T lll'ItS D A Y , .IAN 21. IH-’*» THE BPBINqpEl JWBWB PAGE POUR Lane County Farmers Union N ew s O F F IC IA L Local R eporters J. L Nortbup Ray Bower irai Mrs L J O ctchell rk 5 re. Geo. K< held, k Mrs M A Horn Mrs. A«!a J n n lr cs Duren .......... Mrs B Baker H evit Aire M > Badie ville Mrs. G race Jones Jasp er ___. Mrs C M F i l ter Lorane __ H arry C Jackson McKt naie Mt Vernon Mrs. V A Reynolds Bulah Sm ith Silk t’r «k ....... K B T inker T rent MN. W F Foot V ..i IB MEET FBI: St?ts Prescient Egbe t Vv I Speak; 300 Members Are Ex­ pected to A ttend; All Day Session to be Held. The L ane County F arm ers’ union an jual mevliug will he held at 'lie Ifoodm eu hall here, opening tom or­ row m orning at 11» o'clock. according to announcem ent by P resident Ralph Lain! Election of officers and an ­ nual reports a re th* chief business B atters to he considered A num ber o f sta te officers are ex­ pected, Including H erbert E gbert, cf rb e P alles. state president. Between IPO ami 300 m em bers of the union ire expected to atten d A basket much will be served a t noon. Among o thers from out of the coun­ ty expected at the m eeting are A R. Shumway of Milton. F. B. Ingles of Dufur, and H. E. Remp e of Dallas. • m ckenzie lo cal LANS ’ .c m j.is t and p ro p e r • ♦ ta U • by • pan y dd Ail 31* • • s d istrict In terested In true • nviled. T he m eeting w -l l i ­ ‘ hold at lt.' emupuny'a new building • a t Fifth m l A streets. • At S i ‘clock tn the m orning, the • program will b gin with a general • p reparali in of tools, etc At i» o clock • dlsassem bl ng t'u* tra c to r will be • dem onstrated, a id this will be fol • lowed by talks on Fordson tra c to r construction In the aft- m oon this program will be coatin u cd , and then the tra c to r will hi* reasaenibkwl. _____ of th p , - nltP (| This summons Is published purs i- . , , .. _ , , a n t to an O rder of th*- H onorable G : S tates Is su b stan tial y lower than la-t F Sklpw orth, C lrcu 't Judge, made and year However, th ere has been an In entered Jan u ary 20, 1926. and the first r r ,.aRP of about 8 million bushels In publication hereof Is made th e 21st ________ ___________ day of Jan u ary , 192*. and the l a s t ' - ■ ______ _ publication thereof the 4th day of March, 1926. BROWNELL & BROOKE. A ttorneys for Plaintiff R esident • : Eugene, O r- J 21-28 F 4 11,18,25 M.4 SPRINGFIELD TIRE SHOP VULCANIZING Now Open fo r Business COUNTY U N IT IV O DANNER COMPANY W ILL DEM O N STR ATE TRACTOR • • • • • • • • • MeKenxie River local m et In regu FARM PO INTERS Tar session on W edntisday evening. Jan u ary 13. A large crowd of m em ­ bers and visitors were present. The efflclnec.v of rain fall or Irrig a­ O. L. C lem ent gave a good talk on tion w ater under sem i arid conditions the good of th e order, a fte r which of acme aectlons of Oregon 1» raised the board of d irecto rs of the w are­ by tarproving the general fertility or house. to g eth er w ith m anager. E. E concentration of th e soil solution, re- Morrison, held th eir reg u a r m eeting ports the exp erim en t station O ur m em bers had an opportunity to Sulfur pays on m ost Oregon alfalfa see our board of d irecto rs In action lands In th e sem l-arld aectlons. the Farm Union to Inatatl ■ — ......... - - -------- anj several questions w ere answ ered experim ent statio n has found R ecent O fficers for th e coming year w ill, , 0 , he sa tlsfa c tion of alt Investigations Indicate a need of in- e installed a t the m eeting of th ‘ ' Aftpr discussion on sev eral im port- creasin g th e su lfate content of the pencer Creek local of the Lane an( m attpr!, we were