I f yo u do not w a n t to < p a y an incom e ta x in 1 9 2 6 D o n 't A d v o r tiia THE SPRINGFIELD nr- »VS SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON, T W K N T Y -T lllltn YEAR L iv e N E W B P A P IR IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 4 : 1UR8DAY. JAN. 28, 192«. U” J I CITI BONDS SOLD 10 PORTLAND BU K "The Peopi»’» Papar" Helen in ParL . \fociety\ Flvn Hundred Club Mnntn. L HEAR BRIDGE PLAN Banker Traps Bad| Local Check Artist * at Los Angeles Springfield and Eugene to Send Mr» Grace Robert« entertained th« Council Receive* Bids for $13.- Flvn Hundred club at her home la»t 481 in Improvement Bonds F rid a y n igh t. nnd Awards Issue to Lumber­ Following an evening of e^irds, daln man Trust Co..; War On Dogs ly refreshment» were nerved by the hostess, assisted by Mr« Herbert to Start in City. Within two hours after a warning Representatives to Session of from W. O. Hughes of the First Na­ State Highway Body Febru­ tional bank of Springfield had been ary 25; Situation Discussed received b^ the »ecrHary of the Lo» At Meet of Springfield Cham­ Angeles odge. Ixiyal Order of Moose. Lon Wakefield, who "bought” a ranch ____ 4 ber. Moor«. Mr» Monte (Say and Mr» lle l In Springfield with a worthies« check The >13.4*1 In city « ‘dew slk and en Bicknell. The next four weeks will »ee a and b ft for California leaving a trail Htreet Improvement bond* were order- Those present were- Mr and Mra concentration of the efforts of Spring- of fletltous pape^ behind him. walk­ ■•■I atild to th e l.u n ilx r'iutn T ruat com A. J Perkins, Mr and Mr». J A. field and Eugene Interest* to bring ed Into the Los Angeles man's office. nay of Portland for $1007.30 for each Hesvey, Mr. and Mr» M M Peery. Wakefield was Immediately arrested ; about the early construction of the llooo at tlt< me» ting of th» coodcll Mr and Mr». W It Dawson. Mr and proposed new highway bridge across and a complaint charging him with M.io lny evening The only other hid Mr» W. 11. Adrian. Mr. and Mra I D the WH amette river at Springfield. passing fictitious checks was filed, j dor bill par op the Issue. The bond» L n rlw r. Mr and Mr«. Frunk DePue. Attendance of representatives of the With word of W akefeld's arrest. It bear Internet nt th« rate of nix per Mr». Maude Ilryan, Welby H tevn» communities at a session of the state b came known that he had cashed , Fn«l rilngan. Elxa Sutton, Mr and cent. highway commission February 25 will checks on the First National bank of Hue to the fart that It wan a sm all Mra Donald Roberta Special g't««t» mark a final effort to urge the state Springfield throughout his Journey Issue and the bond» may be redeemed were Mr and Mra. Arthur Roberta. to appropriate Its share of the cost south, despite the fact that bank offi­ In two yearn the b lit acc< pled wan re­ Mr and Mrs. Monte Hay. Mr and Mf« of the span. cials declare he had no account here. garded an a fair offer The bond a cov­ Herbert Moore. Mrs.• Crystal Brown. The checks, according to Mr. Hughes, Members of the Springfield Cham­ er all the Improvement» mad« thl» Ear| Robert», and Mr» Helen Blckne'l were usual y made out for $30 or less, ber of Commerce, meeting last Friday summer under which property owner» and were pasaed In various points evening, discussed the bridge situ»- Photo shows Farnam Parker, took th« Bancroft act. Mr». Mortensen Ent»rt«ln». ranging from Grants Pass, Oregon, to j < tlon thoroughly, and decidedly detln* thtrtoeo year old pilot of planes Dog Catcher to Work. The Progressive Twenty-Two», de­ Modesto, California. ami the- youngest qualified flier in ! itely to send representatives to the A dog catcher wan order employed gree team of the local Rebekah lodge, Atfter noting that Wakefield had ' the world, addressing his radio au­ ' commission meeting and make effort* afler February I to pick up alf dog» were delightfully entertained at th« Mias Helen WBU, America’» ten­ been visiting Moose lodge secretaries i dience thru the mdcropbaoa. D ual I in other directions to bring attention not wearlug a collar and llcenae tag. home of Mra ft P Mortensen Friday ni» queen, Is now In Europe to you envy him, boy»? to the need of a new bridge. Arrange­ at various points for the purpose of