P ag n T H E S W U N lìF lK L D NMWH S iX B erlin’s B riae About yo u r Health Is m —ch a rle « E lliott la 111 at hia T hurston Man In— Fred Gray was * Mill street home. v isito r here Monday. Thing» You Should Know S tratto n In Town—L. D S tratto n W alterville People H era— Mr and M rs E arl Thienla of W a tervtUl» was in town from his home up the W illam ette river, Sunday. m ere Springfield »tailor» Monday. V is it a t C re a w ell— P ra tt Holveraon M a k e » Buaineaa T r ip — Georg* Per ki « cf Springfield made a business and faintly visited at th e hottie of Ed Anderson. In Creawell. Sunday. trip to Albany Saturday. M a t Em m erich Here— Mat B anner-' In from W altervllle— H arry Jackson of W alterTille was a visitor h ere Mon­ Ich of W altervllle paid Springfield a I business visit aS turday day. Here from Vida— Mre B W fltam s Confined to Bed—Mrs H. N. M cFar­ of Vida was in Springfield for a short ! land of Springfield is confined to her tim e Saturday. bed with an attack of la grippe. T H U R SD AY. JAN. 21. 192«. ■ma ' 1 j» . ■a ------------------------------- —-------- --— '. t ------------- (or bruali burning fires. und nineteen were for sm oker» fire». Five convic­ tions were for cam p fire» without per m il. and two for am oktag In a do»ed forest urea The rem ainder were for ml»cellaneoua causes. tine hundred tw eutyeilne of th e crim inal conviction» were in Oregon, and W ash ugioii Of the (twenty two national forest» In O regon and Wa»h Ington, the SI uh I uw lead* with th irty convictions; the Mount Hood 1» sec­ ond* with tw enty five and the Ca» cade H third wllh tw enty-tw o Man Sloop» Like Log, Eat» A n yth in g "A fter Inking Atllerlka I can oat anyihlng and »leep like a log I hud gu» on the »Inina« h mid couldn't keep food down nor »leep.** (signed 1 II. C. Miller. t)NK »poonful Atllerlka rw ino«>» GAS und often bring« »urprla- Ing re lli f to the stom ach Stop« th a t full, bloated feeling. O ften brings nut old w a»te.inatter you never thought wa» In your ayalem Excel­ lent for chronic conatlpatlna. Flau- ery'a P rug »tore. cph O» Gaine», M. D. bv I«11' ' ’»ph » \L FR IT T IO N S The -«• r —" " 'o n facial «Ha­ noi depend ae is a. di >r it» ort- a bl. x n nod ii T h en do tv not cute varies in s e v v lty . Thia dii from a few sm all pustules to m any larg e ones, the la tte r often leav­ ing disfiguring pita or tears. A certain germ , the acne bacclllua, may he found with the mlcroacopo. and may rath e r accompany than cause the eruption. We know th a t a rich. Idghly-eeasoned diet will land color to the picture; cheese and the like, including mince plea an, I fried foci» are to be avoided. T hey overload certain glands of the »km which are a ir e c lj choked and inactive. A plain diet of ooarse b read .' fresh vegetables, plenty of fru its and rirlnklng-w uter la to be commended. Young peoplo do not need coffee or tea. Tho pustules should never bo equocied. T hey may he carefully puncture«! w ith a eleun noodle riip- p c ! in u solution of qnrbolic acid before using, and then swabboil with cotton wet with peroxide of hydrogen, if hot w et packs are applied to the face, be sure to fol­ low with cold packs, a m iuute or two a fte r. Leave the special medic- ation to your physician. Th«’ acne patient should use his own tow els and pillow-linen. The face should not be ilaubed with ointm ents or cheap lath ers th a t »top up th e pores. A good lotion fo r the face Is g made by adding boracic acid to w ater, in any »trvngth desired, fo r it is harm less. Lemon-julc* lightly applied cleans­ es the tiny grooves in the skin, but -hould be rinsed lightly a fte r the application. Use no face-pow ­ d er- containing lead or unknwwn Coloring tngre«iients. W etherbee-Powers R em oval Sale -; In from C edar F lat—Jam es K arhan Mr ». Young III— Mrs. Ira Young of of C edar F lat visited In S prlngf'eld The fa ct th a t you are welcome to credit on any purchase w est Springfield is recovering from an Ellen Mackay, daughter o f CUir- ence H. Mackay, head o f the Postal you make removes the last obstacle to your ta k in g advan­ a ttack of a Grippe. tage o f the unusual reduction