci-; “**” c.......u i« » »42 Willmnettc St., Eugene, Oro. sion is favorable to the Grank Trunk applications wil undoubtedly be made road to build line in W estern Oregon, m n m ; t»-. • . SPRING HATS MEN SPRING SUITS some railroad students sav th at being rebuffed in an industrial and park ciimniitt« » , anil tin . J g Vlirttlu no, ihw.«t.>rn »-• E astern Oregon mieht make the HH1 lines all the field Chamber of Commerce offered to ro-oper- h „„,q u arter, h*r For tuen, newest styles- New shipm ent In the la'est that while m ore determined to build extensively in W estern ate in bringing the opportunity to the attention rt.p„r(J styles and patterns $ 2 . 4 9 t° $ 4 .9 « Oregon because the ultim ate object of the North- of prom oters of industrial projects. . th*r* are l« r r number- of unetnplov- ern group is to get into California territory wdtli The tract of land is on one body. adjoining tin , * mHjorlly „,,«»•». hav. $ 1 9 .7 5 «* $ 3 4 .7 5 San Francisco as a term inal. ¡city limits, and lying along the ,,,w, from other diatrieta. «her* YOUNG MEN S Those who have w atqbed the survey and recon- railroad. It is level and well drained. A p ,ri, f,.w,.r an<,mpioyen of nr |umN.r . tlll below nor SILK TIES PAY DAY WORK SOX bring the Oregon Electric south to connect with it some, plant for the W illamette valley is located adjat . It i X in aouthern Oregon |io the industrial district, as is the tennlnal Oth he Jb r „intrF h„ Fancy and plain colors- Brown, grey and black— 2. Appty for common use of Natron outrott from Odell to Oregon-California Power company s elettrtc nign 0ppr#, , o0, 19c 49 98c Springfield, then extend Oregon Electric to Cottage Grove. ( line. Abundant power and light are thus assttr«« j lin in g m the ....... C owur ,v | --------- ------------------ .. . ‘ ¡active Ihne through the Loraine country to Marshfield, and thence , I The situation of the tract in rogartMO tadiri.iail > | Mn. Hawmlll» HMWtn|l In Spokane and i PAY DAY OVERALLS »wn the (facilities is especially desirable. With the opening] nni ,io«ed for th» down the coart coast FANCY DRESS SOX 3. Build from Bend to Bugene down the McK-nxIe valley of the N atron CUt-off Springfield becomes ' w,n„.r p|nn ng and hipping depart Union made rsi cuy »VÖIX-1H vyavp,... ----------- _ )n _ the Inland Empire are nper and thence fo low the route to Cottage Grove. Loraine and a first city m in W estern Oregon on the line lim n et - ] -- meBta 4 9 c i,r i__ m ? n n t through h r o u c h tn<* $1 29 ing f . . Eastern and WAat«»m W estern O Oregon the i0(l.rtiiiitently Th. numb r of Marshfield. Cascade m ountains. Some sidetracks from tin s linprap,„y^q tn ,h* inland Empire la -- «nempioyrd in m e inu»uu • 4. BU’ld from Bend down 'h- Umpqua river to Rosebu-v. I ascaO tf inuuniM iii»- o v m * jfreat ng |||Jlt yelir at th|M thn WINTER UNION SUITS extend the Oregon Electric to Roseburg, thence out to thq line already are laid through the Industrial tract M ENS OXFORDS and other" trackage facilities can be arranged ------------ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS to get into W estern Oregon and Northern Cali­ fornia the Southern Pacific would no doubt have it blocked now. But with several possibilities with almost equal tuerlt the northern line» have them all guessing as to w hat they are going to do. coast et Marhfield and vouth to California Ecru M a rcian e Llcanaea laauad. There is no doubt but the Hill neople are study- cheaply. „„„„»»■* r.n non 000-! rturtng the p»rt weck marrliig«- in c nil the«e situ atio n s a r d each tim® th ev so- d T he fact th at half of L n . ■ ■ out e n s d ie e rirr .'ftriles they worrv the South >rn 000 feet of standing tim ber is adjacent eenac« hav* h**n l««u«l by Ceun'» Clerk H S Br« "on to thè f.dlowlng Pacific aonsiderablv Each of the above ro u te» , ield m akes the development of lumber It lu. » rtUnln would develop immense tonnage and if the In te r-¡a t this point of especial Importance. Saw nUU and e o u p ie *; J» should denv denv «n«in -h e !. ,aning miIL< sasu sash ¡ and ctntA Commerce ro n tm e rc e Commission C om m ission should a n in g nuns, u .u door factories,jm per milK ( bntt. ..f Fugen ppurì Atb,*rt K lam ath Falls extension (which it probablv will ¡and other industries using wood products would w „,ner ;lT(, E Large both o' Riigene» Irvin F McDonald, and G» r ideal ___ _ ____ Ko n o a r n n n d fo r r p fu s m e the rind an location here. Eugen n , , c t i there could be no eround for refusing »he Springfield is surrounded by rich fanning. tnul* Turnbull boih of Ix» Angete • yjjti ngonle permission' to build through these un­ dairying and fruit lands. There are good opfior- Sai lnrd Elton Ln»rt-B*. Eugene, and developed p cri’nns of W estern Oregon and C ali­ t es for the lom tion of a fm it cannery, a Marjorle TmcV. SprlBgftrtd; John fornia. . . . icheese factory, m eat plants and an it e plant ,,n nm Smith. Oroy* «nr«ry. . . , , h_ , a. i..