i study art but friend« nay she «rill Coundlni« n entlmated that there evening (Samoa, radio music., nnd de ments for the appearance of represen­ battle M il*. Lenglen for the world’» getting checks cashed. Mr. Hughes were over 100 dog» In th c'ty that llcloua refreshment* combined io net i-rvwn before returning to har tatives at the Salem session already sent a letter to the Los Angeles lodge should he licensed Only one ltcen»< make the evening an enjoyable one. SPRINGFIELD BOWLERS native shore*. are being made by committees ap- secretary warning him. Wakefield, a j had been takn out at th« time of Present were Mr» Fred Louk. Mra BEAT EUGENE OUTFIT pointed by President Herbert J C'ox short time later, walked Into the man’s ; the council meeting Dog* will h« Mildred Anthony. Mr». 'G rsce Lendn- lo t the chamber. si'"' office, only to meet the hands of the ; caUKht. Impounded and d« atroyed nr hury, Mr» Blanche Daniela. Mr» NEW TACS FOR FIDO; law instead of the customary check I RolUr« 2«25 P1 “ »’ tbe hi«he8t 9COre A Joint meeting will be held at all cording to the ordinance. Notice ha» fo r a Hensley, Mr». Helen Donaldson. lever made in a match m eet by the DOC CATCHER NEEDED endorsement or cash. early date by bridge comm ittees of been published o f the go‘ng Into effect Mr« C. I*utnnm. Mrs. Ada Bench. j Springfield bowling team, the local the Eugene and Springfield Chamberf of the dog ordinance and eonnellmen Mr» Sam Richmond. Mra. J««»e Lor- Word from the secretary of the | aggregation defeated the Eugene Fifty bright new tags for Spring- »aid no leniency ithould be «hown ah. Mrs Carl (leranl. Mrs Csl field's canlto populat on arrived at lodge, and from authorities of the ; city team by 418 pins on the Spring- of Commerce to make further plans Doo» nm Nuinanos. Damp». Mrs. Mice Doane. Mrs. Leda the city recorder's office lust Friday, southern city informing him of the field alley Tuesday n igh t A retu rn for the agitation of the matter. As it is planned that the county will pay M an y p e o p le are c o m p la in in g about Freeland and Mrs Mortensen. arrest, has been received by Mr meet will be staged at Eugene some und art being distiibuted this week ha-f the cost of the span, the issue dog» bothering their promt»«» Tnea- Hughes The local bank official. In as dog-own rs call at the office for i night next week. Is to be placed on the ballot at the dav evening J O ¡»mlihh living at warning the lodge secretary, mailed V is it I" Woodburn. their 19211 licenses. Scores follow: 9th and F street, report« that some May primaries. hhn a clipping from the SpringCeld Mr and Mrs. Charles Doty drove to Lasf year, the city bought 50 tags z** * dog k l|e d and partly devoured a pure- Portland last week and returned vlwlt- New«, which recenl y gave an ex- i Springfield:'Stevens. 179. 167, 169; It was pointed out at the chamber but only 20 were Issued, In «ptte of bred Rhode l»land lied h« n of hl», Ing Mrs Doty's mother and two cous­ elusive account of Wakefield's deal- L. Lepley, 145. 193, 164; H enderson,; gathering Fr’day night that the need the fuel that authorities declare the lie also «ay« dog» hav« b«en taking in» In Woodburn enroute. They report Ings here. 1G9. 24i, 188; Endicott. 1*9, 165, 137; oj a new t,r| dge grows more urgent canines of the city to number near the egg» from hl» ch'cken coop» He .«I u good trip both ways Wakefield came to Springfield late w -Lepley, 158, 181, 184. Total, 2625. daily. The structure now In use Is 100 A license fee of $2 Is being warn» dog owner» that he expect« Mr. and Mrs. Van Brugga and Mrs charged this year, and an effort Is In December. Stat'ng that he was! Eugene: Knight, 148, 135, 136; A sh -■ the longest single span bridge w est to destroy any dog found molesting Charles Doty motored up th« McKen- to be made to make the tagging more from Danville. Illinois, he sought worthh 152, 146, 142; Shipman. 