adjourned t i soil solution for certain sol a especial ounty F arm ers' union to be held a t p artaitP Of sandw iches, cake and co'- ly early In the grow ing season S tt - le home of Joseph Gknble T h u rsilar fpe up ,n Qjp rp(fU| a r good shape fur Improv»*«» th»* reaction of arid ao'l» raning. according to announcem ent i by our lady m em bers. for n e u trlt It aids reclam ation of a >day. F ran k Gent Is the new p re s i-' Fifty five in all attended th e m eet­ kail land and brings calcium and otti ent of th e local and Ray Bower is ing V isitors w ere: Alex L ivers and e r bases into solution in the soil mots scretary. S. r F i« letcher. crexary. v O. . o. c o « r . n Lane a w c county o u n iy , wife< S tan iy Ban?h and w lfe. John i " . . ca? ture. ricultural ag»nt. will speak a t the .•pr^ cheron and w|fe> p m Davit. 1 tu re* Alfalfa Alfal a Is ‘ a heavy feeder on ca! ?etin< on th e topic “F arm Prob- p F 1elil and A nette Loeber. both of E ugene; ■isom«.n »u h Tbs E d r a o o r s ! R--cv Co., * périm ent statio n . They also favor the W alter A W oodward C ottage Grove, I. T , this newspopor n-»» o!?srs its ivod- jiwork of n itrifying bacteria and th" rs this interesting feature. wQCTZ'’. being a rd Edna W ard. Fugem : Fred M' itrects from thst hook. eedorMd by Eu- ■ form ation of available plant foods. w e C. Giboer. Director of Extension Ac- Cornack. W end I ng. and Erm a P re’- Th*- crum bly soil mulch In Oregon eittes. New York DnnrU of Education. tymnn. Sprlngf' Id; and Jack Stock- b*so tswxlee will be found in tellec t» ! as i Is not alw ays of valu*- for trappln ■U M iMtroctive J Tran and E lzabeth All* n. both of m oisture, says th e ex p erim ent »tat on. Puxile No. 26 Junction City bus 1« generally effective for holding m oisture air* aily In the soil y Find th e cor- Fords Arrive. W h -at exports from the U nited The D anner Motor com pany re- S? Vkyl reCt nameS 0 ' ce'ved a carload of Fords yesterday S ta te s since July 1 am ount to sou •• so th a t t h e s e baseba! lu g o v e r 50 million bu Various a o d e ls of the new design’ th »«-*-d r»*qulr«»m» nt* and others were in the shipm ent. teams. in tu co n^tderatlon th re .is not Goes to Coast—E E M orrison il gri ad <1*pal tti re a'* tU ’■ •• for e t- spent yesterday on the c e a ’t ONAL LEAGUE ! port, Sum* Iot« of wh» at of exporl 5 ..-sin, T e-arip, Baraev, .CRT OF THF i vnln* will b<• exported nnd it n-.' IN T H F CIRCUIT C' rdin, Quaserk, Sedlerg. L 'N E be n P»- f *. ry to im p o rt som e m illin-’ STATE OF OREGCN F 'R ■ ,. ,r v T Y tICAN LEAGUE n^xt crop v-h“s befo .tin es "b l'n tlff. V« J:- A nesrost, W itexhos, F- «•31[‘.mat» on the A R< cltitacs, Sownbr, Sani- Jc SUMMONS 'an wh- t crop is n early 215 million ve nsm* T< Jack Jc bushels, which ’ i about 20 million un- Puzzle No. 27 efc -ndafit dor the estim ati reported -am*- limo 'tat * the difference betw een a IN T H F N 'M F OF T H E 3 T \T E ■<>n, a monkey’s m other, a OF OREGON You ar* hereby req u ir­ ago. and which Is su b stan tially larz id, and an orphan ? rd to appear e d answ er th*- c o t - *>- than th 1932-3 or 1924-6 crop It pfalnt filed at a in st you In ’h e ah :ve Is not so big as th e crop of 1923-1 Puzzle No. 28 cour and cause, on or bo­ In a world total of 3.250,000.000 bush­ S—e. In sert a label and have •■ntitled i for« th " ex n lra’lon of the tim e pre. els a 30 million bushel reduction Is on a conveyance. in the O rder of Publication, H—L Insert an organ of the scribed to-wlt; On or b efo re the expiration ly fi of one per cent. T here still r b- -.dy and have another orga: I of six we« ks from the date of th e first m ains a world crop Increase over last of th e body. publication hereof, and if you faH to gr o, ovpr g ppr ,-ent _. Insert a small steel in- answ S-—C. er for w ant thereof, plaintiff Etrument and have a back­ will apple to th< court for the relief P otatoes have picked up to some ex bone. prayed for In th e f'om plaint to-wlt; • qt In price, probably due to dealers S ~e. In sert a kind of meat For a decree of the court dissolving h rten ln g th eir lines of storage and have disgrace. 