Tl '1'USDA Y, JAN 2«, l&ftl. PAGR TWO Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANK COUNTY UNIT NEW FACTS IN CANNING USED IN SHORT COURSE Canning fruits and vegetables so t t e v will “stay put " w tl ba »tud'ed anJ practiced by a half hundred Pa- gtfic northw ro, cannery.,,on In the O. A C IN horticultural products laborator- £ b Jary 1 to h Many of t h e ,. • Local Reportero • Canary ___ .___ ___ J . U Northup • Cent rol ...._. Hay Bo »rar rtovanlal* . Mrs. L. J Q-tehell * <<*"» FPrt Mrs (too. Kebalbeck * C row ell ~ Mro• M. A. Horn * / * « » — ..... ’ Heceta ro » *r ‘ lU dlayrtllel ___ Mrs. M. OHlespU n O. H • e e e e e e e • OFFICERS OF LANg COUNTY • FARMER'S UNION —— Ralph Laird, Creswell, President Will w neeler. Trent, Vlce-Pretl- • dent, Betty Kappauf, Cottage drove, te c .T r .a a N. A. Horn, Cottage Qrova, Door Keeper H. C. Jackson, Waltervlllo, Con- ductor. O. L. C lem .nl, Chaplain. :|C. “ W. Allen of Vida • Heads County Union : • • • ‘ I knowing him to be Well qualified hr A. R. Shumway Is Endorsed ,o r „ a y , and eip .rlen ce and a »nan U. S. S enator at Meeting who not only wll servo the best in J r o p e r ........ Mro . Held Here: Fight Against leresls of ih* fanner, but the best In « " C * Canadian Thistle Is to Be leresls of the mat« of Oregon." McKentie Harry C J a ck a o u Following a talk by John Wadtll, cf Waged More Vigorously Mt. Vernon Mrs. V. A Reynolds • | the I.lnn county union, in which the Cn^ .... ... pu|ah 8mtth . • • • • * * • * • * • * • * men are highly skilled coaKtiercla) • a c k fo r the second or th ird * year to pick up the latest in earning * • Iron, the college invrotigallon* I Economy of procerolag as * * » * } . Tn>m ........ £ B Tlnk,.r With a representative gathering of need of a strict enferovneu, of th- qaulity of out put Is sought in this . .............. ~ . ta m e r s from a I parts of the •■«-<» ‘ r.w.,lutlon to the work and put at the disposal of t h e , Ion met In annual session In Spring * w »Jf *"kin* ’•*"* p racjiciix cannsra. The amount of Vida basketball team wop over the '« «-• *'»h ‘he I.lnn heat essential to serll tation. su itab le. he arrived safely >t M'ssoula, f eld Friday, endorse,« A R Shumway c ’ur' f”r “ >•' l » » n «» " W - Thurston team law' Friday evening •quipmenL the right degree of sweet Montana where he will be stationed of Milton for United States senator, | N eil Friday «v <•»• , ,nK pr,,aM,.n t. prw. M«d at the session ; drv g»ws by the courts He dlseueeed Cannery, and Milo R- Daughters, an rlety use w | o we u . • t,,e annual conf •menee Friday Mr the matter of government protection <»n his brother Charlie Monday A W W'-aver took a l-iad of pot* O. A C. scientist now chief chanto: cond'tlons .»» Lafrd has served for three years as In . vernment oosts. sml said leglaln- Of the Sprague-Sells corporation of "Bln.bcrrtoa are n^ . <1 i ' I executlre head of the Farm. « ' union. five bodice are w-wklng on the proK toes lo town Tuesday. a crate here." says W S Brown, pro-, (h>nkt {or len». Mr Helnle, who has moved to the JUnois. ¡ feasor of horticulture "This, however. ¡ " a a .m w .» . mam Retiring President Iwlrd. thanked Morgan place north of Rprtngflold is no Indication of the commercial “»• ' . . UPPER WILLAMETTE i . - . ,u , ber of the state e i -cutlve board Jt the courly officer* and * • varl sjs ,p,wit Tuesday in Thnralon. ______ 'valu e of the crop, because of the ¡ °*r * ' Mr Gene» and Mr We«'ka have ocals for thotr support ' during bis . . . tvs , n the union. Installed the new officers. Mr. acd Mrs. J A. Phelps enter- limited supply now available. When 1 _ . . years as exscutlYU of the un'on lie rented the Ring ranch Shumway Endorsed. this The .Thurwton Tadle«’ nld motored gained at dinner Sunday noon Rev. reasonable production comes The endorsement of Mr Shumway declined nomination for ’he presiden to Kttgaoe n»r n *»•» *». - laat - Thursday -w—-— w and ®p*nt and rMs. W. A. Elkins of Eugene and price wl 1 not ru le' a IUUIU4 fourth t«rm for senator followed a talk given h* cy for It was decld-d to hold the n -x, quar (he day with Mrs Jennie E lm i-,on Mr and Mrs M E. Hays o f Pleasant scattered | There are only a few scatterea Mllto> roan | D which he discus- Mrs Flora Price «nd Mrs Lnus plantings of blueberries throughout ; Tar)ous phages of the problems of terly meeting at Creswell Standing B fL {though stlecd ed Sousa's band In Eu Mrs J. A. Titsworth of M dva e the state. --e- ------ - of -- — - one- . farmers, One planting about farnlv„ . and an() tneir ,helr reiniiun» relations woo with com m ittees for the year will be a __ . V _ . « . — r 'l o f a r v n llT lt Y ta ' _ . * * ._ Idaho, arrived at Pleasant HUI Sun {o„rlh 8n acre I In Clatsop m cqunty Is > government. _ The resolution of en ed in a few days by President All-m gene last Thursday Mr and Mrs Felix Spark» r--,urnsd day. January 24. to spend seT• ral now larg,, enough to be producing !(Jorst t t e l i u » I. to t lb" « U f i h en s from Idaho Sunday. January 24 port on blueberry culture in th is „ 7 ............ Mr. and Mrs. Langhary and dangh- 8tBte. held in the Farmers' union hall at McKenxl-- vaf ey and that all Interest ter. Muriel, spent the week-end at ( --------- 1 Wa,terTtI)<. on Friday. February 5 un- ed parties, regardles of whether or the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph P. | pnJnin g hherry and walnut trees. der ansp|Ce» of the McKensle lo- noth they belong to the ^»^m*,',, U trd «t Endenale. I Oregon farmers practice th'nnlng j-ca, of thB Farmers' union. That organ! Ion. are invited and urged to attend. Mrs. T. F. Kabler and d au gh ter.!QOt ss these tree, are thick and eatlon has appointed a special Ina,'- - - __ ~ >Jarv Catherine, were up from Elk* » Millican, .ros« and w M J t — , ------ establishm -------- t trial committee by Eira Peltier, of father. Mr Kabler and two sons. Don wet down through the trees. . i — j ner w !| be served at noon. Eugene. laM Monday.. Peltier expects gld and Douglas, who have been ill Large Limb Profltsble. The program *>r the Institute is »• I to t ook for a site for a brick raaou- With the flu are able to be out again. foilows- factoring plant in this dlslrlet Im E. B. Tinker assisted by Roy John A large percentage of lambs reduc 10:30 “Boys' and Girls' Cluh Work “ mediately. It was stated here by those gs electrician has installed a 1500 as the Oregon cost of production « .S O Arnold D. Collier, county club agent who talked with him. Watt Kohlher electric light and pow- 11:30 “Poultry Production Prob- i gr plant, lighting the house, barn, more than any one other factor, say’ I yard, farm buildings and chicken ¡th e experiment station. Importanf; ,pm a-- ways to increase the percentage ar- Cosby, extension poultry spe- ecop«. to keep the ^ e flock heal,by and q Q Mrs 1. F. Circle celebrated her 76th at lam h in r tim e to g ire th new rop 12.00 flask et d 'n n er. b'rthday cm Friday, January 22. A - close