109. of the Mississippi river, and Is too bin chicken« In future through a local real estate dealer to 148, 133; Simpson 118, 102 165, Hen- light for the heavy traffic which tie as far as Firm rock Sunday, and general. travels It continually. The growth of enjoyed a picnic lunch out doors Th« '•What we need Is a dog-catcher t o , purchase the, A. M McPherson farm . »1er, 102, 195, 227. Total, 2207. SPRINGFIELD TO PLAY Springfield, and the Increasing pop­ weather there » a s wonderful and as work for about two days and clean ; of 173 aeree He gave a check for Local League Formed. U. HIGH HERE FEB. 3 warm a« It usually la much later In the town of unlicensed curs.” said j $500 to bind the deal, and left for the ; Four local bowling teams have been ularity of the McKenxle river bigt- the season Recorder R W Sro'th. “There are] south. The check, when sent to the formed, and wl) participate In m atch-! way as a scenic route and Its grow« llearten -d by the'r strong sh ow in g, too many.dogs running loose, unclalm Illinois bank on which it was writ- es soon. They are the Darner M otor1 ing Importance as a traffic thorough- Musical Program Given. against the W illamette university i ten, wns returned unhonored. company team, town team. American j fate. are factors which make atten- ed and unwanted.'' quintet last Friday evening, the ' A special music program was giv­ The licenses arc now good for thej Wakefleld also wrote a check on ! Legion team, and business men's tlon to the bridge problem more im­ perative. Springfield high school basketball en at the Christian church I nV Sun­ year from January 1 do January 1. tbe First Nations bank of Springfield team. J. W. Shumway of Milton, Oregon, team 1» preparing for a hard game day evening Numbers were given by 1927. The legion squad will meet for try­ to a Eugene dental firm for $50. candidate for nomination on the re­ with the t'nlverslty high team here n violin sextette composed of stun- The first of the new tags was Is-! outs Monday night. Those w ho-w ill February 3 The Eugene team b e a t1 ents of Buford Roach, of Eugene: Wnl-I sued to Mr Sarah Howell, and her NEW PRESS IS BOUGHT BY try are Larson. J. Meats. Henderson. publican ticket as Vnlted States sea« the locals by two point» In nn over­ ter Lee. on the ruttsr; Christian; dog will wear lag No. 1 for this year. O. M. Olson. Scott, Swarts, Wills ator. spoke to the chamber members SPRINGFIELD PRINT SHOP at Fr'day’s meeting. Mr. Shumway time period In pie first argument be . church quartette; a trio, consisting of and W. Vasby. was endorsed by the I^ n e County Mrs Moshler, Mrs Murphy, and Ml’ » tween th two aggregation«. NEW OPERATOR FOR In order to handle with rapid serv , Farmers' union here Friday. Superior floor play by Springfield, Hatile Mitchell, nn I so os by Miss Mil- , S. P. OFFICE HERE lee an Increased business In Spring- FARM HOME COMMITTEE nnd n sturdy defense by Willamette, (hell Announcement of the success of field and Eugene, the Willamette 1 G eo rg e S ig n o r of E u g e n e w l I •««< fu r- 1 i .' • • I ' ■ TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT the chamber membership drive was An additional telegrapher h«e b««n Pre; has purchased a new Chandler onlooker« nt th« caene Friday, which I next S u n d a y e v e n in g - ....... made. There are now 85 members. added to the fore, at the Southern and JTIce Job press, equipped wltb The Springfield committee for the 5jemt>^rs names not listed in Th4 ended 11 Io 10 for the university P sc'flc depot here as th« resu.t of th iMIlcr automatic feeder The new [ county building at the Wom«n’» \ ’ews last week are C. W. Doty. P. W a r Vets Go South. yearlings Neither learn show e! up j LocS no n belonging to the United Increased work brought on by prepa­ press will be installed In the local ch riatan Temperance Union Farm o Woods, W. C. Me Lagan. Dallas good nt basket «hooting. Spanish War Veterans are planning rations for the operutlon of main line plant this week. home of which Mrs. W. F Walker is Murphy> r Vasby. W. O. Vasby. ifi. trains over the road through here, t o ' By use of the automatic feeder, chairman, w l 1 hold its first meeting c Stuart, Carl O son. E. L. King. J. to attend a dinner of George Slarm HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ,r post. N o 1». to be held nt the start with thr opening of the Natron oen of the most medtrn devices for at the Springfield library Friday eve- H >iuiehay and J. M Scott. The WILL GIVE PLAY SOON H o tel R o se. R o seb u rg . S n tu rd a y e v e ­ cutoff about July 1. speeding