'h e m arriage co n tract now existing fQp|{ fJoo(] dpmand Is shown for high F —s. In sert a falsehood an and defendant and for t Kile in have annoying little insects. betw een her reanme her f o r m r B ane • ? « po'-rd» tanglad. Amd urer aaawsre to -bla o«wsc»P" *e first 0v<* •oiutVnr reeeivad to each puar.-i will reosive ten credit«; wi­ th wii nor has obtain»! 100 Ill be entitled M a "Q U IZ C L t'B " I* :.- pin W0 credit» will entitle the wir.r. receiv« en ettrartlve prixe end a*» iva hie qa - v w prlaaed oa the heexw roU. • P U B L IC A T IO N 1« urti nil V thi *«*r> thin T ire Service at All Times L. C. BOSSER MAN held F ri­ Dorrta farm near Sprlngfl■ Id the fil­ day. January 32 In Springfield and bert grove« will be Inspected, as well the following m em bers w ere appoln' as the Dorris nursery and cherry or­ ed as delegate» Mr» W Horn. Mr chard Grouslo-ck Mr Quin. Mr Wat lac.-, In the case of both field trim , the Mrs Iltankenrhlp. Mr» HollUtnn, Mr h o rticu ltu ral angiety will furnish rof- H azelton an I Mr» (ll»on A commit fee at noon and visitors will hrlng tee con»latlng of Mr» OI»**n. Mr Hol­ I D r own lunch brook. Mr llolllston »nd Mr N*alon The all-day session af Eng--rc will have been appointed Io arran g e for I* • deyofi ■' to hortleu turnl eroh'riu* a hat! to h nr Mr Shunw at |>* ak on II F Merriam pr*-sl'!*nl of th • ..u n - the Inter*--’» --f th** farm er» A great tv horHi-uPural aoclety, has made the deal of In!* re»( |» being taken In th- errnng* ni»-pts for the meet n rs with question b, x The next m eeting will Agent F h tc h - r 1 m - In charge of th*- young member* thnl I» th* roclal pnrt of 'he ev*n I IV ESTO C M Ml ' IN Itig • W C. J4C k»on, N EARLY 3000 ENROLLED • ductOr. AT U N IVER SITY OF OREGON • Ö. L C le m e n t. W ilt e r v l l l e , Con EUGENE N EXT W EDNESDAY Jersey Rreed»rs Meet. II I. Plank w-i» re elected pre d d- nt of th*- I an* County J- i «• v Ca He B re e d e r's a x - la t li^ i at * o * Ing o f ih » t organization In Eugeao yesterday llom ard \V Dunn w»» nan ed r**cr**ary. nn ¿d irecto rs (din-*- rn wer» I. I> llrlig i. \ V Thomn »on nnd C W A Ih n Plan» were mad« for g--*-ilng b e lt e r fiicllltles f‘-r ca ttle exhibits at th-- lam e count v fair, nnd tilrest for n larg er pr-niiiitn ll»l. More than 50 hr- oder« attended. F t r - • r-4 o f fb t r» r rfh t ! K» nz«» rtv< r d k t r i c t » ’ t * a • !! repr«* fh* •tO«’ k n t 10 J n n tM r« Im io County l kur< b r»*»f .»tv*- “ Ot in tlo n to •• b f | | W» Vernon F irst and Third • • Wodnewilay Hrasfleld S tore * • Silk C reek M eets Flret and T hiol • ■ T hursday at Cedar School H ouse • • S pencer Creek—T hird Friday, • • Pine Grove Sohool House. * • T ren t— Second and Fourth Wed- * • aeeday«. Pleasant Hill High • • School Bldg * • Vida—Second and F ourth Satur- • • days a< Mtnney Hall. * • RrsweSerles will please send In • • tin e and plane of meeting and • • c h a n t s of d ate a* they mar oo- • • cur. * T IR E and TUBE REPAIRING All W ork Guaranteed AR M L % Gl V u O» FIC l R3 1)1 LANE COUNTY i* PARMER 3 UNION I* Eugene, Oregon We C arry a Complete Line o f Sperry Products innWIlMWHMMIUMIMgiW 'fcWWIL’iMlk.iWim'.UMIM