attention. A little attention of­ 1:30 “Feeding Dairy Cattle." fhough not a pioneer of Oregon. Mrs. ten saves the lamb if " arrives weak N. C. Jamison, ex,eneon dairy spe­ Circle has pioneered all her life and Is enjoying the best nt health at the or with Its nose covered with mucous cialist. O A. C. preventing its proper breathing ' 2:30 "Foods.” pr< -ent. r cent lamb crop for every flock , M iss Lucy Case, extension nutrition As the Trent local of Farmers' un­ 10 pf t wean'ng time Is the aim of sue-i ion has cea-ed to meet regularly. Mr. specialist, O. A C. t » growers. 3:15 "County Agent Work.” O. S Fl«tcher, county airicultu’aV th ’ Creswell local. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward of Pleas-1 Many of the poor results 'rom |h e agent. The committee In charge ste’e« gnt Hill hare treed their ranch for ( application of fertllli“rs come from property In Kansas. late spring application when the ports the experiment station, The From las, reports Thomas Hand , moisture for the proper solution of average planting rate for the sta*< Is gak -r. brother of Mrs W L. Bristow. | the D rtniier is lacking, says f l i e ^ e - ’ e)ifhf ((j w h . „• an acre With I Is mtrovlng in the Pasadena been and- eanl-l rgo-1 * °n ***t,ha, , 4 Mr and Mrs. Andy Olson of Pea« , mPthM of startl-g "nr| * ' * ant Hill have traded the r ranch for clover ____ on __ W illamette T!1nev f valley lands bushel* an acre. c f Enterprise hav- ordered acetalene j having good dralnag-. Late fall or early spring Irrigation lighting and heating plants for their with flo o l water Is successful In or­ yanebes. Too m any Oregon g ro w er, are stin ­ der to use the soli as a roser-’Olr Word ha® be**n received from Floyd when other storage does not provide gy with the u»e of seed (iota, es, re- John, who recently Joined the army, " 1 i ■ ' n full wet' r right. «nA's the Oregon iexperiment station. "Off season ,r- H V znar 'rlg-t'on Is oracflced with nnv water Every Parm er and T ractor operator Z u W attend th b free demon«tra- - v li l l a when the soil Is no, fr ' , , p”*. Surface drainage tlon on th ^ operation ami care of the Eordaon Tra* tor. Thin valuable In­ r,r c ... . a -h -o ’-srh tu rn o uts or* vent struction Is free and every question will be answered. 1 .Aw , * »pr fr * rin g on the ■ th e r or- : *'nnic or inot-ganlc I Th*- organlc materiato are produets I nf ,he packlng houso -tnnksg» flsb- mesi, bone, meal, blood meal and ,hcep maniire. Tbey vary greatly In campo- sliton, wbtch shonld ho known to thè | buyer. The Inorganlc ingredlcnts are , alno prescnt In varvlng -leirreds tha, determino thè reai vaine of thè fer­ tili zer. 8:00 A. M. to tf:00 A. M ,-/'.e n e ra l prep­ aration—arranging tools, seats, etc. 9:00 A. M. to 10:30 A. M. Disassembling of tractor. 10-30 to Noon Talk on construction, cov­ eringEordHon principles and why they are used bringing out such points as accessi­ bility servicing, care, operation, and will cotbt : I. J. 8. 4. 5. Wheel construction. Fram e aonst-nirtlon. Differential construction. Transm ission constm ctlpn. Clutch construction. 1 1:00 P. M. to 3 30 P. M. Continue talk on— 1. R adiator cooling system, principles in­ volved and why. 2. Air w asher all features. 3. Carburetor ami manifold. 4. Ignition system and magneto. 5. Helt pulley-. 6. Motor construction. 7. Lubrl«tio«. Quest Ions pertaining to sand, Ing and ears of shove 12 Items will bo anawsred. 3:30 to 5:00 I’. M -Assembling of tractor.