up printing production, one ning at 7:30 o’clock, it was announced ,agt four are Southern Pacific offl- Several work trains are now being c ta ls "All-of a sudden Peggy" I» the name n in g A tu r k e y dinner will be enjoyed. operated over ’he line, and other dot-1 man will be able to operate the tw o ' today. Job presses In the plant. The new H B Hamlin. S Richmond. M B Below Is a list of the Springfield Fortv-ftve were present at the of the play to he presented by stud­ Hartly and C F Egxtmann are locaU les make It Impoarlhle for Agent Carl I press w$l work at the rate of 2400 , orgar.lxations and representatives meeting, ents of the Springfield high school Olson to handle telegraph work The; impressions an hour. The Miller unit who have been asked to bo p resen t. ■ on an evening dur'ng the Inst week , veterans of th e S p a n ish w ar. telegraph wire will be open al 4 A. doubles production over hand feeding, In February. It Is likely the play will . at the session: NEW FRESHMAN CLASS AT M. until the situation Is back to nor and handles all grades of paper. C iv ic C lub to M »»t. be held on Friday evening. If changes I Lions club H. K Maxey; Masonic. SCHOOL PLANNED mal. The W illamette Press recently pur­ The next meeting of the Civic club In the basketball schedule can be nr John F. K etels; Eastern Star, Mrs. Aq |rcreage ,n enrollment „ e„ chased a iMller saw trimmer, and will lie held Tuesday. February 9, In j Paul Basford; Rebekahs, Mrs. R. E, when SprlngfieId h|gh ranged. considerable new type, keeping up Its, American Legion, C. A. I P* !te4 when LEGION LAUNCHES PLAN The cast of the piny has been the new quarters above the Commer­ : Moshler; American Legion. C A. gecond 8emegter start9 Mo;> FOR PROMOTING SPORTS standards of service and quality. chosen, nnd Is working under the di­ cial CUte hunk b u ild in g. Swarts; American Legion auxiliary. lay morning v . D. Bain A paper bag lunch Is planned, all rection of Miss Francis Hodge. The ; Mrs. M B. Huntly; Methodist Aid. said today. In anticipation of the in­ A bowling team already has been ELITE APARTMENTS ARE bringing what they wish to eat. Club characters fo llo w : Mrs. R. E. Davidson; Baptist Aid. crease. a freshman o a s s ii to bt organized and a basketball team IS officials announced this week that Blom; Christian Aid, Mrs Ja«. Peggy. Nnoml Carlton. LEASED BY A. T. BREWER Mrs started, composed of those who grad­ being formed ay a result of a decision dues nre now payntt e. Mllllcent, Elisabeth Hughes Davis; Civic club, Mrs. Walter Scott; uate from the eighth grade tn the of the local post of the American Le­ The Elite apartments, at Third I. O. O. F„ W. F. Walker; W. O. W. loidy Crackenthorpe, Lucille Stew­ Springfield Junior high school, an ! gion to promote a sports program with Church Supper Held. and Main streets, have been leased Sam Richmond; M. W. A., Geo. Ditto; art. also for beginning high school who In the organization. The Ixiyal Womens class entertain­ Mrs. O'Mnra. De EMa Duryea. hv A T Brewer of Camp Creek, who Neighbors Woodcraft, Mrs. Nina Mc­ will come in from surrounding dis­ President Percy Tyson has appoint-1 ed the Loyal Men's class at the Chris Mrs. Colqiihonn. Dorene Larimer. has taken possession nnd Is now mak­ Pherson; Royal Neighbors, Mrs. W tricts. ed as a sports committee: J ess Meats, tlon churrh last Friday evening with ing numerous Improvements of the rt. S tea m er; Chamber of Commerce, Jimmy. Albert Harper. Examinations covering the work of a chicken dinner The affair qosed a T. Henderson and Charles Scott. Jack Mantles, John Howard. building. The tnterlor Is being redec­ Herbert Cox; Needlecraft club, Mra the sem ester closing are being held Thanks to Sprlngfle d people for; Bible school contest In which the men Anthony. William Pollard. orated, and a new roof ts being In­ C. O. Wilson; Prlacll a club. Mrs. Ida at the high school today and tomor­ their support given to the A m erican: proved the victors. Archie, Ward Collier. Swarts; Kensington club, Mrs. Anna stalled. row. AU students exempt from tho le g io n night at the Bell theatre was Pul,see. Lule Hastings. Brewer bought the lease from A. T. Knox; Aneas club, Mrs. N. W. Emery: tests are not In school during tho expressed this week by President Ty­ To Hold Dane». Lucas, Roy Nice. Flowers, loea' real estate man. The I Chrvsanthemum club, Mrs. M. M. The Ctvlc club way« and means son. It Is now possible, he said, to building Is the property of W. J. Llch- Egglmann; P.