The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 21, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    PAGi£ TURE»
T ü i ï M»itfN<)V*IICLI) NEWS
T l H IISI >AY. .IAN. 21, l!>?6.
Who Doesn’t Like Hot Biscuits Atlantic Coast Highway Now Open
From Maine to Miami, Florida
lly Mm Ill'll»- Ih-tiruf. Dlrt'Otur, fui drop a cub« of bread In fat; It
Ilium, Hurvlo Uurcav, Hp'-rry Flour 1 »hould become golden brown In 30
! »«colute, when It I« lead y for the frit­
ter». Berve un a garnish for the meat
probably your futility 1» fond of hot cour««.
Sally Lunn.
broad* In un-st uny form. Mini fum
(lb * arr. Tut'lt tin-«« variation* of lb" I Prepare Master recipe. Pour th«
Muffin Musb-r rocalpa In your cook I batter Into a well gr«a»ed »hallow
I baking pan Sprinkle tbo top gener-
book and treat Hi" family often
Muffin* am the ea»l«*l quick broad* <m»ly with sugar and cinnamon. Bake
In the world to tnnko. Just m il and 'In a hot (400 degree* F I oven about
■Ift flic dry lngr«‘l1<-nt», addin* the 2o minute*. Sorve hot with Jam or
liquid and moiled fat to th» hearten : marmalade.
Golden Corn Bread.
eggs, then combine the mixture* The
Make thl* change In Maater recipe:
lea* stirring and mixing, tbo lighter
ami filler the gfaln of the quick bread . omit I cup of flour und aubatltuto t
* up of Sperry'* corn meal Pour Inlo
will In*.
u wi ll greaned lutklng pan and butte
Heavy muffin pan* »Uch a* ca»t Iron,
i In a hot oven 1425 degree» F.) about
aluminum, or custard cup» should al-
20 minute«
way* be heated well. Grease after
. -
heating Tin muffin pan* do not need
If you are Interewted In those Mas­
previous heating
ter recipe*. Mr» DeOraf will be glad
The** really take llttla Dme and to »«•ml you her free booklet "SO Food
there are many laaty bread» which delight» from 8 Manter Recipe«,' A re-
can be made from the one Maater quest to Mr« Belle DeGraf. Director.
Home Service Bureau, Sperry Flour
M aster Rcclp*.
C o . San Frunclaco, Calif., will bring
Note: All meaaurement* are level It to you.
and flour I* »Ifted once before m«««
urlng One-half plfit meuaurlng cup I*
Thurwton Man Her*—c F Haney,
Thurston resident, »pent a part of
M uffin *.
Friday »hopping In thle city.
3 cup* flour
Visit* Friend— Mr» Lillian Allen,
4 teaspoon» linking powder.
of Klnmarh Full», »topped lure Friday
I leaapoon »alt
on her way to Portland to visit her
3 tuh eipoun» »ugnr.
rtd friend, Mr* M It Huntly. Mrs.
1 well-beaten egg
Allen, ,who 1» well known here, wu,
1 cup ID Ilk
motoring north
3 tableapoon* melted »hortenlng
Hlfl dry tngradtenta to g eth er;' beat
egg. add milk then combine mixture»;
Cheap Clothing.
add in* lied «hortenlng and mix unt 1 "It must cost lea* to clothe a » >
•m outh—abom 2 minute» Fill well 'i ill than It used to," suggested the
gr'-nsed hoi muffin pan* half full and bachelor.
bake in a hot oven 1400 degree* F I
"How do you dope that out?" «’c-
about 20 minute».
i i n t u i ted the married man.
Quick Sandwich Bread.
."Well," explain'd the bachelor, "ther-
Prepare maater recipe Add 1 cup­ jwa» a time when a woman would put
ful of fine y chopped walnut« an I (everything «he had on her hack ano
pour mixture Into u gre«»ed tireaJ .now »he put« nothing on it but a
pan Bake In a moderate ooven ( S i t ) little powder"
degree» !•' I for about 45 minute*,
Then the Oelug*.
('red before cutting Hal«ln« or date*
or a combination of nut» and ral»ln»
Johnny (at poultry »bow): "Mu,
nuty be u*ed.
le t's stay until they lot the animal»
Bacon Fritter*.
