th<> cav Confidence man type. M ort women ap- ,-ruclate and lotte the men who are kind and considerate of them who are unselfish and thoughtful Th, y ike b etter In theory, perhaps, th" eave-man- but when It comes to the D ear Mis» Flo I'm very much In actual thing few women like to be love with a won,I- g irl—bu I treated rough. den t think she t v i n knows I'm U,- f d like to give you some auth en tic Ing Soiuettan s I m eet her at dunces and differ nt places, and she Is a l­ rules for m aking th e woman you w an' w ays very friendly bit' by th e tint" love von—hut I don t think th ere are 1 think of so n '-th in g to say —she's any W hat m akes a ntt s u n some tvo- gone. How does a m -- win a woman men will d r v e an o th er woi anyw ay. Mis» F Wha should he from you T astes differ—an t a k about* Does he tr - a t her rough­ ly thin g I can advise yon e r is hi kin I and constderut«. Doe» to talk —about most anything—hut he tell h er how popular he r by an realln g to h er w ro r« th v for you a» a poor, forlorn, n ee1 -t- t man th a t all n’h er girls h a re na«» I h r g be doen -snn»s m e —»«vs—and th e r s -e I n t - r e s t ’ d — ’ eh w o -k. sr~rt«. --nd o c 'te » pe-nbe— o’ rh«m a re verv mnob «n-encs»- ' ip cn ’ren* event- book«, oolitic« etc ’ don't th i-k m any women nr«f"» ball qnlntet will tackle the y\ w o m en C nlv ersitv frosh squad on the local floor tom orrow night Coach \ D. B ain's proteges are w orking hard and the game Is -xpected to provide snap­ py en tertain m en t for the spectator- The team ' will play the C n lrersl-v Brotherhood Meets. Dean K V Bovard, of the Vnlver- slty of O regon, was the pr'nclpal sp eak er at a m eeting of the M etho­ d ist chureh brotherhood he d Mon­ day evening The address followed a dinner. Dean Bovard told of the d, veloi> m -ill of playgrounds a n d . parks as recreational cen ters In cities of th-« west. Rev. G. G. Laughlin. D D. liev Imughtln wilt conduct revival m eetings at the B aptist church of Springfield from Jan u ary s i to F- h ru ary 31. A u x llla r y to M e et. The .American Legion auxiliary will m eet Monday at the homo the presi­ dent, Mrs M B H untly. Mrs H unt ly request« a arge turnout a t this m eeting W HIam ett« H«tgM « Progr««»ing W in k un two now huu«»» In W ll. U T S la m e lle Height« I« prugremtlng. amt K tu rai , | e v t | . i | n ii , - n l of that illa trlc t natn*1 ta c x p c -i-d * im > h Ib rip -rty In th« '*1 • f height» I»» «nid I" I'« In ilviuaud A u n i g m -- I futuri- fer »hai pari nf Ihn c ity ui was predicted h r M ayor »1 U Bust»- n lg h i 1 tnnn recently AGENT PROVIDES SCARE FOR PILFERER OF MILK An ancient tr>ck nearly proved d ’s aatrous to the guilty pvraon when Carl Olson, local Southern Ibiciflc agent, uti-lertook ih e other n 'g h t to provl I'­ ll first ra te •' acaru" for the party wn the front lawn w here It had been hur rle-lfy throw n as the visitor departed evidently In fright Rem odel Candy Shop. V isits Her«— Mrs. Isaac S tevens Is Removal of th e candy shop at the visiting at the home of her daugh Eggim ann Candy k itch en to the low er ter. Mrs. Carl Wymsin floor Is under wav this week. The shop wl 1 occupy rhe room s form erly T h u rs to n M en 1rs Among T hurston us-si by th e Frose bakery. resid en ts In town yesterday were Two men have been busy painting knlsominlng. and rem odelling the grade piano m a r Springfield nxim» for the candy k ltc ta r C leanli­ be sold to a reliable party at ness and san itatio n a re to be care­ g savings git, m onthly wl. I fully preserved in