-T.-A.. Mrs. W. P. Tyson, period. AU expecting to attend during tho committee will hold an old-fashioned hold the vaudeville monthly, and first Artisans, Mrs. Potter. PITTS PLANING MILL second sem ester should register eith­ dance at an early date. The commit­ class programs are to he presented. ty. BOUGHT BY SCHIEWE tee |s working under the direction of er today or tomorrow, Principal Bain VITUS TRADES TRACT BULLETIN PRICE RAISE said. It Is hoped to complete the reg­ Mrs. Carl Olson. The place and date REV. LAUGHLIN TO OPEN Purchase of the Pitts Planing mill istration by Monday. FOR CITY PROPERTY FAVORED BY 4L UNIT will be announced soon. evivals here unday at Fourth and C street hna been con- sumnted by P. T. Bchlewe. nnd al- Among local real eatate transac­ The Springfield post of the Loyal GOVERNOR PIERCE WILL Rebekah» Initiate. Rev. O O. Laughlin, D. D„ will open ready the new owner Is operating the Initiation of new members featured evangeli«tic services s tthe Spring- tions of the week was the trade of a Legion of Loggers went on record in SPEAK AT WENDLING MEET p'ant. n meeting of the nohekahs, held at field Baptist church Sunday morning, 27-nere tract on the McKenzie river favor of the raise In the price of the Mr Schlewe moved hls family here the I. O. O. F. hall Monday evening. and will oontlnue the m eetings until belonging to August Vitus for a large 4L Bulletin from 10 to 15 cents a Governor W alter Pierce wlU be the yesterday from Molalla, Oregon, lot nnd buildings in Eugene, belonging copy, at the m eeting h o d Monday principal speaker at the second an­ Refreshments were served. February 21. where he has been living Temporar­ night. A majority of the locals In the nual Thrift snpper, to he held at tho At the Sunday morning service, to M. Murphy. a*«» w ily they will live In the Walker house The Eugene lot which Mr Vitus state have favored the change, and 4L hall at Wpndllng February S, It Woodcraft Meet«. Rev. Laughlin will speak on "Creat­ directly across from the mlM. Schlewe over Is 66x160 feet In It will be made soon. Neighbors of Woodcraft m et for ing an Atmosphere for a Revival." tak es was announced today. la an experienced mill man. size, located at Second and l.awTetice work last evening. Refreshmenta were “The I-ost Art in Religion,’’ Is hls B F. Gllkinson of the University of The supper Is sponsored by tho topic for Sunday evening’s preaching. streets On It nre two houses and nn Oregon teaching staff, spoke to the Benjamin Franklin club of Wendllng. served at the close of the meeting. Another Work Train On. automobile repaid nhop. The McKen­ members, urging that a public speak­ Club committee mehers anticipate n The Southern Pacific company start zie river land traded for the Eugene ing class be organlted In SprlngfWld. large attendance at the snpper. In Bulletin Board Here. Visit» 8l»ter— Captain T. L. Stitt ed operation of a work train nt night of the Coast Guard service visited hls An attractive, electrically lighted land la a first class piece o f property. The m atter will be given further con­ tvew of the visit of the state execu­ on the Natron ciitotf work between secration . tive. Springfield and Oakridge, this week sister. Mrs. F. F. Lenhart, and family, bulletin hoaid hna arrived and has Arrive» from Weed — Sylvester A quartet of trains are working Io the Monday night. The captain was en­ heen Installed nt the J. H. Ehhert Snooks, who has he«« It was decided to buy two sets of SVs«s. Cs” route to Florence, having been trans­ Memorial Methodist church. The board Her» from S«lem— Harry Jon«» wee flky tim e now In ruahlng preparations »nrn'a. more (ban » v«ar. arr'ved at horseshoes for the new Sprto^leld hi town from- ShUem Sunday. ferred from Point Reys, fjstlfoghla, ts the gift of tfie Vonne a»»—’"'* *'en- for heavy work Over the line when Horseshoe club. pie'« class of/the Church n'ble school. hls home here Sunday evening. to the station hear F orence. the cutoff 1» openrd- II R f S