- ■ •"! Bend undl Becau** o f f l1P e»e*ll«Bt railroad faclWtl«* to Clutrle* Huh" rlaml. Btachly. an .vn. ’d rive the Hill neonl ¡Eastern Oregon. W ashington and Idaho urain Ethp, Mi,rh,u Eng« ue ■ i., F«-*» from See.trte to Sa , I n,t milled-in-tranait Springfield, could be shipped ------------------- ;rrt l r - , e and tm: P. rtland iw j u - ’ m . I Jvzxvn - at n — « nrotrnn —■ - , ’1 t route W, u'd e o b »r w-* astern . .........i . ___ ( Oregon, ¡«lttoFIliH California . • « AND *w»r-v oW e co»»no t E am ' to northern [»oints, Southern rALh sEE Hr n» \ » Franci«cc it Rd l be oasi « Ithout . ■ W estern Oreeon. open up some o th»*hea' l . i untotm hM »imber area« " th e s ta te in m color, long sleeves. ankle length Tan and black, a real value $ 4 .9 8 $ 1 .3 9 Secretarial, Stenographic or B ook ­ k eeping Course Eugene Business College It's A Good School A. B. Rolx'ris, PriTildent ‘Jt»2 Willamette St. Phone 6S6 Eugene, Oregon Enroll Today i T h a t Springfield is an Ideal in an u faetu rin u cen ­ ter 1 is ?* SH shown in th" fa< X t . that already lo»ated ther HIGH grnie piano n< ar Sprl gflrld nH’ t:i~ M UV* 11 III ill i«» .».-V -------- ■will he sold to a reliable party *t ’ a iis e one tir c k wm»ld carry both the arP t he large Booth-Kelly Lumber company nii.K „ big »living“ H 7 tm.nthly wl I o - -on T runk and O recor Electric, wh rea3 a ¡»he main plant of the Mountain S tates 1 owe r-tion in Califcroia or Southern Oregon 1 company, the Springfield Mill a n d ‘«rain company i handle, a "tinp. write al once m Tallman Tlano atore. Sal« m. Or* _I11„ the »K,. Cv.ydyi rrfir.1/1 Lumber ( llinbfT COmnanV DlilTlt. tDC necessitate two ,1’ “= mills, Springfield company plant, th w if ■ H J 21 2« o,,.re were onlv one rout« for the Hill pee «le \nderson M anufacturing company s wood prod- gon. Thrift and Common Sense FREE TRACTOR SCHOOL SAFETY i Thrift 1» based on common sense. Thrift Is not stinginess. A stingy man 1» not thrifty: he is merely mean. The need for thrift For o w n e" cf McCo-mick-Deoring or o th er m akes of tractors and also for others interested in Power rarm ing. Given by— i s DRUGSTORE S. O. S. IM?LEM~NT & HARDWARE CO. LEMON COCOA RUTTER 73 West 9th Ave., E «gene, Oregon JANUARY 30, 1926 10:00 A. M. real thrill Is evidenced by facts. A very small perc»*ntage of men reach old age possessed of Independent means. It is true that most wa«»-earners do not m ake enough money in the «ourse of a lif.'tim«* to save enough to be even moderately wealthy a t'o ld age.. Nevertheless hundreds of thousands O f payroll men and worn« n do save enough dur­ ing their productive yenrs to keep the wolf from the door in their old age and have comforts and even luxuries that would not be theirs had they fritted away small anil seem ­ ingly insigniiicaiit sums of money in the earlier years. Free Lunch a t Noon The late Jam es J. Hill, m aster railroad builder, declared that the man who could not or would not save money did not have the seed of suefcefes within him; he was foredoom­ ed to failure and m ight as well drop out of the race. There will be nothing to sell and no sales talks. T ractor Owners and Others Interested in Power Farm ing are Invited to Attend. .. ■ • i # « t W I* W asn’t it only the other day you said "This w eather is bad for the h an d s?” Well, you need’t let th a t worry you. Lemon juice, aa you know, la slightly astringent and splendid for the treatm ent nt roughness; the oocoa b u tte r is, of course, the best of all tissue builders. Combined they m ake the best possible skin treatm ent. This lotion is also an excel­ lent skin bleach. 50 each Flanery’s Drug Store But the m ere saving of money and its accum ulation Is only a m eans to the end, and the building of even a modest fortune requires th at a man should have the judgm ent to discern investm ent opportunities. The ambitious man w ants to Increase his Income; and when he has spare money he should seek the Investments th a t will give hint the best returns. Our message to you is this. T hat as a disinterested party, _serving you only as your Banker—we arc In position to advise you on every business move or Investment you may care to m ake—s ta rt today—Let this be your bank. Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon She