THS HW UNOHITU) NEWS TÜT’ RflDAY, JAN. 24. 192ß. J U U L B .X "■ PAG i .1 ture » him to cause a scene which I k n e« was bound to follow. Curtiss, always fair In hla dealing* with others, sensed the Injustice o< hla criticism of the gawn I was weav­ ing Immediately came across tbg room to where I was sitting. The oth­ ers courteously continued their c o » versation so that we could talk wltto out the embarrassment of feeling that they were hearing. “I c-rtainly beg your pardon, tot- CHEVROLET for sale or tra d » -W ill HIC1II ararle plano near Bprlngfleld AGENTS Wanted |n Springfield terri­ lie,” he aald softly, “sometimes yog take piano, tornlturo or radio. In. will he aold to a reliable purty at tory. Sworn proof ol «75.00 a week, call me old fogey, and I guess may- quire at Loop cigar «tor« J2g a big savings HO riguothly will «1 60 an hour for spare tlma. Intro­ be I am ahouf some things bnt so m » bundle, a snap, write at once to ducing Finest Guaranteed Hosiery; F t lit HALE—By owner, «mall ehleknn how I don't like the Idea of yog Talliunu lla n o store, Salem, Ore- I2fl styles and colors; low prices; runch with good lmprov«m»nta; al- wearing a dress with that sort of «•a J 11-2« auto furnished; no capital or expe­ ao garden land Call A F Hr«w„r. wtraan’s picture on It. Though I rience neceaeary Wllknlt Hosiery Kilt« Apta, Hpr!ngfl«ld. Ur«. realise now that I should have waitot NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL Co., Dept. B-63, Oreenfleld. Ohio. until we got home to discuss such • NOTICE OF FINAL HKTTLEMENT J21-28 F 4-11 ACCOUNT. personal thing. You’ 1 forgive mo I sat where I could watch the fac- fashion. The prlxe was to go to the Nolle« 1» hereby given that Harold Notice la hereby given (hat the un­ though, won’t you dearest?” J W>'ll*. Adwilnlatrator of the Estate dersigned adnilnlslratnr of the «atnt« lul expressions of the two performers. most unusual and striking costume FOR SALE. Curtiss was lrrestlble when ho of Ibdla E Whentflll, deceaaed. ha« of Nancy J Hoyle. deceased. haa filed LATE 1924 Chevrolet touring car Lemoyne, the linger, and Barrington So night after night Jutes Simonin sat pleaded and In a moment I was «raft­ filed hl« final account as such. and her account for ihe final aettlamr nt First class condition throughout J | F'erce the accompanist, playing one- up and planned a gown that would be the Court haa art Friday, the 19.h of the an*» compositions. day of February. 1926 at 10:00 A M . for Lane County In the State of Ore­ “Now. i ’ll m ake terms with you, tf From the opening note he was to­ pressed It. This was the result.” at th e County C o u rt Itoom In the gon. «nil that Saturday the twenty ask for Mr Moor. air," I said In a haughty manner. Court llouae, In Eugene, f a ille County. seventh day of February, 1920. at the tally oblivious of his surroundlng- "Yes. but the portraits,’ inquired I ’ll forgive you and go to the ex p o Oregon, aa the l im e and place to bear Court Itoom of aald court In the Coun-, See our line of viMttng oafds. ILs eyes closed, he lost him self In Harry, • who is the girl. Her face Is sltkm one one condition—that yog object ona to the aauie, and for the ly Court llouae. In Eugene, Oregon at | panaleri or plain, at the Newe ofltoa the melodV of velvety tones his sen ­ quite familiar. f ilia l a e ltle im * tlt o f anld R o ta te ( won’t „bject to the frock any more ten o'clock In the forenoon, haa been i sitive fingers were capable of produc­ HAROLD J WELLS. by aald court fixed aa Die time and I “Hla mistrese Gabrielle Montbleur and In turn III promise not to wi— Adinlnlatrator place for hearing objection» th ereto.! ADMINISTRATRIX’ NOTICE. ing After a brief prelude Lemoyne of the Follies Bergere.” Andre Mol- it again until I'm back In the states WKI.I.S « WELLS ami for flruil « t0 wlth »»«M’hera at- pleasing voice that It had ever been j annoyance and disapproval. ten o'clock In the forenoon, of Sat­ defendant urday, the 11th day of February. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE (ach-d, at my residence 423 O 8treet. my aood fortuDe to ||Bten to sh e “She wore your gown In the fete,' For the pnrpose of arranging fog 1924,, at the Court room thereof, bare 2 r 2 , " 5 S i , S 3 - * . « - « ’ - « " • > , . « » » . . « . „ a « . good entertainment programs at been by the said County Court fixed and appointed aa the time and place pfalnt filed against you In the above thia nolle« which Is January 28. 112« splendid sense of Interpretation, but ! Judges were unanimous In tbelr de- Chamber of Commerce monthly meet* aang like a great actrese, with pecu- j clslon. The gown was photographed Ings. Harry M. Stewart and D. W. Mo- MARY I. ABRAMS. entitled court and cause, on or be­ for hearing objections to aald Administratrix. liar warmth and vigor. Barry, too. in all the papers and flashed around Ktnnon, constituting a chamber co t» port and for the final net I «went of fore the expiration of the time pre­ scribed In the Order of Publicstlon, J 28 F 4-11-18-26 keenly the song of his own creat- the world. It's a wonder yon didn’t m ittee, will institute a Springfield “B » the »state of aald deceaaed to-wlt: On or before the expiration MELINDA E HEMENWAY, ' ing and there were tim es when hla see It In the states,” she ended. ‘’Any­ reau for Entertainers,' It la announced of six weeks from the dale of the first Executrix. NOTH’R TO CREDITORS : face reflected the Intensity of hla way she's the toast of Paris.’ this week. publication hereof, and If you fall to j A. E WHEELER, ______ ____ _ thereof, . plaintiff Notice is hereby given that the un- . emotlon anvwar ____ for want The plan is to list all local en tä » Attorney. Barry, too, must have sensed fhe In­ apply to the court for the r e lie f. deralgned has been appointed Admin-, , » Po n d v e r s e of the song con- J 14-2128 F 4-11 will ward disturbance In Curtiss for he tainers as well as a few outsider« I» prayed for in the Complaint, to-wlt: («Matrix of the eatate of E A. Tay- 711« ,ecOnd Terae of tBe “ >nI ■"NOTICE T i» ' FINAL TlEAftTiWr tactfully changed t2ie subject, tor be drawn upon for appearance« at thg For a decree of the court d isso lv in g , deceased, by the County Court, of tinned. Notice la h e r e b y glren that the un the marriage contract now existing L«ne County, Oregon. All persona bav-| --Jugt B llnIe> *tttle house chamber meetings. A small fee will t o which I was most thankful. deralgned, M D lllaaell. Admlnlatra charged for listing, creating a fna< between ber and defendant and for J Ing c alm s against said1^ « d a te arft i w ill it come true, Everyone was having cocktails ex tor. baa Jl<«ld hit final report and ac- c o u n t In t h e -sta te'o f Lmh K Rlaseli **** fight to resume her former name, hereby notified to present the same,: Let m e take you to my heart cept Barry, even Lemoyne had Indul­ for the bureau's own use. count In th estate of Ix-ah E. Bissell Em||y Bn<) for BUCj, other'duly verified, to the Administratrix Other organisations putting on e » And share ft with yon.” ged herself in several small ones, say­ deceaaed. and the County Itourt of Bn(1 further relief .a to the court may at the office of Wells * Wells. Bank Lane County Oregon, has set Satur- gppni Jug, B11(J ,,roper of Commerce Bldg . In Eugene. Lane _______ _ ended. There was a mo- ing that she didn't have to sing that tertalnments can take advantage o f The song the bureau, It Is stated, wih the s t ip » day. w January 30th. 192« at . 10 o clock This summons is published .. pursu- County. Oregon, within six months nwn( , , ■ guence vibrant with feeling. evening. A M at the (ou n ty Court room lx B0( Bn (>r,|,.r of , ht. Honorable O from the date of the first publication: . Ra_ , n _ latlon that they agree to drawing 'We'd better be shoving off,” sug- Court House. Eugene, Oregon, for fin F Kklpworth. Circuit Judge made and of this notice. Date of first publlca- Thls. Jben was the aong that Barr ng ton Pierce had said expressed his ge sted Curtiss, glancing at his watch, among those on their program of • BI hearing thereon and all objectlona , „lered January 20, 192«. and the first tlon January 14. 192« to said report and account should be publication hereof Is made the 21st LOU RENE TAYLOR, sentim ents exactly Was It Lemoyne jt>B getting rather late for a tea par- prize number good for a certain r » made, filed or presented on or before ,,By ()f j BnuBry, 1926. and the last mlttänce from their organization. Administratrix. ha* wanked to share hla "little house" ~ or at aald time and place. publication thereof Is on the 4th daV WELL8 A WELLS. Attorneys The committee are anxious that a'l J 14-21 28 F 4-11 or wa! hl* Imaginary mate some love-1 -T ell you what let's do,’ prompted Dated and flrat published December ()f March. 192« local entertainers list their namM _____ 1 ’y creature of his own moods and Lemonye, ‘‘I feel Jus[ ez?tcly like I” 5 . . . BROWNELL * BROOKE. with the bureau. Both men have t e l» M. D. BISSELL, Administrator. Attorneys for Plaintiff fancies? a million dollars. Lets all go to the WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney. Residence: Eugene. Ore Estate of Abraham Miller. Deceaaed. phones in their homes. Ellie Mltahell hart said that he exposition." NOTICE TO CREDITORS Eug> ne, Oregon I j 21 jg p «11,18,25 M.4, given that Aman ' VASBY BROS. lief prayed within the complaint, to- ,n the designer. wit: That »he title to that 310 acres, ‘ Was it at the Fashion Fete at the Painting & Decorating By Subscribing to the Springfield News and Portland more or less, of and described within exposltion?" I Inquired, Telegram: In all Its branches one certain deed dated September 22., -Y es, yes of course, the prize gown” 1920, executed to plaintiff, and record PXriBimP(, - but how on earth did 312 Main Street i ed on page 430 In volume ISO of the Lane County, Oregon, Deed Records you—. be quieted In plaintiff as against all ..(jet Jules Simonin to let me have of you; that the mortgage dated S ep finished his question, "well. It tember 22, 1920. execute,! by plaintiff 11 1 . b DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL and his wife, and recorded: on page wasn t easy. He said I co 191 of volume 49 of the Lane Cowtty, same gown copied with baskets of DENTIST Oregon, Mortagage Records, and the ftowers instead of the portrait« but Phone 43 I lease dated September 22, 1920, e x e I wouldn't hear to It. You see, I had I ruled by plaintiff and ih-is wife, and F irst N a t’l Bank Bldg., 8prlngfleld i recorded on page 344 in book 146 ol seen all of his models and ain’t want 1 the Lane County, Oregon, Deed Reo- any. I told him that they were not j ortls both be cancelled, and that al) au different from the frocks a t | The Telegram covers the State of Oregon with a corp of interest of any of the defendants It (gpyprfl, Rbopi, |n Fifth Avenue and | correspondents in Every City and the World Through the — ------------------------------------------- ---- | said 310 acres of land or any pert , {prrpd gomethlng entirely, Associated Press. ' thereof be cancelled, and that each ot . tbollgbt WM. G. HUGHES you be forever enjoined from nwklng original. It was then that he thougnt F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E I any clnlm In or to said land or any pan it over hi his private *,udy B"f , The Springfield News covers Springfield and Lane County N O T A R Y P U B L IC in a thorough and reliable manner. thereof ns against the plaintiff. Hon while he was absent I heard the storv , , Office at C. P. Barnard, County Judge of Lant of the gown from Madame Renee, one FIRST NATIONAL BANK -C o u n ty , Oregon, mado and dated nr tbp nionneklns whb apeaka Eng- THE COMBINATION GIVES YOU ALL THE NEWS AT A Springfield, O reg o n , order. January 6. 1926, directing that „ "11 this summons bo pub lifted once each 1 * PRICE LESS THAN YOU CAN GET IT ELSEWHERE *Ik>w v < y lntorrtstlng—pdease go week In Ihe Springfield N ews a on." encouraged Maa. DeWIght who P-rlod of six st*c»ftss4ve wtwks, afld FRANK A. DEPUE that you appear and anewer the gal« was listening Intently as Indeed, were ATTORNEY AT LAW eompialnt within 6 weeks ffom the all the other«. date of the first publication rtf this "W>ll, it seetpa that all the ce’e- NOTARY PUBLIC summons. H. E. SLATTERY. Attordfey ftp bratei <>r*ssmakqrs to d designers In Button Bprlfiflfletd Plaintiff, and my ^oatofflcft address Paris wore „We?M the c -e o ’ tun'tv •* Buidllng Oraflost. Is Bugiai«, Oregon. (Usplaylng an« «»own at this fete of J 7-14-31 28 F 4-11.11 SUTTON TRANSFER % Phone 57 SAVE $2.25 During the Month of February Springfield News, 1 Year $1.75 Portland Telegram, 1 Year 5.00 Total - - 6.75 BOTH for $4.50 il [ Offer Good Only During the ” Month of February