on fu rn itu re and home fu r ­ Vida Man Here— P . P B rendell of Telegraph and Cable Company, ! .artieri society by suddenly becom­ Hare from Bischi y— Mr». R. A. Vhla spent p art of Monday In Spring nishings d u rin g th is rem arkable Removal Sale. ing- the bride o f Irving Berlin, song Rhineh-’im er of Biachly was a visitor field. • ’-»ter. last week. h ere Tuesday. H ere trarr P o r’land— K. N yeberg, The Detail». V isit W ilton Home— Mr. and Mrs. P ortland business man. was a visitor $74.00 Genuine Hotly Brun- No doubt it will in terest the read er Allen S tew art of Portland a re visiting In Springfield Tuesday, $19.75 No. 18 O rion Wood aels Rugs, everyone per­ I 1 to know th at th e song hits we have a I a t the R. P. W ilson home here. Mr. Ih-aters. heavy ca«t lin in g , fect, 9x12 else $39.50 In from Landax—Mr and Mrs. Cur- been singing for th e last y ear or so S te a rt ia a bro th er of Mrs. W ilson now .......... .......... $14.65 I tie Nnwman w ere h ere from Landax w ere factors In this unique court- $85.00 lluKHorah Axtuinla- Here from W sndllng—Mr and Mrs. Monday to tra n sa c t business. »hip. te r Ruga, aplendld UKaort- $33 50 20-lnch Wood Su­ John Purcell of W endllng were R„ id. nt Here—C harles lrT,n< ,W r,,n- 4 ■,e » l!,h '«w»»«raut ment o f patterns and col­ g uests at the John P en ljo h n home I» | T ayIor of T h u rsto n was a business bcy froa) « “« < • : » b e .r w aiter In perior, a ll cast Iron ors. 9x12 size $46.85 S p rn g fle ld over Sunday. j visitor In Springfield T uesday ' N' KK,' r Mll“ ‘'s" «,ta<* 0,1 th ’’ Bowerv. li. at. r $24.85 O ur entire line of K learllax . j la te r one of the first c ab aret enter- : Linen Rugs, nil size« ami Sells G rain—C. F Kull of P leasant v is ito r Here—Jo h n W earln an J sou. tain ers th ere—but today w orth a mil - $29.50 No. 20 Hupl« x Wood colors, nothing reserved. H ill was a visitor h ere Monday. He W ilson. of Ja sp e r w ere am ong out-of- I on o r two and w ithout doubt A m e rl-- H a lf I ’rlce. sold his grain crop to the Springfield ! tow n shoppers h ere Tuesday. ; ca’s p rem ier popular song g, nlus had und Con I heater $22.85 Mil! and Grain com pany while here. m any ostacles to overcom e In m arry ­ H e re fro m W e n d lln g — M r and Mrs ing Ellin M ackay, d au g h ter of one o il Baby Boy Welcomed— Mr. and Mrs. C lair M cHenry w ere In Springfield T E. Thompson of Route 2. Spring- over Sunday. They live a t W endllng .America's proudest and w ealthiest fam ilies He was opposed to the very I field, are th e proud p aren ts of an 4- $98.50 O verstuffed Davenport In Rose and Taupe J a rtp ia n l Sells Hog»—W L. Rouse of I-ea end by his fath er. Clar- nee M ackay— pound baby boy, bora S aturday night. Velour, Black M ohair w ell, best vonatruetlon, $78.87 burg as in town Monday. He sold 19 an d as this is w ritten —Is still unfor- C $95.00 O verstuffed Davenport In B aker cut Velour tw o H ere from Portland— A. C. Pease, hogs to S w arts and W ashburne. given. I of Third and D street, who has been But lo re —and B erlin's harm ony fin ie Taupe sp rin g cushion seats, web bottom anti H ere from M arcóla— W esley Scott, won (he m aiden's h eart a fter mor-y for some ’fine in P ortland. Is her-1 this l>.t, k $73.65 o f M arcóla, was In Springfield for a th an two y ears of conquest; F irs t; week atten d in g to business m atters short tim e Monday. B erlin w ro te: ’ Helo O rganlie League—Twenty-on*. ■'AH A one. I'm so all alone—Ther-> young reonle of th e S prlngf’eld X eth- Shaw at Grove—J W. Shaw and odist church went to Goshen Sunday ‘ fam ily motored to C ottage Grove Suu- Is no one else but you All alone bv th e telephone W aiting for a ring, a aiternoon. w here they assisted in the ¡ day for a visit w ith friends, tlng-a-ling. I'm all alone every even­ organ'xation -f an Eow crth league at H ere from Leaburg— Mr. and Mrs. ing AH alone, feeling blue. W onri'rlng the Goshen V e ’hodist church. J. E. K ennedy of L eaburg were am ong w here you are— and h«iw you a r e - - Vet» to Meet—M embers of th e Lane ’he out-of-town shoppers in Spring- and if you are— all alone too. We Use ce” " ty chan ter 