Prepare one half Maater geclpe,
Mother: "They don't let them out,
omitting (he melted »hortenlng Cut dear"
four or five thin «lice« of baron Into j Johnny: ''Yes, they do, Ma, 'cause
Inch piece« Place tn a cold frying j last night I heard |>a ti l U nde BUI
pan and frv until crl»p. Add to the that they would »tick around after the
muffin hatter Prop »ponn'ful« Into ■how un,I pick up a couple of chick
deep hot fat; torn often To teat en» "
Of . '
Groceries >•
.4 ;
□ f S l
i I à n
Automobile Tourists Southward
Bound This Season Will Find
Big Gaps of Bad Roads Now
Smooth New Highway.
Millions Spent on This
Work in 1925.
Blue Goose, or Indian river, country,
from where com es the famous Blue
Goose orange, the pineapple, and
almost every kind of vegetable and
' Melbourne Is equidistant between
Jacksonville and Miami, because of
this It Is known as Midway city. It
Is tbe Atlantic coast terminue of the
cross state highway from Taonpe and
furnishes a Junction point for thoed
i who wish to leave the Coastal higk>
; way for points on the we»t coaat.
Long before he reaches Stuart th*
motorist will sight tbe lighthouse al
Jupiter and find the highway taking
him up and dawn dale as the vegeta-
I tlon changes from sem ltroplc to trop­
ical. Crossing Jupiter Inlet the teen*
ery becomes more and more pleasing
and 15 -more ml es of it carries th*
car Into West Palm Beach. W est Palm
(b-ach and Palm Beach ar- separated
by Lake Worth, a body of water so»«
rounded almost entirely by parks, la­
goons and hostelrlee. The wlnte»
tourist traveling In search of pleasure
will be In the center of activities her*.
From W est Palm Beach on down
to Miami tourists on the Atlantl*
Coastal highway find them selves trav­
eling through a aeries of small town*.
Dade county, at the extrem ity of th*
Atlantic Coasts highway. Is one of
the chief contributors to good road*
In Florida, having spent $1,240,00®
during the last year.
Although the Atlantic Coastal high­
way will be the main thoroughfare
of the east coast of Florida, there ar*
many lateral roads which provide for
side trips from the main highway.
One of these Junction points I* Jack­
sonville, where the Old Spanish trail
may be taken to the western part of
the state This trail extends all the
way to Pensacola In F orlda and on to
New Orleans.
By Samuel Kill*.
The Atlantic OSMItBl highway,
Main« to Miami. F arida, I* now vir­
tually com pleted- ft great ribbon ct
highway which thread* the Atlantic
atarbourd us doea the Pacific Coastal
highway Seattle to San Diego and Tla
Thl* early completion of the At­
lantic highway I* due, in a great
measure, to the unu»ual developin' nt
In Florida 'luring the last two year»,
that commonwealth living up to her
reputation of
progr< »»Iveness
sp e.d ln g more Phan Jlff.OOO.Ogp on
tht* highway during 1925. Practically
nil of the Florida portion of thl» new
roast:* highway 1» now ready for tho
umiy of »un-hunter* which will wend
_until they are ready to start home. They simply can t
It» way palrntward during the next
stand it—so they tell us—with all those tempting tasties
three month*
in cakes and pastry displayed in our shop.
Kvontu* ly the Coastal highway >111
not end at Miami. Florida, but will
Then, of course, they come by to take home an appetiz­
bend around tn n graceful curve over
ing bit—a wholesome desert that pleases the whole family.
the Connor» highway and Tamiami
trail through the Everglades, and to
th*- west coast. Thence It will Join
with the Gulf Coa-tal highway and
proceed up the west coast to Pensa­
- Perkins-Laxton Bldg.
cola. the metropoll* of western F orl-
5th Street.
dn and terminus of the Frlco Un»»
I southern branch. Thl» highway will
| Join with the Old »pan «h trail at
; Penealcola.
Another extension of the Coaatnl j
highway will be the highway over (he ilj
^ T ^ V w H E R I Q V A I j f Y M E E TS_^C O
' key» front Miami to Key West. An-
I other y o r will see work started.