th e new kitchen, le, a snap, w rite at once to and as soon as It Is com pleted th e nan P lan o ' store. Salem , Ore public Is to he Invited to Inspect the shop R tla liss* H ero— Dr t ’ C. 1.0« Angele« I» In Hprlng u few day» II« la visiting -m iliter "G ra n d m a " Cowgill, Mi« AI l'erklti«, and Mia D em arest, and his brother, Form er re siti-nts of the lam e B tar sta te are Invited to attend a T elati picnic In lie held at ? SO o cluck, Jan O s n s fltld C lu b g n ts rt« ln « d . nary 3M, at the Eugene Auto camp The Geneflehl Bridge club was en ­ Texan« and their fam illes w II bring basket lunches Special f-atu res have tertain ed by Mrs W C Itebhan lavt Thur»day afternoon Mrs W ayne Dar­ been arranged fur the event nell was a specla* guest At the next m eeting. Jan u a ry 3«. (Continued fro Page II a d in n er will lie given for «»e hus­ A J Morgan D W McKinnon, C D bands of « uh m em bers Thl« m eet­ Millet. Cari Oison, 1. K Page. R H ing also, will be held at Mrs R"b- P arsons. M M Peery. (1 W Prrkln« W II Pollard, W C llehhan. D W Roof. R oyal N e ig h b o rs M eat. W illiam R odM baugh. W II St. »r Mon than 75 attended the I n s ta ia- m er W J S co tt. R W S ln lth . J e ts Sinltsen, F O. Spencer. W.-lhy St,-, tlon sn-l program held by the Royal en». C E Sw arts. E O S u lt-n . lia.- N eighbors last evening Joint Installation was held with the M It-rn Woodmen Installing officer« w ere Mrs G ertrude lla rp o le and Mrs. El«« Lam bert Following th e Installa­ tion a program w as given, and r»- f-ishnii-nts -erv«d b ieb F e b ru a ry 3. C o tta g e G rove. Feb- i-usrv 5- Monroe high. F ebruary Hi; Avtoeians In Town— Dr his wife of Astoria, wer th- home of Mr and Mrs. lv T uesday ev en ‘ng Th w ere on th etr way south NORTH OF NOME’ TO BE SHOWN AT BELL tcd K ÿ » FRIDAY. Laughter Playing Tag With Tears- THREE OATSOFJO _ •N orth of Nome." a vivid p lctu rita tion of life, love and adventure In th« frox-n north, wll he shown next W ed­ nesday -he 2" at the Bell th eatre. It was proJuced by George E d w ari L ew 's ’or release by Arrow P ictures co rro ratlo n and featu res Robert Me- Klm. one of the b rst known "h e a rle s” on th e creen and lovely Gladys Johnston, »-leered by popular vot­ as tt-e r- ost beautiful g r l in the Alas­ kan ’errltory. T*- v are mnnv exciting sequences In this great ou’ lnors production and. too, th ere are --en es of such n atural splendor and m agnificence as were never before recorded bv the cam era's eve D e'all for d etail—m «t. rtory. dl- rec’ion and se tt'n g s—"N orth of Nome ’s said to h» one of the g r-a te st pic- t » v e r to b shown In Springfield A« an addilonal m usical 're a t th is picture w 'l he accom panied by ->n o -h esfrs known as "T he Alas- kae-* " eyeonenls of classics and syn- co -atlo n .—Paid Adv. In the gititie of romance, adventure and joy with our sweethenrt in her greatest role. MARY PICK FORD ' little A ifc ¡ W et W IT H GOLDEN CURLS ANO WONDROUS SM ILE SHE'LL W IN YOUR H EA R T ANEW. O B , ' *4^. « Start the N ew Year right w ith a new Colonial Range i B IX L IT T L E R A G A M U F F IN S B E T T IN G ON A W A L L 'L O N G C O M ES A CO P A N D W A T C H T H E M F A L L I Extra Added Attraction L IF E ’S G R E A T E 8 T T H R IL L S " T h irty m inutes of m azem ent Priced from $58.00 to $112.00 » FB ANK D. C. • AL EXANDER S P E C IA L CONCEF IT ‘In Annie Roone y’s Own Back YartJ See our display at any time, there is no obligation to buy PO PULAR Wright & Son Matinee N ight Children P R IC E S SPECIALLY SELECTED SHORT 8U B JEC T8