49 & S. organlzafion of field S aturday. Th>m Miss M ackay sailed for E u ­ Charge ro p e —tr y ln r to v cose d ad —and B er­ Your W orld wa- veteran«. »1 ] m eet at the F O R E S T F IR E LAW S —V isits at Sa'em — Mr. and Mrs. W No Interest Or - nta! e-rill 'n Eugene Friday nigh: Credit lin's song ap p eared : H. Adrian visited ovgr Sunday at Sa­ HAVE SHARP T E E TH Local m em bers plan to atten d th e ses­ "W h at'll 1 do— when yon—a re far O B M M M M M lem. The local people m otored to the aw ay—and I am fte lin g bine— sion. " capital It is becom ing a w-r-ous m a tte r to Ml«s Mackay retu rn ed from E urope R -c c v e r« (« -m P -iu m o n 'a — Despite Vis ts Here— H u m e- T rick, of Calr- —and an o th er B erlin song ap p ea re d break the fore»t fire laws of o u g -n h - «4 vear? “G randm a" Hlgg’ns of - stairs. A lberta. Is visiting for a few T h” popular. "R em em ber—have yon and W ashington One hundred and College C’ - s’. well kn-swn in Spring- e.chl-fiv«- people found thia out last days at the home of his cousin. M r:. forgot Io rem em ber.” field is recovering from a severe a t­ ShU had no*—the C athol'c girl m ar- sum m er when they left fir- In th.- W H A drian of Springfield. tack of rr-oumonla. th e local physi­ w . ds w ere brought, to Justice by rled th Jew ish bov last Monday. cian .Attending her reports. F o rm e r R esid en t H e re — J W. Shaw. W hat will B erlin's next song hit o ffl-ers of the I'ntted S la t-« (<>re«l fo r-r-r Rnv’ng?!*! ' -• 'd * * but now be? tn-rvlce. and were fi-und guilty. It R-S'jre »0 W estfir— Mr and Mr« living at C burg, sp en ’ part of Mon­ I cost thorn 92777 In fine» and $51S.»fi w h . h i ” have - turned to th e ’r day visiting old acquaintances here. ■ burg— M r and Mis In court costs. b -T e st W estfir a fter vlsl,!ne for s were s ---s ’ da-» s ’ the» home of Mrs. L itt'e Boy III— B’llle Knox, who ta W alter Rauch o f L eaburg tri- -I under the »late fire la- - » by !o V ’lV s ---- •«. sfr. and Mrs. Ira Young May ng at th e hem e of his grandm o­ Springfield visitor« T hursday cal Justices of th - peace, the -rg- of west S -rlnefield. ther. Mr* A nns Knox, suffered a re ­ T onsils Removed— Mr- B C Gay m ajority of whotu, the federal fore lapse a fter convalescing from the in­ had h er tonsil« removed a t a local Tea-»i ■ -eg Removed—-R obert War- officers report, are enforcing f n fire fluenza, and Is very 11 . At The physicians office last Friday. r c r *-• ar-old son of Mr. and Mr«. la s « w ithout fear or favor. \Vp-ne- of F a’I Creek had a Baby Born— Mr. a - d Mrs. Hom«T T hese figures are giv- n In a r< port H ere from F lorence— Mrs. A n d / t --«1 ->pers’Icn at th e office of a W right are th e proud paren ts of a R udlm an of Florence Is h er for a few Just Issued by the d istrict forester'-» S «-jrveon la«t Sunday. b -b y girl te r n at the heme of Mr». days visiting with friends office, P ortland, Oregon. A to tal of Perkins Building B a r on C stre e t last Friday Bight. on»- hundred elghty-four case» are R -* u -« s fro m C a lifo r n ia — .J M H ere from W xlterville— F arrel Mc- still pending final action The new com er weighs six pxtunds. A High Class Entertainm ent •l- ' of Rout -- No. 1, Springfield. Quln of W altervllle was in Springfield In addition to these crim inal case», h - - ’ ’rued to his home a fte r .e r- Dancing Club Meets— The recently on business Friday. Tln-y have alno reevlved I wo curload» of the newest model» settlem en ts were secured In seventeen 9 ■ w »Vs .-r «e, • in C alifornia. Mr formed dancing club firm ed by cou­ in Chevrolet tru ck, und open und closed curs, which will \ ’ tb'« visit’ d :it the hom e of his ples of th e Springfield and T hurston T hurston Men In— Among T h u rs­ civil cases. In which dam ag s w ere be on display at t Ills time. collected by the governm ent to th- F Mathis, at G ardena, for districts, m et at the Midway In E u­ ton resid en ts who w -re In Springfield D ROP IN A N D LOOK T H E S E N EW CARS O VER . IT W IL L srm.e time. gene S a’Urdav n ’ght for It« m onthly on bus ness Friday w ere W aiter P in t’, am ount of |M2.'tx.9O A nutiifier nt civil H E L P YOU S E T T L E T H E Q U E S T IO N OF T H E K IN D OF < as«» a re alii pending dance. T h irty couples were p resent. C. F. G rant an I H arry Jackson. Ge* L:C*nse— ’ A CAR YOU N E E D . • 1 In the crim .nal «.. <■«, the report W a -’ '■ ta fr 1 p I’rer*« e to d e al i*l fm jjy r w .w s s - e e — m - i m s a s u ' »hi.»