» T H E SIGUKOE’ ^LIJ T lin U H D A Y , JAN. 21. 1926. ::ws r ¡R PAGE RE' F ' I.Ü W SLOW BELL OREGON NEWS ITEMS CF SFECIALJNTE2EST Brief Resume of Happen’ rgs o< w Y im a s F iiw the Week Collected for Th» pub'C• service commisi«- m ord »red an itvcitifA tiufi of iiì n-.tes. ib arg s and regoJatlous in nvsjst.'gatlou Is ti» c»s* it w ai Maid. uusA A m era .T is re» ' ntly by the let« “m u te r ■ .n Commission a ffe tti «n * » I on livestock, Th » sU» •’ 8iC>r»‘o Ji’i'ixary 23 as the th »a! < rs hove pr «KU val to open t « ch ¿I f n ,inn s by a vQie oi 37 tl uui nOByon» •At, F-’STATB W aior ho« ihe ry. . 4 a« s «et 9 ett Ri n Inb ;r 9 C> • ’O to th , I: e v river d"W to { sheep owners i: U r n county dur. -8 m s w as $3105. «1, aim an ts or d in Taxes of 6 will total «7-1S.246'2 , ages alleged. Be ise dog Been. PS Tn Inland county In » W ount, the com y «59,031.13 over la st year, did not total th is an increate FOR HALE. court apportion'rd mija - y to pay t he unt was «589,193.39. when the a ► pr»* M C hevrolet touring ra r , claims. T he tot ount taken in on muti ! th*1 lu »s ro n d -tion throughout ; It has been found th at the Stayton dog licenses in 1925 was »1925.10 OO ar, are city w ater Is nhflt for Brlnklng, fol­ ; mo natole orice. Phone 627, 2968 licenses. •dy or the «< ason lfho lowing analysis at Oregon .Agricultural W ELLS A WKLI^S The following Oregon postm asters In g and A ttorneys. pplog d ep artin ' nts are ; college and the state bureau of bealth. In have been recom m ended for appoint­ J 21 28; F 4-114$ •en ► 4mr the operating on part tim e basts. | Besides paying out «1508.37 during i.«f NOTH-K OF FINAL SETTLEM EN T tiu »f tn» E sta te of An > Ihnuvuwuy. I>• ceased In the B aker and Bend, Oregon, dl» the year In charitable work, the Al­ m ent by W illis C. Hawley, rep resen ta­ ‘ Tl i IS HEREBY GIVEN, T hat »»eatl» g all Other « ritta» ik * » « tive from the first district: C. W. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT W J Lepley, adnilnietrutor of tho trlcts both logging and saw w llllng are bany Kiwanis club has donated «400 H alderm an, A storia; H arry E. Jones, Notice 1« horohy g ’ven that Melin­ filch, liernwlfb. sml declartng «n *m< active, with large num bers of men eh> stall- of B njaniln G reen, dec-aged to Albany college as a student loan da E IIoiiv ii* ay , Ex»cutrlx of the gency. ¿Jefferso n ; W illiam G. Smith. Mill TDK TOWN F SPRINGFIELD- ha.» rendered and filed !u tho County p lo y d j fund. In>41 will a * ! b Mann nt of An«* I H «»tn C ity; Reber G. Allen. Silverton; Mrs. Court of t! S tate of Oregon for the enw ay, «ler» an»* MeJ for In arlug objection« to said re j »mdi license shall he pabl for on«», account and the M ttlem ' nt thereof. Im provem ent Bond», said boDds to be , to a weekly health report Issued by rm. Eugene port ami for th«» final net I • tnctit of y« a r In advance. beginning on the All objections to .»aid final account In denom inations of «100.00 each ex­ j Frederick D. S tricker, secretary of the y)n T urnbu„ and T H Maxwell> dep. ■ ttl" cept the last one which sh a t be for state board of health. the eatatc of «aid dec« aa»*d sheriff, for «25.963.33 dam ages on F irst day of Jan u ary . 1926 and on the Clerk of »aid Court on or before aald MELINDA K HEMENWAY. 81 Dollars. Said bonds to bear Inter­ first day of Jan u ary In each y«*ar Six persons gave skin a t M arshfield account of ¡n jury. day and time. E xecutrix. est at the ra te of glx <6 per cent) per I to save the life of Dennis Cuniff of th e re a fte r; and ending on th« 31st «lav W. J. LEPLEY, A E WHEKLEU. A million eastern brook trout egga cent per annum , subject to redem p­ of December of «ach venr Provided j A dm inistrator of 8nld E state. A ttorney tion at any sem i-annual Interest pay- | Gold B ach. an aged pioneer of th a t to replenish the gam e com m ission's • D 24 31 J 7 14-21 city, who, in December was burned aa J 14 21 39 F s-ll a fter th« 30th of Ju n e of any year af«' Inbg period a fte r being Ie force for stock of these fish used for egg-taking one year, by paying the face of bond n o t i c e . , f f i n a l i i e a H in ST * t«-r Januury 1st. 1926. shall be coin IN T H E CIRCUIT COVHT O F T H E with a c c ru 'd Inter» st. Each bid m ust he sat by his fireplace. purposes was received by the gam e N otice ta hereby given th a t the u n ­ |M-llc<1 to pay one half of the annual STATE OF G.UdOON. FOK l-A.Nh.' Through the work of local American commission from the northern part of be accom panied w ith a certified check dersigned. M D KI mmc II, A dm inistra­ f< • , ■’ • ■. r u I . full f- • t0 bo 1 b for . In favor of the City Recorder, for at Legion post, K lam ath Falls has re- W ashington and sent to the Tum alo S< « th -ii ’’ The l'A*nse fee m entioned COL NTY. tor. has fb Id his final report and ac­ Zola Bowers, P laintiff, vs Will am least three (3 per re n t) o f the pur­ celved a pulm otor which will be kept hatchery. The young fish will be • count In th«* «-state of Ix a h E Bissell W oodard Bowers. lH fendanL chase price as a guarantee of good at the fire station and used in all em pianted in E ast lake and Elk lake d«-c<rt and account should be properly num bered, to be attached t o ’ quired to appear and answ er the com­ plaint f Rd ngHinst you in the above Date of F irst Publk-at'.on, Decem­ n.it- of boa I mad«», filed or pres«*nte«l on or before t»i- tire from the Institution. Sivyer and Southern company electric R v W SMITH. I e n titl'd court and cause, on o r before ber 24th. 1925. or at said tim e and i lace. Date of L ast Publication, January B. J Kelly. San Francisco b u sin e ss; light and power in terests in e a stern City Recorder. the expiration of the t me prescribed Ikit«