Willie the upper end of the Allan- |
tic Coastal highway passes through
I rhe terr'tory which made the flr.'t
history of tho United States, touch
ling at Sa’ent, staid old Boston, New
York. Washington. Fredericksburg
and the cities made promlnerft in the
-war between the states, It has noth-
' ing to offer of more historic value
Women’s Full Fashion Chiffon
than Florida
hose. All colors—
Puaga'.ow and slipover style ging-
Duval cennty. of which Jackso-vll! •
Styles in wearing apparel are
'is the «cat and th" gat'w av to th-»
i onstantly changing — betn
to select from
South, has Just »pent t2.0Oh.0OO on It*
for the man. and for the wo­
; road*. Is «rending another nppriv Ha­
man. With buying offices in
tton Of »1 500.000 and '« consider n i
Fine Values at
New York, the style center of
bonding Itself for 150.000 000 more.
the country, it ik possible for Women's Full Fashioned Heavy
! Tin Atlantic C->s«tnl highway- will
Pilcher stores to offer their Silk Service hose—
I have an optional route through Duval
many patrons, at all time3,
¡county with the completion of the pro-
the very latest modes in wear­
| posed oceatislde highway from Jack-
ing apparel.
I so n v lle bench to the St Johns coun­
ty line. This highway allow« travel
-on the ocean bench for thirty mile-.
' It nffords southbound tourists their
first opportunity to drive upon a
! bench which at ow tide Is more than
70p feet wide. Jacksonville Is the first
point at which access is given to the
New spring dresses of silk crepe, in all the new colors, sizes
only beach of Its kind In the world.
for women and misses.
I Then the Coastal highway enters
Marvelous values at our low price—
Into the land of Ponce de Leon and,
approaching St. Augustine, passes
what Is advertised ns the “Fountain
of Youth." It Is about at this point
I where the Spaniard explorer landed
on the peninsula. A little further on
Bleached Hope Muslin,
Double Bed Blankets, colored borders,
the Coastal highway passes the his­
......... 15c
36-inoh width, per yard —
toric gates of St. Augustine, swings to
the left, and the -tourist finds him self
Pequot Pillow Tubing,
Rippilette Bed
gating upon Ft. Marion, the oldest
42-lnch, per yard .................................45c
fort In America. This stronghold iwa’
Bleached Sheeting,
Pequot Pillow Cases,
completed by the Spnnlsh In about
81-inch width, per yard ........................49c
1750. A distinction of Ft. Mnrlon Is
that It never was taken by an enemy.
Fancy Outing Flannel,
Victory Pillow Cases,
In St. Augustine also Is found the
36-inch width, per yard ...................... 23c
oldest house In the United States.
Cotton Charmeuse,
Going Into Flagler county the Cost­
Cannon Medium Size
36-inch width, per-yard ----------------—49c
al highway tourist strikes, nt Bunnell,
Huck Towels ..................... - ........ - .......15c
one of the finest roads In the state,
Japanese Pongee,
Heavy Turkish Towels,
and through the first densely growing
fu ll 12 monunie weight, per y a rd ----- 55c
«eml-troplcnl vegetnflon. passing the
home of John D. Bockfeller, and tho
Plisse Crepe, Assorted colors
Good Quality Turkish
residences of many other kings of
36-inch width, per yard
Towels ................... - ............................. 23c
Industry and finance.
Daytona, Senhreexe nnd Ormond,
lying within a few m iles of ench other
regektly qomhlned them selves Into
one mttnlclpnOlly which has taken
the name of Daytona bench. It Is on
8*th Laraway
Daytona bench where the world's
speed records for automobiles have
been mnde since automotive vehicles
twere first manufactured.
After passing through New Smyrna
whore the Atlantic Coastnl highway Is
swept by ocean hreexes until It reach­
es Miami, the tourist Is well into tho
C ^‘ V
Some Folks Won t Come
Down Our Side o f the Street
New Spring Frocks
$ 7 .9 0
The Housewife
A home once In n life time.
An automobile once a year (maybe).
A new dress once a month (sometimes).
But groceries every day.
It isn't difficult, however, when she trades at White Front
Saturday Special
On the streets of Springfield Saturday. January 23 at two
o’clock. Compliments of the White Front Grocery. See
the Plight of the Carrier Plgéons and hear and see C. F.
Bulger of the Sperry Flour company, the comic artist, one
hour of amusement wonder.
Free to All.
Wo carry a complete line of Sperry products.
Yard Goods
(Department Stem -
Across from Rex Theater