« th a t ninety eight i onvlct Ops Jn-k froD R W S m ith at w, re for cam p fire», thirty-one were th - -I •• w ’ Mr *. 1 - T e dealer« a*® Jora’- ’ » n V n bettw eer n Second and Third «♦ Heaters Rugs! Rugs! Davenports I W ETHERBEE FREE MOVING PICTURE SHOW SATURDAY EVENING Jan. 23, 7:30 o’clock Chevrolet Agency Show Rooms H ere—Mrs. J W. F^rfT'C’’ P Toff- n a fc » r Springfield rest­ den ’, a »s he o re r ’he week-end v's- Itine with *r'p ls °h< retum -H to h e r P o rfiar. I om- Monday. H e r» fro m C - r v a H I» — f'b a r o Ir e L am bert f For*'-Ills w--- a Fr-rl-r- f M e f s lf- r F iti day. Mi-s L am bert Is a form e- Fork gfl-Id resid en t h e r 1 fittb r sod n-- Iher both having been tea< hers ir the Inral school« Olson Installs Officers—Osvra d Ol­ son co-duoted an ins-allatlon of offi­ cers of th “ H a r rls b -irg ca n to n . T O O. F . Iasi we. k. and soon Is to Inspect th e Junot o,i City canton. R e tu rn s fro m W a s h in g to n — M r«. John W illla-ns retu rn ed Frida»- m orn­ ing from Goldendale, W ashington, w here she was called by fhe death of h er m other. Mrs Tauge. B reaks Arm—L ee S tratto n , son )f O. L. S tratto n sustained a broken arm whl e cranking a car early Tues­ day m o rn ln r The Injured arm 1« do­ ing nicely th e attending physician re ­ port». T ravellers Stop—Mr. and Mra. J U. Fields, m otoring to P ortland from Los A ngeles, stopped over S atu rd ay night w ith Mr. and Mrs M 8 . H untly, o n tim e acquaintances. Mr. Fields, who w as connected with business In terests In T-os Angeles, said th a t southern C a'lfornla hnslness Is on a sound ha<- 1». follow ing a flum p In th e sum m er of 1926. Developm ent In th e south, lie said. Is going a h fad a t a good rate. A B eautiful Box of Candy Surprise the wiD candy. take her home a box o f Eggim ann's Packed in be a u tifu l boxes o f a ll sizes o u r candy makes a nice g ift th a t w ill always be appreciated. We have a wide assortm ent o f chocolates and other candies to se­ lect from . Pick out a box and have it filled to su it her taste. EGGIMANN’S E very hom e should also have a store of little First-Aids, such as W itch Hazel, Cam phor, T urpen­ tine, A rnica, Salvéis, Ginger, M ustard, Bandages, P la tte rs, Etc. every manf" o w e s /i / / / / SR Roosevelt said “ Every man owes p a rt o f his tim e to the profession to w hich he belongs.” O ur entire e ffo rt Is to raise by o u r example the standards o f o u r vocation. WFWALKER 2 2 8 z - F uneral service S prjngfield , o r e . T here are m any rem edies whlcn are In especial d> mand during the w inter season. Your m edicine cabinet should be w -n stocked with such prep­ a ra tio n s so th a t you will be pre­ pared to m eet em ergencies. Cough and Cold Remedlea, T on­ ics, Blood Remedies, L inim ents, Etc. W hat IPHONE 6 j Remedies For Cold W eather Ills ° 1, Select your needs now, and from our stock, w here you mav be sure of b est quality and fair prices. Gannett Motor Co. SPRINGFIELD BRANCH Cut T ravel Cost —yet go more often, travel farther, than ever before. G o by train. Save In many important ways by doing so. Low roundtrip fares secure surprising value for your travel funds. Figure vour expense in driving your own car against tne cost by train. T h e saving in train travel w ill amaze you. So save the car for pleasure purposes. Save nervous energy, too. Your travel re­ sponsibility ends when you hoard the train. Thus ride in entire comfort, w ith a chance to relax and rest and plan your activity at your destination. N o matter where you p’in to go, Southern Pacific and its connections can take you, com­ fortably and economically. Any Southern Pa­ cific agent will gladly aid in planning your trip. Rely upon them for complete, accurate travel in fo rm atio n . Phone 31 WÄ.V.1 Southern PacifscLines C A R L O LSO N, Agent <